[Question] If you could change 1 person's mind about something...

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If you could change 1 person's mind about a specific subject, whose mind would you change and what subject would it be on?

Personally, I'd be hard pressed as I'd have to figure out which person is most influential in the debate as to whether or not corporations should be taxed at a lower rate. As some of you may know, the 12 congressmen are at an impasse regarding the lowering of $1.2 trillion from our budget. The sticking point? Republicans want the tax rate lowered for the top tier and for them to get tax cuts. This seems to me to be the stupidest thing ever and I'd like to bitchslap one of them into changing sides.

Either that or I'd make my wife a gamer.
Echoing Charlie, Scarlett's decision not to post on Halforums. I think she'd make an excellent addition and we should actively recruit her.


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She'd read this thread and be instantly creeped out. Of course, Calleja would come back...


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Pfft, that's easy - I'd change the sultan of Brunei's decision to not give me half his fortune.

Then I can change EVERYONE'S mind about whatever I want.


I would change the mind of Warren Buffet to give me a grant of 10 million dollars just cause ;)
Wouldn't he just find another minority to cast as the enemy of the state to bring about his rise to power?
He hated all minorities equally. The Jewish and those of Jewish descent were the easiest to target at first, though, because people already had a dislike of them. From there it was simply his version of the perfect human (ie, eugenics). Anyone not fit to model as adonis was disenfranchised, and many more than just Jewish ended up in concentration camps.

The thing is, though, that without Hitler, I don't know that Germany wouldn't have done what it did - perhaps on a different scale, but even the UK and America were taking concrete steps toward a "better race" by adopting options such as sterilization of people not "fit" to have children.

Without the stark example provided by Hitler, we may today think eugenics is a reasonable way to speed up human evolution.
So many options:

The United States Military's mind on allowing me full access to certain facilities. (Oh the fun I would have)

The United Nation's stance on detonating Nuclear weapons. (Full Nuclear War can only benefit me at this point)

are the first two off the top of my head.


Staff member
Shego, both this answer and your answer over in the "how would you die" thread have been breaking the thread's rules (the other one said "no of old age/in 40 years, yours was essentially being murdered by your successor in 40 years). The US Military is not "one person." The United nations is not "one person." You get to choose ONE person to change their mind on ONE thing.

Because, by *your* rules, my "one thing" would be to change the mind of "the people of earth's decision to NOT shoot themselves in the head." Sloppy.
You're right, I'm half ass answering these between dealing with idiot people coming into my office.

That is my formal appology. There will be a package in the mail to truly explain glad I am you pointed that out.


He'd still be famous. That water to wine trick would kill at parties.

Ooo and then he'd have been killed by the wine producers association.


I'd have convinced Hitler to keep at his artistic career instead. Because fuck why not?
He hated all minorities equally. The Jewish and those of Jewish descent were the easiest to target at first, though, because people already had a dislike of them. From there it was simply his version of the perfect human (ie, eugenics). Anyone not fit to model as adonis was disenfranchised, and many more than just Jewish ended up in concentration camps.

The thing is, though, that without Hitler, I don't know that Germany wouldn't have done what it did - perhaps on a different scale, but even the UK and America were taking concrete steps toward a "better race" by adopting options such as sterilization of people not "fit" to have children.

Without the stark example provided by Hitler, we may today think eugenics is a reasonable way to speed up human evolution.
Well, that certainly takes the piss out of my answer.

In that case, I'd make Bill O'Reilly a bleeding heart liberal. But only after he becomes a well-known conservative pundit.


Staff member
Well, hell, if we're truly doing the religious time travel thing, then I'd convince Adam to kill Eve instead of f^$@ing her. Or vice versa, it works out the same.
Possibly. You gotta figure someone's gonna fill the vacuum. But then how successful would Christianity be? How would it impact Islam? And so on, and so forth.
Christianity was successful because the Emperor Constantine needed to stabilize the rash of sectarian disputes that were breaking out, and by establishing an official state religion and orthodoxy, he was able to institute order with himself as it's head.


Well, hell, if we're truly doing the religious time travel thing, then I'd convince Adam to kill Eve instead of f^$@ing her. Or vice versa, it works out the same.
Religious time travel to fictional events?
Christianity was successful because the Emperor Constantine needed to stabilize the rash of sectarian disputes that were breaking out, and by establishing an official state religion and orthodoxy, he was able to institute order with himself as it's head.
Okay, but without Jesus, does Christianity ever get large enough to warrant attention?
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