Rant VIII: The Reckoning

Sounds like the kind of bureaucratic cluster the local TV stations might like to put on the 6 o'clock news.
I'm guessing that from the multiple times the Utility Commissioner has fined them, and the 175 complaints they've received in the past year, they probably already have been on the news.
Was supposed to have tonight off. Instead I wake up to voicemail saying the kid supposed to be working tonight never showed and never called. Manager unreachable. So I slam down my coffee and a bowl of cereal and drag myself in. It's now nearly 2 hours since the shift was supposed to start. No word from anyone about coming in or sending a replacement. So I take over and catch up to my usual routine.

Idiot finally calls two and a half hours late to say he's stranded. I tell him he should have called as soon as he knew he was stranded, which was hours ago. I've got no interest in hearing anything more, so I cut off the conversation.

Now my mom has to cancel her orthopedist appointment for planning her other shoulder replacement because instead of being able to take her to the doctor, I'll be stuck here instead.
Yes, by all means, let's wake up at 4:30 and have a talk about how I'm doing something wrong and making you unhappy. That's a great way to start the day. I was thinking that next, you could give me the cold shoulder as I leave for work. It's always great for my mood. But let's make this a truly memorable morning! Why don't you call me 30 minutes later while I'm already in work-mode, desperately trying to get ready for the day, and you can ask me some inane questions and chat like nothing happened! Then, when I don't respond in a chipper way, accuse me of hanging onto issues and taking things too seriously. Finally, we'll finish the conversation off with you telling me that the phone conversation was "my chance to start fresh" and get annoyed when I tell you that I can't just turn it off and on like that. Please, I WANT to be distracted all day.

I don't like hearing a list of things that are wrong, and then being told they are all 100% my responsibility. Why the fuck would I be able to just shrug that off?


Staff member
I hate spammers. Apparently a spambot spoofed my email domain as a return address so all the undeliverable messages are bouncing back. What does my ISP do? Look at the bandwidth usage and just shut me off. Way to go there, lazy fuck tech workers.
Every quiet moment I get at work, I play this morning over and over. And I'm pissed. And I'm sad. And I'm anxious.

Fuck me. This is stupid, and I don't know why its even happening. One little thing blew up into something huge, and now I feel like I'm not even allowed to have a reaction - since I obviously can't have the right reaction.


Staff member
Couple fight over stupid shit. Lasting couples get over it.

Here's a great comic about couples.

Or maybe I can't post it due to hotlinking issues. I'll find it.
Did she actually say it was 100% your fault? More of my fights with my husband escalate because I try to start a conversation and he immediately turns victim and thinks I'm trying to blame everything on him, when I'm really just trying to set a baseline for how I feel about something and I want to have a meaningful conversation about it. Yadda yadda, men and women think about things differently, blah blah.
Did she actually say it was 100% your fault? More of my fights with my husband escalate because I try to start a conversation and he immediately turns victim and thinks I'm trying to blame everything on him, when I'm really just trying to set a baseline for how I feel about something and I want to have a meaningful conversation about it. Yadda yadda, men and women think about things differently, blah blah.
Probably not. That's how I took it, though. She and I have very different ways of communicating and outlooks sometimes, and this particular fight highlights that. I felt ambushed this morning, and she countered with the fact that it's been bothering her for a while and she just hadn't said anything. That doesn't help, in my opinion.

I don't want to get into the details, but the problem basically boiled down to "You do (thing), I don't like that, you need to change." She's very strong and independent, two qualities I seriously love about her, but times like this they are not helpful. Her stubborn side comes out more, and she refuses to see any part in the problem. It's just "You need to do (this) differently." She won't consider any possible change on her part. And somehow this snowballed into a larger argument about us in general.

I'm dead tired, I'm stressing out about work and family stuff, and I didn't see any of this coming this morning. I'm going to be in a foul mood. I'm not yelling, I'm not violent, and I'm not being rude. I'm just in a bad mood. I don't see why I have to be in a lighter mood at the snap of her fingers, and I resent being told that everything is my responsibility to change.


Staff member
Women marry men thinking they'll change and they don't.
Men marry women thinking they won't change and they do.

This generalization is brought to you by the number 2 and the letter O, M, & G.
I'm not married.

The concern here is not "OH MY GOD, this is the worst fight EVER!" The concern is "Do you make me happy more often than you hurt me? Because this has had more highs and lows than I've ever had in a relationship, and I'm concerned it's getting worse, not better. Especially if these are based on fundamental differences."

The first one is stupid. The second one is scary.

But you know what else? I'm done sharing for today. So go right ahead and keep making comments that imply I'm overreacting. I just love that so much.
If you get married to be happy, you're going to be disappointed because no one on this earth will make you happy 100% of the time.
Not certain that anyone said that you were overreacting.... more along the lines that "stuff happens like this often, don't feel as though you're alone in this."

At least, that was my read on it... your mileage has apparently varied.
I'm not married.

The concern here is not "OH MY GOD, this is the worst fight EVER!" The concern is "Do you make me happy more often than you hurt me? Because this has had more highs and lows than I've ever had in a relationship, and I'm concerned it's getting worse, not better. Especially if these are based on fundamental differences."

The first one is stupid. The second one is scary.

But you know what else? I'm done sharing for today. So go right ahead and keep making comments that imply I'm overreacting. I just love that so much.
You two are living together, correct? If that is so, you are in a "married" relationship, and from what I'm remembering, you've been together for several years. I've seen, and experienced, that most couples go through a rough patch anywhere from 5-10 years into that commitment. It's things like you're talking about above, and this is the time that you have to learn to work it out. You're going to get frustrated, angry, sad and giddy during the process, and that process is different for everyone.

You, and by this a mean the both of you, have to decide to work it out.
I know you say you're done for the day, but in the off chance that you come back, here's my concern @Tress. You characterized the way she approached this as being part of her strong and independent nature. This is bottling things up until you explode, exploding, feeling like you probably over-reacted, and then attempting to gloss over your over-reaction by trying to smooth things over and pretend the explosion didn't happen. I know this because this is what I used to do all the time. I still do tend to bottle things up until they become a huge deal, but I've learned to stop, evaluate whether it's actually a huge deal or if I'm just annoyed because I waited too long and/or due to other stresses and annoyances, and then - if I still feel that the situation warrants discussion - bring it up in as calm a fashion as I can. It doesn't sound like your GF has learned to do that. It took me feeling really bad for blowing up at my then-fiancee over things that I'd let slide seemingly a million times before, before I really started to look at how I broached the subject of things that annoyed me.

And of course it's not an over-reaction for you to not be able to be immediately chipper and blase about the argument and act like it never happened.
Eh, I'm a schlubby geek who can't get laid. That's pretty straight, I think.
Man, if you lived in Florida, I could get you sooo much action. I'm also a schlubby geek, and I seem to be in high demand among my gay friends and their social cliques.

It's a travesty that I'm straight.