DDO going Free!!

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Bastards! Get online now and appease me! My name is Mahdis in case anyone has forgotten.
No, but will definitely be on later. Our goddamn Internet went down right when I was in the middle of that last, long-ass quest in the snowy area of Korthos (after doing all the climbing around), so I'm going to have to do it all over again. At least I can up the difficulty this time.


Well I'm getting called into a WoW raid, I'll try and make it short and sweet.
I noticed no updates apart from *maybe* a tiny 10 second one? It was fast anyway.

I think you can reset ability points.
Someone told me you get unlimited respecs, you just need to spend gold of which the amount is based of your character level not how many times you've respecced.

I'll be on again in a bit, not everyone is in the Halforums guild (yet) making it a tad tough to find people when they're playing alts.
I've promoted a few people to officer.
Officers can /guild recruit <name> to get folks into the guild when I'm not around. I will take any suggestions for more officers, also.
So anyone getting an error when trying to make an account? And is the free limited to NA, coz i heard some rumours about that when i asked about it around...


Staff member
So anyone getting an error when trying to make an account? And is the free limited to NA, coz i heard some rumours about that when i asked about it around...
No errors and I have no idea if it's limited to North America. That would suck for you guys, though!


Ok. I am playing on Cannith right now (new server) Name I am using Xircon, Cormian, and Tilania

Stats - these are fixed. You cannot respec :( so choose wisely.

Feats - You can exchange 1 feat every 3 days using gold and sibryl shards (level of
shards depend on your level. Flawed which is 100 fragment for level 1-4 and it goes 1000 for 5-8, 10,000 for 9-12 etc etc.

enhancement - these are action points you get per rank. You can respec these once every 3 days also (I think or was it one day. I don't respec that much) and it cost you gold to do it (depending on level)

Wands - There are two types of wands. Eternal and regular. Eternal wands recharge overtime (1 charge/min I think) and it auto refill when you rest. You get one at the beginning of the game if you choose it and some quests give you also. You will see 50/charges/day or something like that.

Spells - Spells comes in two flavor. Arcane and Divine. Arcane are the only class of spells that will fail when using armor with Arcane failure. (Wizard and sorcerer) there are some enhancement that will negate this feat and only certain race have them (drow, elves, and warforge that I know of) Summoning monster I exist on divine AND arcane. you can pick it when you rest or an inn ONLY if you are Cleric or Wizard. You can only change 1 spell per 3 days if you are favored soul or sorcerer (thus choose carefully)

difficulty - most quest can be solo (and some solo is not available but it is doable on normal) if you need help but no one is around or you want to play with, hireling is a good way to do this. They cost a little gold (don't buy the store one) they last 1 hour after you activate it. This means that you cam resummon them after you leave the dungeon/instance. There is a 5 min cooldown between summons.

If y'all have any questions, feel free to ask.
Someone mind writing down the template for starting a new character? I want to get a head-start on what I'm going to settle on when I get home.

As in, how many feats/abilities/stats etc I can choose from when rolling a new one.
Well I meant more like a "template" that players get when they start so I can pick and choose from the wiki ahead of time.

Like do we get 2 or 3 feats to start? 1 or 2 Abilites? 4-5 Spells? etc.


1 normal feat, 2 if you choose Human as your race.
Also you can get a class feat.

Wizard get a metamagic feat at level 1. Warrior get another at 1

so if you make a human wizard, you will get to pick 2 feats + 1 metamagic feat (or you can pick 3 meta magic but 1 of them HAVE to be metamagic)

Warrior's feat limit to attacks (of course)

all character starts with 28 points. (unless you buy a drow or unlock it or you manage to unlock 32 point build - not buyable)

Spells. So far the sorcerer are limit to pick spells they can cast. I usually max the stats so sorc get 3 spells to start.

Wizard can pick up to 7. Bard I think pick 2, cleric get all and just have to "memorize"
I'm in as a human fighter, Kyalami Silverstone.

Only just started. Got my sword and headed to the dungeon entrance. I'll check it out later tonight after the full download is complete and I get home from Photoshop class.
So, no one want to make me an account?

Well i'm going to bed, but if anyone want to, just put in

Name: Aratura Bubuit, dob: 01.01.1981, mail: a_bubuit at yahoo dot com, account name: mps.4li3n, pass 123456 (i'll be changing it if it works, and none of the info is legit, so no need to censor it)

Hey Shego, if you want to do some kind of versatile caster based on charisma, maybe a Bard could work for you? Their spellcasting is based off Cha, but I don't know how their spell list works.


Staff member
Sorcerers use CHA also. They don't get as many spells as a Wizard but they cast those they do have more often.
Sorcerers use CHA also. They don't get as many spells as a Wizard but they cast those they do have more often.

I think I'll download it tonight and try it out when I can. Maybe roll a cleric for soloing (Since I like druids and I guess it's the closest thing) or maybe a wizard. The thing is I like casters but also being able to change my spells every day so yeah.


Amorous Eyes,

Yup. The Wizard class is very versatile. At level 1 you can only cast 3 spells, BUT you are correct, when you hit a rest shrine, you can switch out those three spells to anything else before you attack anything else (you get a spell switch icon which is like a quarter magic circle symbol)

Wizards can also scribe more spells into their spellbook via buying inscription materials (cost like 140g for level 1 and 480g for level 2 BASE cost before haggle check) and you can scribe new spells into your book. You can buy scrolls at the marketplace which is locate in the middle of the market (new tent, can't miss it)

When you level up as a wizard you get to pick up NEW spells for FREE so choose wisely. I do believe you can pick up 2 spells (only level 3 wiz so far so I get to pick 2 each time I level) and you can choose spells from ANY levels you have access to. I recommend scribe any spells you find scrolls for so you can be versatile in an instance.

Here are some of the cool spells you can use in the early levels.

Level 1
Hypnotism - this is an Area effect spells (AoE for short to those who are new) This is a GREAT crowd control in early levels. It is essentially "sleep" so they stay imobile until you hit it (or your team mate hits it)

Summon Monster I - This is a good companion and "hidden mob" detector. They can see hidden monster and will start running off and attack it. It only last one minute and have 1 minute cool down (except sorcerer which STILL last 1 minute but only 30 second cool down)

Niac's Ice ray - this is probably one of the most powerful 1st level attack spell (requires a save) and does pretty good damage early to those not immune to ice (like ice mephits)

Magic Missiles - well.... who doesn't want to attack the darkness with magic missiles.

Level 2 spells
Web - this is probably going to be the best spell in groups. Mainly anything that runs thru it will have to make a save or be stuck (and can't attack back or cast spells) this is great against all kinds of mob unless they are immune to web (rare)

Tips on bonus items.

Here are the following in terms of what bonus stacks

item bonus + competence bonus

You can only have ONE of each to count. So if you have a glove that gives +1 dex and +2 dex, you only get the +2 dex

now you can spend action points to enhance your dex (depending on class and race) it stacks so lets say you spend 2 points to get +1 dex, wearing an item that gives +2 dex, you will have +3 dex to your base dex.

Tomes add permanently to your stats so it falls under stats. if you eat a tome (yes eat it literally) like a +1 tome, then from above you will have +4 dex. Now, the tomes follow the same rule. If you eat a +1 dex tome and a +2 dex tome you only get TOTAL +2 dex from tomes and then +1 enhancement and +2 item.

Attack bonus works the same way.
Stats = you BAB base. Normally you get +1 per level. Feats DO stack since those are spend upon level.

One of the coolest item to get in the beginning for combat type is goggles of insight which gives +1 compentence bonus to hit which mean it will WORK WITH anger set which gives +2 to hit (or pathfinder set) that means +3 to hit at level 1 ;) kinda nice eh? not including any enhancement or stats bonus. (which is strength base)


I might make a wizard myself here tonight since I might be getting my sister and father into the game. More of you bastards need to login though, Ame and I got trashed last night at Gnashtooth.


Now. Here is a section for those who like to solo (cause sometimes it is just fun)

The best classes to solo is rogue 2/mage 18 (eventually)

melee class are not very good to solo at high level, but high DPS class like monk/ranger is one of the best since you can use healing wands and get most of the benefits.

monk/barbarian is another great two-handed weapon DPS king (so I'm told)

Why rogue/mage combo is good?

start with rogue, the high int will help you to keep up the skills of disable devices and search (cross class for wizard) and 2nd level rogue gets evasion (pick up at level 9) Wizard is good cause they get firewall at level 7 wizard and with evasion, you can pretty much jump around and cast spells and survive a lot of normal level instances by yourself. with ability to spot, search, open lock and disable devices, there isn't much you can do (except you can't heal ;) unless you are a warforge then you are self healing solo machine.

usually pick rogue first to get the max bonus on skills. Max out search, spot, disable devices, and open lock. you can pick other skills as you see fit (like concentration, diplomacy and such. stat wise you should have at least 16 dex and 16 int. you can go higher int, but that means less stats for other stuff. Then you pick wizard from 1 to 7 (which makes you level 8 and then pick rogue again at level 9 (get evasion) and wizard the rest. Spells you pick what you like to use the most. The cool part about wizards is that you can switch out spells when you are at an inn or rest shrine (after you rest)

Warforge (WF) is a popular build for this. Wizard gets repair spell which essentially is a heal spell for WF. WF starts with 6 on cha and wis which you might want to put some stats into Wis for magical defenses. cha is your dump stat (unless you want to use more diplomacy/haggle which are cha) WF are immune to poison and paralyze. This helps A LOT when solo. If you pick up weapon finess (which only effects light weapon) you can take advantage of your high dex for hand to hand to save mana. It is pretty awesome combo for solo.

There are benefits for pure class when you hit 20 but sometimes people just want to play to have fun.

I will try to post other templates later.

---------- Post added at 10:32 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:30 AM ----------

I will make a monk/ranger character tonight. Do we have a guild yet? I can make one and send out sigils for people.
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