The new Amazing Spider-Man trailer is out...


Staff member
Really? That's the way I see it, too. A nerd is a smart guy who is socially awkward, often physically inept. A geek is just a social outcast. A geek doesn't have to be smart or lacking in physical prowess.

EDIT: The title does seem to be backward from the point she makes in the review, though.
My sister, my friends Mrs. M and Claire, and I all loved it. Personally, I think what it did best was the characterization - Uncle Ben, Aunt May, Peter Parker, and even Flash Thompson all felt like "real" people instead of character types.
Marking this thread so I can point back to it in 2 months when people turn around and say how much it sucked after the 5th viewing. :p
Actually, I'll jump on the Emma Stone thing now... I think she's alright, but by no means a great actress. Just so it's out there.

I'm totally willing to give her a shot, it could just be the teenybopper movie background that bugs me.
I enjoyed it, even if it hasn't been long enough to justify a reboot. My biggest wish would be that they'd not spent the time on the origin. We would have had more screen time for spidey.
Emma Stone might as well been sculpted from clay and given divine life to play Gwen Stacy. She looks exactly like the comic iteration from the 60's.



I don't understand why reboots focus so much on the origin story. We know the origin story. He's Spider-Man. He got bitten by a spider and became the guy who's like a spider.

Unless your reboot adds an awesome now exploration of the origin, just pay it lip service then move on to the new awesome ideas that you have.
Unless your reboot adds an awesome now exploration of the origin, just pay it lip service then move on to the new awesome ideas that you have.
Considering that:
His origin story in this case was tied into his father's research, which in turn was tied in to Dr. Connors' research/The Lizard's origin, which in turn ties directly into Norman Osborn (who will likely be the villain of at least one future film), and is therefore one piece of the myth-arc that this new trilogy is building, I think it was pretty important.

On that note, I loved that Norman Osborn was said to be dying and needed Connors' genetic research to yield a cure. It gives him a solid motivation to test the Goblin formula on himself.
I'm 98% certain what's under that spoiler tag, but I'm still going to resist the urge to look under it until after I see the movie tonight.


Staff member
I kind of prefer Peter and Norman both just doing it because it's freakin' awesome. You don't get that too much in the comic world, but in real life, that'd probably be the #1 motivation for super heroics/villainy.
Well, I just got back from the movie and, well, I thought it was fucking terrible.

For non-spoilered reasons:

I will say the good first of all. The Staceys were great. I loved both Captain Stacey and Gwen's characterizations. Also, Best Stan Lee appearance since Mallrats.

For everyone else, they were wildly mis-characterized or under-utilized. Expanding on that in the spoiler section.

The lizard looked like complete ass.

Garfield's version of Peter Parker just came off as a self absorbed dickhole.

I hated that they did the kid saving bit as being his realization that he should be a hero rather than the death of Uncle Ben being his realization that he should be a hero. After Ben's death, he doesn't care about helping anyone, just getting Ben's killer.

He was just snarky and douchy through the entire film. I'll take Toby McGuire's whiny Peter Parker over this snarky douchebag any day.

Curt Connors was portrayed as a spineless coward who may have even been complicit in Peter's parent's death. Curt Connors is a good man in the comics, he doesn't seem like one in the movie (his last minute catch of Spider-Man even seemed like a complete 180 for the character).

Aunt May may as well have not even been in the movie. The under-utilization of an oscar-winning actress in that role is nothing short of horrible.

The lizard being able to survive a hail of semi-automatic gunfire was just plain idiotic, as was him spraying his "lizard toxin" all over the place.

They missed the boat on the whole Jekyl and Hyde aspect of the Lizard character.
Bowielee can't say I disagree with you. Spider-Man was the first comic book I bought when I was 6 and have loved the character ever since. Raimi's Spider-Man movies (1 and 2 only) were fantastic. He did such a great job fleshing out the characters especially the villains. I knew I'd go into this comparing it to Spider-Man 2. Doc Ock was a much better villain. You understood his motives and felt sympathy for him. He even had a chance to redeem himself. Comparing that to The Lizard/Connors, he fell short. I liked the Raimi suit better than the revised suit in this movie.
I enjoyed The Amazing Spider-Man but I wasn't blown away. I think it being so close to the Raimi films it's hard to just forget those (like we were able to do with the Batman reboot).

Even now I can watch the old trailers for Spider-Man 2 and it makes me want to watch the film again. Can't say the same for The Amazing Spider-Man. I do see a lot of potential with the reboot, though.

Raimi's Spider-Man movies (1 and 2 only) were fantastic. He did such a great job fleshing out the characters especially the villains. I knew I'd go into this comparing it to Spider-Man 2. Doc Ock was a much better villain. You understood his motives and felt sympathy for him. He even had a chance to redeem himself. Comparing that to The Lizard/Connors, he fell short. I liked the Raimi suit better than the revised suit in this movie.
I enjoyed The Amazing Spider-Man but I wasn't blown away. I think it being so close to the Raimi films it's hard to just forget those (like we were able to do with the Batman reboot).

Even now I can watch the old trailers for Spider-Man 2 and it makes me want to watch the film again. Can't say the same for The Amazing Spider-Man. I do see a lot of potential with the reboot, though
Very similar to my own feelings on the movie.
I left The Amazing Spider-Man feeling that it was a good movie but also with a craving to watch the original movies because it reminded me how much I enjoyed them the first time around.

The scale and the stakes felt a lot larger in the original two movies (And i'm going to try my best to forget about the third film).

Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone were great casting choices but I thought that all of the side characters from Spider-man were better done and more interesting.
However, The Amazing Spider-Man had the better Stan Lee cameo.

It's a shame that it was a Sony rather than a purely Marvel movie as it would have been nice for some kind of integration with the greater Marvel Universe.
Saw it last night, thought it was better than the Rami films. For one Andrew Garfield had personality and emotion, having an actor who's not just reprising his role as a 2x4 really works well. As a whole the movie is nothing Amazing/Spectacular/Sensational, but it's solid enough entertainment.
My biggest complaint with the film was the biological weapon that instantly turned people into lizard men. The next step in evolution. Not only did that seem silly but was completely unnecessary. I understand why it was put in the movie. To force Spider-Man to continue to fight an opponent who kept besting him. I would have preferred a more fleshed out Dr. Connors. Someone you felt sympathy for. That would have given Spider-Man's fight with the Lizard more meaning. Instead Dr. Connors is at best a one dimensional villain. And this may be a little petty but I didn't care for the Uncle Ben killer angle. The original origin was far superior. Spider-Man gets screwed out of a payday and lets a crook run right by him. That is pretty solid. In this version Peter wants to buy milk and fights with the store clerk over 2 cents which seemed idiotic. The robber doesn't pull out a gun or threaten anyone. He just grabs some cash, Peter sees it and gets a free milk. Oh, goodie. Then the criminal runs into Uncle Ben and decides to kill him. The first scenario is direct cause and effect. The second is more being at the wrong place at the wrong time. For Peter to stop the thief in this movie he would have had to run him down from across the street as by the time the clerk ran out the criminal had a pretty good head start. But they want it to be different from the original? Fine, then don't throw that line in by Peter when the clerk asks why he didn't help. That exchange brought you right back to the original. And why we're at it Peter had an edgy look to him. I don't think he'd be an outcast. I think he'd be knee deep in poon. Now Tobey, that's a nerd I can stand behind. Also spend a little time fleshing out Captain Stacy. He was another one dimensional character that most could give two shits that he dies. They did a good job at fleshing Uncle Ben out. But an extra 10 minutes on Connors and Stacy could have done wonders.
I just got back from it. I liked it, didn't think it's horrible, but to be honest I agree with a lot of what Bowie said. It felt like there was a lot of wasted potential, a lot of characters and plot elements could've done with more fleshing out. I dunno if they were leaving things unsaid for future sequels, but if they were then they're idiots. Don't sacrifice the quality of one movie just because you plan on making more.

Also, calling it now:

The big bad for the second film will be Norman Osborn/Green Goblin, and the film will end with the famous bridge encounter involving Gwen Stacy. Also, they're going to introduce MJ, and I desperately hope they do it with the "face it tiger" line.
I'm absolutely flabbergasted at the amount of passes this movie is getting...

Everything I hate about it, everyone else seems to hate too, but they still love the movie.

People saying that it's better than the Rami movies is just crazytown to me. The only thing I can guess at is that 3 left such a bad taste in their mouth that that is all they remember about the series.
I prefer a balance of humor and seriousness over camp and melodrama.

The criticisms you posted sounded like crazytown to me. Cast was great, lizard looked great, I thought the Uncle Ben death was handled in a more striking way, Andrew Garfield blew Tobey McGuire out of the water.

My only problem was really the credits "dun dun DUN" scene. That was just bizarre and I wish I'd just left when the credits started.

To me it sounds like some people are unhappy that it was different, while others are unhappy that it wasn't more different.
Looking back on the original movie I think that there was a lot which was better about it.

The pacing in the original seems less rushed with better timing and better cinematography.

Tobey McGuire was was more understated than Andrew Garfield but I think gives a better performance and is the more relatable Peter Parker.
Tired and don't have a proper keyboard . I'll Get back to this later .
You don't have to. I've accepted that I'm the odd man out for this movie on Halforums, but it's not like John Carter where I'm gonna run around defending it. Liked it, didn't love it, and I don't want to put anyone through a hassle tearing at it when I don't care about it enough to type a decent counter-argument. See above post of mine as evidence--that's pretty lazy of me.
I think one's enjoyment of the movie hinges on whether you liked Garfield's version of Parker/Spider-man better than Maguire's.

From what I've seen, I think I'll like this one much better.
Just got back from seeing it. Now, before I start, I want to give some context: I've never been a big fan of the original Raimi films. Were they good (except for 3)? Yes. I didn't see what the big hullabaloo was about with the first one. I thought it was good, but nothing jaw-dropping amazing. The second one was fantastic. But none of them have aged well. Raimi's tendency for camp, along with Maguire's whiny act are both grating in retrospect.

This, however? This knocked everything right out of the ballpark and I loved it.

Things I liked:
-Peter Parker, especially Garfield's portrayal of him. He's nowhere near as whiny and they really amp up the fact that he's got the mind of a scientist. People were saying he doesn't invent the web-shooters, which is a bold-faced lie. He was inspired by similar technology done by OsCorp, but he still built them himself. Big kudos all around for that.
-Gwen. Again, perfect casting and amazing chemistry between her and Pete.
-Uncle Ben. This guy felt more like the loveable Ben than the previous film by far.
-The fight scenes. Honestly, the fact that they utilized the web-shooters into the fight scenes a lot more than the previous films was great. The way he used them to emphasize his fighting was fantastic.
-The Lizard was very close to his original portray in the comics, both in his look, character, and motivation. The Jekyll and Hyde comparison could have been explained better, though.

Honestly, the thing that this movie really hits better than the originals? Heart. This felt much warmer and less campy than the previous films. It felt more grounded and character-based. The humour felt more natural (oh my stars and garters, he quips!). Just everything felt much less forced.

So yeah, I really, really dug it. Maybe because I went into it with a little lower expectations because MovieBob completely tore it apart. I don't know what movie he saw, because I thought it was great.