
I put it there more to inform myself, and to link to that post in the future if someone else asks.


Staff member
"Gravlax" is the most bad-ass named food ever. It should be written in a heavy metal typeface at all times. At the grocery store, it should be enthroned on a dirty stone altar with chainmail bikini-clad women at its base.


I wonder why people do not realize how dumb they look when they take steps 2 at a time... or maybe they realize it and just do not care.


It might feel that way but it probably looks perfectly fine. My friend Andrea is a giant and so she takes the steps two at a time sometimes. She just looks goofy.
I don't think it officially trumps it unless the gremlins wore a dead muskrat on their heads and said 'You're Fired'.

I don't know what is with me today.
I agree with the double steppers. I sometimes even take 3 steps at a time!

Do I look stupid? Yes! But I get up the stairs faster and easier!
Added at: 20:57
(also, I always have the lingering feeling that I'm looking dumb doing stuff, so at least it's efficient)


I wasn't being contrary... I was in the lobby. I saw a guy take steps two at a time and he looked dorktastic. Unless I was being contrary to a guy Ive never talked to in the thought that he would somehow find a way to argue with me about it...

Im confused now.


Staff member

World’s Largest Thing of the Day: Vat19, makers of all things gummy, follow up their world’s largest gummy worm with the inevitable World’s Largest Gummy Bear.
How large is it? Well, let me put it this way: It comes with a built-in 34-ounce serving bowl for regular-size gummy bears. And that’s just his belly!
Sure, it’ll set you back a cool $200, but can you really put a price on a 26-pound gummy bear? No. No you cannot.


I wonder what the texture is like if it is extra squishy like the walmart bears or firm like Haribo?


Staff member
I'm currently reading the first book of the Kingkiller chronicle, and Kvothe really knows how to threaten people. So far my favorite is, "... [and if you do not,] I will come back here, murder your family, burn down your house, drag you out from the pyre, and cook you and eat you alive while all your neighbors watch."

And he's the GOOD guy.