[Rant] Minor Rant III: For a Few Hollers More

Land line POTS is becoming more and more useless all the time.

The lines at the utility poles in this are are upwards of 100 years old. They're insulated with paper pulp and are susceptible to seepage during bad weather. Like the storms the mid-Atlantic got on Friday. First the lines get staticky, then they cut out completely. If you get DSL Internet from the same line, you're double screwed.

If your work is completely dependent on phone and Internet, you're triple and quadruple screwed.

And did I mention the phone and Internet comes from a third-party vendor, and they don't have anyone answering the phones after midnight on a Sunday? The main utility owns the lines in question, but since we don't have an account with them, they won't accept my call for help.

Just dumb luck then that everything came back online at 2am. Otherwise I'd still be tearing my hair out waiting for a fix, and wouldn't be abe to post this rant.
It's 100x more annoying when said friends live 3-4 hours away. That's when you find out who your REAL friends are.


Staff member
Today's bitch-fest is two-fold. Three if you read all the way through.
  • My wages are garnished because of student loans. Not that big of a deal, really. Usually. Today we got our bonus checks. Instead of the normal $500, they took out closer to $1500. So much for all my best-laid plans.
  • One of these plans is that we're getting a new car today. Well, new to us at least. Trouble is, I can't get there to get it. The Dodge was dead when I went outside so I can't get to the bank to get money to go get the car.
  • Remember the part about not being able to go anywhere? We're out of toilet paper and I have to poop really, really bad.
Remember the part about not being able to go anywhere? We're out of toilet paper and I have to poop really, really bad.
You mean to tell me the US military uses toilet paper when out on maneuvres? If not, then fall back to your training, soldier.
Every bible has a few blank pages in the back for emergencies.

Alternatively, there's every Cosmo,, Newsweek, or whatever you happen to have lying around :p


Sometimes I think some people on this forum need to learn the same lesson many lawyers have to learn the hard way- just because an argument CAN be made doesn't mean it SHOULD be made.
I am tired of being the sole person in any given group of acquaintances or friends who is capable of organising events. "We should meet this weekend," one friend will say. "Yes, alright," I agree, "What day works best for you?" "Oh I don't know," comes the inevitable reply, as though they were unprepared for this level of inquiry, "I don't care, I guess. What day do you want to meet?" Me?! You're the one who wants to have a meeting. "I think Friday evening would be good," I proffer, "We both work on the same side of the city, we could meet after we're off." "Oh, Friday's no good, I'm meeting my parents for dinner." So what you're saying now is that you both know and care on what day of the weekend we meet. And now that it is resolved that it will have to be Saturday, a similar series of useless responses leads us down this path:
Time? Don't care. Oh, but not the afternoon, it has to be evening.
Place? Don't care. Oh, no, I don't eat Chinese food.
What should we do after dinner? Don't care. Oh, god, no, we're not watching that.

It is somehow my job to recommend things apparently only so that they can be shot down. When it's my initiative, that is to say, when I am the one who suggests a meeting, I generally have a time and a place and some kind of plan, so at least I am pitching an idea. Of course I'm open to it being edited because I may have picked a time that doesn't work for you, or a variety of food to which you are fatally allergic, but at least I haven't said, "I want to meet, but that beyond that I don't really give a damn what happens so long as I maintain the power of aggressively vetoing what I will treat as your exceptional idiocy."

I would really just like to have one friend, just one, who engages social situations with ideas about what to do as opposed to just reserving the right to piss all over the ideas they demand from me. All I ask is that people contribute once in a while, especially to their own fucking plans.
I haven't seen the OKC girl I've been seeing for going on two weeks now, and it doesn't seem to bother her as much as it bothers me. I know I'm probably coming on too strong again, but damnit, two weeks!


True, but you are not exempt from this :p.

Of course not. But for example in the christmas is nothing but a pit of consumerism thread sometimes people need to make an argument and not be so willing to jump in and go "herp derp hypocrisy, stereotypes and tunnel vision are cool". Sometimes you should make the argument to keep from just being another jackass.
I really love having a day off from work for the 4th.

I'd love it more if every day off from my day job would actually give me a break from all the other work I need to get done around the house.

Stupid first world problems...
I just don't have it in me to write a fairy tale this morning. I was so determined to do it, but now much time has passed that I could've been editing. Wasted. I just don't feel it today.
Every summer, friends of mine get married. Not great enough friends that I'm ever invited to the weddings. That's minor rant one.

The fallout of this, and the reason I'm posting today, is that every summer, on my birthday weekend, people tend to go away for bachelor and bachelorette parties and my birthday is sparsely attended at best.


Staff member
So glad I skipped dinner and fireworks at Jake's parents' house. He suggested I stay home and rest up for the days ahead, which was nice. But also, his mom is apparently acting crazier than usual tonight. I keep getting texts about how she's crying at everything, snapping at her husband over seemingly harmless comments, and insulting his sister in law's food. Glad in not there.

She can be very nice, but also hard to be around. She has no life outside of TV and her sons. So when the boys moved out, she just became this sad, stagnant person. If you ever can't come over when she wants you to, she tries to make you feel guilty.
You HAD to go to Minnesota, didn't you, Ryan?

Did the Brett Favre saga not teach you ANYTHING?

Both him and Parise held the NHL hostage for four days and now this!

Talk about pissing your prospects of a Stanley Cup away so your fiance can spend your money at the Mall of America.
She has no life outside of TV and her sons. So when the boys moved out, she just became this sad, stagnant person. If you ever can't come over when she wants you to, she tries to make you feel guilty.
Sounds like my maternal grandmother. I think she was the entire reason why my parents never left New Jersey.


Staff member
Sounds like my maternal grandmother. I think she was the entire reason why my parents never left New Jersey.
And that's just ridiculous. I asked my mom about that when I moved away for college, just asked how it felt to have an empty house. She said she missed us, but she was happy we grew up to be pretty successful adults. Also she talked about all the new things she wanted to try with her free time. That's a healthier attitude.
Cajungal - That's my mom's attitude. I could never see her trying to guilt me into moving back to NJ if it wasn't something Mr. Wasabi and I wanted. Of course she and my dad miss us, but they know all too well what it's like to live next to a person who has no life outside of her immediate family. It also makes me glad they both have friends and activities they are involved in. Sometimes it does get frustrating when I'm trying to reach them and they are constantly out, but I would hate for them to be like my grandmother and two of my great-aunts (my grandmom's sisters). Their days revolved around their "stories" on tv and listening to the police scanner.


Staff member
Heh, same. Some nights I call home and for the 3rd time they're at some party... But that's much better. The most frustrating part of all this is that she gets resentful about not being able to take part in some conversations. If she'd crack a book or learn to ask people questions, she might be able to. But instead, so *we* don't feel like jerks, we often have to put a stop to someone's interesting stories so we can hear more about her dog roe whatever stupid show she's DVRing now. OH and tonight she cried because her oldest son no longer cares for the same kind of birthday cake as he did when he was 5. I've never been a mom, so I don't know, but that seems weird. Menopause I guess.


Staff member
Today I noticed that Chrome with a single tab open takes up more than twice as much ram as Firefox with 16 tabs open.


Well this is more a major rant but I am too tired to go searching for it. Or I just don't care enough any more I guess.

My sister got arrested for shop lifting yesterday. She stole a soda.
That means that after nearly two years of dealing with drug/alcohol recovery, busting her ass to stay clean, the daily struggles and the major pitfalls she is very likely now to go to prison for ten years over a fucking soda.

Yeah. So I am at the point where all I can say is whatever. She does not care. At least she doesn't react in a way that any human being could conclude as caring. If I were facing ten years in prison I would be going insane with worry, regret and just plain freaking out. The day of she called my mom to complain because she was hungry and since she is now under house arrest she has nothing to eat. I would have said tough shit? whose fault is that? but my mom ordered her a pizza.

Today my mom was talking to her about how it won't be that much different. She will be back here in Pierre, living in the prison, working at mcdonalds (sense the massive sarcasm?) my sister said- i'd rather work at arbys. (totally serious).

that's it. In response to the prospect of being in prison and only getting to go out to work at fastfood restaurants her only reply is, "I'd rather work at arbys"

Hands.. we are washing them....