[Gaming] Mass Effect 3 : It's here and thy ending is queeeeeeer.

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I bought ME3 used rather than pay Bioware for it, but it seems you must then buy a multi-player code... fuck that. I'm at 50% and I did every mission.

The game has a mission restart that lands you right after Harbinger's beam at the end, so that's where I'll be starting from tomorrow night.
Now 100% galaaxy ready or whatever it is called.

Galactic readiness!!!

Jay, I'm going to use you as my radar as to whether I should even bother with this steaming heap of dung that they're handing us. Mainly because I can't be bloody bothered to get my damn galactic readiness back up to 100% unless there's a very good reason for it.

Maybe we'll get a magenta coloured ending!
Galactic readiness!!!

Jay, I'm going to use you as my radar as to whether I should even bother with this steaming heap of dung that they're handing us. Mainly because I can't be bloody bothered to get my damn galactic readiness back up to 100% unless there's a very good reason for it.

Maybe we'll get a magenta coloured ending!
I'm guessing it'll be sepia coloured. Y'know, shit brown :p
Guys, give Bioware some credit here. They know they're gonna have to make the new ending absolutely amazing to have any chance of keeping their fans.

Obviously it'll have explosions in two different colors. You haven't seen anything yet until you witness Joker inexplicably piloting the Normandy away from a shockwave that alternates between mauve and burnt sienna.
Obviously it'll have explosions in two different colors. You haven't seen anything yet until you witness Joker inexplicably piloting the Normandy away from a shockwave that alternates between mauve and burnt sienna.
Well they have Red, Blue, and Green, so all they need to do is add Yellow, Purple, and Orange. Once it's all together you get the special Rainbow explosion ending, where Joker is escaping from a explosion of rainbow fury.
I dunno.... it's 2 Gigs to download people.

Significant changes are expected.

I'm going to remain optimistic and hope to get something out of this.
Obviously I can't judge it before it's released... but going by their track record... I remain extremely skeptical.

Trust me... I WANT to like this thing... but I can't help but feel it's going to be a big let down. I would love to be wrong on this.
I dunno.... it's 2 Gigs to download people.

Significant changes are expected.
I expect significant additions and CG cutscenes.

Changes are welcome, but I'm not holding my breath. The god-child isn't getting removed, but it'd be nice if they rewrote that whole scene.
You all will need to let me know if it's worth re-installing ME3. I'm feeling very disinclined to have Origin on my computer if I can avoid it.

Supposedly a chart of the extended ending. It kind of leaves off the more important part though, whether all those variables link to three final conclusions.

So to work the new DLC, we have to begin from the attack on the Cerberus base, which is exactly where you begin after the credits? And they still want to pretend that this wasn't fucking intentional?

I've said it before and I'll say it again: fuck you, Bioware.

I'm convinced in the theory that they always intended to do ending DLC, but before the backlash, we would've had to pay for it.



So to work the new DLC, we have to begin from the attack on the Cerberus base, which is exactly where you begin after the credits? And they still want to pretend that this wasn't fucking intentional?

I've said it before and I'll say it again: fuck you, Bioware.

I'm convinced in the theory that they always intended to do ending DLC, but before the backlash, we would've had to pay for it.
Maybe they just wanted people who finished the game to be able to use their most recent save?
Maybe they just wanted people who finished the game to be able to use their most recent save?
Not sure what you're referring to, so I'll respond in both ways.

If you mean setting that as the start point after the credits: Yes, that makes sense. It's the soft point of no return, and you can't access the rest of the galaxy afterward, besides Earth.

If you mean setting the DLC there: No, they say you must start from there. If the DLC wasn't planned for that point, they could say it wouldn't matter. For example: someone could do the Cerberus base tonight and get themselves to the end point beforehand or the "last mission" of the game is when you go to the Citadel, so you can do a mission restart for that point if the last mission you did was beating the game, for example. I'd like to not have to go through all that Cerberus crap just for the other stuff, but I guess I'm in for a long evening tomorrow.

You watch it either doesn't matter or they only changed a couple lines in the Cerberus lair. On the plus side, there's a chance that this will also fix the game's climax so that your war assets have some effect on what's going on during the assault on Earth.
For some of you, there is little time until downloading begins.

But I have work in the morning, so I hope each of you get what you want from this in at least some small way. My wife's going to download it during the day and I'll be on tomorrow evening to give my thoughts.
So seems Origin decided to fix itself for me last night after trying one more time to install. Guess I will be able to try out the new stuff after all.

So far it seems the big additions are scenes clarifying why Joker left, more shots of squad members, an additional ending, and a slideshow that talks about what happens to the rest of the galaxy after the Normandy scene. Oh, also...

They supposedly changed it so the Normandy does not crash. It still lands on the forest planet with characters getting out, but people are saying it no longer shows the Normandy get sucked into the explosion, and there are no more holes in the side of the Normandy when shown on the planet.

Also, supposedly the shot of the relays exploding has been removed. People are saying the star child no longer mentions that choosing an option will destroy the relays, and later during the slides Admiral Hackett mentions they were "badly damaged". So looks like they decided to keep the relays in-tact.
P.S. I am basing this information on what I am seeing around the net from forums I visit, some of it may be trolling this early, so don't take it all as 100% until we hear more or we experience it ourselves.

A bit more information.

There is supposedly a scene now during the "beam run" where you get to talk more with the two squad members that come with you. Gives you more closure with your favorites (since it's likely you took your favorites with you on the final mission).

Each ending has a different narrator. Destroy is narrated by Admiral Hackett, Synthesis is narrated by EDI, and Control is narrated by Shepard. Synthesis and Control now show that the Reapers are helping rebuild the galaxy, with Control implying Shepard has become a god-like figure.

People seem to be loving the new Control ending, Destroy also has some fans, but Synthesis seemed to get the short end of the stick when it comes to added closure.
So about the new ending...

Many are taking the new ending as a huge slap in the face. They now give you an option to refuse the star child, and you have a passionate little speech about freedom and making your own choices rather then those given to you. The star child leaves, you watch the defending ships in the background get obliterated by Reapers while it's assumed you bleed out, and then it ends with the history capsule Liara made during an undisclosed future, informing us that we lost, and now the only hope is future generations not making the same mistake we did.

In other words, Casey Hudson telling us "Oh you want to be a hero and make your own choices? Well fuck you, you all die because you didn't pick the endings I wanted for you."
Now for those that don't want to replay the game yet, are impatient, or just don't want to give the game much more of your free time, here are the endings. Each one can change slightly based on factors like who survived, as some of the slides involve old squad members, but you get the overall idea behind each one.

Now for those that don't want to replay the game yet, are impatient, or just don't want to give the game much more of your free time, here are the endings. Each one can change slightly based on factors like who survived, as some of the slides involve old squad members, but you get the overall idea behind each one.

For the record, I'm liking that you posted these, NOT the polished turds you linked.
Now for those that don't want to replay the game yet, are impatient, or just don't want to give the game much more of your free time, here are the endings. Each one can change slightly based on factors like who survived, as some of the slides involve old squad members, but you get the overall idea behind each one.

Would it be entitled of me to say that these endings are what the retail endings, at the very least, should have been? I mean, if you're going to throw up an incomprehensible choice at the end, at least make the ending videos suitably epic.

Also, the lack of Marauder Shields is disappointing.
Now for those that don't want to replay the game yet, are impatient, or just don't want to give the game much more of your free time, here are the endings. Each one can change slightly based on factors like who survived, as some of the slides involve old squad members, but you get the overall idea behind each one.


These are what should have come with the retail release of ME3. Not that I'm very pleased with them anyways but they are an improvement on the originals.

Except for refusal which really is a big middle finger to the fans. "Artistic Integrity" reigns supreme apparently. You want another choice? Here's a choice for you... watch all your friends die... because the God child is totally awesome and the BEST IDEA EVAR!!!
Fart noises on the endings.

"The relays were totally not destroyed, you fans were dumb for thinking they were before. Dumb. Also, the Normandy didn't crash on that planet. How dumb are you to think that. See, it's flying now without any of the damage shown when the scene started and the ship looked all cocked and fucked up. You idiots thought it was wrecked. What idiots. Also, Tuchanka was just a hop and a skip away from Earth. Wrex and co got there lickity split. How dumb are you to think people would be stranded near Earth especially after all of the log entries and other things said that the Reapers wiped out all duel depots and refineries near their targets. You dumb idiots. We're not backpeddling on our awful original endings. Just clarifying them for all you idiots that thought what we presented before was something completely wrong and stupid like you." Casey Hudson, greatest creative genius, man of the 21st century.

I only watched the destroy and the refusal ending and that felt like wasted time.

I liked the refusal ending. That's my canonical Mass Effect ending now as far as I'm concerned.
Casey Hudson has a PHD in awesome.

I did the same as you Frank... just watched Destroy and Refusal and really did feel like I wasted my time. I'm not going to bother reinstalling all this just so I can get cock slapped in the face by Sir Casey "the mega-laser-awesomenator" and his cronies.

Now I just have to have a proper burial for my ME3 box.
I watched refusal, which, on one side, is a slap in the face, but on the other hand, to me, is a perfectly acceptable ending. More in line with what Shepard's usually supposed to stand for.
Than I watched (part of - I skipped around a bit) Synthesis, and that's apparently now the Happy Lucky Super Everybody Is Together Forever Fairytale ending? Eww.
Only watched really short bits of the other two...

At least now the endings are actually somewhat different, you get some closure. There's still the ridiculouss trinary choice, but you can now refuse to choose, which is a band-aid.
I dunno. With these endings in retail, there wouldn't have been as big a shitstorm, but a lot of people would probably still have been disappointed.


Staff member
Yeah, not gonna lie... The Refusal ending was pretty much what I expected: a big ol' "FUCK YOU!" from Mr Artistic Integrity. "You don't like the choices we gave you? You go to hell! You go to hell and you die!".

The other clip shows... Mmmm, better, added closure to the saga, even though Synthesis with everyone suddenly having demonic green glowy eyes creeped the living crap outta me. Other than that... AWWWW, WOOK AT DA WIDDLE KWOGAN BABY! <3
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