Whine like a baby, now with 500% more drama!


Staff member
Fun fact: meowing is a language that cats develop only for communicating with humans. Kittens mewl to their mother for attention. Adult cats don't meow to each other in the wild, they communicate through scent and body language. But humans don't normally respond to these, and so they adapt to meowing because they discover it works.

Your cat is basically talking to you in baby-talk.
Somebody else taught him that. He did that when I got him. Sometimes I think he just does it because he's bored.

But that "cats don't meow at each other" thing is actually an urban legend. It varies from cat to cat, some are more vocal than others, but there's quite a bit of anecdotal evidence of cats meowing at each other/when they don't think a human is present.

However I'm rapidly learning the different kinds of meow. There's a wake up stupid human meow, there's a feed me meow, there's a pet me meow, there's an I'm bored do something about it meow, and there's even an I want to go outside meow... and more. I'm slowly learning to tell the difference.
I hate when you have so much to say and want to talk about all of it but it feels like so much you get overwhelmed and think and think and think about what to say and nothing comes out and you just say nothing or ignore the person you wanted to say it to.
At some point I should tell her that her outsourced baby is talking...
NO! Ah, growing up so much. I'm such a proud not-Mama. :D What were his first words, do tell![DOUBLEPOST=1402411091,1402410990][/DOUBLEPOST]Also update, I surived my ordeals yesterday. I was laid out emotionally, but I survived and now feel much happier. Thanks to everyone for the hugs and loves. :heart:
NO! Ah, growing up so much. I'm such a proud not-Mama. :D What were his first words, do tell![DOUBLEPOST=1402411091,1402410990][/DOUBLEPOST]Also update, I surived my ordeals yesterday. I was laid out emotionally, but I survived and now feel much happier. Thanks to everyone for the hugs and loves. :heart:
So did you win the title belt?


Staff member
If you ask me, "(Wife name)'s insanity pickle" would make a great euphemism for something only technically hers in the sense of a verbal contract.
Why yes, brain. I'd like to spend the entire night reviewing EVERY . . . SINGLE . . . THING . . . that I've ever regretted. No, I don't need silly things like sleep.
I'm having trouble sleeping, but it is due to activities entirely of my own making.
Nighttime is satisfying. It's the following mornings I can't stand.



Staff member
I tend to hold onto things for too long. For example, I constantly replay the time I nearly died at 15 because I confused left turns. I for some reason had it in my head that if I signaled, that meant the oncoming lane had to stop. I was on a fast road. On a motorcycle. I still get sweaty palms thinking about how many inches the front of that truck missed me by. Though given that he didn't brake or honk it probably was not nearly as close as I remember. Anyway, that is one of the series of events that replays constantly.
Mine is more like my brain is hooked up to an electric generator. I don't have any particular scenarios going through my head. My body says, "Go lay down" and my brain replies, "But Moooooom! There's no school and I'll clean my room tomorrow! PLEEEEEEEASE!"
All various kinds can be fun. Lying awake dreading tomorrow. Lying awake regretting today or yesterday. Lying awake reliving the most humiliating or confusing things you've done. Lying awake reliving the most awkward or unintentionally hurtful parts of your life. Lying awake deciding you really will get off your ass tomorrow and Start Living Life to the Fullest, because these are your "best years"....only to be in the exact same spot the day after, because in the morning there's no willpower there, there's just drudgery and all the heaviness of dragging that big bag of goop held together by skin around all day, doing mind-numbing tasks you never thought you'd do for more than, oh, a year or so 'till you found something better. And knowing this, and lying awake at night feeling sorry for yourself because you already know tomorrow will be just another day of saying you should change but not doing it, and regretting doing nothing while not doing anything - meaning it's not a nice "I'm relaxing and tackle stuff tomorrow" "doing nothing", but a "I'm bummed and spiritless and I'm just marching towards death" "doing nothing". Those are the best*. Or the black void nights, where you're awake and you want to sleep and dream, but no dreams will come - just the numbers on your alarm clock going ever-so-slowly up...And nothign else will pop into your head but "I should go to sleep. I want to sleep. I can't sleep".

*And by that, I mean worst.
I hate allergies.

Wind started picking up this afternoon. Farm is located next to our apartment complex. Wind was coming from direction of farm. Guess what's been blowing, full-force, into our apartment complex all day?
Trying to get all the paperwork done for various "you need to stop bugging me, we're not made of money" things (student loans, the house that's still around my neck). Printed up all the paperwork at work (cuz free printing!) but then went and left those and the stack of our tax forms and (original!) W-2's in the break room.

Not as bad as it could be, managed to catch the folks before closing (one's a friend, the other is a manager), looks like nobody actually noticed them, and I can go back and get them tomorrow morning.
On my first of two days off.
Before they open at 8am.
And it's almost a 2 hour drive to get there and back (70mi round trip, $10 in gas).


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My kids fighting over video games got so bad that my wife just unplugged and removed the XBox altogether. Unfortunately, I cannot say she was wrong for doing so, but this is definitely going to interfere with any intentions I had of continuing Borderlands.


Staff member
My kids fighting over video games got so bad that my wife just unplugged and removed the XBox altogether. Unfortunately, I cannot say she was wrong for doing so, but this is definitely going to interfere with any intentions I had of continuing Borderlands.
Please tell me you have a Get-Along shirt. I think that thing is the best parental invention since the ping pong paddle.
I spent overtime last night with my boss and IT getting our servers updated. I think the network just shit the bed and IT is off faffing about. Our head of IT is trying to pull it back from the dead and I cant do shit until it is fixed....
My kids fighting over video games got so bad that my wife just unplugged and removed the XBox altogether. Unfortunately, I cannot say she was wrong for doing so, but this is definitely going to interfere with any intentions I had of continuing Borderlands.
You can't plug it back in and play it when you want to? Perhaps it's me, but this punishment was for your kids. You are entitled to do pretty much what you want with the XBox, including playing it when they aren't allowed.
This is true, and yes, I would imagine that after bed I can do what I want. At the same time, there is a certain oomph to the idea that they've fucked it up so badly that it's just out of the picture for an indeterminant amount of time.