Game IPs You Want More Of (Sequel, Remake, etc)

Today's game market seems to be all about bringing back old favourites or giving long forgotten games a second chance. Some of my favourite games growing up have already started coming back, like Shadowgate and Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Father. There's talk of a new Battletoads, too.

So what are some game IPs, old and/or forgotten that you'd love to see someone do a sequel to or at the very least, a remake?

Some of mine include:

Battletoads, as mentioned above, is apparently coming back. I want to be excited for this, but remain hesitant. Especially if it's Xbox exclusive as it sounds like it might.

Noctropolis was a very obscure adventure game that I don't think anyone but me remembers. It included some so incredibly hammy and over the top full-motion video, which just made it all the more entertaining for me. I've had an idea in my head for years for a sequel and if I had the connections or talent in creating a game, I'd totally do it.

Deja Vu: While I loved the Shadowgate remake, this is the game I'm dying to see remade.

The Uninvited: Also by the same developers as Deja Vu. If I had to choose, Deja Vu comes out way ahead, but I'd love to see this, too.

Full Throttle was definitely in my top ten favourite adventure games. It nearly got a sequel before the adventure game genre died and LucasArts put he kibosh on it. I'd love to see this remade and then get that promised sequel.

Friday the 13th: For years, with the growing popularity of horror games, I'd hoped someone might take the mechanics from the old NES game and make something similar. Last Year, which was recently Kickstarted, might just be that, but time will tell.

Nightshade: LOVED this game on NES, but it's another obscure one like Noctropolis that I swear I'm in the minority that remembers it.

Star Tropics: I remember this game being huge back in the day. Nintendo Power hyped the hell out of it as the next big coming game. And the first game was pretty good from what I recall. I don't think its sequel fared as well, though.
Yep. You're going to hear my favorites again.

Masters of Orion: I know Sins of a Solar Empire is the closest equivalent, but I want my Psilon/Silicoid/Klackon galaxy-wide murderfest back, dangit.

Age of Empires: AoE III almost got it right. Its biggest failing was its lack of a good random map generator. That's the reason I keep coming back to II more than III, the ability to generate a huge random map is crucial to offset the folks who memorize the ten stock maps and then exploit that knowledge.

Dungeon Keeper: The recent "remake" is complete and utter crap, and I'll be honest that I have no idea as to the status of War for the Overworld.

Black and White: I want a version that doesn't force me to have to manage a &$@*ing pet all the time!

The Last Guardian: They need to finish this already so I can play it.

Myst: Well, not Myst exactly, I just want more stuff by the Cyan team (wonder, lore, exploration, and untangling of mysteries) and less of the Presto/Journeyman Project stuff (random puzzles for puzzles' sake).



Staff member
Mega Man - This should go without saying, but we got to say it since Capcom is pretty much deaf to the fans.

Dungeon Keeper - That iOS piece of crap was insulting.

The World Ends With You - This one was too good not to have a sequel.

Puzzle Quest - I want a real sequel, not some iOS in-app purchase laden port.
X-Wing/Tie Fighter.

'Nuff said.

We still use it (in a heavily modded version) regularly in our Star Wars Larp campaign. A few years ago we even got assistance from one of the programmers after a friend asked him. He gave us hints how to make it run more smoothly and wrote a new file to help with the group set-up stuff (no idea, not a technician). We have a flyable frigate with 2 turrets under the control of a second player.

And always YES! for Full Throttle and more Full Throttle!
1. System Shock

2. Anything with Pirates that doesn't suck (EX: Sid Meier's Pirates, Sea Dogs 1)

3. KOTOR (no the MMO doesn't fucking count)

4. Baldur's Gate

5. Elder Scrolls (no once again the MMO doesn't fucking count)
Vagrant Story, though it's been spiritually succeeded by Demon/Dark Souls and Crimson Shroud.

And the only reason we haven't gotten another Elder Scrolls is because they are working on another Fallout game. They usually switch between the two.
There's been five of them. It's a long running series. I'm pretty sure we'll be getting more.
Yes. But not before a few years while still they attempt to salvage get some level of cash from their failing MMO.

They'll have Fallout 4 in 2016ish... then prolly an Elder Scroll game in 2019ish.

That's in 4 years... and Skyrim came out November 2011 (3+ years ago). So 7-8 years between the games.


They'll be at least 4 more Call of Duties, 7 more Assassin Creeds and 27 or so more Freddie Nights coming out before you'll step foot in another game of this series.


Staff member
You guys are covering a lot of my bases.

Dungeon Keeper - like you guys said, the mobile game is crap and doesn't count. I've got War for the Overworld but it still looks to be too alpha to buy, though supposedly it's launching in Feb? Urhmmm...

Xwing/Tie Fighter - heck yeah. Or failing that...

Descent Freespace - what took up the mantle when Xwing and Wing Commander sequels stopped coming out.

Carmageddon - ok, they ARE making a sequel to this, admittedly, and I'm a kickstarter backer. Development is coming along slowly, and it's still got major performance issues, but hopefully it squares up soon!

Interstate '76 - Interstate '82 was a flop, but I'd like to see a remake of the original. It was amazing for its time, using a Car Wars damage/combat model in a real-time game using the Mechwarrior 2 engine. It got "spiritual" sequels on consoles in the form of the Vigilante 8 games, but they... well, had Consolitis. A proper PC remake could be awesome.

Poker Night at the Inventory - you know, I actually find this to be a very relaxing couple of games to play, even if I'm not very good at poker.

Artificial Academy - :D Actually I'm serious about this... there needs to be a third one, but they need to move back toward what it was in AA1. AA2's models are less realistic and more gainax-ridiculous, and the character interactions seem less logical, at times almost random. While I like the dynamic introduced by including a teacher character, if it wasn't for the self-hate bug that eventually destroys saves, I'd still be doing HFA in AA1. Also there needs to be more male personalities and customization options. Though I might as well be asking for chocolate air, because we know who their primary demo is and what they want.
As has been said:
Dungeon Keeper (the iOS thing was an abomination)
Age of Empires (or, perhaps, Age of Mythology...though I preferred AoE over AoM)
XWing vs TIE Fighter
TES, but I want a remake/reskin/reiteration of Daggerfall or Morrowind at the latest, not Oblivion or Skyrim - I much preferred the earlier ones)

Startopia (yes, the starbase management sim)
Sim City (no, the last two "social" iterations don't count)
Majesty (I know, 2 was pretty much the same as 1 and worse, can hope)
Command and Conquer (RA3 and C&C4 were horrible "social" crap but one can hope)


Staff member
I loved startopia back in the day, too... I wonder how well the GOG version runs. I remember the config file being very editable, and thus support for higher resolutions was a breeze on XP. But it crashed trying to multiplayer, and I haven't tried it under 7...
Chrono Trigger: Aside from the music, I don't really count Chrono Cross. I really disliked the magic system in it, and there were only three dual techs among all of the characters. Make the battle system more similar to Trigger, and if they can come up with a similarly epic story, I'd be happy.

City of Heroes/Villains: I've heard of a fan-made one being produced, but I'd like a legit sequel that added to the already awesome character creator as well as updated and improved the game play and world of the original.

Def Jam Vendetta/Fight For New York: I like these fighting games because of how brutal and over-the-top they were. The third one was a wreck. If they could keep it in the same vein as the first two and improve upon the character customization, I think it would be a blast.
Legacy of Kain/ Soul Reaver, not this Nosgoth bullshit.

As already stated No One Lives Forever. HOW ARE THERE ONLY 2 GAMES?????

Sacrifice. God damn it did I love that game.
Gauntlet:Legends/Dark Legacy- I know there were Gauntlets before and after these, but these were, in my opinion, the best versions. I really wish they'd bring my lady-elf archer back. :(

Maximo- I'd buy a new Maximo game in a heartbeat.
Hell just do the entire Microprose catalog.
Wikipedia said:
Despite cuts, Spectrum Holobyte managed to line up several big name licenses, including Top Gun (Top Gun: Fire At Will), Magic: The Gathering (Magic: The Gathering), Star Trek: The Next Generation (A Final Unity, Birth of the Federation, Klingon Honor Guard) and MechWarrior (MechCommander, MechWarrior 3). Strategy game UFO: Enemy Unknown (X-COM: UFO Defense) proved to be an unanticipated hit in 1994, spawning multiple sequels. In 1996, Spectrum HoloByte/MicroProse bought out Simtex, earlier a developer of MicroProse-published bestsellers Master of Orion and Master of Magic. Simtex was rebranded as MicroProse Texas (Master of Orion II: Battle at Antares), based in Austin, Texas. Other MicroProse developed and/or published games during that period included 7th Legion, Addiction Pinball, AEGIS: Guardian of the Fleet, Civilization II, Dark Earth, F-15 Strike Eagle III, Fleet Defender, Grand Prix 2, Pizza Tycoon, Sid Meier's Colonization, Tinhead, Transport Tycoon, Ultimate Race Pro, X-COM: Apocalypse, X-COM: Interceptor and X-COM: Terror from the Deep.
I have no problem with this.

We almost did. It morphed into Valkryia Chronicles, a series great in it's own right.

Chrono Trigger: Aside from the music, I don't really count Chrono Cross. I really disliked the magic system in it, and there were only three dual techs among all of the characters. Make the battle system more similar to Trigger, and if they can come up with a similarly epic story, I'd be happy.
You mean 3 triple techs and 9 dual techs, not that ANY of them outside of X-Cut are any good. Personally, I rather like Chrono Cross'es story and feel it's the natural evolution of the complete time fucker they pulled in the first game. Why wouldn't alternate time lines try to prevent their deletion? Why wouldn't Lavos be able to fight back against the time manipulation? Isn't it what caused it to begin with? The story is plenty epic as is too... it just has a few problems. Namely how it treated character from the previous game and that it completely failed to do anything with half the cast.

I also dug the magic system... it really made normal physical attacks important instead of just turning the game into another "use nothing but spells" JRPG.


Staff member
I want NOLF and Star Trek: Voyager - Elite Force to be available for purchase, so that I can buy them and experience what I only got to play the demo of, back in the day.

As to what I want more of... Hmm...

- Indiana Jones and His Desktop Adventures / Yoda Stories - Maybe I just don't know of games that already fill this niche, but I want fun little randomly generated adventures that are designed to be completed in 10 - 20 minutes. I want something with rogue-like elements, but without the complexity or difficulty, just a fun little time waster with familiar characters.

- Grim Fandango - Only, I don't want any repeat characters (well, maybe a Glottis cameo). I want a new story, in a new era, in the land of the dead. Instead of Film Noir, maybe a Western, or an 80's Action movie, or a 50's beach movie. Mix the day of the dead with a new genre, and see what characters come from it.

- Half Life - 'nuff said.

There are a lot of other IPs I like, but I have a backlog of games as it is, so it's kind of hard for me to say that I want more, when I have too much as it is.
I'd like to see a remake of the first Final Fantasy Tactics. I LIVED that game when it came out. I'd love to see what they could do with all the horse-power at their disposal now.

I can't be the only one who wants a new Breath of Fire game, either.
As lame as it sounds... I'd dig another Police Quest game... one that gets away from the SWAT series and back to police procedures, in the vein of the first couple. I got excited as hell when I saw that Kings Quest was getting revisited, because I have hopes that they will bring back Jim Walls, once Kings Quest proves to be a success. He tried to kickstart a project called "Precinct," but it fell FAR short of it's funding goal... THAT'S my ostentatious lottery winning spending, funding something like that, in the same kind of vein as Tell-Tale's The Walking Dead, that requires split-second decisions, with consequences to the storyline, no matter your choices.
I would also love for Obsidian to take another shot at an Alpha Protocol game, but, you know, without the glitches and with better shooting mechanics. And maybe leave out that helicopter boss fight?
Another Legacy of Kain game

Koronis Rift and Rescue on Fractalus - basically, any old Lucasfilm game.

Centauri Alliance - another old school Interplay RPG like the original Bard's Tale (which, by the way, the remake of which should get a sequel)

REPUBLIC COMMANDO - it could segue naturally into IMPERIAL COMMANDO, be a GoW type cover-based shooter.
The REAL Spyro sequel. Acitvision, Insomiac, if you are monitoring my posts for some alien reason PLEASE work together! Only together can Spyro 4 be a reality! Also make the intro to it Toxic Avenger 4 style. "In the 90s, Spyro came onto the scene fighting all sorts of monsters to serve justice. Then- SIX rotten sequels were made! Yeah, sorry about htat folks. Here's the real sequel!"
I would also love for Obsidian to take another shot at an Alpha Protocol game, but, you know, without the glitches and with better shooting mechanics. And maybe leave out that helicopter boss fight?
I'd be down.

As lame as it sounds... I'd dig another Police Quest game... one that gets away from the SWAT series and back to police procedures, in the vein of the first couple. I got excited as hell when I saw that Kings Quest was getting revisited, because I have hopes that they will bring back Jim Walls, once Kings Quest proves to be a success. He tried to kickstart a project called "Precinct," but it fell FAR short of it's funding goal... THAT'S my ostentatious lottery winning spending, funding something like that, in the same kind of vein as Tell-Tale's The Walking Dead, that requires split-second decisions, with consequences to the storyline, no matter your choices.
This too!
Surprise, surprise, the cops want a new Police Quest game ;)

Seriously, though, I'd welcome a return of all the old Sierra adventure game franchises.