[Gaming] Mass Effect 3 : It's here and thy ending is queeeeeeer.

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Liara, Garrus, Tali, Wrex, Grunt, EDI, Kaiden, Ashley, Mordin, Jacob, Miranda, Thane, Legion, and on and on... Yeah, any other squadmate would've been a better choice. Hell, Hackett and Anderson could have a cool movie.

I'm guessing this was chosen solely on his voice actor.
Sounds like a compromise choice. A ME movie would probably not be able to star Shepard, because Shepard's story is different for every player. But a ME movie set in the ME universe but starring none of the known characters might not draw fans as much. So they picked a known character to star in it.

Why they picked Vega instead of one of the better-liked characters, I'll never know.


I'm not surprised. Jacob was the most boring character in ME2 and they gave him that god awful iOS spinoff game (Mass Effect: Galaxy).
I don't really think choosing Vega was entirely Bioware's fault. The issues comes down to the fact they can't use Shepard, Kaiden, or Ashley (for obvious reasons), and they can't use any of the aliens. That leaves any of the remaining human characters, but likely they wanted to go with one that didn't have a possible future death scene, thus they chose Vega (the voice actor sure helped too).

I would love a movie about Garrus and his time on Omega before Shepard's resurrection, but sadly the "expanded audience" they likely want is going to prevent that from being possible.
I don't really think choosing Vega was entirely Bioware's fault. The issues comes down to the fact they can't use Shepard, Kaiden, or Ashley (for obvious reasons), and they can't use any of the aliens. That leaves any of the remaining human characters, but likely they wanted to go with one that didn't have a possible future death scene, thus they chose Vega (the voice actor sure helped too).

I would love a movie about Garrus and his time on Omega before Shepard's resurrection, but sadly the "expanded audience" they likely want is going to prevent that from being possible.
Dananananadananana Archangel!



Jacob got a game?

That... That's... Wow
Yep, it was called Mass Effect Galaxy, it was released sometime before ME2 and it SUCKED (it's a laggy and dull Smash TV clone). I admit I bought it partly because they claimed you can unlock a "special item" or whatever in ME2 if you completed Galaxy. Instead, what it "unlocks" is a 3 minute scene that only plays if you have Jacob AND Miranda with you on Omega after Horizon, in other words, by the point where you have probably ditched one of the two. Thanks a lot, EA.
Mass Effect 3 extended ending comes out next week on the 26th.

It weighs in at a whopping 1.9 gigs so if your low on space, clear off.

It is free, as promised.
At 2 gigs I'm hoping some actual footage and not some Animal House slide show.

"Garrus moved on and became the Primarch of blah blah blah..."

It has been stated that there will be not shoot em up game play though.


Staff member
My money's on Shepard turning to the camera... and giving a double birdie.

"F*** you basement-dwelling losers! We've got artistic integrity! And your money! HAA HAA!"
I'm not even going to bother with this new ending stuff until other people load it and review it. Seriously... that's how little faith I have left in the keepers of the franchise.
I'm not even going to bother with this new ending stuff until other people load it and review it. Seriously... that's how little faith I have left in the keepers of the franchise.
Me too. I have clean install of Windows on my PC, and I don't want to load that Origin shit unless it's going to be AMAZING. Otherwise, /youtube.
Old news in this thread chap. Also, I'm going to watch it on Youtube. I'm not redownloading ME3 and likely having to play through it again to see the extra coat of bullshit paint they add.
Old news in this thread chap. Also, I'm going to watch it on Youtube. I'm not redownloading ME3 and likely having to play through it again to see the extra coat of bullshit paint they add.
Origin just completely stopped working for me, so I couldn't replay it even if I wanted to.
It's no secret I played a staggering amount of Mass Effect 3 multiplayer.

After unlocking an estimated 70% of the content (according to my super nerdy spreadsheet) I finally got completely sick of getting multiples of stupid classes that I already have fully unlocked. The real kick in the pants? The main weapons I use are all still level 1 (M-99 Saber, M-77 Paladin, M-9 Tempest). Since I started keeping track I have gotten over 20 duplicates of classes that are fully maxed out. That's bullshit.

Just another awesome game design choice by BiowarEA.
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