[Rant] Minor Rant III: For a Few Hollers More


Staff member
Argh, I hate it when I get sucked up by other people looking for something to be offended by.

Latest offended headline buzzing around the internet "Nancy Drew series declined by CBS because it's 'too female'", with the expected hyperbole of "OMG, doesn't CBS know that women watch TV?", and "I'm glad Supergirl is moving to the WB, if this is what CBS thinks of women", and "You'd never hear a show called 'too male'".

I'll admit, I got sucked right into this one, and texted a few friends about what a stupid reason for passing on a show it was... Until I decided to read more.

1. CBS didn't say "too female" a reporter talking about rumors phrased it that way.
2. The market research showed it "skewed too female", not that the show was somehow too feminine.
3. The show that beat out Drew for that slot was "Doubt", which also happens to co-star Laverne Cox making it "the first broadcast series in which a transgender series regular character is played by a transgender performer." So CBS didn't exactly go with a safe, conservative white male choice in shows.
4. The same reporter who talked about Drew being "too female" also has talked about shows being "too male".

Ugh, I got suckered in by the hype, and it's so wrong.
In today's episode of Stupid Clients, Stupid Translation Software...

Clients: Hey, we've heard about this really cool new translation software suite, and we'd like you to use it for the translation case we're giving you.

Us: Well... okay, but the new translation software suite is known to be rather user-unfriendly, are you sure you want to use it?

Clients: Yes, we're sure.

The client then proceeds to send us the wrong files, in the wrong file formats, with the wrong contents, and when we finally manage to get the right files, they turn out to be local files when the translation is entirely server-based.

Us: Hey client guys? All this hassle of getting the software to work seems to be more trouble than it's worth. How about we use the older, more accessible translation program instead?

Clients: No, we insist on using this new software, because it's new and it's awesome and we thought you guys were a tech-literate translation company. Just because we all wasted a day getting the software right doesn't mean it's not worth using! Also, don't miss the deadline for the translation otherwise we're going to slash your fee.

Us: Well... okay, we'll do what we can. And by "we" we mean we're going to make the editor handle everything.

Editor (Me): Fuck everything and everyone on this forsaken planet.
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This is the part where you tack on the "wasting my time fee, " the "wasting my fucking time fee," the "wasting the IT departments fucking time fee," and the "you're going to pay all these extra fees or we'll warn every other translation company in town about you and then you'll be up shit creek fee."
I have had a rough few days pain wise and considered going to the ER last night. We have an 811 service so I called it looking for some advice.

Phone nurse: What seems to be the problem?

Me: I have Ankylosing Spondylitis and I'm having new, horrible pain through my current meds.

Phone nurse: Which ankle did you hurt?


I mean really!
This is the part where you tack on the "wasting my time fee, " the "wasting my fucking time fee," the "wasting the IT departments fucking time fee," and the "you're going to pay all these extra fees or we'll warn every other translation company in town about you and then you'll be up shit creek fee."
How do you translate "extortion?"

I have had a rough few days pain wise and considered going to the ER last night. We have an 811 service so I called it looking for some advice.

Phone nurse: What seems to be the problem?

Me: I have Ankylosing Spondylitis and I'm having new, horrible pain through my current meds.

Phone nurse: Which ankle did you hurt?


I mean really!
Squidleybits: my stepsister has that. She used to be taller than me. She hasn't been for quite some time.

Hugs to ya hon (I'm on mobile atm so can't do the clicky thing)


Staff member
Deja vu! Just like the production file server did last year, the CPU heatsink on our internal webserver has physically broken free of its motherboard mounts.

A plague on the house of whoever designed the Socket 478 architecture to rely on spring-loaded tension on a PLASTIC mount to keep a heat sink in place.
Deja vu! Just like the production file server did last year, the CPU heatsink on our internal webserver has physically broken free of its motherboard mounts.

A plague on the house of whoever designed the Socket 478 architecture to rely on spring-loaded tension on a PLASTIC mount to keep a heat sink in place.
And whoever thought RDRAM was a good long-term solution.

I have had a rough few days pain wise and considered going to the ER last night. We have an 811 service so I called it looking for some advice.

Phone nurse: What seems to be the problem?

Me: I have Ankylosing Spondylitis and I'm having new, horrible pain through my current meds.

Phone nurse: Which ankle did you hurt?


I mean really!
Wow, I knew you had a chronic pain disorder, but I didn't know it was AS. My father has it (his spine is now fully fused) and I have the genetic marker for it, though I've never presented any symptoms worse than just minor arthritis.

I've actually never met anyone else that even knew what it was.
Second appointment for mom's knee. her kneecap is *really* not where it should be. The doctor she saw today will consult with the doctor she saw on Thursday, and a third doctor she's seen at the same office. Surgery will not be easy, but it is likely.

I've stopped bitching about her taking so long to get seen about the knee. She was told by the same doctors to get the shoulders done first. Now is about as early as possible to get the knee fixed.

Should have further word by Friday.
I am currently in limbo about my job status - not "employment" status, but "working" status.

Because of my hip/back issues, my employer stated they could only accommodate me for four weeks on "light duty" (aka "we won't order you to work more than eight like we usually do"). That ended yesterday. I'm not scheduled to see my doctor until next Wednesday to be taken off light duty.

I put in for FMLA to cover the time between yesterday and then. Guess what happened to the paperwork.
Wow, I knew you had a chronic pain disorder, but I didn't know it was AS. My father has it (his spine is now fully fused) and I have the genetic marker for it, though I've never presented any symptoms worse than just minor arthritis.

I've actually never met anyone else that even knew what it was.
It's only recently that I've met other people with it. It's not very common. The nurse on the phone isn't the first medical professional who hadn't been aware of it. He was the most brutal though for sure.
I start with Remicade infusions this week. I hope they are what finally works.
After further review, the family decision is to wait on the car. Wait until vacation is over, wait until more (any) money can be saved up, and wait until we can do a trade-in. Even if we could come up with the funds before I left for New York, pulling it off was still going to be a logistical nightmare. There weren't enough safeguards to make sure I could get myself and my stuff back home if something got delayed with the car. And the Aerio was the only car I had looked at after the Crown Vic because it was a known quantity. I haven't yet considered anything else.

Really, the only disappointment is not "getting" to drive out of NYC on the way home. Sigh. One day. One day...


Staff member
It depends on when. Manhattan's actually not too bad outside of rush hour. The LIE on the other hand...
And then there were none.

Today we took Angel (on matching couch, staring at camera) in for what would become his last vet appointment. We took him in last month because he was getting skinnier than what we would expect even though we knew he was 19yrs of age. In the picture, he (and also Keth, the black one next to the candle stands) both weighed about 20-25lb (10-ish kg). In summer of 2008 (pic is from 2007), he developed a lipoma just over his left eye which (because we couldn't afford surgery) grew until it hung down, blocking his vision. Fortunately the base of it was narrow enough that we were able to successfully ligate it ourselves, and the only souvenir he retained from this ordeal was a mostly hairless spot about the size of a headphone port above his left eye. He then survived another 8 years without any further complications (outlasting all of the other 5) until last month, when he weighed a scant 9-1/2lb (<5kg) and we took him in to discover that his kidneys were having trouble doing their job, a not unexpected thing in a cat that old. We immediately changed his diet to a renal support formula (less nitrogen), and he gained back about a pound over the next week. However, over the last handful of days, he'd been getting wobbly, and last night was the first time in EVER that he didn't come to sleep with us, so we took him in today to find that his kidney function...hadn't really changed much at all, BUT his blood glucose had risen to about 650 (which does explain the weakness in his hindquarters). For those who haven't experienced diabetes, anything > 120 or so is considered excessive, the highest blood sugar level of the day isn't supposed to exceed 300, and here he was cruising along at over twice that much. The vet did say that recovery was still possible, though expensive and not likely, and even if it were 100% successful, he might gain another six months to a year of life, though there was no guarantee as to the quality of that life*.

And so we decided that this would be his last day on earth, and there were some tears shed, but to me this cat has always been more of a friend than a family member, so it was nowhere near as traumatic of an event, and now we have arrived at a time when there are no cats living in the house. And as I went around, emptying the litterbox one final time, picking up the cat dishes, and breaking down the cat furniture, I realized that this will be the first time since March 1994 that I haven't had any cats in the house, and that the period between May 1991 - March 1994 has in fact been the only cat-free portion of my life (not counting college). People (especially our son*) have already started asking me how soon I will be filling this void, but for now I think we will benefit from taking a respite from the responsibility. Yes, it is almost a guarantee that we will again take a pet into our home in the future, but for now, we will wait for things to settle down before we take on any new family members.

*Feel free to weigh in on this, @Enresshou
**who, strangely enough, seemed to take this entirely in stride. Yay for nature shows, I guess.
Not sure if this should be a rant or a victory, because it's kind of good news.

Mom got a call back from the orthopedist's office. They want to do the knee surgery on either the 9th or 10th of next month, with a preliminary hospital visit on the 3rd. My trip to NYC is scheduled for the morning of... the 11th.

My orders are to go ahead and go on the trip as planned. My sister plans to be in town while mom is in the hospital. The intention is to go to HealthSouth for initial rehab as an inpatient just after the surgery to make it easier on all involved once she gets back to the house.


Staff member
Oh look at that, we emailed the big boss another either-or question that he obviously didn't read and replied "yes."

This is a minor rant due to circumstances: Got a Car Camcorder DVR (aka the "dashcam") for my car, via Groupon. $25, uses a microSD card, looks decent.

Got it pretty quick, and was looking forward to getting it installed.

And then... I took a look at the User Manual.

@bhamv3, if you company did the translation for this manual, you should fire yourselves.
The car DVR is easy to be installed, only need to firm the device onto the windscreen, connect the USB car charger to the car power, and hide the cables.
Now, for the cost, I kinda expected cut-rate translation, but really?