[TV] Talk about the last TV you watched, the catchall thread

So we got the big box set of Babylon 5 and started rewatching it and I'm pretty sure I fell asleep in the middle of every S1 episode. I will grant that we always watched it late at night after the kids were asleep, but still.


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I'm pretty sure there's a universal law about people with kids and things that require ~50 mins of uninterrupted alert concentration. That might be a stumbling block for Jay as well, since he's got a tiny poopmachine of his own now. I know even my buddy with a 3 year old can't do anything for more than 20 minutes without his daughter demanding his attention (or his wife demands his attention shift to his daughter) or he falls asleep.
I was falling asleep well before my usual falling asleep time however. My kids are old enough now that as long they aren't killing each other I don't get worn out dealing with them, and I don't need to give them all manner of attention, I just like to be able to *hear* the TV. :p


Staff member
I was falling asleep well before my usual falling asleep time however. My kids are old enough now that as long they aren't killing each other I don't get worn out dealing with them, and I don't need to give them all manner of attention, I just like to be able to *hear* the TV. :p
Did you at least manage to stay awake from season 2 on?

Other than Star Trek and Star Wars as well as Fox screwing up Firefly, my Sci-fi experience is pretty limited.

I've been watching BSG and I like it. I want to start setting up the next few series.

Stargate didn't sell me, maybe I'll check Season 1. Babylon 5 sounds interesting. It's on my list now. Thanks.

I'm open to new suggestions.

Wife and I have been watching Community as well. I'm midway in Season 2. Season 1 was pretty good, the 2nd one is weaker in our opinion. I hope it gets better.
Never cared for Stargate either, but I friggin' loved Babylon 5. My old roommates were fanatics for SG-1, so I'd always have to find something else to do when the SG-1athons began.

Another series I loved (but haven't watched since it first aired) is Space: Above and Beyond. I don't even need to try to rewatch it to know it won't hold up. It's probably still fun. It was basically a Wing Commander tv show that had them as ground pounders too....for no discernible reason. It's 90's as fuck and ends on cliffhanger before being Foxed into cancellation (Firefly wasn't the first).

I'll say this, the hammerheads in Space look WAY cooler than the vipers in BSG. Cylon raiders look cooler than Chig fighters though.

Holy shit, reading back through Wikipedia now on Space, BSG and Space had a lot of similarites. Scar = Chiggy Von Richthofen for example.
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Season 5 is optional viewing. Except for the series finale, you should watch the last episode of season 5 even if you skip all the others.
The last episode of season 5 was going to be the last episode of season 4, but they got renewed for the fifth, so it was postponed. I still haven't seen the last 3 episodes, something about them being "cable-only" after I lost my cable.

Also, I predict @Jay will watch it and complain that Garibaldi didn't get more screen time. I'm calling this now.

Finished Breaking Bad. (YES, I KNOW IT TOOK FOREVER!)


Also, just want to say I'm pretty proud that I managed to be spoiler-free coming into the end here. Had to avoid a few websites like the plague when it ended, but I somehow managed it.
House of Cards: season 2! I'm up to episode 7. Holy crap. I don't know who is the bigger sociopath, Francis or Claire.

Downton Abby: season 4. I've gotten to episode 2. Eh. I don't know. It's starting to get stale.
House of Cards: season 2! I'm up to episode 7. Holy crap. I don't know who is the bigger sociopath, Francis or Claire.

Downton Abby: season 4. I've gotten to episode 2. Eh. I don't know. It's starting to get stale.
House of Cards was some fantastic crazy awesomeness.

Downton Abby: Needs to heap more horrible stuff on Edith. Thats what we are all there for. Seriously though, it actually turns into a pretty solid season.
I'm excited for tonight. Work's been hells of busy for month end all week and I'm finally going to catch up on MAH STORIES:

Brooklyn 99, Justified, The Americans, Scandal, Grey's Anatomy, Community, Parks & Rec, and Hannibal airing live tonight, AHHHHHHH

Because it's the best damn thing on TV right now. Holy shit HBO, way to ruin the curve for everyone.
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Parks and Recreation. Wait, did they just have an episode where Jerry/Gary/Larry wasn't the butt of a joke in every scene he was in and had another main character enjoy spending time with him? :eek:

Because it's the best damn thing on TV right now. Holy shit HBO, way to ruin the curve for everyone.
Just finsihed watching episode 5.

Caught up on Community. Although by itself it probably only made up 2 to 3 minutes of the episode, Chang's side story was what made the episode.

"Hey! Those guys in there told me you're the one that died in a fire and you're a ghost!"
"And you believe them? You believed a bunch of ghosts?"
Black Sails is fucking great folks. It's Starz trashy and all the more awesome for it. Don't be frightened of Michael Bay's name attached to it, he's only a producer.

Sort of NSFW clip



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... So am I the only one who's about 3 episodes past ready for this whole "country music star" thing on Archer to go away?


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I only saw the first episode, but I thought it was a bit dull.

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Lana is now like a secondary character, and each episode has a LOT more Pam, Krieger, and the stupid brunette who they keep adding more and more stuff to her.