[Webcomic] Webcomic Appreciation Jamboree


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Interrobang studios is mocking all the Game of War/Kate Upton/Evony/whatever ads that sexualize non-sexual games in order to boost sales.

"If online strategy games can get hot swimsuit models to promote them, then surely I can use the same tactic to get some love for my favorite classic (and not even vaguely sexual) video games as well. :D "


Staff member
Dunno how many of you guys read The Property of Hate, but it looks like its on hiatus for a while. I have to say, that is one of the best webcomics I have read in ages. Kind of like Rice Boy but with better art and dialogue. Less whimsical perhaps, but still a mysterious and fantastic mythos. I really want to know what is going on....
The third one doesn't load here 'cause it's from a blocked source. Any chance of rehosting it here or so? :)[DOUBLEPOST=1425440913,1425440865][/DOUBLEPOST]
I tried getting into that, and it just got old really fast. And the art style didn't appeal to me.
it gets better once the characters develop more. But, of course, "it gets better after a while" isn't necessarily anything you shouldn't take into account; and the art style stays pretty much the same. Different people, different strokes.
Has anyone seen the newspaper political comics (I forgot what they're called) on the FCC and net neutrality? None of them make any sense and only show how out-of-touch the cartoonist is.


Staff member
Here are the names of the cartoonists for the ones I could figure out

Nate Beeler
Lisa Benson
Mike Lester
John Trever

The first two are hosted on Townhall.com, which is a super right wing. John Trever seems to be a bit more moderate. I can't even understand most of Mike Lesters comics....

The point being that, for whatever reason, Republicans have chosen this to be an issue they want their name on. Why, I have zero idea. The only way they can hope to make this look like an issue they are in the right on is to just obscure what the issue is even about (like with the cartoons.) Unless of course they are going to start making pro-monopoly arguments soon. Even as pro-business as they are I can't imagine they would go that far.


Staff member
The point being that, for whatever reason, Republicans have chosen this to be an issue they want their name on. Why, I have zero idea. The only way they can hope to make this look like an issue they are in the right on is to just obscure what the issue is even about (like with the cartoons.) Unless of course they are going to start making pro-monopoly arguments soon. Even as pro-business as they are I can't imagine they would go that far.
That some conservatives are against this just seems bizzare. [
They're being informed on the issue by cable lobbyists. Most of these government officials would be lucky to be able to tell the difference between an ethernet port and a headphone jack. All they understand is what they've been told about the issue, and the voices that speak the loudest to them are the ones with the most money to throw at the issue.


Staff member
I'm not so arrogant as to think that a person that has made it to congress is too stupid to understand something like Net Neutrality. It's really not that complicated, and these are very smart people. And I don't think that they are just being fed their mindset by lobbyists either. I think they're playing the game.

My guess is that they have a way to spin this to make it look like a big government over-reach, and they calculated that, within their own base, this spin is only going to be outed as BS by people who either would not be in their voting base to begin with (young liberals), or people that no one really cares about (tech-libertarians/reddit). But to the standard middle of the road 40 something republican, they can definitely make this look like just one more step in Obama's over-reach.

Oh well. They may use this as ammo in the war, but at least they lost the battle.
I'm not so arrogant as to think that a person that has made it to congress is too stupid to understand something like Net Neutrality.
Yeah, it's simple, it's all about keeping the series of tubes that is the internet from being used by the job creators as they see fit... when what the job creators need is a big truck... because those never get filled...


Staff member
When thinking about politics it is incredibly tempting to think that the difference in views between yourself and others is simply because they are stupid and you are smart.

Anyways. I knew someone was going to bring up the series of tubes thing. The only really dumb thing he said was mistaking an email outage with a bandwidth issue.

But yeah, still pretty bad. So, fair point, for an individual at least. But I have a very hard time believing that the entire republican party's adoption of an anti-NN platform as being a result of stupidity.


Staff member
I'm not so arrogant as to think that a person that has made it to congress is too stupid to understand something like Net Neutrality. It's really not that complicated, and these are very smart people. And I don't think that they are just being fed their mindset by lobbyists either. I think they're playing the game.
There's a difference between stupidity and ignorance. People can't be knowledgeable about everything, and there are some brilliant people who don't understand computers. My grandfather was a fantastic architect and savvy businessman, but could barely log-in to his email or use his printer. It's possible to know a great deal, and be a very intelligent person, but still not know very much about how technology works. Not knowing the difference between an ethernet port and a headphone jack was hyperbole, but the difference between a USB port and a eSATA port is probably lost on them. As are most of the details of what net neutrality means.

There are some who know what they're saying is false, and are saying it because it's the game they're playing. There are also those who don't know if what they're saying is accurate, and they're saying it because they're playing the game. There are also those who think the line they're selling is true, because they've been convinced of it by the lobbyists. There's not just one type of politician out there. There are a lot of different types, who get persuaded to the side they're on by various means.

Also, even if a representative knows that the hyperbole in those cartoons is off-base, that doesn't mean that they don't agree that net neutrality laws are in the best interest of consumers. They may genuinely be opposed to government regulation, and have blind faith in the market to correct itself.
The third one doesn't load here 'cause it's from a blocked source. Any chance of rehosting it here or so? :)[DOUBLEPOST=1425440913,1425440865][/DOUBLEPOST]

it gets better once the characters develop more. But, of course, "it gets better after a while" isn't necessarily anything you shouldn't take into account; and the art style stays pretty much the same. Different people, different strokes.
Let me put it this way: I read enough of it to know I was done reading it. If a comic doesn't grab me by 50 installments, I'm done.
Why does it seem the entire internet take VGcats WAY too seriously? Sometimes a gag comic is just a gag comic. The majority of people who criticize it seem to just have the most sensitive of stomachs, have they never seen a proper dark or gross-out comedy before? I've seen shit on Newgrounds WAY more dark and fucked up than this, let's hope they don't discover "Retarded Animal Babies" or they'd die of a heart attack.
But I have a very hard time believing that the entire republican party's adoption of an anti-NN platform as being a result of stupidity.
No, it's the result of them being assholes that can't admit they don't know anything and instead act as if their ignorance is God's own truth...

Reminds me of that video of Michelle Bachman i once saw (on the Daily Show i think) where she was all convinced about all sorts of things she was asked about, until they asked something about China, which she actually knew about and she started to actually explain about how complicated the situation is and how there are no easy answers etc...

They're against it because guberment regulations bad, and gee golly, we ain't gonna bother actually informing ourselves about it beyond that, coz it's hard and takes too much time.[DOUBLEPOST=1425667848,1425667797][/DOUBLEPOST]
Why does it seem the entire internet take VGcats WAY too seriously?



Staff member
They're against it because guberment regulations bad, and gee golly, we ain't gonna bother actually informing ourselves about it beyond that, coz it's hard and takes too much time.
Oh you can believe they're not uninformed, they're just intentionally misinformed and slushed into swallowing it whole. You can safely bet your entire year's pay that Comcast makes sure to have a lobbyist there "informing" key lawmakers about exactly why net neutrality is the worst thing since Hitler every time they walk from one office to another. There's too much money wrapped up in this to trust to silly things like legislators researching and educating themselves.