BananaHands' Terrifying and Terrific Tinder Thread!



Heh, Fade and Terrik don't know how to use the three seashells banana peels.


Staff member
Nov 27, 2008
Heh, Fade and Terrik don't know how to use the three seashells banana peels.
Is that like the little mermaid meets total recall? Or is it like 3 card Monty. "Guess which seashell holds the penis?"
Dec 11, 2013
Jersey Shore -BENNY go home!
I want details. :popcorn:
He's very appealing. :rimshot:

It was actually more like this:
CZ *reads BH's TaTTT and gets an idea*
Mr. Z *outside doing yardwork*
CZ: "Hey, honey, when you're done, can you toss on the banana suit and let me take naked pictures of you?"
Mr. Z:".....what the hell?!?"
CZ:"It's for Halforums. I'll show you the thread."
Mr. Z: "Yeah, yeah...I'm almost done."

He can't really complain because this isn't the first time we've used this costume for evil a similar joke.
Dec 11, 2013
Jersey Shore -BENNY go home!
Doesn't everyone?

...okay, it may be because of am incident at Target 6 years ago, when I found the costume, tossed it on, released Mr. Z was on the opposite side of the store, yelled his name and when he peeked his head out of the men's section, I started doing the "peanut butter jelly time" dance in the middle of the aisle that runs the length of the store, causing him to duck back in out of shame*.

There may also be video footage (not of that time, but a second time when we actually bought the costume.) :whistling:

(*I should also mention there were two women across from my husband who witnessed the incident, and asked him if he knew me. Mr. Z: "Siiiiiiiigh......yes, that's my wife.")