[TV] Winter HAS COME! - A Game of Thrones

I finally finished Storm of Swords.

Is it wrong that I wanted more from Sandor Clegane? I know he was always a relatively minor character but I was hoping for his character to actually....do something.
Dance with Dragons spoilers

I'm of the opinion that the large novice in the monastery is actually Sandor Clegane
Do you mean Gregor Clegane? I think by the description he is too large to be the Hound.
He was "suggested" by Qyburn, no one had heard of him before, and nobody's seen him eat, sleep or even go to the washroom. I'm pretty sure he's a Frankenstein-like monstrosity Qyburn's patched together doing his "experiments" in the dungeon. I think parts of him are Gregor Clegane.
Still Dance

He means Sandor. The new apprentice was walking around with a limp. And Sandor wasn't small. He was muscular, just not titanic like Gregor/Franken-Gregor is.
Still Dance

He means Sandor. The new apprentice was walking around with a limp. And Sandor wasn't small. He was muscular, just not titanic like Gregor/Franken-Gregor is.
I know, but Ser Robert Strong is described as "8 feet tall or maybe taller, with legs as thick around as trees... (pg 859)." I don't think Sandor was quite that big.

I know, but Ser Robert Strong is described as "8 feet tall or maybe taller, with legs as thick around as trees... (pg 859)." I don't think Sandor was quite that big.
Dance with Dragons spoilers

No, I'm talking about Sandor Clegane, not Gregor; and I'm not referring to Robert Strong as the apprentice, but the gravedigger who walked with a limp in the monastery. Keeping with the whole "they're probably not dead unless they die on page" thing George Martin does, we never actually see the Hound die; initiates wear a wrap that covers their face; the timing between Gregor being injured and left to die and the novice arriving at the monastery syncs up; and I'm pretty sure that the monk stating that, "The man called the Hound is dead" was metaphorical.

Of course, we'll have to wait and see; just my two cents. If a second extant Targaryen can be written in with absolutely no foreshadowing, I'm not going to rule out Sandor surviving.
Dance with Dragons spoilers

No, I'm talking about Sandor Clegane, not Gregor; and I'm not referring to Robert Strong as the apprentice, but the gravedigger who walked with a limp in the monastery. Keeping with the whole "they're probably not dead unless they die on page" thing George Martin does, we never actually see the Hound die; initiates wear a wrap that covers their face; the timing between Gregor being injured and left to die and the novice arriving at the monastery syncs up; and I'm pretty sure that the monk stating that, "The man called the Hound is dead" was metaphorical.
Of course, we'll have to wait and see; just my two cents. If a second extant Targaryen can be written in with absolutely no foreshadowing, I'm not going to rule out Sandor surviving.
Oooooooooooh. That makes sense, yes. I don't know how I so badly misinterpreted what you said.
So, I've been reading the first book, about 600 pages in and I'm shocked on how... close to material HBO were. Sure, there are some slight changes here and there but it's been on par thus far. I also enjoy seeing a new perspective from a different person every chapter. It's refreshing and interesting to say the least.

The book is so good, I might even start reading the 2nd book before the HBO series continues. (and I have 7+ books waiting for me).
I think they did a phenomenal job of translating the book to the screen. Almost every change was perfect for the medium.

It was just shocking when I started reading Pillars of the Earth after watching the HBO series (which was great and Haylee's cans were fantastic to look at). When I started reading the book, I was at ate on how different it was. Heck, I was waiting for the "ring" story to come into the picture and it never did because it was a COMPLETE fabrication. The book was excellent, even more so since it felt like some type of... remix that was even more intriguing than the series was.

In a way I enjoyed it both. I tried to watch the 1st episode again and I turned it off, the first 20 minutes was complete fabrication.

I'm glad Game of Thrones was respected.
Man, she ain't even tv ugly. Isn't Ygritte supposed to be, I dunno, kind of not all that attractive?

Not complaining, looking forward to seeing her out of her furs.
The only thing I remember them saying was something about a gap in the teeth? Brienne is the only one that they went out of their way to describe as super ugly.
By the same token, Jon was trying to talk himself out of well... yeah. So I'd consider any flaws mentioned solely by Jon to be tainted. Besides. even Peter Dinklage isn't TV ugly, and Tyrion is described as being pretty gross.

It was just shocking when I started reading Pillars of the Earth after watching the HBO series (which was great and Haylee's cans were fantastic to look at). When I started reading the book, I was at ate on how different it was. Heck, I was waiting for the "ring" story to come into the picture and it never did because it was a COMPLETE fabrication. The book was excellent, even more so since it felt like some type of... remix that was even more intriguing than the series was.

In a way I enjoyed it both. I tried to watch the 1st episode again and I turned it off, the first 20 minutes was complete fabrication.

I'm glad Game of Thrones was respected.
And you make me glad I never watched The Pillars of the Earth series, because I would've been irritated from the sound of it.
Don't get me wrong, my fiancee and I loved the series and because of it I bought the book of Amazon for a few pennies.

Regardless, HBO did Game of Thrones pretty damn well.
By the same token, Jon was trying to talk himself out of well... yeah. So I'd consider any flaws mentioned solely by Jon to be tainted. Besides. even Peter Dinklage isn't TV ugly, and Tyrion is described as being pretty gross.
Like I said, I'm not in any way complaining. I like looking at pretty people.
When does Season 2 start on HBO?

It's crazy how when this series ended season 1, I never read any of the books. Currently, I'm 100 pages into the 5th book and loving it. Reading it slowly, a chapter a day.

This is simply a great series.