Wisconsin Prison bans D&D: Promotes GANGS

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Apparently they found a guy asking others if they wanted to play D&D (which is a ballsy thing to do IN PRISON!!) and took away his books and stuff. They said it promoted gang-related activity.

Sadly, what they fail to realize is that those who play D&D are LESS likely to break the law or cause trouble. Have to find the link on these stats again as it's been about 15 years since I saw them.

I understand if they don't let him have miniatures or stuff like that, but it's just books!

(And before you start on the fact this guy is a convicted murderer and that we shouldn't feel sorry for him, I get that. Besides, his sister lied to the police a few times and they say she may have done it and framed her brother. Either way at the very least he's a bank robber.)


That really sucks. Prison is a terrible place and people are in there for terrible things but alot of the time they actually DO change and you have to give them some kind of outlet


Man the comments section of that article hurts my brain.

Nobody really seems to want rehabilitation for these guys.


Man the comments section of that article hurts my brain.

Nobody really seems to want rehabilitation for these guys.
well... it is life in prison without parole (at least that is what we assume) so why even give these guys comfort? I mean they are in prison forever (until they die in there). What kind of rehabilitation would do if you are going to spend your life in prison? Do you get a chance for parole if you rehabilitate? even with life term without parole?


Heh, I didn't realise twas without parole, I'm used to the uk justice system, where Life is a fixed term, and rehabilitation is a major factor of the process.

But how big must your balls be to go up to fellow inmates and drop the fact you play D&D.
Heh, I didn't realise twas without parole, I'm used to the uk justice system, where Life is a fixed term, and rehabilitation is a major factor of the process.

But how big must your balls be to go up to fellow inmates and drop the fact you play D&D.
I have no idea I had to be nearly at my wits end before I asked my co workers to play a Pen and Paper RPG with me.


Guy beat someone else to death with a sledgehammer. Don't think he quite fits the 'peaceful, nerdy D&D-player' stereotype.


Staff member
Did you see the OP? According to the court papers his sister may have done it and blamed him for the crime. Her story changed several times when talking to the police. The guy wasn't a nice fellow, but he may not have done it. And beating to death with a sledgehammer might be one swing.
Did you see the OP? According to the court papers his sister may have done it and blamed him for the crime. Her story changed several times when talking to the police. The guy wasn't a nice fellow, but he may not have done it. And beating to death with a sledgehammer might be one swing.
The majority of people's view is "accused = guilty". Now consider what they think of "convicted."
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