Krisken's art stuff, previously all 40k miniatures

Emper-wha? :D

It shows up much brighter in the image due to the crappy camera I have. Either it will be too bright from the flash, or it will be too dark without it. I'll try to take some images outside when it gets nicer out. I'm sure the model won't seem quite so... bright.
I'm still going to be posting end results here, but I thought I would update everyone that I created a website specifically to help people create vehicles and the like for Warhammer 40K.

Scratch Built 40K

I have my introductory post up plus the first part of a tutorial on how to make your own Space Marine Rhino. I hope some of you will stop by and check it out!
Thanks Ash! I hope the directions I'm giving are easy to understand and follow. If anything seems confusing or out of place, let me know, ok?

I'm thinking of doing 3 updates a week, with 1 being a non-tutorial post. Maybe I'll make it Mon/Wed/Fri schedule.
Hey man, your reaching to the choir about their prices. $15 dollars for shipping if the package is worth less than $30?! Fuck that.
It's pretty ridiculous, and quite frankly, mind boggling. I don't understand what they hope to achieve by pricing Australia and Canada right out of the game. Internet purchases from overseas is already cheaper, and with the price increases it only became more obvious to the players. I just don't see how those two markets will be able to cope with the price gouging.

Consider it gamer solidarity :)
Here we have the final tutorial piece on the Scratch Built Rhino up at Scratch Built 40K

Also been making Obliterators, which look something like this so far...

There will be more detail (and work on the red to make it less.... bright). Should be interesting when finished!
You're spot on! I also have the shoulder pads, arms, and the leg from the old metal Daemon Prince model. Each of the hands sticking out are from the chaos sprues.
I do plan to flesh-tone it a bit more on the skin and do some highlighting on the pale green areas yet. The brownish border has been mutating to a dark green (more in line with Death Guard) and after I receive it this week I will be adding rust effects to the entire army in patches on the metal bits. I simply can't wait to get it!

Thanks for commenting, OC! :)
New post up at Scratch Built 4ok.

I just want to take the time to say thanks to everyone who has been checking in on the blog. I have a poll up with options on thoughts of the blog, and it is anonymous, so any input would be greatly appreciated. I know the tutorial posts are kinda dry, so I'm trying to find a way to spice them up a bit. Thanks all :)
Ok, because I like you guys, here are the images for the finished Blight Drones, Vindicator, and Rhinos. They are very nice.
It really is some great stuff. I used it on 3 blight drones, 2 rhinos, and a vindicator and barely used any of the stuff. It was absolutely worth every penny!
haha, I can see that! I initially wasn't going to cover all the metal bits with the rust stuff, but it just seemed so appropriate when I saw how it looked on the test drone.