Are we friends, or just internet friends?

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Staff member
I have some bad experiences meeting online friends in real life, but... yeah, I'd like to meet a good number of you folks. And if you should ever be around my part of the globe, you can always crash on my couch bed. Just have to remember to feed it first...
I've met Chad Sexington (even though we didn't get to do much). The rest of you all seem like cool dudes and dudettes to hang around with, too. Sensible people and all that. I'll be happy to give some pointers to anybody coming over here this way for bars or restaurants or whatever.

Wasabi Poptart

I know DocSeverin & I are meeting up at the end of this summer to hoist a beer or three. Actually he'll be drinking and I'll be laughing at his silly antics. It'll be in Colorado Springs. W00t!
I should get to meet him before you do so :p
Wahad! I can't believe I forgot to mention that too.

Also I am spending some time in Quebec later this year and was thinking about visiting Toronto afterwards. Any Toronto-based Halforumites ought to meet me for a drink (for I am amazing).
Over the past few years my real life friends have all kind of split apart and don't really hang around anymore. I definitely consider most people here my friends who I would gladly hang around in real life.
I think I'm a much more social person in text, but that is probably because I tend to be so quiet in person unless I know how much of my speech filter to use.
I don't consider people i haven't met in person friends... but that has little to do with whether or not i'd meet them for a drink or another social activity...
Wahad! I can't believe I forgot to mention that too.

Also I am spending some time in Quebec later this year and was thinking about visiting Toronto afterwards. Any Toronto-based Halforumites ought to meet me for a drink (for I am amazing).
TNG and I are Toronto based. :) Always up for meeting new people...
She just didn't want to be too slick, brah.

And yeah, pretty much anyone in here, with a handful of exceptions, are more than welcome to enjoy a tasty adult beverage at my expense.

Anytime y'all are down this way, seriously, drop me a line and I'll show ya a good time here. Ooh-rah, Moon River Brewery!
Considering how many of you I've met in person on a number of occassions, I'm sure it'd only be fair if we met up again, this time with you actually knowing I was there....
I've made plans to meet up with a forumite before, got stood up though.

It was such a familiar experience because my actual freinds are also jerks.

Already looking forward to the next no show.


I know I would have a great time with a lot of you. But I do have to say even though I would love to hang out with you, I would not introduce you to my actual friends. The reason is, there are a lot of things you guys know and I can share with you that I can't IRL
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