[Rant] Minor Rant III: For a Few Hollers More


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Don't think we haven't thought about it. Maybe he can be a market strategist or manage a tech-heavy hedge fund or something. And that would be our son, not his cousin. All his cousin did was fall asleep on the couch.

Even market strategists need janitors :p


Staff member
This story starts back about a year and a half or so. I took over for this guy who got promoted out of the department. He had written a lot of reports and SQL queries that now fell on me to run/upkeep/fix. Friday someone came to me and pointed out an issue with a student not appearing on a report. Okay, that's bad. A lot of financial decisions are made from these reports. I spend a few hours breaking down the reports and can't find out a reason why she would not appear. Finally I reach out to the guy who left the department and he says, "Why are you using X query to merge instead of Y query?" My answer was, "Well, when you did the handoff I added the queries you told me to run to my favorites. I also have the documentation you left that says to use X."

"You should probably use Y."

So my manager gets mad that "I've been using the wrong query this whole time and why didn't I notice?" I spend a few more hours this morning running both queries, patching them through WinMerge and doing a complete analysis on the effect of using both. In the end? The 1 student is the only one who did not appear, using Y would cause us to lose about 50 other students on the report, and I wasted 2 days to find out I should keep doing exactly what I had been.

I feel like a total shithead.

One of our rats has been sick for a while, but we didn't have the money to take him to the vet. Now that my wife has a job, we can do that (in 2 weeks, when the vet has weekend hours). But I talked to the vet today about his symptoms. Stuffed up, sneezing chunks of blood, skinny from not eating--that last part is what I didn't understand. I thought the rat was eating less because he was sick and not feeling up to it. The vet tells me it's because he can't smell the food and doesn't trust it. The reason he'll eat what we give him is because he knows we wouldn't give him anything to hurt him.

Meaning we could've been feeding him ourselves this whole time with more than just treats and he wouldn't just be a bag of bones right.
This story starts back about a year and a half or so. I took over for this guy who got promoted out of the department. He had written a lot of reports and SQL queries that now fell on me to run/upkeep/fix. Friday someone came to me and pointed out an issue with a student not appearing on a report. Okay, that's bad. A lot of financial decisions are made from these reports. I spend a few hours breaking down the reports and can't find out a reason why she would not appear. Finally I reach out to the guy who left the department and he says, "Why are you using X query to merge instead of Y query?" My answer was, "Well, when you did the handoff I added the queries you told me to run to my favorites. I also have the documentation you left that says to use X."

"You should probably use Y."

So my manager gets mad that "I've been using the wrong query this whole time and why didn't I notice?" I spend a few more hours this morning running both queries, patching them through WinMerge and doing a complete analysis on the effect of using both. In the end? The 1 student is the only one who did not appear, using Y would cause us to lose about 50 other students on the report, and I wasted 2 days to find out I should keep doing exactly what I had been.

I absolutely hate it when managers get mad about stuff like that.
Man I though after a few days my anger towards my work would subside but it really hasn't. I am still pissed off at them and I really want to quit but I know I shouldn't. What makes the whole damn thing more annoying is how they are side stepping the issue and are not even trying to solve the issue. I mean it is never a good sign to be messaging your boss over an issue and have them just stop responding in the middle of our discussion and never bothered to get back in touch with me over the issue.
I need to get my driver's license here. My CA license doesn't expire until the end of September, but I figured I could get it done before school starts again. That would mean I need to do it today (I have to take the written test). Except with all that's going on I can't think straight. I don't want to put it off, but I don't want to fail either.


Staff member
Is this not freakin' 2012? How is it that we're still publishing books the old fashioned way WITHOUT simultaneous ebook versions? How is it that Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw's novels are in archaic book tech only, when I'm sure he'd be the first to point out how stupid this is if it was featured in Zero Punctuation? His publisher is Dark Horse Comics, how the hell are they so behind the freaking times? This is not Bantam or Random House we're talking about, smaller companies are supposed to be more agile and adopt new tech faster! In this day and age of self publishing e-books, this is ridiculous.
I liked Mogworld in analog form but I'm still way behind the times when it comes to book reading. All my books are paper.
Point is, it should also be available in ebook. His book came out a couple years ago and there's still no ebook. Derping it up a bit, aren't we, Dark Horse?


Staff member
Exactly. I can understand books being available in BOTH paper and e-book. I can understand only available in e-book. But in THE SECOND DECADE OF THE 21st CENTURY, new books being published only in paper (and ironically sold primarily online) is irritatingly archaic.
Dark Horse has a pretty decent selection of digital comics. They may just not care very much about their book division to bother.

And wow, looking at their editor's selection on their site, a fucking Dragon Age book (I made the egregious error of reading one, they are...in one word, theworst), I can see why they don't care.
Dark Horse has a pretty decent selection of digital comics. They may just not care very much about their book division to bother.

And wow, looking at their editor's selection on their site, a fucking Dragon Age book (I made the egregious error of reading one, they are...in one word, theworst), I can see why they don't care.
Yahtzee's book is actually pretty good.
We were just a few steps from taking the sick rat to get put down, but he started breathing again. It's so fucking hard to tell when it's a pet's time, when you're going too early or letting them suffer.

I don't know if he'll get another episode where his lips turn blue after this. I just hope he can make it the week so we can get him to the vet.


Staff member
So last night on the way home from work my wife had a belt break in the Jeep. She got that to the mechanic just fine as it happened basically right out front of the shop. So this morning I got the Dodge out of the garage so she could take the one good car we had.

After jump-starting it, I started off to work...only to have to pull over 1/2 way here as it was overheating.

I fucking love cars.
So last night on the way home from work my wife had a belt break in the Jeep. She got that to the mechanic just fine as it happened basically right out front of the shop. So this morning I got the Dodge out of the garage so she could take the one good car we had.

After jump-starting it, I started off to work...only to have to pull over 1/2 way here as it was overheating.

I fucking love cars.

If you lived close by I would fix all your cars for you.
The Chief Petty Officer list came out today. He didn't get selected. Again. He's already upset/angry over the way things have gone on this ship, with the crappiness on this deployment, his injury, etc. and now this. I hate this.
A friend mentioned that her computer crashed today. I asked her why that happened. What followed was so amazingly stupid that I'm still flabbergasted.

So, she fancies herself an artist. She wanted to get her hands on a copy of Photoshop. She asked a friend, and found out that (*gasp*) it costs money! Lots of money, in fact! Well, she won't be paying for that, no siree. You see, she can't balance her checkbook. And she and her husband couldn't save money for something if their life depended on it. So what does she do? She heads right on over to Pirate Bay to get herself a "free" copy. Soooooo, lacking any common or computer sense whatsoever, she searches for "Photoshop" and clicks on the first download that pops up.

At this point my jaw is hanging at how fucking naive she was.

So, as you've probably surmised, that's how she got some form of virus. "Well, what about your antivirus protection?" I asked. "Didn't that send up a warning signal or clean it up?"

"Oh, I don't bother with anything like that," she informed me. She had a tone that almost suggested her ignorance was something to be lauded.

"But... I... what? You can get a bunch of free, basic ones all over the place! Don't you have Comcast?! Don't they provide free Norton Anti-virus protection?" I asked.

"Yeah, I don't know about any of that."

So, she then complains about how her husband can't seem to fix her computer. He's been doing a bunch of "stuff" and it's still not fixed, she explained. Now, not once did she acknowledge how stupid she was. Not once did it dawn on her that perhaps this is a fitting batch of karma for a sloppy attempt at piracy. Nope. Just undeserved indignation that the situation couldn't be resolved by someone else.

"So do you know how to fix it? [Her husband] thinks we just have to reformat the whole hard drive. I don't want to have to do that. Isn't there some file you could just delete or something?"

Tress,I know exactly what you feel.A female friend of mine got herself the Bundestrojaner and called me at 11pm to help her over the telefone.Tells me she has no Anti-virus programm and she downloads movies and stuff from websites,but that cant be the reason she has the virus *ditzy laugh*.It just magically appeared for some reason and it couldnt have been her fault.

Haha, my favorite computer fixing episodes involve 70 year old uncles, and me stumbling upon their internet porn collection with their wives looking over my shoulder. Hilarity ensues.
My fave, I was accused of adding Porn to a customers back up of documents and photos. While she was screaming at my boss, a coworker took the CD and looked to see what the porn was... The coworker turned to the customer and asked,

"This is you, isn't it?"

She decided that it was a good time to get her CD back and leave the store.