Gas Bandit's Political Thread V: The Vampire Likes Bats


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WHEN (not if) he's put on the Supreme Court, it's going to be yet another case of the Idiots Running the Show. Doesn't matter what happens to the political pendulum in the future - tilting favorably towards the left - the courts will be conservative and HUGELY conservative for the next 20-30 years.

Yet another case of "good job you fucking morons".


Staff member
Republicans in a nutshell. Doesn't matter if it's true or not. No investigation can take place because it might make them look bad.

When asked if they believed her testimony:

“I think she believes what she is saying.”
I've said it multiple times and I'll say it again: it is impossible to be a republican and a good person. If you think you're an exception, you're not.
I told you guys I'd say it again: it is impossible to be a republican and a good person. If you think you're an exception, you're not.
I told you guys I'd say it again: it is impossible to be a republican and a good person. If you think you're an exception, you're not.
Nah man, there are, like, totally some good republicans... that, for some reason, have no problem with being associated with a party that actively promotes that sort of hateful lies.

And really, they forgot about Weiner already, when he basically won them the presidential election?
Are Republicans all just monsters? Like, this is not me being mocking or anything, this is a serious question.

*That moment when you actually feel bad about wanting to make a joke about knowing who to grope next because her kids are way too young...
Cool, everyone's suddenly ok with him being beligerent and angry and refusing to answer most questions.

Your new supreme court justice, Rapey Rageface McAlcoholic.

The only people who defend drinking like he does are alcoholics.

If my father, son or brother had committed sexual assault and I knew about it, they'd be arrested and I would file the paperwork myself.

WHEN (not if) he's put on the Supreme Court, it's going to be yet another case of the Idiots Running the Show. Doesn't matter what happens to the political pendulum in the future - tilting favorably towards the left - the courts will be conservative and HUGELY conservative for the next 20-30 years.

Yet another case of "good job you fucking morons".
This might lead to changing the life long appointments of SC justices...which will open the gates to even more severe pendulum swings.
The American political system is, in some ways, fundamentally broken. Legislative and executive branch shouldn't have this much power to steer the judicial. Between gerrymandering, this, and the control of the media, the extreme conservative is boxing above its weight class and stacking the deck immensely in its own favour.
No, they want a constitutional convention. One that essentially guarantees personhood to corporations and denies personhood to any group they choose to put in it.
Kavanaugh lies so easily under oath that he couldn't even tell the truth about watching her testimony earlier in the day.

Holy fuck. No wonder he's Trump's man.

Also, GW is actively whipping the undecided GoP members to vote him in, just in case you've been fooled into thinking he's not a complete piece of shit by the way the media has been coddling him lately.

So calling out Republicans for still being Republicans in the face of this shitshow is "doing the thing again?" Fine. I'll do the thing again, too. If you're still a Republican after all this, FUCK YOU and everything you stand for. There's going to be a reckoning after all this is over. In this life or the next, you all will have to answer for what you've brought upon this country.
So calling out Republicans for still being Republicans in the face of this shitshow is "doing the thing again?" Fine. I'll do the thing again, too. If you're still a Republican after all this, FUCK YOU and everything you stand for. There's going to be a reckoning after all this is over. In this life or the next, you all will have to answer for what you've brought upon this country.
I think it was "you're doing the thing again" for blots because he said he'd do it again.


Staff member
You sound surprised. His confirmation was a foregone conclusion as soon as he was nominated.

He's pivotal to their future plans.

Say goodbye to the Meuller investigation. Say goodbye to any accountability as pardons will include state laws. Say goodbye to Roe v Wade.

And so much more.
it is impossible to be a republican and a good person.
So calling out Republicans for still being Republicans in the face of this shitshow is "doing the thing again?" Fine. I'll do the thing again, too.
I don’t believe “being good” and “being a Republican” are at all mutually exclusive. I mean...sure, these people are members of the Republican Party, but to use that as justification to call them “republican” is like saying a wolf wearing a fleece must be a sheep just because it happens to be in the pen with the rest of the flock.

We shouldn’t be damning the flock. We should be finding and getting rid of the wolves.



Staff member
I don’t believe “being good” and “being a Republican” are at all mutually exclusive. I mean...sure, these people are members of the Republican Party, but to use that as justification to call them “republican” is like saying a wolf wearing a fleece must be a sheep just because it happens to be in the pen with the rest of the flock.

We shouldn’t be damning the flock. We should be finding and getting rid of the wolves.
The "flock" are actively defending the "wolves". Actually, I'd like to abandon this analogy, because it's an insult to both wolves and to sheep.

The time to weed out the bad influences in the Republican party was long before Dolt45 took control. There are no "good Republicans" because ALL of the people they're voting for are disgusting, corrupt, racist, misogynist, lumps of trash. There are no "good Republicans" to vote for at the national level, therefore no one voting for them can be considered good anymore.
Also, we're talking about a political party here. This isn't a religion, or a family, or a culture, or an ethnicity, or anything like that. It's a name that's been applied to a group of people who tend to vote in the same way when it comes to national and local policy. I can completely understand an unwillingness to walk away from a religion - even in the face of extreme adversity, a la the Catholic abuse scandals - that's tied extremely close to someone's identity (or can be, for religious types). This is continually choosing to pay into the coffers of people who are actively campaigning on the right of men to abuse women, putting children in concentration camps, and destroying the economy and freedom of access to information because they have the same letter next to their name that you've always voted for - or because you actively agree with their stances. The only way I have of telling which it is, is if someone leaves the republican party, and refuses to support them. I can no longer assume that anyone who votes republican is just doing so out of convenience or because they've just always done it that way, because it's madness, and to give them a pass for it is to condone it myself. And they for damn sure better not try to come begging to me in 10 years when this is WWII levels bad and telling me that they couldn't see where it was leading and had no way to know that the republican party had turned rotten.

Edit: exchange they for you.
There is no question that R and D are part of people's identities. The partisanship in politics is at least partly about which team you belong to. It is not all ideological. People will definitely turn a blind eye to the negatives of their in-group in order to maintain a positive identity for themselves. The D group does this too.


Staff member
There is no question that R and D are part of people's identities. The partisanship in politics is at least partly about which team you belong to. It is not all ideological. People will definitely turn a blind eye to the negatives of their in-group in order to maintain a positive identity for themselves. The D group does this too.
Yeah, I remember the dems rallying around Franken and going after the accuser with all guns blazing. Completely the same reactions.
I'm not saying they are identical. I am saying it isn't all ideology. Also, some Dems definitely rallied around Franken. No question. Each party has their own blind spots.


Staff member
Feminists definitely formed a human phalanx around Bill Clinton during his sexual assault allegations. Cognitive dissonance is a hell of a thing.