Video Game News and Miscellany

Oh! Zero Esc, didn't I tell you? There's a new Godzilla game coming out.

Thought you should know.
Why thank you, Nick, I appreciate your helpful attitude.

Seriously though, in two fucking days. How did this just slip past me? Not that I have the spending money for it right now, but still ...
And it's another PS4 exclusive. Thank the gods my wife wanted one so bad for Dragon Age Inquisition. Between this, Bloodborne, No Man's Sky, and Persona 5, I'm certain I got the right system for me.
Why thank you, Nick, I appreciate your helpful attitude.

Seriously though, in two fucking days. How did this just slip past me? Not that I have the spending money for it right now, but still ...
And it's another PS4 exclusive. Thank the gods my wife wanted one so bad for Dragon Age Inquisition. Between this, Bloodborne, No Man's Sky, and Persona 5, I'm certain I got the right system for me.
Personally, I think Horizon might be the system-buying game for me. That looks amazing.
I'm just ... I don't know. Three years ago, I would've gone "that sucks" and it would've been nothing to me. But I've been watching the Nintendo Direct videos since early 2013, and Iwata made himself a presence in each of those. He was informal, but polite, and had an attitude of inviting us in to see what great stuff he wanted us to partake in, like a video game Mr. Rogers. I looked forward to the videos not just to see announcements or details for upcoming games, but also because Iwata was just so friendly and welcoming. I'd make jokes that I couldn't wait to listen to his adorable accent. I know the Nintendo Board of Directors haven't been happy with him as CEO, but as a spokesman for Nintendo, he's been someone I've enjoyed getting to see. You felt like you knew him a little.

I'm surprised by this. I know he had health issues last year, surgery too, and I guess it wasn't over. He was only 55 and it's a shame. This affects nothing with the games themselves, but it's really disheartening. He was so joyful about everything he presented, everything involving Nintendo. I'm going to miss him.
I've started up a thread to go along with this news. It will be a shame not to have him around anymore. I thought he had done some good stuff with his Nintendo Direct videos and offered such a personal touch to engaging with the audience.

I've actually been reading about some of his programming work, and apparently one of his big programming achievements was from working on Pokemon Gold and Silver. He managed to develop compression tools that were good enough to fit the Kanto region into the game along with all of the Johto content.


Staff member
So, is GamerGate still a thing? Or is one obnoxious person on my Tumblr feed (whom I unfollowed for this) really behind the times in ranting about how awful it is?
So, is GamerGate still a thing? Or is one obnoxious person on my Tumblr feed (whom I unfollowed for this) really behind the times in ranting about how awful it is?
Far as I can tell the only people still shouting about it from either side are people who wouldn't get any attention without it.
It's basically down to people no one cares about and the folks who have made a livelihood over the outrage. So really, no one anyone cares about.
Since I follow MovieBob on Twitter, the subject still comes up once in awhile. Usually from assholes and idiots still trying to "call him out." Seems like the only time the subject comes up is on "SJW" topics, usually having nothing to do with game journalism.

I...can't imagine why. /sarcasm
The Binding of Isaac for 3DS will have the map displayed on the bottom screen, AND one of my favorite under-utilized features for DS and 3DS games: drawing on the map. This was incredibly helpful in Zelda: Phantom Hourglass and Zelda: Spirit Tracks, and I wish more games would make use of letting you write notes and mark stuff you want to keep in mind.

I can't remember looking forward this much to a port of a game I already own.
In a recent Tweet the director of MG Rising: Revengeance and the upcoming Transformers: Devastation said he really wants to make a Kill La Kill and/or Berserk game.

My body is ready.
In a recent Tweet the director of MG Rising: Revengeance and the upcoming Transformers: Devastation said he really wants to make a Kill La Kill and/or Berserk game.

My body is ready.
Holy fucknuts yes! It would be nice to get a good Berserk game that was actually available over here.


Staff member
Kill la Kill is... an experience to watch, let me tell you.

Definitely not beginner's anime.

Best I can put it is... imagine if Gurren Lagann was based more on vampiric clothes instead of the human spirit, on theme-consistent high-school paraphernalia-based weaponry instead of drills, and had a lot more schoolgirls in skimpy clothing.

And also was utterly insane.