[TV] The What Anime Are You Watching Thread!


Staff member
Do you not like it, or d'ya think its a big time-killer?
Well, I'm a little more than half way through it, and so far, an admittedly overgeneralized summary would be that it's about
a guy who meets a girl in an MMO, they fall in love, and a few years later she doesn't leave the hospital.

Because THOSE were stitches that needed a good yank, right?


Staff member
Did you watch BOTH seasons of Sword Art Online? Season 2 starts with the FPS MMO.

I'm... kind of surprised this is your reaction if you did.
Hrm, no, I didn't know there was a MMOFPS season, the end of the ALO arc was where watchcartoononline.com's stuff ended.

But from hearing you say that, maybe I won't watch it.
Hrm, no, I didn't know there was a MMOFPS season, the end of the ALO arc was where watchcartoononline.com's stuff ended.

But from hearing you say that, maybe I won't watch it.
You can watch the Gun Gale Online arc and the Nieflheim arc, which are the first two arcs of the season. Just don't watch Episode 18-24 on. Seriously. You can just read a synopsis later when Season 3 hits.


Staff member
I'm thinkingggggg no. Once bitten twice shy here, and this time I'm forewarned. So. No need to go poking my head in ANOTHER spider's nest.
I'm thinkingggggg no. Once bitten twice shy here, and this time I'm forewarned. So. No need to go poking my head in ANOTHER spider's nest.
That might be the smart move, at least for now. The Gun Gale bit is pretty awesome (and does an awesome variation on the premise of the first season) but Nieflheim feels like filler.

I'm honestly running out of anime to watch and manga to read. High School of the Dead has been on hiatus for 2 years because the brothers who make it have been fighting over money, so Season 2 isn't out because the story had gone past Issue 31 in the manga... and that's basically the only ongoing I care about.
so I just ordered High School of the Dead super ultra mega deluxe collectors edition. I hope no one ever sees lest I be judge as a freak.
So I spent the evening reading Berserk manga (TOTALLY LEGALLY TOO!...Yes, legally). Read the first 9 volumes (only 28+ to go!). Just about through where the anime ends. But shit, that 9th volume is some heavy, dark stuff.
Don't worry, there won't be any boats until the last 5 or 6 volumes. Only more heavy, dark stuff.
Well, I meant the burgeoning relationship between two savagely broken people. The depiction of childhood abuse PTSD was pretty heavy.
Well, I meant the burgeoning relationship between two savagely broken people. The depiction of childhood abuse PTSD was pretty heavy.
It's really a great read, but yeah some of it is just brutal. The art is amazing, too, I just wish it didn't take the author so long to pump out more.
Man, just blasted through the whole holy tower/conviction/awakening/fuckfuckFUCCCCK arc. That was fucking intense. I blew through 1000 pages of comics like it was nothing and was gripped the whole time.

It's a God damn shame they've only ever seen fit to animate the Golden Age part of the story.
It is a shame. Berserk is my favorite fantasy manga and I wish they animated other parts for the theatrical release. But maybe the holy tower arc would be problematic lengthwise and then there is the content of course. By the way, I think the lost children arc is a little more dark and heavy than the next arc. But that is just my opinion.
Been reading more Berserk. At first, I was pretty meh about the Puck character, but he becomes increasingly necessary. Without his character to add a bit of levity, the darker parts of the story would be too overwhelming.


Staff member
I started Samurai Flamenco, which is so far kind of like "What if Kick-Ass was far more boring, and the protagonist was thoroughly uninteresting?"
Just finished vol 27 of Berserk. It is an immense series. I mean that in every way possible.

It's pretty fucking incredible. I'm actually starting to dread that it's not (and likely won't ever be) done as I get closer and closer to the end of what's finished.

I'm going to slow down and force myself to enjoy it one volume at a time.


Staff member
So I finished Samurai Flamenco.
That was an odd one with a lot of dramatic tone shifts. It was pretty good, though. Well, except maybe the whole
will of the universe
bit. Could've done without that. It's almost like Kick-Ass and Watchmen had a Japanese baby. It even nicely follows the Golden-Silver-Bronze-Dark evolution that US comics (and probably Japanese comics) followed. I do like that it showed the development of a
homosexual relationship (I guess you could debate this, but the Word of God is apparently yes) without resorting to stereotypes or even calling attention to it the way so many shows do. It just happens.

Also Kite
It's a 1999 OVA with a really strong Luc Besson vibe. Not bad, but nothing's ever really fleshed out, which leaves you kind of shrugging and going "eh" when the resolution happens. Apparently there was an American live action version released last year that netted a lovely 0% on Rotten Tomatoes. Funny, the critics there also mention Besson.
sat down last night and watched all of HoTD. What a weird show. I kept complaining how the zombie plague and everything that came after just felt far fetched. still watched all of it in one shot with Kiki. Lord save me from myself.