Tell Me Your Origin Story

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After all the tales of woe and abuse and bullying and such I don't really have a sad tale to tell. Mine is mostly self-inflicted (chemically or otherwise) pain.

I was born in the north to two people who should never have been married. My mom kind of forced my dad into marriage and he was (and still is) too much of a man-child (something I take after him far too much..) to handle the responsibilities of husband and father. I had a pretty good childhood otherwise though. I grew up in a small town. Had friends. Some of which I'm still close too. Like brothers. Had some pretty good times. Had my first sexual experience with a girl I was babysat with before either of us were old enough to understand what it was we were doing. I have a feeling she knew what it was all about because I suspect she was a product of molestation in her life but I never had the courage to ask her when we reconnected a couple of years ago after not seeing each other for over a decade. She's married with children now, but her's isn't the story I should be telling.

We moved to Edmonton when I was 10 years old. This was a sort of rough period in my life because this is when my father decided it was best to run away with the car and leave my brothers and I without a father. The lack of a father through my formative years is probably the reason I still strive to achieve the respect and admiration of my father I know I will never get but it really wasn't so bad with him gone. It was likely for the best overall as as I've written earlier, he was never capable of being a good dad. This was also the period in my life where I started to get fat, putting on weight at a general pace (until it went into overdrive when I was injured very badly in football in high school and couldn't exercise at all). Even being a fat kid, I was never really the target of bullying as I was never really someone to take shit from people even though I was never in a real fight all through my schooling.

Throughout high school I battled with depression, which is not uncommon. It really hurt my relationships with people and with my longtime girlfriend I had been seeing since grade 10 and my grades were nothing to be proud of due to my less than exemplary attendance. High school again, other than my own issues, was not a bad time in my life. I had a lot of good friends in many different social circles and due to being on the football team (an asset due to my rather large size at the time) didn't even have the normal problems fat kids would have with the jocky kids.

When I graduated I fell into a self-destructive pothead lifestyle of laziness and Hawkins Cheezies. After a year or so my girlfriend gave me an ultimatum of getting my shit together. I didn't and she was history. I was so angry at her at the time but looking back, I was such a piece of shit she had every right to say the things she did to me and more. After this is when I decided that I had to get my life together. Still living with my mom (even after both of my younger brothers had left the nest to become normal human beings) I spent nearly a year undoing the damage I had done to my body and applied to the RCMP. I got in just under the wire (not being a visible minority, but still being technically metis, meant that I had to have higher than average test scores. A system I find kind of bullshit, but whatcha gonna do?) with my scores and barely passed the PE requirements (a year was not enough to undo all the damage) but it was enough to be accepted into Depot (the academy).

Depot was the hardest 6 months of my life physically and emotionally but I wouldn't trade the training or the friendships I made for anything. I would trade the amount of male taint I was exposed to and would rather forget that fucking game forever. During Depot I earned my cross rifles patch and was one of only two in my troop to do so (I found out I was a surprisingly good shot). After training I was sent up to the old shithole I served in for over 4 years until recently being transferred to K div in Edmonton to be what basically amounts to as a bitch/assistant to a major crimes Corporal.

And boy, did we prove her right!
Pretty much right?
Gaga is not only real, but a friend of mine IRL. She's not happy. I think you guys would've liked her.
Yeah... I'm more than a little disappointed that she didn't stick around. No matter that the majority are good people all it takes are a couple assholes to run off potential new people. Lets think about how we deal with new people before we just blast them with both barrels folks.


You don't warn your friends what kind of people are here before she joins? (assuming she knows this board through or via you)
This is pretty important. Any time ive recommended this place I've always given a pretty detailed warning just kind of fyi so they know what to expect. Sometimes it doesnt help but at least I tried.


Wow. I am mostly a lurker but thought about actually posting hrere as my life has been pretty interesting so far. So much so, in fact, a good frindof mine since middleschool hs been blogging stories about me for the past 15 or so years and is turning them into a novella. good stuf. But dare I share? Some of you guys/gals are pretty cruel and judgemental. Asking those people to put thier past and feelings and soul out there and then judigng them as is you have never made a mistake,poor judgement,or failed to be the hero you think they should have been becasue you are so so much holier and braver than they?. hmmm......... Is this a place I want to be?
Well. My personally philosophy is that why even care what other think? Doomdragon wanna know our stories and I told her mine. To my, it is a story of my past of what made me, me. Sure, anyone can play backseat quarterback on what should have been done, but that doesn't change the fact it already happen and move on. I rarely care of what other thinks. Some may think of me as weird, oddball Asian guy reaching his 40 still playing video games and cosplay. I enjoy what I do. My wife enjoy it.

I guess the only person really matter in criticism is the people you love. If my wife doesn't agree or judge, then I would feel bad. But if Dave decides to criticize my decision on something (or anyone if they want to) I can either take it or leave it, but I'm not going to worry about what Dave think beyond tomorrow ;)

I learn a long time ago, the Internet people can be cruel, but you can also find some fun people out there. I say let it roll of your skin and move on. Don't let it bother ya. That is what I say.


Chibi, you're making excuses. Just because the internet is full of assholes doesn't mean it has to be allowed here.
Heh. What can you do? Ban them? I see the internet of seeing the "real" people. People hide behind the annoynimity and do the craziest things. Kinda remind me of a psych class where people are in a room without knowledge of who on the other side, people tend to be mean when there is no repercussion (not everyone) so I tend to let them be.

Sure, words can hurt deep, but only if you let it, now in case of bullies, if they bother me today, I would just walk away, not worth my time, but if they start getting violent with my wife, you better bet your dollar I'm gonna throw the smack down as best as I can (even if odds are against me) cause I'm gonna fight dirty and don't care about "fighting etiquette"


I always thought of this forum (not every forum but this one) as a house. We are all hanging around in the house. If someone insists on crapping on the coffee table they should probably be asked to leave. It's about courtesy and respect. It seems that a few people come here merely for entertainment and they don't care if that entertainment hurts others. They actually enjoy the drama best. In that way they often deny that the people on the other side are actual people at all.
We create the type of environment here that we want to see. If someone is a consistent prick, over and over, and actually brags about it, then yeah, a ban isn't so far out there. I'm not saying that it should be an option every time someone goes off the deep end. Hell, that happens to all of us at some time or another.

I'm not saying that every instance needs to be met with such extreme measures. I am saying that this is our playground, and we shouldn't let one person shit in it just because some people shit in playgrounds. I for one don't mind having new people not be disgusted by us and our place.

Edit: Anyways, that's all off topic stuff. Hopefully we can get back to our regularly scheduled interesting life stories.


I always thought of this forum (not every forum but this one) as a house. We are all hanging around in the house. If someone insists on crapping on the coffee table they should probably be asked to leave. It's about courtesy and respect. It seems that a few people come here merely for entertainment and they don't care if that entertainment hurts others. They actually enjoy the drama best. In that way they often deny that the people on the other side are actual people at all.
Yea. That is where the master of the house (Dave and the mods) decides if someone need to be ask to leave.

I guess coming from where I came from, I grew a really really thick skin along the way and don't let people bother me too much. I always think, they didn't know anybetter or maybe had a tougher life and need fun..... sure I'll humor them ;)


Enough people know shit about me (and I am very open person anyways) that I don't really care about comments; in fact I welcome them.

I am 28, for record. So I am not even in the middle stages of my life to make the story complete.

I was raised like a military brat. I say 'like' because my dad was GS, but we moved around a lot. I grew up in Germany, Saudi Arabia, New York and Tennessee while spending summers in California as my mom worked summers as a Park Ranger. I was in Germany when the wall came down and I was in Riyadh for the 1995 bombing ( I like to say I was there for the end of the Cold War and the Beginning of the War on Terror, though that last part is a bit of a misnomer. But this is my story, so I get to write it how I want to. :p

I never made any long term friends because of how often I moved and I generally stayed within my own world of Star Wars, books and video games. I learned computers from my dad with many afternoons spent with him hurling curses at our PC for not accepting the latest upgrade we had installed.

In High School (at least for the last three years that I managed to stay in one place) I was well known and generally liked, but I didn't do much social wise. Though I was shy, most of that stemmed because I was busy all of the time, some times doing basketball, marching band and youth orchestra all in one day. I also ended up doing gigs with a swing band during the resurgence.

I managed to get into UC Berkeley somehow and spent the next three years switching majors, making friends and getting drunk. I pretty did a 180 from HS. At the end of my junior year I was diagnosed with a brain tumor. I took my finals for summer school and went in for brain surgery. It was benign, but I ended up having a staph infection. While still attached to an IV, I said fuck it and still attended the fall semester having decided on a Political Science degree. I think the whole major was 12 classes (since I had already done my breadth stuff) which was pretty doable in a year and a half. However, being on a lot of drugs plus the fact that I had sort of side stepped the emotional issues of having fucking brain surgery led me to get kicked out of school because of two semesters of below 1.5 GPA.

So I tried my hand at being a professional poker player for a bit. I had some good success, but I crashed hard after about a year because of a lack of discipline (I lost 2/3 of my bankroll in a day because of tilt). That served as a wakeup call that poker was not for me. I still play it from time to time and I am rather good at it but mostly for recreation or to get some extra spending money.

After that I moved in with my dad (my parents were separated because of job stuff, not marriage issues) and secretly got back on track to get back into school. "Secretly" because my parents didn't know that I had been kicked out of school yet. I was pretty good at coming up with lies. I took CC classes to show that I could do well academically and I ended up interning for Congresswoman Giffords (the one who got shot last February). I managed to finagle a flight to Berkeley from my dad's place in AZ to talk to a dean to finalize the terms for my return. I finally "nutted up" and told my parents what had really happened, which I should have done in the first place. I mostly graduated a year later with a degree in Political Science. I say mostly, because the advisers there were terrible and I was constantly fighting with them because I would get back conflicting advice. I ended up taking an on-line class the finish one last requirement and I got my diploma a year later. I am still annoyed by that.

So two years ago I got a job in DC doing IT and I have worked my way up to currently being a Senior VOIP Administrator (and maybe soon to be Project Manager). I also met the love of my life and I am currently engaged.

That is also the short-hand version of my life. I left out most of my musical stuff, epic Vegas Trips (I once woke up in a closet) or when I almost got lost in a desert in AZ.

I await the nit-picking. :awesome:
I want to say I'm sorry for making fun. It just struck me as such an over dramatic first post!

I really am sorry though. I saw east mark and I took it...thus making me one of the bullies.

Oh internet, what have you done to me?


I want to say I'm sorry for making fun. It just struck me as such an over dramatic first post!

I really am sorry though. I saw east mark and I took it...thus making me one of the bullies.

Oh internet, what have you done to me?
I think what the internet does to us is keep us from thinking before we act. Also we have no visual or verbal clues to help us in our conversations so we depend on assumptions. We are often wrong.


I think what the internet does to us is keep us from thinking before we act. Also we have no visual or verbal clues to help us in our conversations so we depend on assumptions. We are often wrong.
Yea. There is lack of screens to "prevent" us from doing "bad things" to other people. Since everyone is hiding behind their monitor without consequences, then people tend to let their "true feeling" show (that is how I see it) other take advantage of it and do things they would never do in real life.
The important thing is not to rise to their petty, pathetic displays. That can be hard for new people to do, but for the most part everyone else sees that one asshole and feels just a little bit sorry for them.
Edit: Meh, whatever. Honestly, if this is the place you fellas want, then that's fine. I just think it's a shame that people who could be kinda cool (or, ya know, having more than the same 20 people posting all the time) are chased off over such stupid stuff.


It probably is after the third conversation about a topic that both people took part in. But again I think people are talking in general and not necessarily to just this thread.
Yo Krisken, buddy. Let me help ya. You seem to have a large protruding rod hanging out of your anus. Let's pull that puppy out shall we?

I'm still trying to figure out where all this shitting is taking place that you're alluding to. This has been the first forum flame war in a hella long time. And it wasn't really a flame war. NR and I stopping bitch slapping each other on the second page; in comes mysterious new poster claiming they have some juicy life episodes to share only they won't unless we beg them to be cool and stay and tell them that we promise not to judge. I really don't think anyone was judging anyone to begin with.

Cut the crap.

Man, my Picard sig was back up for like a week, and already everything I say is suddenly offensive. Are you sure it's me? Are you sure you guys are projecting on poor Jean Luke?


Staff member
Really? Asking blunt questions because you don't understand where some one is coming from is not exactly shitting on the floor.
I've been biting my tongue on this issue, but I have to agree. If you look back at this thread, all Mathias did was ask a one-line question. People like to paint in paragraphs around things said around here. Believe me, I know.


Staff member
Because I was making a contrasting statement that people read a bunch of things in that aren't there. If it's short, it's a bit difficult to do that. The connotation there was ironically much more important than the denotation of "one-line".


I am quite sure that I know a few people on here well enough that I could lay emotional waste to them in an innocuous statement of ten words or less. If nothing else it would REALLY piss them off and they would be right. If you say something, no matter how nicely or short, to someone that you know (or not to be too lawyerpants here, should know) will upset them, that is your responsibility.
To be honest, I have a personal history of being a pathological liar. Not even in the sense of making stories better, worse, more interesting, or whatever pattern. Just that I have a history of telling stories for the sake of telling stories and changing details in it for no good reason.

So, I'd like to post an origin story, but I really have to concentrate to make it honest, because it may just be the first time I've given an entire history of myself without making some part of it up.


Piotyr post a real one and a fantastical made up one. I would be amused by this.
I am quite sure that I know a few people on here well enough that I could lay emotional waste to them in an innocuous statement of ten words or less. If nothing else it would REALLY piss them off and they would be right. If you say something, no matter how nicely or short, to someone that you know (or not to be too lawyerpants here, should know) will upset them, that is your responsibility.
You tend to think you know everything about everyone around here. Just sayin...


Staff member
I am quite sure that I know a few people on here well enough that I could lay emotional waste to them in an innocuous statement of ten words or less. If nothing else it would REALLY piss them off and they would be right. If you say something, no matter how nicely or short, to someone that you know (or not to be too lawyerpants here, should know) will upset them, that is your responsibility.
I am incredibly uncomfortable with that concept.
I've been around for a long damn time. I should know people by now.
Hmm, I've known my wife for damn near 12 years, and I'm not bold enough to say that I know absolutely everything about her.

To prove my point. What's my favorite color? Simple question that you won't be able to answer.


Staff member

After reflection, I don't think your answer quite tracks with what I said anyway. Mathias's was a simple question with no value judgement or prejudice as far I can see. It was intended to elicit information. That's kind of my point. It was read as much more than that. That's what I mean by short or one-line. I'm no lawyer, but it seems like a mighty onus would be on the offended to prove that a fact-oriented question was intended as offensive if this were a legal situation, especially in light of the value placed on freedom of speech.


Hmm, I've known my wife for damn near 12 years, and I'm not bold enough to say that I know absolutely everything about her.
Youre right i shouldn't have said i know everything about everyone.

After reflection, I don't think your answer quite tracks with what I said anyway. Mathias's was a simple question with no value judgement or prejudice as far I can see. It was intended to elicit information. That's kind of my point. It was read as much more than that. That's what I mean by short or one-line. I'm no lawyer, but it seems like a mighty onus would be on the offended to prove that a fact-oriented question was intended as offensive if this were a legal situation, especially in light of the value placed on freedom of speech.
It's not a legal situation I was just using the phrase "should know" and making a joke about the legal use of it. It was not a simple question at all. It was a question that represented a long history of interaction between those two. Reading between the lines might be problematic but ignoring the history that is being referenced would be stupid.

And if it were a legal situation I would bring in witnesses who saw the earlier conversations to show that Mathias should have known that what he was saying would upset NR. In fact that is part of how you prove "Fighting Words" in court.

Oh I missed that last part. Freedom of speech only applies when the State acts. It wouldn't be a factor here at all.
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