The "I'm Drunk/High/Wasted" thread

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Le Quack said:
lol im high
Ok. I gotta know. Did you really join vent just long enough to go "quack" and then logout? because if so, bravo sir, I was laughing for a long time.
hey guys I'm back

Wh ogot hella hugs/high fives/fistpouns/grinds tonight?


Things are about to get real i can FEEL IT

Le Quack

I'm so high its liek im in a giant sea of THC and im floating and shit
God damn I am like bubblwe popping high


ZenMonkey said:
I have not ingested any cannabis in a long time. I seem to have severely underestimated the effect this had on my tolerance for medical edibles. As a result I have begun writing in this bizarrely mannered, overly formal style, but I can't seem to stop.
I love to make firecrackers when I have enough, so easy to make and an incredibly powerful long lasting high.

Le Quack said:
I'm so high its liek im in a giant sea of THC and im floating and *
God damn I am like bubblwe popping high
Quite the same, spring break for myself, been going through a few bowls a day, made some lemon-garlic chicken, and building a chair atm.
:idea: ketchup & mustard in the same bottle :idea:

Koko said:
I love to make firecrackers when I have enough, so easy to make and an incredibly powerful long lasting high.
I intend to get double duty out of my meds by turning my vape poo into cannabutter. With the amount I have it should save me probably a couple hundred dollars at least.

All solely for personal consumption, of course. Being a stickler about the MMJ laws means I can't be a hypocrite and sell or even give any butter or edibles to non-patients. When I lived in SF (and was not a patient) I got ridiculous amounts of medium-quality stuff for not that much money, so I was the brownie lady for my friends, but not anymore.
Dude, koko, we have to talk about this firecracker business.. I googled and that sounds AWESOME

how do you do them? Have you tried microwave?


Le Quack

Zen you are so cool. I want to be like you, except a ,am, when i get older.

Le Quack said:
Zen you are so cool. I want to be like you, except a ,am, when i get older.
No you don't, sweetie, but thank you for saying so. :slywink:


Calleja said:
Dude, koko, we have to talk about this firecracker business.. I googled and that sounds AWESOME

how do you do them? Have you tried microwave?

It's really easy to totally screw them up
[not my writing]
However, keep in mind that this is the least efficient way to make edibles and making cannabutter/oil is much more versatile.
[cant use microwave]
This "firecracker" business seems pretty low brow. The idea is not to eat the green stuff. Your best bet is simmering finely ground green in vegetable oil (not so hot that it burns), running that through a strainer (squishing it really well to get all the oil out), and using the oil for brownies, cookies, etc.
Yes... but you people don't realize that I would probably end up in the news if I ever attempted to make butter and/or oil.

I'm THAT bad.

Le Quack

A simple, but less efficient way to do something is to take the green stuff and put it under the butter.

The butter can go on anything really; I like crackers.

When you put it on there, the butter will absorb the oils as you bake it in alumninum.


Le Quack said:
A simple, but less efficient way to do something is to take the green stuff and put it under the butter.

The butter can go on anything really; I like crackers.

When you put it on there, the butter will absorb the oils as you bake it in alumninum.
definition of a firecracker
Rum I have to try more. First time too. Going to be a fun weekend wooo

Plus I think I'm going to miss my morning class tomorrow but oh well


just celetbrated my new payrise and that life is atm quite nice

i wonder if thsis is my appartment .. looks familiar
Yoink said:
just celetbrated my new payrise and that life is atm quite nice

i wonder if thsis is my appartment .. looks familiar
This is not my beautiful house, this is not my beautiful wife...


Krisken said:
Yoink said:
just celetbrated my new payrise and that life is atm quite nice

i wonder if thsis is my appartment .. looks familiar
This is not my beautiful house, this is not my beautiful wife...
and the days go by...
I'm too sober.

It's a Thursday night, in the middle of vacations, and I'm sunburned, home alone, sober, and bored.

Gorram it.

I'm so making up for it tomorrow. And Saturday.
Calleja said:
I'm too sober.

It's a Thursday night, in the middle of vacations, and I'm sunburned, home alone, sober, and bored.

Gorram it.

I'm so making up for it tomorrow. And Saturday.
I agree with this. What a boring, sober day I had.
(Zen's got the right idea)

Hey guys i had a few but i had a great day so what it is fellows.

I miss Cajungal normally i would talk to her now. :(

Le Quack

I msuepr tyfudtrinek!!!!

I re;pleiod to a PM nbtut it took wme a fooloognt time to replaiet.
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