[Question] There's something outside my window here at work.

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Staff member
Dudes, I am freaking out! I got Skyrim on Friday and after doing a family thing I started playing it. I stopped some time last night. This morning I got to work and now there's this huge thing right outside my window and it's driving me nuts.

It's pretty big and fucking bright! I can look at it, but not too long as it causes me to have problems with my vision. It's now making me very warm and I'm getting scared. Is it casting some sort of flame spell? I'm afraid to go outside or it might see me.

What should I do?


Staff member
No. This is not a tale from Skyrim, it is a sad and pathetic cry for help from me.
Why was I picturing you like this?

Spouting this?
And I said, I don't care if they lay me off either, because I told, I told Bill that if they move my desk one more time, then, then I'm, I'm quitting, I'm going to quit. And, and I told Don too, because they've moved my desk four times already this year, and I used to be over by the window, and I could see the squirrels, and they were merry, but then, they switched from the Swingline to the Boston stapler, but I kept my Swingline stapler because it didn't bind up as much, and I kept the staples for the Swingline stapler and it's not okay because if they take my stapler then I'll set the building on fire.
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