Wyrmrest Accord WoW Guild Sexy Fun Time.


Staff member
I gotta get to 85 first. I just got to Vash. The other night when I got on I didn't even level, I worked on my cooking. :confused:
I'm still trying to figure out an optimal damage rotation now that totems are borked. Even if they wanted to keep them temporary, they should have still kept the call of elements to place all four totems at once. I don't even have enough room on my bars for all my abilities now that I have to put individual totems on there. It' just balls.
I've played so many classes over the years, most to max level, and I just cannot -main- anything but Druid. There's just nothing like it. I am loving the patch so far, it really helps us specialize further into what we want to do.
So.... I need 5 more Cata heroic dungeon achieves for Glory of the Cataclysm Hero. We can queue cross server for this as long as we are b.net friends. Any 85s interested? I can do anything on Ally side or heal on Horde side. If we go with Ally side, I can heal and my husband can tank, or he can DPS and I can tank or w/e. I just don't want to do it unless I have a full group of people who won't be dicks about doing achieves. :p
The meta achievement is somewhat buggy ATM and is showing a Pandaria achievement in it instead of Extra Credit Bonus Stage. HOPEFULLY it's a visual bug only, or at the very least will be fixed soon.
I've been having issues with interacting with the environment, looting, quest givers, quest pickup items. Sometimes hovering your mouse over these things doesn't change the cursor. I had to relog 3 times just to complete quests.
When my cursor doesn't change i can usually mess with the camera angle a bunch and it will fix. I'm not really sure what they did to screw that up.
Have you disabled all your addons? I've been able to quest from 82-84 since the patch and haven't had any troubles.

This is somewhat out of date as it was written at the beginning of Cata when gear levels were lower, but it's still basically right, other than the fact that basically everything can be done with a normal group and doesn't need extra healers. (Only exception is the Springvale one I think, but I got that one when you could still cheese it by pulling him to the Courtyard. Though if someone else needs it that is helping me then w/e :) )
I have been noticing a few weird loot issues. I chalk it up to a combination of the new loot system and the fact the servers I am on are pretty crowded right now. I logged onto Ghostlands and even Dalaran was full of players.
I kind of hate the new loot UI, mostly because it is too big, and gets in my way. Also because you can't see how other people in your group are rolling (need or greed) to know if you can need something for OS.
I kind of hate the new loot UI, mostly because it is too big, and gets in my way. Also because you can't see how other people in your group are rolling (need or greed) to know if you can need something for OS.
I agree and disagree. I disagree on the new loot window, I love it because now I don't have to scour my bags hoping it appears in the open slot. Now when I win it finally just tells me "YOU WON!"

I agree on the fact it's no longer showing other players rolls. I have no idea why they made that change. Maybe it's a new chat option? I have to look into that later.
Have you disabled all your addons? I've been able to quest from 82-84 since the patch and haven't had any troubles.
I don't use any add ons[DOUBLEPOST=1346430790][/DOUBLEPOST]
I agree and disagree. I disagree on the new loot window, I love it because now I don't have to scour my bags hoping it appears in the open slot. Now when I win it finally just tells me "YOU WON!"

I agree on the fact it's no longer showing other players rolls. I have no idea why they made that change. Maybe it's a new chat option? I have to look into that later.
I really think that they should restrict need rolling to specializations- leather, cloth, mail, plate. There's no way in hell a warrior should be able to need roll on a robe simply because he's able to wear cloth.
I really think that they should restrict need rolling to specializations- leather, cloth, mail, plate. There's no way in hell a warrior should be able to need roll on a robe simply because he's able to wear cloth.
Don't they already do that? I know they used to at least.
I'm just jabbing fun at you, I've really come down a huge amount on mine as well. However things Blizzard still doesn't do better than modders for me are still:

Recount (Damage Meter to see how I can tweak my gameplay)
Bartender (I prefer to set up my bars how and where I need them)
Xperl (Unit frames are not Blizzard's specialty though I'm glad they allow the movement of them now at least)
Raven (Buff bar frames, I can't stand Blizzard's icon system)
No, it's restricted by armor proficiency. Warriors and paladins can wear any type of armor, so they can roll on anything. I just had a warrior roll on a robe last week.
Was this in LFD? Because LFD has a hard restriction and does not allow people to roll NEED outside of their armor specialization. Warriors can't roll on cloth or staves, as an example. If you make a manual group though, like for questing, then the loot is open to all, as it does not use the hard LFD system.

LFR utilizes a slightly different system in which it gave a +100 bonus roll to those that actually could use it in your spec. Example a warrior could roll on cloth, but even if he got a 100 and the mage only for a 1, the mage would get a bonus 100 making it a 101 and allowing him to win the item. That has been changed again to the new individualized loot system.
That's what I thought. I remember not even being able to roll need on plate that has int or spell power with my warrior. I haven't had a chance to do any dungeons yet since I played in wrath, so I wasn't sure if they reversed it or not.