Funny Pictures Thread. It begins again

Yeah. loathe as I am to admit it, if it gets some kid to eventually watch/read and actually understand Shakespeare, it would be worth it.

Hell, I'd be happy if it just teaches a few people that Romeo and Juliet are maybe not the best example of an ideal relationship.
Yeah. loathe as I am to admit it, if it gets some kid to eventually watch/read and actually understand Shakespeare, it would be worth it.

Hell, I'd be happy if it just teaches a few people that Romeo and Juliet are maybe not the best example of an ideal relationship.
Ugh, I hate when people use Romeo and Juliet as a metaphor for a "wonderful, powerful romance." It just shows they've never actually read or understood the play. Those kids weren't in love, they were dumb teenagers acting on impulse and killing themselves for it. It even starts with Romeo being 'totally in love' with another girl, before meeting Juliet and having that feeling jump to her instead.


Staff member
Ugh, I hate when people use Romeo and Juliet as a metaphor for a "wonderful, powerful romance." It just shows they've never actually read or understood the play. Those kids weren't in love, they were dumb teenagers acting on impulse and killing themselves for it. It even starts with Romeo being 'totally in love' with another girl, before meeting Juliet and having that feeling jump to her instead.
Ha. I make this same argument a lot. I even had to explain this to our sensei, who was using R&J's love affair as an example of how something you have to work for is better. Nope, it's a play about teenagers being teenagers taken to the extreme of killing themselves over a hormonal infatuation.[DOUBLEPOST=1434120020,1434119855][/DOUBLEPOST]Same with Catcher in the Rye. People want to assign some deepness to Holden himself. Nope. He's a kid learning what it's like to watch childhood slip away, and he's honestly being kind of a dick about it. It is well written, and Salinger captures the feeling of that threshold well, but Holden himself is a whiny little punk.
I think part of the appeal lies in the fact that they're pretty much clueless teenagers being teenagers. It makes it feel more real. A lot of people have had an infatuation of the worst kind with someone around their teenage years; plenty were convinced it was True Love despite whatever mom and dad might've thought! This was real! Whah! R&J shows us that we're not alone in that thought - and also, that it's a good thing most people get over it and can manage to look back on it, eventually, and realize the stupidity. It's not an ideal relationship or a perfect relationship, it's a realistic-if-stylized teen drama relationship. It's definitely NOT some romantic ideal, and it was never intended as such.
Also, I thought the kids were overachievers, but he's a straight B+ student? That is... not overachieving. I find this run-on sentence's lack of continuity to be very disappointing.
It isn't by my or your standards, but based on a strict reading of average, it probably is.
I browse reddit faster than he does.[DOUBLEPOST=1434392064,1434392006][/DOUBLEPOST]It's also funny because Azumanga has basically none of those things, save for a weird, perverted teacher.
Because they straddle content? Or because they've both recently taken a stance against overt naughtiness?

They've both turned into similar communities based on fake internet points and circlejerk opinions.

I disagree, there's a lot of content on Imgur that isn't on Reddit.
Well yeah, an image-focused site is going to have more images to replace text-posts. Imgur was basically founded as an alternative to other image hosts for reddit, and turned into a community of its own from there. reddit/imgur/9gag/digg/etc tend to have user migrate around between the sites pretty consistently.