Or the causal loop will continue, Jet will flee his crazy mother, leaving behind his original name and citizenship. Left with nothing, he'll join the Marines in order to put a roof over his head. Years later, he'll band together with his internet brethren to start up a new website, Halforums.

The Once and Future Dave.
It's odd how disturbing I used to find that scene in Scanners, like one of the most traumatic things I remember seeing in a movie as a kid, and how blase I am about it since it's been meme-ized.
I don't think it's odd Bowie. I think it's more of that it's disconnected from the events of the movie and how you were reacting to the story and other events that had already occurred. Plus, there's no sound, that sound was part of the omg factor.
SO....I knew the UK always called G.I. Joe Action Force but I had no idea that they outright ruined possibly the only rad part about the movie.

The fuck is this shit? Where's the awesome song?

That's better.
To be fair we had 4 days last week between 24-28 deg. Set huge record highs for the March & April. I said it was just Mother Nature setting us up with the jab. Did anyone listen? No. (Well maybe half listened, but why ruin a good story with facts) So what happened? Mother nature uppercut right cross combo! Say hello to hail and blizzard!


why do guys do that shaving thing where they have a strip of hair from their sideburns down their chin to their goatee? It just looks... douchey.


The guy in my class has a jawline. He is a good looking guy too except for that stupid beard thing. I just want to smack him.
Then just tell him the consensus of the women in the class is that he is incredibly good looking, but his beard makes him look like a bag of douche.
It depends on how thin the beard line. I know exactly what you mean though. The pencil thin lines drive me up the wall, but the "half-beard" style that my brother has works.
I concur: What the fuck? they must be out of their fucking minds to do some fucked up shit like that, that's going to fuck this kid's life up to the point that he's going to have to work his fucking ass off to get beyond the stigma.
Ugh. Okay, this is going to sound petty.

I just found local blog. Cool, right? I thought so at first.

Until I get to a blog entry where this woman photographed my former abuser and her daughter. She then proceeds to blog about how awesome the both of them are.

I...I just want to post in the comment about what peice of shit that woman is. She's very good at convincing strangers she's a decent person. I mean, she's a teacher, right? She HAS to be a kind and patient person! Hell, in this blog it's revealed that her daughter (who was a little snot, btw) and her a graduating the same time! She has a master of education now so she can't ever be fired even if she deserves it!

Oh? They're happy for each other? Did the daughter mention how her mother one slammed her head off the counter repeatedly while my Dad tried to restrain the bitch?

I just wish I could get over this. It is poisonous to me. I still have nightmares about this woman.

Didn't really feel this was worth its own thread but its a news oddity I felt I had to share:

A truck full of money crashed on the highway, scattering 3-5 million dollars in loonies in toonies around. Then a truck carrying CANDY crashed into the resulting crash. It'd be funny if it weren't for the fact that the two people injured in the crash are in the hospital with life-threatening injuries.
Ok, this HAS to become the new cat pushing a watermelon in a lake.

I am the Pope in a sombrero. Your argument is invalid. Go with God.