Rant VIII: The Reckoning


Staff member
Tried it. Hated it. Lost toenails and never felt very good--just weary. It's too much of a commitment to get to the place where you feel amazing and euphoric. I prefer long walks, the elliptical, and weights.
I love to run and jog, but it's so tedious if your goal is to induce a caloric deficit. So I switch it up between high intensity interval training via sprints about twice a week, then endurance jogging twice a week. Keeps anaerobic and aerobic capacity very optimal, and the two variants of cardio have a good transfer of performance between them.
Can probably burn just as many calories with weighted Tai Chi-esque exercise, but without pounding your joints as savagely as jogging.

I used to do long distance walking as an alternative to running. Running with my arthritis was a mess.

My specialist was so pleased when I showed her my half marathon medal for an event I walked :)

I would love to get back to a point where I can do that again. I may be overly optimistic.
Can probably burn just as many calories with weighted Tai Chi-esque exercise, but without pounding your joints as savagely as jogging.

This is true, but it would take longer to get equivalent caloric deficit. If joint inflammation is a problem there is equipment to address this; custom running shoes will reduce a great deal of impact and knee sleeves will help a little more. There's also your technique when it comes to running, you might feel fine for the first couple hundred of meters but you'll know if you're running improperly if you start getting spasms, pain, fatigue, or light headed.

If you've tried all of the above already and running isn't your thing and never will be, take up swimming instead, barring any disabilities or conditions it's the best method for cardio without damaging joints.
If you've tried all of the above already and running isn't your thing and never will be, take up swimming instead, barring any disabilities or conditions it's the best method for cardio without damaging joints.
Yes! Swimming has the added benefit of helping to keep you cool, so if you're a person who sweats after only 10min working out, the pool will help with that. You might even burn a little extra just staying warm.

I've been searching for the last 34 years for a form of exercise I like. I have yet to succeed.

Kendo was good for a while though.
I love to exercise, but I've never enjoyed running for running's sake. I get bored with it super fast and I start to lose focus and my form goes to crap...I need something to distract me (like a soccer ball) or something to break up the monotony, which is why I do the 5K runs with obstacles.


Staff member
If you are properly heat acclimated, you should be sweating before 10 minutes into intense exercise.
If you are properly heat acclimated, you should be sweating before 10 minutes into intense exercise.
I'm at the point where what I need is "maintenance" exercise. Create enough activity to raise heart rate and respiration BUT ideally can still cool through radiation.

I too thoroughly enjoy running. :heart:
I did too until it resulted in multiple torn ligaments. Now, as I sit here in a medical imaging center waiting for some MRIs to be done, I can't help but hate it. Running is literally the worst. I call for a ban on running.

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I had completely fallen in love with running the last two years. This time last year I was under an 8 min mile with two half-marathons done, training for a full marathon. And then I did - something - to my hip while training. I haven't run since August. I don't even have the flexibility to put a sock on that foot. And of course insurance wouldn't pay for an MRI to see what's wrong, or an anti-inflammatory cream that my doctor prescribed. So I guess I don't like running anymore :(
That's really scary! Can you go to the ER and force the issue?