[TV] The General Marvel TV/Streaming Thread

Jessica Jones

So I'm only one episode in so far and...holy shit.

I think Killgrave just earned himself the top spot for biggest villain in the MCU. Like, we've had some evil, vile, cruel villains, but holy shit.
It doesn't strike me as a hard thing to accomplish. Most the movie villains are pretty tame or directly after the heroes. Purple Man has always been far more horrifying than people give him credit for.

I'm watching this tonight. I'm curious to see what I think, as I've never read Alias, am burnt out on Bendis, and find no real value in the character or how he writes Luke Cage.
Yeah, the ending of that first episode was definitely a "holy shit!" moment.

What makes Purple Man such a creepy villain is he deliberately chooses regular people to exploit. Your typical Silver Age villain targets banks, jewelry stores, and research labs. They're after money and artifacts. When Stilt-Man holds up an armored car, the security guards and any bystanders are just unfortunate collateral damage. Other villains are laser-focused on the superheroes. When the Sinister Six try to kill Spider-Man, any civilian casualties are unintentional or a tool with which to manipulate Spidey (ie. dangling a streetcar full of children from the Brooklyn Bridge).

Purple Man vets his targets. He chooses them because they can best fulfill his immediate and future needs. He knows he'll do anything from mildly inconveniencing them to ruining their lives but he doesn't care. While he does go after superheroes, the majority of his victims are people we could know. The college freshman away from home for the first time, the youngish maitre d' at a restaurant, the paramedic. What's REALLY creepy if he can be capable of small acts of kindness. He knows how to be decent but intentionally chooses not to be.

Edit: I just about squeed when Luke Cage said "Sweet Christmas."
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This is a spoiler for I think the second or third episode (binge watching means they start to run together), but I'd really like to know what his game was...

Allowing the guy to live, but stuck living off machines the rest of his life. What's his end goal there? Yeah, the kid saved his life by giving him both kidneys and such, but why let him remain alive? Why splurge for the big, fancy, life-saving machine? That seems above Killgrave.
This is a spoiler for I think the second or third episode (binge watching means they start to run together), but I'd really like to know what his game was...

Allowing the guy to live, but stuck living off machines the rest of his life. What's his end goal there? Yeah, the kid saved his life by giving him both kidneys and such, but why let him remain alive? Why splurge for the big, fancy, life-saving machine? That seems above Killgrave.
Well, given the extreme mothering the poor guy was subjected too and the fact that he requested Jess kill him.... I kinda think Killgrave wasn't doing any favors letting him live. Plus, it was breadcrumbs for her to follow so... yeah I think it's right up his alley.
Well, given the extreme mothering the poor guy was subjected too and the fact that he requested Jess kill him.... I kinda think Killgrave wasn't doing any favors letting him live. Plus, it was breadcrumbs for her to follow so... yeah I think it's right up his alley.
Riiiiight, he's toying with Jones by leaving it all behind for her to find, too. And it's especially cruel (and amusing to him) to leave the kid behind for the mother to dote over him. Yeah, you're right. That is right up his alley.

This guy really is a sick fuck.
He's an exceptionally well done villain. The living embodiment of someone who's gone their lives without anyone ever being able to say no.
Never thought I'd say this, but David Tennant is freaking me out way more than Vincent D'Ofnofrio. (And I've since Tennant in some weird roles, but...dang.)

Nice twist at the end of episode 4!
Just finished watching it. Yeah, that was pretty great. Slow in parts, but there were many more interesting side characters here than in Daredevil. I'd say it's about equal with Daredevil in terms of quality, though. For different reasons, though. Everything about the overall plot was much more personal and you're rooting for Jessica at every turn. The show focuses more on the investigative than the action. Most episodes of Daredevil ended with a big fight scene. This show didn't. It was more about the guttural, horrible things that Kilgrave would do. And cripes, he just kept topping himself in sadism.

I'll put the rest behind spoilers.
The final showdown was a LITTLE disappointing in terms of what Kilgrave set up. For someone who had so much more power, we didn't really see him use it. He could've easily done what he did on the docks as he did throughout the rest of the show. We saw him silence a whole restaurant once and a police station. This wasn't too far above it. Still great emotional beats, especially once Trish got involved with Kilgrave. And after ALL the build up, that was one necksnap in a comic book adaption that was very, VERY satisfying. And appropriate for the character because it'd been built up so much.

I did like the touches they gave Kilgrave any time he made an appearance. The colour purple was everywhere, like when the whole set was bathed in purple in the night club. Or the walls painted a hint of purple. It's such a unique, distinct colour that's used rarely in film that it really stood out all the more. Great stuff.

REALLY didn't expect Nuke to show up. That's the "Gimme a red" guy. Assuming they adapt a major story from Daredevil sometime in the future, expect to see him again. I like that we got to know this guy very well before he turned heel. You felt bad for the way he turned out because you knew it wasn't him, but the drugs screwing with his brain. My jaw dropped when he shot the detective.

I love how the Night Nurse is turning into the Nick Fury of these shows. I kinda hope her and Malcolm set up shop together somewhere in the city. Those two had pretty good chemistry.

Also, I think it'd be hilarious if...

They got Matt Smith to play the villain for the next season.
My wife isn't much into superhero stuff, and skipped Daredevil, but I suggested based on the quality of that that she watch the first episode of this with me. It ended, and she said "Well, that was unpleasant." When I said I'd watch the rest by myself, she corrected me. "I didn't say it wasn't good. Just unpleasant."

I'm only two in, but this is good enough to make me want to watch DD again.
On episode 8 right now. I'm just a tad disappointed that Purple Man's first name isn't Zebediah. He's like the Tenth Doctor's evil twin. "I want CAKE!"
Just finished Jessica Jones...oh man, I loved that. I'll spoiler the rest.

It wasn't always as gory as Daredevil, but it had me on the edge of my seat so many times. I feel like the stakes were more intense because they were on a smaller, more personal scale. Don't get me wrong: I still love DD, but you knew at some point he was going to stop Kingpin/Fisk. You never knew who Kilgrave was going to sacrifice. In the final episode, I was honestly worried Kilgrave had gotten to Malcolm again when he offered to sit with Luke. Not that they were going to kill Luke Cage, but I just didn't want Malcolm to be abused anymore. LOVED the appearance of Claire, and for a second, I was really hoping Matt Murdock was going to be representing Jessica. I loved the mention of White Tiger, too.

So, do we know who Kozlov is? I didn't recognize the name.
I finished the series last night. I shouldn't have rushed it because now I have to wait until next year for season 2 of Daredevil...