
Staff member
I experienced the opposite extreme while living in Massachusetts. The laws there are set up to over protect the tenants. We rented half a duplex, and the (really great) landlord could not evict the terrible tenants in the other half who were wrecking the place and refusing to pay rent. They claimed hardship, and his hands were tied for 3 months.


Staff member
This Scooby Doo through the decades picture floating around the internet bugs me because it includes the 60s. They were already wearing 60s styles!


Staff member
This Scooby Doo through the decades picture floating around the internet bugs me because it includes the 60s. They were already wearing 60s styles!
When I googled what you were talking about, I saw it was on io9.

Which explains why it's crap. Gawker media.


Staff member
General Mills has joined the long list of companies that have announced plans to remove all artificial colors and flavors from their foods. Article. Others include Kraft, Nestle, Subway, Pizza Hut and Taco Bell. Is it paranoid to think that something is up? I mean, more than just wanting to appeal to consumers. For goodness sake, they're getting rid of blue and green pieces of Trix. That seems like a pretty big sacrifice when they could just put out "All Natural Trix" and charge a premium for it. If we see soda companies decide to drop artificial colors as well, I'm pretty much going to assume that one of these chemicals is a health hazard, and that they're dropping all of them at once in order to provide plausible deniability that they knew exactly which one is the problem.


Staff member
Well, for quite a while, many european companies have been convinced that most of the artificial colors allowed in the US actually contribute to cancer and ADHD... maybe a study is about to come out proving it.
Well, for quite a while, many european companies have been convinced that most of the artificial colors allowed in the US actually contribute to cancer and ADHD... maybe a study is about to come out proving it.
and then it turns out its whats making Americans fat, stupid, and diabetic. :3
ehh, sometimes I wonder if it is diabetes that causes obesity... Like now there is a study showing that a 100 year old tuberculosis treatment is damn dear curing type 1 diabetes.


Staff member
What gets me is that the Europeans and the Asians at work eat more than the Americans but they stay small. That makes me wonder often if we've poisoned our own food supplies.
Hmm... I've probably eaten more than 16 different types of fruit in the last month alone. But I guess you're talking about eating plants as staple foods.

Also, living in subtropical southeast Asia is awesome. All the fruit. :D
Hmm... I've probably eaten more than 16 different types of fruit in the last month alone. But I guess you're talking about eating plants as staple foods.

Also, living in subtropical southeast Asia is awesome. All the fruit. :D
Are durians are awful as they're supposed to be?
GMOs aren't inherently evil.
Some of the hormones, antibiotics, artificial flavorings etc we're allowing in our foods, though, are damn near.
Are durians are awful as they're supposed to be?

I am firmly of the opinion that durian is not actually a fruit. Durians are dead rats that have been left in the sun for three days, wrapped up in random fruit peels salvaged from a nearby dumpster, and served to people as a prank.
Monsanto GMOs are fucked... but other GMO stuff is probably going to feed the Third World someday.
Unfortunately, they don't exactly advertise.[DOUBLEPOST=1435054752,1435054706][/DOUBLEPOST]
GMOs aren't inherently evil.
Some of the hormones, antibiotics, artificial flavorings etc we're allowing in our foods, though, are damn near.
I'm going to regret this, but what's wrong with artificial flavorings?
Unfortunately, they don't exactly advertise.[DOUBLEPOST=1435054752,1435054706][/DOUBLEPOST]

I'm going to regret this, but what's wrong with artificial flavorings?
Most, absolutely nothing. It was just a general thought; artificial additives, if you prefer. I did clearly say "some", you know. And yes, there are known carcinogens being used as food additives in some countries. And in "harmless doses unless ingested in abnormal quantities", which is occasionally rubbish. *shrug*


Staff member
I mean, we've been GMing our Os since we started cultivating. I'm inclined to agree with the processing point. The problem with processing food is that it ironically becomes too good for you. Your body can extract tons of energy from the processed food, but your old jalopy of a system still wants a full belly because that's what it's calibrated for. If we could change the calibration somehow...

well I guess we'd end up with sci-fi style food pills.


Staff member
The general manager is in the (relatively new) program director's office, and they're arguing loudly about whether a weather sponsor's mention should be live or recorded. She (PD) says it should be prerecorded because it will sound more uniform and slicker, whereas doing it live every time will sound small time and slipshod. He (GM) says it should be live because it sounds more "local" and personable, making a connection easier to the listener for being a "real person" and that it makes it easier to sell as well.

I see the points of both arguments, but I think she's actually arguing from a position of laziness, and that makes me want to side with him. There's been a creeping trend of "but I don't waaaaaanna" in the air jocks on that station that's been growing even long before the new PD came along, and this seems to be the latest polyp of that.


Staff member
I agree with your PD. When the local DJs drop sponsor names, it sounds kind of amateur. If they gave it a treatment like the old school programs did, then I'd agree with your GM. But since it's literally usually just a name drop, a polished prerecorded piece would sound more professional. My two cents.


Staff member
I sent my dad an amazon gift card for father's day. Today, I learned that he used it to buy a pair of khaki shorts, a kukri-shaped machete, and a copy of "With Great Power: The Stan Lee Story." Sounds like a good deal to me.


Staff member
You know he's about to become a superhero, right?

"Who's that?"
"A superhero."
"At 3AM? Hey superhero, what are you wearing?"
"Uh, khakis?"

Ooo ooo, The Khaki Kukri.[DOUBLEPOST=1435085609,1435085150][/DOUBLEPOST]
[DOUBLEPOST=1435085881][/DOUBLEPOST]Who knows what lint lies in men's pockets? The Khaki knows.[DOUBLEPOST=1435085947][/DOUBLEPOST]This fall, Justice.
Are durians are awful as they're supposed to be?
That depends on who you ask, really.
I finally had some fresh while I was in CA, and the flavor is difficult to describe (best I've come up with is "semi-stringy texture of ripe peach/nectarine with the strong balsam overtone you get from mangoes"), but I would not call it "offensive." The smell is worse than the taste, and the more of it you eat, the less the smell bothers you.
Of course, this is coming from a guy who has tried peanut-butter-and-yellow-mustard sandwiches and thought, "Eh. That wasn't disgusting."
The general manager is in the (relatively new) program director's office, and they're arguing loudly about whether a weather sponsor's mention should be live or recorded. She (PD) says it should be prerecorded because it will sound more uniform and slicker, whereas doing it live every time will sound small time and slipshod. He (GM) says it should be live because it sounds more "local" and personable, making a connection easier to the listener for being a "real person" and that it makes it easier to sell as well.
Record three takes. Alternate them so that you never repeat the same one twice or the same two in a row. Works great for video game sounds, why not radio?



Staff member
Record three takes. Alternate them so that you never repeat the same one twice or the same two in a row. Works great for video game sounds, why not radio?

We can make 3 cuts rotate, but we can't make them not do the same two in a row thing.
If you can at least make them rotate in ABCABCABC order, that will probably be good enough to fool some of the people all of the time.



Staff member
If you can at least make them rotate in ABCABCABC order, that will probably be good enough to fool some of the people all of the time.

Possibly. I guarantee you this won't be the solution they implement, though, because as I said - lazy.