Game Change - HBO Sarah Palin Documentary

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Watched it last night. Despite the right wings typical white knight freakout about their Alaskan Princess, I actually came away from it feeling a little sorry for her. She was very obviously in over her head right from the start, and the movie just underscored that point. Her pivot to it being about celebrity to her more than country fits her actions nowadays to a tee.

Anyways, very interesting and worthwhile of a quick glance if you're a political aficianado. I will admit seeing Julianne Moore doing an amazing job of playing her is a bit jarring especially when Tina Fey shows up to play her as well.


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I've heard that it was well done and even though it showed Palin as quite the moron (which she is), the focus of the movie was more about the campaign and how they didn't do enough vetting. They really threw her to the wolves.


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Julianne Moore is definitely on my list of older ladies I definitely would.
A friend of mine back in high school coined a term for this sort of attraction to women of advancing years: "Hell yeah, I'd bust da crust!"

I like how the bloodhound gang said it too: "I'd fill the generation gap." or, "clean the cobwebs from her rafters"
I think the attraction is more around the fact that it shows that someone has looked after themselves in an adequate fashion. Looking at my wife for example, she takes really great care of her skin so she looks a lot younger than other people her age. Helps that she's a vampire who can't be in the sun for a long and has pasty French heritage.
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