[Question] If you could change 1 person's mind about something...

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Well, it's already been assumed by multiple people in this thread that Jesus was both real AND had mystical powers.
Well, I do believe the correct term would be "miracles"? (I did remember something from Bible studies back in the days)
Without Jesus, it isn't Christianity, so that's kind of a pointless question.
Well, this is just a though experiment, but I don't think it's entirely pointless. Other so-called prophets would rise and fall. Does one of them essentially take Jesus's place? Would his followers turn him into the Messiah, as it has been accused of Jesus's followers? Would what follows approximate Christianity as we know it, or would it never gain traction?


Staff member
Well, this is just a though experiment, but I don't think it's entirely pointless. Other so-called prophets would rise and fall. Does one of them essentially take Jesus's place? Would his followers turn him into the Messiah, as it has been accused of Jesus's followers? Would what follows approximate Christianity as we know it, or would it never gain traction?
Given that there have been numerous others who claimed to be the Christ at various points in history, many around the same time as Jesus of Nazareth... I'm going to go with "never gain traction", because that's exactly what happened in all other cases.


Po-TAY-to, po-TAH-to.

I'd probably try to change the Pope's mind about homosexuality. I'd love to read that headline.

Regardless, the world is gonna fuck itself up one way or the other, one opinion isn't going to change that.
Well, this is just a though experiment, but I don't think it's entirely pointless. Other so-called prophets would rise and fall. Does one of them essentially take Jesus's place? Would his followers turn him into the Messiah, as it has been accused of Jesus's followers? Would what follows approximate Christianity as we know it, or would it never gain traction?
Well, it probably wouldn't gain traction, but what I mean is that if there was no "the Christ", it wouldn't be "Christ-ianity", and it follows that, since the apostles were followers of Christ, if there were no Christ, the apostles wouldn't have met or associated together, hence no nucleus for a new religion to form around. For that matter, without the koine of Latin or Greek, the rabbi and carpenter Jesus of Nazareth would have been a local folklore figure at best, since his teachings simply wouldn't have spread through cultural barriers - a unified trade language let word of his lessons and actions spread throughout the region. Actually, without the persecution by the Romans supplying the oppressive authority, he would have been a disruptive teacher among others and very possibly been forgotten in time, except as a footnote in some religious scholarly records. No crucifixion means no martyrdom and resurrection, meaning no Christianity.

Islam probably wouldn't be all that different as a system of belief, since it is derived from the Old Testament. The following conflict between Western Christianity and Middle Eastern Islam, however, might be very different. If the Romans had never adopted Christianity, the Germanic Tribes would never have converted, and so Europe would be an absolute mess of pantheons with purely local concerns. The unifying force of Islam might very well have found fertile ground for their religion there.
Well, Christ is essentially a title, not a proper name, correct? Any prophet could have called himself the Christ. The question is how well would it stick. Also, the concept of Christ was around before Jesus was ambling about (afaik; If I'm wrong then disregard this, I suck cocks), so even without Jesus, there is the possibility of Christianity in some form or another.


Well, Christ is essentially a title, not a proper name, correct? Any prophet could have called himself the Christ. The question is how well would it stick. Also, the concept of Christ was around before Jesus was ambling about (afaik; If I'm wrong then disregard this, I suck cocks), ....
i forgot what the rest of this thread is about now.
I would change my mother's mind about the need to take me to a psychologist and put me on antidepressants when I was a teenager. I don't know if it would have made me a better person but perhaps I would have been someone I liked more.
My friend Mike's mind about the 'wisdom' of allowing people to conceal/carry wherever he would choose. Right now he's freaking out about the businesses (including banks, calling them leftist fucks, etc) that put up signs asking customers to not bring weapons into their place of business.
I'd like to change my own mind about a lot of things. When I was in Tianjin, I was talking to a british friend of mine about how I was having a discussion/argument over Chinese politics and government. He said "Man, you are SO American, why do you feel the need to start int he first place?"

I thought about it, and he was right in a way. However, I've never convinced myself not to push points that I feel are valid, regardless of the response I'd get. There are times when i should shut my mouth, but I always find a reason to go on. So I'd like to change my own mind.
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