New Picture Thread

Tired. Bored. Holding crappy phone camera at a bad angle... I promise, at some point in the not-too-distant future, I might post something where I'm wearing actual clothes!

As a bonus, here's one from a couple months ago, trying on a new suit of riot armor. I LOVE this suit... too bad my department's not going to spring for it, anytime in the immediate future.



Staff member
Looks like two forumites are gonna kiss real soon
Added at: 21:35
me and BananaHands, duh
Added at: 21:37
PS, rubbing elbows at the Lithuanian Embassy being all dignified and crap:
Here you go, L-Kagz: the happiest I've been in a photograph over the last 8 months or so. Special bonus - it's one of those pictures that emphasize how large my hands are.

Since it's apparently a matter of public inquiry in this thread, I'll also say that my interview went excellently today, and they offered me the job, but neglected to mention until after the application and exhaustive math/business/typing/personality/IQ testing that the job would require me to work shifts included nights and weekends and would only pay me just above minimum wage while only being tangentially related to the field I want to work in. I was there for an hour, offered the job, and turned it down.

Encouraging that I've been offered a job only two weeks into my unemployment, but the search continues.


Staff member
one of my best friends and myself at a friend's wedding back in brother was playing with the settings on his camera when he took this one:
