Time to release... the virus! (Zombie Avatar Week)

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*turning to hear the sounds of metal churrning and creaking*

Guess now is as good a time as any...

*grabbing her infection kit and lifting herself into the airduct system above, she looks back at the door slowly giving way and smiles*

Hope they enjoy their present. Hate losing those monitors though..... Sera's area of the compound should do nicely though.

*she moves through the ducts towards Sera's secured area, laughing as she leaves the bomb rigged door behind*
*Stop trying to pull open the door when he hears something*

North_Ranger, do you hear a ticking sound?

*the bomb expodes, pushing back filmfanatic, North_Ranger and the metal door into a wall.*
*pushing the metal door aside, gets up and dusts himself off.*

Curse her for that. Looks like this hunt shall continue.

*picks up North_Ranger, who has not awakened yet*

...and the most likely location would be SeraRelm's ranch.


Heh, sweet time waster.

I wonder how long a zombie NorthRanger lasts in the sauna.


*let's them out of the pen so they can get some exercise. A fidgety zombie is a troublesome zombie after all.* Now don't you all go wandering too far or you could get locked out and miss out on supper.
*shambles up to gate.*

Excellent! The gate to the ranch. Soon, I shall feast upon tender survivors!

*tries opening the gate, but finds it locked. Tries shaking it, then start pulling at it. Eventually, the gate door ends up getting pulled down. As stray zombies wander out, filmfanatic shambles in.*


Staff member
I've been injected with a modified T-virus, whatever that is! I don't care because it worked! Time to spread the cure!

*goes off to hunt zombies*
Wait, my flesh. It's regenerating. I'm alive! I'M ALIVE! I'M...

*notices the hordes of zombies around him*


*starts running*


i actually really like my pic it may stay like this for awhile or at least till something else better comes along.


Staff member
I guess this is as good a time as any to take off my prosthetic makeup.

You didn't really think I'd let a bunch of slow moving zombies infect me now would ya?

LOL, I was about to change my avatar so that one of my eyes was back to normal, and ask people to help me find my contact lens. I've been too busy to remake the pic, though.
*exiting the compound through via the air duct system, which nearly prooved disastrous due to some corrosion in one of the rooms she went rhough, she makes for Sera's ranch...*

I'm running out of time... some of them are starting to revert...

*her legs carry her faster than she thought possible... muscle spasms are beginning to occur more frequently however....*


*Starts herding her Zombies into a truck for transport* They ain't gettin' my zombies, no sirree. *closes the door after the last one shuffles in, climbing into the drivers seat and starting the engine just as she notices Shego rounding the bend.*
*noticing the truck being loaded is Sera's armored transport, she begins darting through the herd*


*she stops when she recognizes 3 (or what's left of them) zombies and smiles*

I can't leave without saying.... goodbye!

*the entirety of her eyes become bloodshot red as her right arm spasms massively, growing and bubbling to two times its size and three times its girth*

This isn't the way it was supposed to end... but hey, fun is fun!

*lurching forward she plants her feet into the ground and begins sending zombies flying in all directions by swinging her massive arm in all directions. Clearing a path to the trio of Hylian, Fanatic and Ranger*

I'll be just a minute *she thinks to herself as she sees Sera's transport begin to move*
*noticing the truck being loaded is Sera's armored transport, she begins darting through the herd*


*she stops when she recognizes 3 (or what's left of them) zombies and smiles*

I can't leave without saying.... goodbye!

*the entirety of her eyes become bloodshot red as her right arm spasms massively, growing and bubbling to two times its size and three times its girth*

This isn't the way it was supposed to end... but hey, fun is fun!

*lurching forward she plants her feet into the ground and begins sending zombies flying in all directions by swinging her massive arm in all directions. Clearing a path to the trio of Hylian, Fanatic and Ranger*

I'll be just a minute *she thinks to herself as she sees Sera's transport begin to move*
*noticing Shegokigo behind him*

Hey Shego, I have a bone to pick..with...


*starts running away at double speed, certain death is upon him*

Look, I'm sorry! My beef is over with you! I'm cured, see! CURED! Just PLEASE don't hurt me!


*barely notices the thump and she runs over some[strike]thing[/strike]one, not even bothering to look back at Filmfanatic's twitching, mangled form. Reaching over, she turns on the radio just as a comes on. Perfect driving music.* Hmm, she really needs to start watching her weight, that's just not healthy... *as she drives past Shego*


Staff member
Holy mother of feces, Shego! I've heard about swelling and mood swings, but that's just preposterous!

*throws lumps of... stuff he found in the sewers at the raging, swollen female while running away*

Hey, wait a minute... My eye isn't droopin' on my cheek anymore!
*twitching on the ground.*

Ow. Pain. Must escape...Shegokigo.

*Gets back up and attempts a combination of running and hopping to escape.*
*laughing and half gurgling on fluid erupting from her mouth, she ignores the crushed Fanatic as Sera's transport leaves him a skidmark and chases Ranger*

Brian can't save you now!

*grabbing his skull with her engorged arm she attempts to crush him..... but his suspenders keep rubberbanding outward keeping the grisly death from North's future*

Blasted Finnish clothing!

*tossing him aside she plows through another herd of zombies, crushing entire bodies and tossing others to the wayside as she heads for the transport*

Well, enough fun was had for this week... but my experiment was a success anyhow! I wonder how some of the members will feel as they return to normal, knowing they ate friend and loved one at some point. That's the most delicious gift of all!

*leaping with a forceful jump, nearly cratering the ground below her, she lands on the transport as her body begins shrinking back to normal*

Sera, open the door!

*climbing down from the roof and into the passenger seat, her body is completely returned to it's original state*

The infected are returning back to their human form.... but I see you collected enough guinea pigs for the next round.... good girl.

*she grins a twisted smile and reclines in her seat, eyes still blood red*

Do you happen to know what happened to Crone darlin?
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