Well, preferably if they are ethnically diverse, have simple chromatic tastes in clothing, a modicum of martial arts training, are willing to repeatedly risk their lives for no pay and still maintain a 4.0 GPA average....


Staff member
I didn't know about that. Also I didn't know you can eject mass or split on demand.

You can also eject mass into a green splot to make it approach critical mass... if you pump enough mass through a green splot, it will fire another green splot out the other side. I've seen many a fancy guy use this tactic to hide behind a green splot from a megapredator, and when he gets close, fire a green splot into him, splitting him into a jillion bite sized chunks. Suddenly the hunter is the hunted.
Ever have a good day and not want it to end so bad that you stay up late enough to ruin yourself for the next day?

'Cause I am gonna be shit in the morning.
I don't... understand. Nothing I do seems to do anything. I just float aimlessly and die. W, spacebar, they do nothing. NOTHING
Your blob should move the direction that your mouse pointer is away from the blob, move mouse left, blob goes left, move up, blob goes up... As you eat the smaller dots and possibly other smaller blobs you will get bigger, and slower. When you are bigger, you can "split" with spacebar, your split will eject in the direction that your cursor is from the blob, or with "W" you can eject mass (make yourself smaller and faster) to make another blob larger and slower.
Just a damn good day today, saw a good Charles Martinet panel, good web-comics workshop, and I found a place on South Street that sells kabobs for three bucks! And their good too!


Staff member
I don't... understand. Nothing I do seems to do anything. I just float aimlessly and die. W, spacebar, they do nothing. NOTHING
Your blob should move the direction that your mouse pointer is away from the blob, move mouse left, blob goes left, move up, blob goes up... As you eat the smaller dots and possibly other smaller blobs you will get bigger, and slower. When you are bigger, you can "split" with spacebar, your split will eject in the direction that your cursor is from the blob, or with "W" you can eject mass (make yourself smaller and faster) to make another blob larger and slower.
What he said.
Some more stuff: When you're smaller than the green spiky blobs, you can hide in them or pass through them, which will discourage players larger than the spiky blob from chasing you because if they hit it, it forces them to split 10+times immediately, usually causing a feeding frenzy where they are the chum. If enough mass is fired into a green spiky blob, a new one will pop out the other side - this lets them be used offensively at short range.

After you split, you can remerge after enough time has passed. The smaller your parts are, the shorter the time delay. To remerge, all you need to do is have your parts be touching, and it helps to move slower.

Large players will sometimes spit mass out as bait.. be careful not to fall for it. Watch out for players who are just over double your mass, they will often split to attack, IE, if they chase you and you start to get away, they'll split and their half will still be large enough to consume you. However, if you're tiny you're generally safe really close to a monsterous sized enemy - you're way faster than them, and they won't want to split to capture a tiny target, it's not worth their time and the following vulnerability for just a little bit of mass. Thus, players larger than you - big enough for the huge player to be interested in - are often afraid to chase you too close to a gigantic player.

For the love of god stay out of the corners. Try to stay away from the edges, if you can. It's easy to get trapped there with no way out.

The larger you get, the more of your own mass will drain away over time. When you're tiny, you can gobble food pellets and grow quickly, but when you get to be around 400 mass (and your score is your top mass for the round), the draining effect will be such that you'll basically only grow by any noticeable amount by consuming other players.
5th street, its called "South Street Souvlaki" and it's a surprisingly filling treat for 3 dollars.
I must have walked past that place a million times, but never tried it. I may have to next time I'm in the area. I remember there being some good places to eat around there (and cheap, since starving artist/college student).
I must have walked past that place a million times, but never tried it. I may have to next time I'm in the area. I remember there being some good places to eat around there (and cheap, since starving artist/college student).
Go for it South Street has it all, and the Tatooed Mom has specials on Monday, Teusday, Wednesday, and Sunday.
For the love of god stay out of the corners. Try to stay away from the edges, if you can. It's easy to get trapped there with no way out.
One (and probably only one) exception each to those rules about corners and edges.
You can build a pretty good-sized thicket of spiky green blobs if you camp in a corner (eat, come back and feed a blob until it splits, repeat). Great for trolling larger players.
Also, if you are small enough, you can escape a larger player who has split by hiding in the v-shaped space between his two larger masses (Yay geometry!). If you are small enough, you can also hide in a corner against an opponent who hasn't split. This is because they just can't push hard enough into the corners/edges to envelop you once they get too big. I did this to a significantly larger opponent for probably 3 minutes before finally succumbing, but I made him work for it.

I've noticed some teaming up going on also, Super-huge having a smaller ally that they feed to be able to eat up smaller opponents and the middle-sized then splitting and purposefully giving part of it back and then getting built back up and eating another smaller blob.


Staff member
I've noticed some teaming up going on also, Super-huge having a smaller ally that they feed to be able to eat up smaller opponents and the middle-sized then splitting and purposefully giving part of it back and then getting built back up and eating another smaller blob.
Yeah, there's a subreddit and a teamspeak server already for people who want to play cooperatively.

I don't use it, but there was one game where "Texas" and I had an impromptu alliance that kept us both in the top 5 for a long time. It started when, instead of eating me when he had the chance, Texas threw me a little mass...I threw a little back. After that we went around using our combined sizes to corner and consume prey, then whoever got the kill gave some mass to the other. If somebody bigger than us came along, one would donate mass to the other then hide behind him, and then when the threat was chased off, the bigger would give the mass back.
We can't hear you combo breaker, we're shunning you for several minutes at least!


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Wedding is less than a week away. All that I can do now is hope we didn't forget something huge. I can't wait till it's over. :aaah:
I find myself drawn to the Classic Rock station-type bands more and more. I really didn't like them growing up, but now I could listen to Boston and Lynyrd Skynyrd all the time. I think I appreciate some of the guitar work or just that the music straight-up rocks. I still don't like the hair-bands of the 80s (Def Lepperd, Motley Crue, GnR, etc), but some of the early stuff (early to mid 70s) really gets me.
Your statement got me to thinking on my way home from work the other day.
I'm going to recommend you revisit the following, if you haven't already:
The Chain
Smoke on the Water
Sympathy for the Devil
Princes of the Universe
WARNING: Listening to "Princes of the Universe" while driving can be hazardous to your health and to the health of those around you. Please remember that you are not immortal.
