The not-so-serious but I want to rant thread.

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Man my stupid glasses! I ordered a pair of glasses with transition lenses from Zenni Optical and at first everything seemed fine but today I noticed my glasses where hard to see out of on one side. I figured I must have gotten them dirty so I washed them in luke warm water and soap. I put them back on and it is still blurry. I hold them up to the light and there is a spot right in the middle that is a different color and smudgy. I tried washing them again no luck. So I went to call Zenni but at least as of no one was answering so I will have to call back later. So here I am at work with a pair of glasses on that makes it hard to see out of one eye. I have to look towards the bottom of the lens to see out. There is two possible outcomes for when I get a hold of Zenni. Either they will acknowledge it was a defect and send me a new pair or they will claim it is my fault somehow and I will get a 50% refund. I am definitely hoping for the first option but as for now I am stuck until after work with one blurry eye. :(


Got a hold of Zenni and they said if I ship them back to them they will look at the glasses and decide if they will replace them or not. Luckily I still have my old glasses to use that way I won't be completely blind while they decide if they will fix them.


Staff member
I hate it when I have dreams where people who are usually nice act cruel or thoughtless. Even though I know it's not real, it makes me feel bad all day. :(
I hate it when I'm in someone else's dream, and everything's all cool one second, and the next thing you know you're skinny dipping in pool full of gumbo, and when you tersely point out to the dreamer that gumbo was not a good choice for a swimming pool, they get all sensitive and stuff.

I have got to be more choosy about the heads I invade.


unless you have a crazy bad prescription eyebuydirect is a damn cheap place to find the same frames that sell for several hundred dollars more. If you have a coke bottle prescription, its about 30% cheaper than the eye glass folks. Thing is, you need the details of your prescription as well as the measurements for glasses (which are strange and arcane, like)
I hate when I spend half my day hung over reading Halforums instead of getting work done that I need to.
seriously. i dunno why i stay around, since the people i have a crush on are suddenly being mature and ignoring me. /sigh[/QUOTE]

It's because I know our love would be a forbidden love wrought with peril and disaster for the poor souls of the world. Our passions can only be expressed through mayhem and chaos, entangling and strangling the life from the very creatures that live in our domain. And in the end, amidst the wreckage and broken bodies, only we would stand, empty, bereft, and with none left to sacrifice.

So instead we must resign ourselves to appreciate from afar until the time of wrath is upon us.
UUUUUGH. I am far too affected by external evaluations of my worth.

I just submitted, for the first time in my life, a short story to be considered for publication in a Science Fiction magazine. I damn near feel like throwing up, I feel that nervous about it. I mean, the worst they could say is "No."* so I don't know why I'm getting so worked up. But ... maaaaan oh maaaan. I'm cold all over, literally shivering, and I'm about to lose my supper.

Maybe writing isn't for me.

* - Okay, so the worst they could say is far worse than that. Something like "Oh, GOD! Why would you affront our eyes and imaginations with such GARBAGE? We hereby condemn you to never attempt to render the English language in written form ever again, for any purposes."
Aaaand rejected via form letter. Not a surprise, but still a little sad.

Tomorrow we try again. Elsewhere.


Staff member
Hey at least you submitted it. I'm terrified of sharing my work with anyone. Keep at it if you really believe it should be read. I admire your courage.
Did you know Shakespeare received 94 rejection letters before making it in Hollywood? Now everyone remembers him as the actor who brought sexy back. Keep trying, Rob!
I will be closing on my house within the next week. This is good?

But all the money I have been saving will be gone.... and I will, for the very first time, be completely broke. Even though I've had money troubles before, I've ALWAYS had at least a thousand in my savings.

Won't be broke for long (hopefully) since I get that nice tax credit!

But living in a house with no fridge? Hrmmmm :awesome:

EDIT: But then I get my paycheck lolz
Rob, I'm right with you. Send a few pieces to the Journal of NJ Poets. They take up to a year to respond so the rejection letter may be a long time coming.

Kitty Sinatra

I don't understand why you're ranting about that, Vytamindi. I know it's scary, but it's also awesome.
I almost made it to work today before I realized that my children in the back seat might have wanted to go to daycare instead.
Man, I've been ranting a hell of a lot lately. But like I said before, when it rains it pours, and it hasn't stopped yet. It's just moved to different areas of my life.

Now I'm laying in bed, panicking, because I'm coming to the realization that I'm totally fucked. I mean, I've been fucked for a while now, but I've been able to pretend otherwise, at the very least. Now, though, it's staring me in the face. Every cent that I currently have access to, I owe to someone else. I will be broke by Friday. I am functionally broke already.

The anal-retentive roommates that I have been gleefully rid of for the last three months are moving back in in the next few weeks. I've been looking for apartments, and I found one that will let me take my dog ... which will make me a fucking happy man. Problem is that it's $150/month more than I'm paying here already, which I can only barely afford as it is.

Add on top of that that I'm very seriously considering quitting my job because I've been reminded a million times why it's the worst thing I could possibly be doing right now, and my financial situation does not get better. I was hoping to sell some short fiction, to help alleviate the costs that are surrounding me these days, but that didn't go so well. I'll try again, but it's sort of put a damper on my spirits.

And then, I get to go to my job (which as I have mentioned is becoming agonizing) and give free food to people who are living lives of leisure. Not luxury, of course, but leisure. Their welfare comes in, and they don't feel the need to work. Once a month they come to pick up free food, and then blow their checks on alcohol and cigarettes.

Failing figuring out a way to go on welfare, or selling some fiction, or getting Bill Gates to mail me a check, my idea of 'let's find a new job' hasn't produced much fruit. I've only checked online thus far, but so far everything is either a step down from my already abysmally low position, or requires training and/or education that it shouldn't.

World, let me tell you something. I am a smart man. I try not to talk about it too much, because my self-pride can sometimes border on arrogance, but if you picked one hundred random people from this city, there might be two or three who are smarter than me. I don't mean to say that I have all the knowledge, or all the skills, but when it comes to speed of learning, problem solving skills, etc, I'm a fucking amazing catch. And yet you won't even look at me for your goddamn janitorial position because I don't have a fucking Master's.

The simplest answer is to just get up and move away, to somewhere where it's cheaper, or where there's more money. But I don't want to do that. Not yet. Things were getting better here up until last week, and then the bottom decided to fall out.

Sometimes I feel like Job had it easy. The bastard.
for the 1st time in years, i feel i like a girl enough that she could actually hurt me if i started a relationship with her. I did not realize i had it that easy before with fbuddies yet this feeling that i kinda, maybe could fall in love is actually nice

I'm scared shitless.


Staff member
Good luck, Math. Don't be scared... or at least not enough to let it paralyze you. Just adrenaline scared.

Rob... :hug: :hug: :hug:

Vyta--congrats on your big move.
I will be closing on my house within the next week. This is good?

But all the money I have been saving will be gone.... and I will, for the very first time, be completely broke. Even though I've had money troubles before, I've ALWAYS had at least a thousand in my savings.

Won't be broke for long (hopefully) since I get that nice tax credit!

But living in a house with no fridge? Hrmmmm :awesome:

EDIT: But then I get my paycheck lolz
That feeling you get after spending your savings on a house is called cashtration. 3 years on, and I am still feeling it from time to time.


Staff member
UUUUUGH. I am far too affected by external evaluations of my worth.

I just submitted, for the first time in my life, a short story to be considered for publication in a Science Fiction magazine. I damn near feel like throwing up, I feel that nervous about it. I mean, the worst they could say is "No."* so I don't know why I'm getting so worked up. But ... maaaaan oh maaaan. I'm cold all over, literally shivering, and I'm about to lose my supper.

Maybe writing isn't for me.

* - Okay, so the worst they could say is far worse than that. Something like "Oh, GOD! Why would you affront our eyes and imaginations with such GARBAGE? We hereby condemn you to never attempt to render the English language in written form ever again, for any purposes."
Aaaand rejected via form letter. Not a surprise, but still a little sad.

Tomorrow we try again. Elsewhere.[/QUOTE]

Talk to Nick. He's had stuff published and maybe he can give a few pointers.
Although rejection is part of the game. I think I got to ten when I decided it wasn't worth it. Turned out to be a good move for me as I eventually realized I was writing the wrong stuff. Still don't make money from it, but I find it infinitely more satisfying.


I am kind of bummed out. Every week I go out to lunch with 4 of my friends from school. It is really the highlight of my week. Now since my cat died and that whole thing cost 100 dollars I have to offset the cost by cutting out my lunch with friends. Although I think I have come up with a good compromise, we are going to pack lunches and eat the student center. Which is ok because what is so fun about it is hanging out and chatting. I just resent that I had to make that change since that is the only fun thing I get to do in the week because of my budget.
I am kind of bummed out. Every week I go out to lunch with 4 of my friends from school. It is really the highlight of my week. Now since my cat died and that whole thing cost 100 dollars I have to offset the cost by cutting out my lunch with friends. Although I think I have come up with a good compromise, we are going to pack lunches and eat the student center. Which is ok because what is so fun about it is hanging out and chatting. I just resent that I had to make that change since that is the only fun thing I get to do in the week because of my budget.
But yet you should be happy that these friends are happy enough to make the change to still have lunch with you.

No, that doesn't change your remorse for making them change, however it is the silver lining.
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