What are you listening to II: Electric Bogaloo

Picked a number out of a hat, and this album came up. It's only in my library for completeness sake of the RS 500 Greatest Albums. So I put it on grudgingly. A grudging that slipped away with each subsequent song. Worth the listen after all. :)
Picked a number out of a hat, and this album came up. It's only in my library for completeness sake of the RS 500 Greatest Albums. So I put it on grudgingly. A grudging that slipped away with each subsequent song. Worth the listen after all. :)
A bunch of singer songwriters did a tribute album to Merle called Tulare Dust. It is a completely awesome album.


I kinda feel this song is appropriate for "The Date That Shall Live in Infamy."

Also, I feel I must thank those who have served, are serving, or will serve in the Armed Forces. It's because of people like you that we can sit here and post our little inanities day-in and day-out.
As if the first cover on the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo soundtrack wasn't awesome enough Reznor's other band, How to Destroy Angels, covered this old gem for David Fincher:

Just beautiful.
My friend gave me some Quality Softcore for Christmas. We've been looking for this album forever. Now my Mad Caddies library is finally complete.