Export thread

I know it's the intention that counts...




But Morphine totally screwed me over with her gift... a kitty!? With like a bow and stuff!? I feel my manliness dropping every time I post seeing that thing there!

No but seriously, that thing is an eyesore, and I can't find how to get rid of it... is there a way to get rid of it?



What are you, Vigo the Carpathian?




Third story window?

Garbage Disposal?


Oh, I thought she gave you an actual cat...




Quick, somebody buy this man a valentine heart, a barbie doll, and a big pink fluffy bunny.




She could have gotten me a stormtrooper for the same price... but nooooo, she insists it's "all she could afford".

I think she's trying to turn me into a girl.

And she calls herself my friend :humph:



It is a cat! how can you not like cats? I'm allergic so I don't like them.



Frankie Williamson

Yeah, if a friend gave me a cat, I would assume it was a subtle way of them telling me they want me to die slowly.




I like MY cat... but I'm not a cat person by a loooong shot. I actually pretty much dislike cats. Abbey, my cat, is the only one that's won me over.

Plus, this one has like a little girly bow thing and... I hate it so much! :angry:




I want a kitteh too :<




You could sure as hell have mine if I knew how the hell to get rid of it!




You could sure as hell have mine if I knew how the hell to get rid of it!
There are two ways to get rid of a gift showing up on your profile.

1) Wait until the update comes out. Don't know when that's gonna be.

2) Buy 3 more gifts to force it out of the space. It only shows the last 3 gifts given. Yes, you can buy gifts for yourself.

Or thank her for the kitty and move on. I think Calleja has been getting grumpy lately. Maybe he's going through Mexipause.




or maybe i'm, y'know, blowing off some harmless steam while waiting for my grandma to die. If morphine is ok with my whining, why the fuck are you complaining?






There we go. Much better.

Hope you enjoy your new gifts!




Here, Calleja. Would you feel more manly with this cat?




First: I'm sorry your grandmother is dieing.

Second: Seriously, you're making a thread whining about a gift your friend gave you. Just how full of yourself are you? You are a whiny Mexican man-child.




I have no words. I'm not even sure if the thread is a real complaint or an attempt at attention.



I have no words. I'm not even sure if the thread is a real complaint or an attempt at attention.
What could possibly give that away?




I have no words. I'm not even sure if the thread is a real complaint or an attempt at attention.

consider this, then consider who made the thread.


Element 117



Have you considered that it might be slightly tongue-in-cheek? Not meant to be taken as entirely serious?




Ohhhh, for a while there I thought you were talking about a real live kitten. :D




Have you considered that it might be slightly tongue-in-cheek? Not meant to be taken as entirely serious?
Nope, I hadn't thought it could be tongue-in-cheek. I suppose that is a third option.



Still, he'd better be damn well appreciative of the hearts and flowers I gave him.




For the record I appreciate that you gave him those hearts and flowers. They go so well with Morphine's kitten.




I was hoping for an army of kitties. A flurry of furry fury.




Everything I do is usually tongue in cheek, Morphine gave the gift to tease me too... but then morons like Baerdog ruin it all and just piss me off.

Thanks for the laugh, though, Soliloquy




Yeah, Baer, ya big jerk. Taking words at face value. Don't be a dick!




Mex, are you uncertain about your masculinity or something? Seriously, it's just a kitty. A real man wouldn't complain! A real man would be a man even if he were dressed in a pink tutu! Because he is comfortable with his sexuality!! :p

And in case someone took that seriously, I was just joking.




Sorry to hear about your troubles. But seriously, man! I just wanted to use the phrase "Mexipause" ever since I thought of it.




kittekittekittekitteeeeeeh =DDD

Thanks mak




Morphine gave me the kitty gift to tease me playfully cause she knew I needed the laugh. I was playing along. That's all this thread was. You people turned that into something that actually pissed me off.

That's my cue to take a break from the forums. An extended one.




Calleja, I think you are taking this way too seriously. I think it has to do with your emotional state. We're funnin' with you, man.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

Calleja is the only male user that would make a thread to complain that Morphine gave him a little pussy.




Calleja is the only male user that would make a thread to complain that Morphine gave him a little pussy.


General Specific

General Specific

Calleja is the only male user that would make a thread to complain that Morphine gave him a little pussy.



kittekittekittekitteeeeeeh =DDD

Thanks mak
you better be happy I had to post whore like your mom to get the damn halbucks for it.





I just want to say that this hasn't been the first time that Calleja's come onto the forum and seemed like he was whining about really minor shit. This week in particular it seemed like he's been doing it a lot and I felt like somebody needed to call him on it.

From the great deal of reputation I've received from my previous post, it seems like a lot of other people feel the same way.


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

This week in particular it seemed like he's been doing it a lot and I felt like somebody needed to call him on it.
Yeah, I guess the imminent death of his grandmother may have nothing to do with this increase...




Morphine gave me the kitty gift to tease me playfully cause she knew I needed the laugh. I was playing along. That's all this thread was. You people turned that into something that actually pissed me off.

That's my cue to take a break from the forums. An extended one.
For my part, Calleja, I was just joking. As I believe most people are in this thread.

If you think you need a break from us, take it. I for one, though, sincerely hope that it won't be an extended one. Call me strange, but I always get a smile on my lips when I hear about your last zany adventure. Hell, I'm not the most sociable of people, but I'd buy you a beer right away. I think this forum would be a poorer place without you.

Take care, ystävä...



If people are upset about something they can go to the drama thread and talk about it. That doesn't excuse bad behavior.




This week in particular it seemed like he's been doing it a lot and I felt like somebody needed to call him on it.
Yeah, I guess the imminent death of his grandmother may have nothing to do with this increase...[/QUOTE]
That doesn't fly with my as an excuse for his behavior. Do you want to know why? When I was 5 years old my paternal grandfather died of congestive heart failure. When I was 14 my mother was killed in a car accident. A year or two after that, my maternal great-grandmother died of pancreatic cancer that metastasized literally everywhere. When I was 18 my paternal grandmother died of complications of a bladder infection and, quite frankly, also being old. Last February my uncle blew his brains out in the parking lot of a hospital, leaving behind an invalid wife and two, thankfully grown, sons. The only one I actually got to say goodbye to was my grandmother and by that time she was barely cognizant anyway.

Everybody has their issues. Everybody has had family members die. Some people have had many more family members die than others. I've had to deal with a lot of death and other serious issues in my family and not once have I used that as an excuse for my behavior. NOT. ONCE. I will admit that I at times get sensitive, especially regarding my mom, but I do not go around acting like a prat and then blame it on the fact that I had a family member die. I absolutely hate when people do that. It's a pathetic, juvenile excuse. Calleja playing the "my grandma is dying" card did more to undermine his masculinity than any number of gift kittens would.

Grieving with family and friends is essential and at no point in this post do I mean to imply otherwise. For me the biggest part of dealing with grief is just having people to talk to about it. For Calleja it may be different but I hope he finds something. However, once you grieve you put your shoulder back to the wheel and you continue to press forward. A true man owns up to his actions. He takes responsibility for how he acts, for what he does, and he soldiers on.




Oh my gosh people. Even I could tell he was being a little silly and trying to take his mind off things.

Geeze. :/

This thread is done, we don't need a "pile on" anyone thread, especially when they are dealing with loss.
