HF Confessions (Anonymous or Otherwise)

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HF Anonymous Confessions

Freakin awesome idea. I'll have to start thinkin'.

I propose one rule: Don't guess whose secrets are whose.
HF Anonymous Confessions

The best secrets are the ones you don't have to think about, but rather, have been gnawing at your conscious for years and just waiting for an outlet.....
HF Anonymous Confessions

I guess the one I sent was deemed not to be real.
Or it could just be that no one with access to the account is awake. It's 4:46am where I'm at and it's clearly going to be earlier in the central and western parts of the US. Give them until the morning.
HF Anonymous Confessions

Goooooooooooood morning vieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet-halforums

I often think that all the emotional pain and mental anguish I've had to deal with in my life has stunted my growth into an adult. I know overcoming ordeals is supposed to make you stronger as a person, but I can't seem to let go of all the pain in my life, even though I feel that doing it would help me move on in my life. It feels like the Pain is all I have and if I let it go, I'll have nothing. I just don't know what to do anymore... I always feel worthless and anything that I DO accomplish just makes me feel hollow, like I should have been able to do it much sooner.
While I respect the quality of the movie, I do not like the Godfather.
*struggling not to say anything*

I have forgotten how to speak in sign language.
Every so often, I wish I was gay. One of my best friends of all time is a homosexual man, and we get along so well. I love him more than most other human beings I've ever known.

But every so often, when I try to think of him romantically, or sexually, it just doesn't go. I can't do it. And I'm fine that I could never go there. I don't feel bad for being straight, but it feels like we would have the fairytale relationship, if only I could think of him that way.
I want to see if a seriously deep dicking will turn Shego straight.

I'm tired. I can't remember the last time I wasn't tired. And I'm scared of the world ahead. Its bleak and empty, odds are I'll be a paper pusher all my life, my life will amount to nothing. Just another link in the chain of bureaucracy.
I'm so tired, but I'm holding out. I just don't know why for.
I feel the same way some times.

I miss Chaz a bit. We didn't agree much, but I actually enjoyed reading his posts most of the time.
I can never fathom how people justify being such DICKS to each other. Or how they can somehow feel justified enough to defend their dickishness.

It's as though the untold millenia worth of philosophers and religious figures were all for naught.
I'm a Christian. I believe that the purpose of life involves serving God.

But during my long philosophical musings, I sometimes wonder if we've slightly overestimated God's power. If He were the tiniest bit less than omnipotent, everything would make so much more sense.
HF Anonymous Confessions

I'm gonna say kudos to Charlie though, he does make a good secret teller when he tries.

Thanks for being "The Voice" Charlie. Oh, and you need to sleep more, it's like 5am over here!
HF Anonymous Confessions

Most frightening words you could have ever used against me.

On the other hand, I've slept 4hrs in the past 72. :twisted: So who am I to demand others to sleep.
HF Anonymous Confessions

I often think that all the emotional pain and mental anguish I've had to deal with in my life has stunted my growth into an adult. I know overcoming ordeals is supposed to make you stronger as a person, but I can't seem to let go of all the pain in my life, even though I feel that doing it would help me move on in my life. It feels like the Pain is all I have and if I let it go, I'll have nothing. I just don't know what to do anymore... I always feel worthless and anything that I DO accomplish just makes me feel hollow, like I should have been able to do it much sooner.
While I respect the quality of the movie, I do not like the Godfather.
I have forgotten how to speak in sign language.
Every so often, I wish I was gay. One of my best friends of all time is a homosexual man, and we get along so well. I love him more than most other human beings I've ever known.

But every so often, when I try to think of him romantically, or sexually, it just doesn't go. I can't do it. And I'm fine that I could never go there. I don't feel bad for being straight, but it feels like we would have the fairytale relationship, if only I could think of him that way.
I'm tired. I can't remember the last time I wasn't tired. And I'm scared of the world ahead. Its bleak and empty, odds are I'll be a paper pusher all my life, my life will amount to nothing. Just another link in the chain of bureaucracy.
I'm so tired, but I'm holding out. I just don't know why for.
I miss Chaz a bit. We didn't agree much, but I actually enjoyed reading his posts most of the time.
I miss him too. :(

I can never fathom how people justify being such DICKS to each other. Or how they can somehow feel justified enough to defend their dickishness.

It's as though the untold millenia worth of philosophers and religious figures were all for naught.
I'm a Christian. I believe that the purpose of life involves serving God.

But during my long philosophical musings, I sometimes wonder if we've slightly overestimated God's power. If He were the tiniest bit less than omnipotent, everything would make so much more sense.
I wonder if I fucked myself over with this whole 'love and devotion' thing. I think I may have missed the boat on doing that one thing that would have made supremely happy but now I'm stuck in a spot where I'm happy sometimes just not in what I'm doing.

There's no way out either. No way I can easily do the things that would make me feel more complete.

I actually hate a friend of mine because they are living my dream right now.

Glad to see this is picking up. Will check the box again when I get home from work, but Chucky D might take over for me again.

HF Anonymous Confessions

I've never understood the point of "internet lying" as it's just a bunch of anonymous people for the most part. Unless you're an immature child who thinks that other people's online opinion of them holds any weight.

Being honest online is one of the best things I like about posting on the forum or talking to people in general. Those come down on me for being "a persona" are the exact kind of people who just don't "get it" about being online.

The best secrets are the ones you don't have to think about, but rather, have been gnawing at your conscious for years and just waiting for an outlet.....
And this! Damn, Shego's just full of being right.

Confessions should be an issue of peace with yourself and no one else. Anything you'd feel the need to hide even on the internet would probably qualify. I'm fairly open.
HF Anonymous Confessions

It's probably me reading between lines words that aren't there. I really need to not do crazy stuff like that!
You were serious? Dude. I don't hate you. Not even close.

Now Jay and Gusto, though...[/QUOTE]
Heh, just me being the dumb insecure dork at heart.

Now those two you have to keep an eye on. :spy::ninja:


HF Anonymous Confessions

I sometimes wonder if my family was right about me and it erodes at my self esteem.

Fuck anonymity.
HF Anonymous Confessions

A ressurection of the original style of confession threads? Now those were really interesting! :uhhuh:
HF Anonymous Confessions

No need for anonymity: Living through my wife being on two deployments was honestly, the second hardest thing I have ever had to do and it was a daily struggle to not be extremely depressed. Oddly enough, this place helped way more than anyone might think...
HF Anonymous Confessions

I think Halforums helps more than many people like to admit, including that one person whose confession was that s/he hates the people here or reading about us makes them feel better about themselves 'cause we all suck, blah blah blah.


HF Anonymous Confessions

I usually read threads than post in them hence why I'm not on the 'in group' with you guys including the last forum before we all moved from there to here.

I've got nothing to hide feel free to ask me any questions if this is the thread to do it in or another one.
HF Anonymous Confessions

I'm purposefully destroying myself, and while I know that isn't good, I don't care enough to do anything about it.
Yeah... Who knows, it might help to talk about it. Already anonymous on the internet, so what's the point?

There is a part of me that realizes that what I'm doing is self-destructive, but... it's just white noise on the edge of my consciousness. I'm in college for another 7 years, and then, 80 years after that, I'll be in a box in the ground. So what does it matter if I make some bad decisions now? In the end, it's all the same, and it's easier to just let it go.
HF Anonymous Confessions

I don't think I'll ever be a great writer. I'm happy, and I feel like that gets in my way somehow. My technique is excellent, but my words seem untrue. I don't know what to do. I wish I could say I wrote only for me (it is mostly for me) but the truth is I care. I want people to read what I've written and enjoy it in some way... laugh, cry, or find a simple moment of peace or enjoyment.

But I truly believe that it will never, ever happen for me.
I've been in love with one of my best friends since high school. I've told her how I feel but she doesn't feel the same way and just wants to be friends. It kills me on the inside because I have never met anyone else who is as cool, funny, and smart as she is and it makes me feel like I will be alone for the rest of my life.
I've had this too. And I thought it would never end until I fell in love with someone else. :)

I have an crush on a certain non-USA citizen here. He's sweet and warm. He reminds me of someone from years ago.
D'awwww. :)


HF Anonymous Confessions

We should create who has a crush on whom thread on fellow forumites here
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