[Funny] Funny Pictures! (Keep em clean, folks!)

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Staff member
I see a variety of those fucks around here all the time. Silly hipsters. Though the shutter shades have been co-opted by bro-boy crowd. And goddamnit I love my argyle.


Staff member
2010 will look like the Jersey Shore cast, only they're doing it ironically. That way when someone comes up to them and calls them a guido, they can snort down their noses because this guy doesn't get the irony.


And here I was wondering why so many douchebags were riding around fixed gear bikes in downtown Philly.
Referring the Hipster Pic... Man I'm old. Or just so Old School that every time I see some one with a tattoo on the inside of the elbow; I assume that they are Heroin addicts.
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