[Rant] Shysters

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Staff member
So earlier in the month I got cold-called by this guy who wants me to use his company (via him, obviously) to buy computer stuff for my company. I figure, what the heck, I'll check it out I guess, at some point. Then of course, I went on vacation, forgot about it, he calls me back today, so I go check it out.

Tell me if you perhaps see some similarities here.

I'm saving the pictures in case he ever decides to call me back, so I can tell him I'll just buy direct from tiger direct myself, thanks.


Staff member
That makes no sense. The prices are the same and that guy is offering free shipping. If he's getting the stuff FROM Tiger Direct why is he taking the hit on shipping?



Staff member
That makes no sense. The prices are the same and that guy is offering free shipping. If he's getting the stuff FROM Tiger Direct why is he taking the hit on shipping?
Tiger Direct is offering free shipping. ShysterDotCom is not. My guess? They order what I want from tiger direct, get free shipping... charge me "shipping and handling" and send it on to me.

I've got no problem with somebody being a reseller who sources their parts from tigerdirect if they add some value (like bulk discounts, or assembly labor, or SOMETHING... which he isn't)... but the damn website is almost a 1:1 replica/ripoff, right down to the color and shape of the "add to cart" buttons.
You're completely right. I wouldn't want to do business with someone who brazenly steals that much HTML source either.



Staff member
You're right. It is Tiger that has the free shipping. How much you want to bet the shipping costs are really, really high?
You should email affiliates@tigerdirect.com and tell them that if he's an affiliate, he's probably in violation of their agreement, "Can I use your content on my site? No, but suggested graphics and descriptive texts will be made available to you and you are recommended to use them."

I don't see a reseller or storefront program, but it could also be that tigerdirect is actually running a reseller program that allows resellers to skin their website but use TigerDirect's backend.

Couldn't see anything at tigerdirect that suggests they have such a program, and all this stuff is running on this guy's domain (he's not pointing to tigerdirect), so probably not, but it's interesting...
I just wonder if it could also be a marketing tool by Tiger. It could be a way to rebrand their own web-site to bring in Gov't contracts and not just weekend hobbyist.
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