So, I was gonna write this out as a shakespeare scene, with a lazy attempt at iambic pentameter, but I just can't be bothered.

At a meeting at work this morning the supervisor started off by asking the people who parked in a prohibited area to go move their cars. After a dozen people left to do so, he lectured the rest of us about not parking there.

I just incredulously asked him "Why are you telling us?"
(Enter Supervisor)

How many times must I repeat my words?
You people have the mindfulness of birds!
We've dedicated spaces for our cars,
Specific areas marked out with white bars.
And yet you park your vehicles out where
The red lines say you cannot have cars there!
The white zone is where cars can be condoned,
There is no stopping in the red-lined zone!

I say to all who see my furrowed brow,
If your car's in the red, then go right now
And move it to the white-lined zone forthwith
Or else I'll dock your pay at least one-fifth!

(Exeunt everyone with a car in the red zone)

Alas, see how these mottled fools depart!
The lesson here, you must all take to heart!
I've told you all, and told you all again,
How many times? Like five? Or eight? Or ten?
Your vehicles do not belong out there
In places marked with obvious red flair!
If you should dare to break this rule once more,
I'll sack your ass, and you'll be out the door!

(Gruebeard raises a hand)

Sir, I'd just like to point out one thing here,
The people in this room are in the clear.
We parked our cars where our cars should belong,
We're all aware that red zone parking's wrong.
The ones who broke the rule are all outside,
The ones in here know how the rule's applied.
So while I do not wish to make a fuss,
Why the hell are you here scolding us?
Man, weather must be WEIRD.
80 in November was the weird thing for us. Usually our temperature doesn't drop to fall temps until we get that first snow (which usually happens in mid Oct. tbh) and then we tend to stay in the 60s until the weather decides to dump on us again, then it's back to the 60s. YAY LIVING NEAR MOUNTAINS.
I kind of wanted to put this is in the whine thread, but under the balancing of circumstances, it's really not right to do that.

We're giving up our last rat to another home, with the rescue place we adopted her from as a go-between. She was one of four, and now she's the last of four, and it's been that way for three months. Month 1 she was kind of relieved. Month 2 she was making an effort. Month 3 her effort decided we weren't enough and now our gentlest rat is becoming destructive and showing signs of depression.

My wife is really upset, but both the vet and the rescue place said they're proud of us for putting her needs first.

And I really can't help but be happy for her. Her new home has two elderly females living there already in a gigantic (expensive) cage, and they'll be joined soon by a new mother and her four little baby girls. Athena is kind of a big baby herself despite being 2 years and 10 months old; she mimics whoever is the dominant rat. So she'll get on well with the tiny babies and with whichever is the boss rat. It honestly perfect for her. She's also going to be able to take her bed with her and her favorite toy, and they said they'll send photos once she's adjusted to living with the others.

So though this is really hard, it's for the best. It'll be tomorrow or Sunday, depending on what's convenient for the people who will be taking her in.
I've never had it actually stuffed into the turkey. I don't care. It's still stuffing.

Actually I don't even like stuffing so I'm not sure why I'm so passionate about this, but I am.
Sorry, you're wrong. It's Dressing, and it's made with cornbread and duck and served with deep-fried turkey. It NEVER goes in the bird, EVER!
Trying to buy a grandpa shirt for my stepdad in regards to my nephew is difficult since my nephew calls him "papa" and there's with that word which ... have nothing to do with grandfathers.
On the one hand maybe a new shit from Buffy would be dope but on the other ya can't just get a new spike so I just don't know what I want.
I'm kind of debating going back to school, maybe in January. There's an Office Administration degree at the local community college (NSCC). I figure a degree like that would help me get maybe a relatively stable 9-5 (ish) office job, which might be ideal for my mental health. At the very least, it would give me more opportunities than what I have now. Still thinking about it, I guess.
I'm kind of debating going back to school, maybe in January. There's an Office Administration degree at the local community college (NSCC). I figure a degree like that would help me get maybe a relatively stable 9-5 (ish) office job, which might be ideal for my mental health. At the very least, it would give me more opportunities than what I have now. Still thinking about it, I guess.
That certainly sounds like a good number of pros for it. Any cons you can think of?
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I suppose it'd mean a cliched soulless office job that I don't have any actual interest in aside from its stability.
If it were fun they'd call it "play" instead of work, and find a way to charge you for it :)

But honestly, if it gets you out of your parents house, and keeps you feeling even-keeled when things like retail or teaching don't, you don't have to *love* your work. I'll tell you a secret: I'm a damn good programmer. But I don't like it. I do it because nothing else I can do at my education level can pay even a quarter of what I make doing it, it comes easy to me, and that kind of work is always in demand. I don't love my job, and I've never loved my job. But that's what hobbies are for, and why I have so many of them.

Sure, it'd be nice to do what you love for a living--but I know very few people who can actually make a living following that philosophy. I consider it a win if you can make a living doing something you don't hate.
If it were fun they'd call it "play" instead of work, and find a way to charge you for it :)

But honestly, if it gets you out of your parents house, and keeps you feeling even-keeled when things like retail or teaching don't, you don't have to *love* your work. I'll tell you a secret: I'm a damn good programmer. But I don't like it. I do it because nothing else I can do at my education level can pay even a quarter of what I make doing it, it comes easy to me, and that kind of work is always in demand. I don't love my job, and I've never loved my job. But that's what hobbies are for, and why I have so many of them.

Sure, it'd be nice to do what you love for a living--but I know very few people who can actually make a living following that philosophy.
The Funny rating is just for the first line. :)

I suppose if I decided to keep up with my writing (still debating whether I want to give up on that dream altogether), I could write either during my lunch breaks or after supper/work. That's assuming I'd get a 9-5ish kind of job through this program. And I might be able to afford, say, a yoga studio membership. Maybe even work towards teaching yoga on the side (another thought I've had before).


Staff member
Things that are objectively incorrect and you're a worse person for doing:

1) Calling stuffing "dressing."

That is all
I hesitate to say anything again about regional dialects or anything, but in at least SC, they're two different things. Stuffing is bread based and dressing is cornmeal based and baked.
You do that, and passport be damned, I will head straight up to Canada and give you 500 lashes with a wet noodle, and THEN, I will take every available bit of bribe money I can scrape together to have @Emrys unleash the scampering of all Scamperings upon you.

This I VOW. :p
I just...really don't know anymore. I haven't written anything in months. Haven't even looked at finished work like my completed YA novel or Dill's third adventure (in progress). I can't seem to do any proper self-promoting that means anything because I'm either ignored or literally laughed at (by, in this case, a podcast called Authors on the Air). The work that IS published doesn't sell for crap. The Dame was a Tad Polish has been out for a year and I haven't seen a single dime from it.

Any time I even think about editing or tinkering at the YA novel, I can't because I don't really like it anymore. It has so many problems and I don't know how to fix any of them. That's to say nothing of working on its sequel (it was planned as a 2-part series), because I have no clue what to do with it at all.

So I'm left feeling lost and hopeless as a writer.
I just...really don't know anymore. I haven't written anything in months. Haven't even looked at finished work like my completed YA novel or Dill's third adventure (in progress). I can't seem to do any proper self-promoting that means anything because I'm either ignored or literally laughed at (by, in this case, a podcast called Authors on the Air). The work that IS published doesn't sell for crap. The Dame was a Tad Polish has been out for a year and I haven't seen a single dime from it.

Any time I even think about editing or tinkering at the YA novel, I can't because I don't really like it anymore. It has so many problems and I don't know how to fix any of them. That's to say nothing of working on its sequel (it was planned as a 2-part series), because I have no clue what to do with it at all.

So I'm left feeling lost and hopeless as a writer.
Having a place of your own, that is welcoming to writing, is important. If you have to put writing aside for now to make that happen, you probably should.