[Webcomic] The Order of the Stick thread

Inflict is the evil version of Cure. Good clerics can use any spell on their list to cast Cure. Evil can use any spell on their list to cast Inflict. Basically, a case of Durkon relying on muscle memory.
Isn't the name relevant to the spell though? What I mean is, if an undead casts something to heal themselves, don't they cast "Harm" or whatever it's called and not "Heal"? At least, I think I've seen some characters do that in the comic... Or perhaps Durkon just isn't aware of that yet?
Well I'm assuming part of it has to do with being part of the joke set-up. The other part is that he just can't cast the spell anymore.
Isn't the name relevant to the spell though? What I mean is, if an undead casts something to heal themselves, don't they cast "Harm" or whatever it's called and not "Heal"? At least, I think I've seen some characters do that in the comic... Or perhaps Durkon just isn't aware of that yet?
I assume it's like pulling a lever. Durkon pulled the lever, same as always, it just does something different now, even though the lever hasn't changed.

It's like some Evil force has remapped his quick keys.



Staff member
Durkon was casting what would have been heal for himself, but because his energy is now considered negative energy as opposed to positive, it has the opposite effect on the living.
Durkon was casting what would have been heal for himself, but because his energy is now considered negative energy as opposed to positive, it has the opposite effect on the living.
Do NOT use the Drain Sword against the undead. You will curse a lot.

That song was on a 4 record compilation we had when I was a kid, containing 867-5309 Jenny and Who Can It Be Now? as some of the other additions.
That song was on a 4 record compilation we had when I was a kid, containing 867-5309 Jenny and Who Can It Be Now? as some of the other additions.
I still have this LP, which is where my mind goes in these sorts of situations.

Go ahead…click this…I dare you...

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Yeah. Last night in WoW @Timmus basically said I hung out with Jesus. I get old jokes everywhere!
Nah man, while on the topic of toga parties I observed that you were old enough to remember when togas were everyday wear. You brought the Jesus stuff in it yourself.
I remember the song...And I've been reading PvP since its first or second year....Dammit. Don't make me feel old. I'm in my twenties dammit!

For me, what made me feel really old was when I realised the new young girls starting uni were from 1996. That's my ex's baby sister's age! That's just wrong! People saying "the good thing about getting older is more younger girls to look at" apparently don't feel that way, but yikes.
Bah. Tarquin won't attack. He'll see it as an unfair fight, one that the heroes have no chance of surviving. He's got bard skills. He knows that's not an interesting story.


Staff member
Bah. Tarquin won't attack. He'll see it as an unfair fight, one that the heroes have no chance of surviving. He's got bard skills. He knows that's not an interesting story.
Yeah, it'd be a pretty uninteresting fight, unless the odds were precisely 1 in 1,000,000