Yes, the demographic least likely to listen to the radio (tech saavy under30s with smartphones/mp3 players) loves those formats.

People who fill out radio ratings diaries don't. They want local events and commentary.

Which is why the stations with the "morning zoos" and such always seem to hang on.

Owners/GMs are torn between the two, wanting good ratings or lower overhead. More and more often, overhead wins out.
Didn't know that. I honestly don't mind some talking by DJs. Its just annoying when its 15 minutes of talking/commercials between every song. Thank god for JackFM.


Staff member
Didn't know that. I honestly don't mind some talking by DJs. Its just annoying when its 15 minutes of talking/commercials between every song. Thank god for JackFM.
The irony is palpable.

That was the exact format we switched to that tanked the ratings even further.
I guess I'm in the small demographic of people that listen to the radio when driving while still being a "tech saavy under30" with a smartphone. I'd be devastated if the jack station by me changed formats.
The J-Pop station I like to listen to is all automatic. The bumpers, weather, traffic, and local events are all spoken by the same woman all day long. I prefer that in the morning to the two people who do the morning show on the rock station. They talk about some things that are very inappropriate for an 8 year old and 4 year old to hear on the way to school.


Staff member
The J-Pop station I like to listen to is all automatic. The bumpers, weather, traffic, and local events are all spoken by the same woman all day long. I prefer that in the morning to the two people who do the morning show on the rock station. They talk about some things that are very inappropriate for an 8 year old and 4 year old to hear on the way to school.
That is the case with our rock morning show as well. The ratings still went up compared to when it was Jack FM, however.

I guess I'm in the small demographic of people that listen to the radio when driving while still being a "tech saavy under30" with a smartphone. I'd be devastated if the jack station by me changed formats.
Have you ever filled out a radio diary? Do you answer calls from numbers you don't recognize?
Any recommendation for a good book to read while you are in the hospital?
Good Omens.
That was the exact format we switched to that tanked the ratings even further.
Yeah, I read the station history. I remember when I wanted to try and get into the biz as a voice talent (not an on-air talent, just a voice actor commercial guy, etc.), and I remember noticing that the industry in general looked a bit like a balloon with the air slowly being let out of it, and this did not fill me with confidence.



Staff member
Good Omens.

Yeah, I read the station history. I remember when I wanted to try and get into the biz as a voice talent (not an on-air talent, just a voice actor commercial guy, etc.), and I remember noticing that the industry in general looked a bit like a balloon with the air slowly being let out of it, and this did not fill me with confidence.

Yeah, you have to be a pretty goddamned amazing voice to get "just voice" work for audio production. There's only 6 or 8 people like that nationwide, I think. I know we use two of them, Curran Stewart and Pat Garrett. They're independent contractors though, with their own business grown around them to shop them to clients.
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Staff member
And speaking of, I've got an underling who wants to voice commercials so much... but every time I give her one to do, her voice becomes completely different in front of the mic and she sounds like a 14 year old valley chicana reading from cue cards.

Well, I guess that's because she's a petite 19 year old chicana reading from a script... but the point is, I'm not sure if she has the voice chops to do this.
Yeah. My voice went downhill quite a bit since I stopped rehearsing choir 8hrs/wk. Would need to get back my chops, but really my biggest handicap is the lump I got after I bit my cheek that won't go away because it gets bit over and over again. It's annoying.

Used to have the voice of an angel, with range to go from high tenor to baritone. Then highschool happened and my voice constricted to being basically a flat baritone unless I'm in just the right position...

It's kind of sad. All the songs and parts I know are in octaves I can't hit regularly anymore.


Staff member
I've said it once and I'll say it again -

Never confuse your glue stick with your chapstick.
Or your eye drops with your crazy glue.

Or your breath spray with your pepper spray.

Or your "tooth" toothbrush with your "cleaning" toothbrush.
UGH, that is on my list of fears. Like I'm tired or drunk, and someone puts the toilet brush there, and I only realize it until after I start brushing, than a close-up of my reaction shot, than several quick cuts of me acting grossed out. Doesn't move the plot along, but a good gross-out gag.


Staff member
So. Found the front door open today.

Could have sworn I'd locked it yesterday evening when I got home from work.

Nothing seems to be missing though.