[Movies] The DC Cinematic Universe - The David Zazlav Dumpster Fire.

Something just occurred to me about that trailer. What does it build to? What's the big moment in that trailer? Near as I can tell, it's Jared Leto's Joker. And that's the problem, because the Joker isn't part of the Suicide Squad. So you have a trailer for a movie, building to reveal a character who's not really part of the team that the movie's supposed to be about. It would be like if Guardians of the Galaxy's trailer built up to reveal Thanos.


Staff member
Yeah, the "rescue Shaundi and Viola" mission in SR3 was fucking epic with that soundtrack. I was sorely disappointed on my most recent playthrough when the friend I was playing with decided to chase down Killbane instead, and let the girls die.
As I said originally, Katana's costume is the only one I like, and it is, ironically closer to the comic version than that "Dini-esque" portrait of the Squad.
Grim and gritty be damned! I want hot girls!

I mean, Cara Delevingne is a beautiful woman, but for some reason they decided to put her in some bad Tia Dalma cosplay.
After seeing Psylocke's super-accurate spandex mess I'm willing to give a pass to non-100% accurate costumes.
What are you referring to here? I've seen some excellent cosplays that are faithful to the comic look and look amazing. I'd go with the black X-Force look over the bikini for film.

psylocke-uncanny-x-force-redesign (1).jpg
Grim and gritty be damned! I want hot girls!

I mean, Cara Delevingne is a beautiful woman, but for some reason they decided to put her in some bad Tia Dalma cosplay.
I keep referring to her as "female Predator" because that's kind of what she looks like she's cosplaying.
What are you referring to here? I've seen some excellent cosplays that are faithful to the comic look and look amazing. I'd go with the black X-Force look over the bikini for film.
What I'm saying is 90's Psylocke was a terrible choice for a comic-accurate costume and that it shows not every comic character needs to look 100% like they do on a page. That Captain Boomerang costume, for example, would probably look goofy as hell in a movie.
I liked that Sin City kept a lot of what was in the comic, but I don't know if all books should do the same thing. I don't care that the Xmen were in leather suits. What I do care about is wooden acting, an un-wolverine Wolverine, and jacking up the Phoenix story. I understand they have to change some stuff (and they should), but when a character only resembles the original in name only then there's a problem.

I like Nolan's Batman series. He changed quite a bit, but it still felt like Batman to me. Blame Miller for grim-dark, not Nolan. The studios are just copying what worked.

Having said that, I liked the suicide squad cartoon movie (AoA), and don't see the point in making it live action. I don't think they can give us enough character development for us to care about them. There's too many characters and not enough time.

If they want a grim-dark tale, they should do the Red Hood.
He can throw boomerangs really, really well, and his 'rangs are all gadget-y. So yeah, he's kind of lame.
He throws boomerang so well even the guy that's so fast you only see him as a red blur has trouble stopping him... yeah, most Flash villains are kind of lame. It's what makes the Rogiues endearing.
That is the appeal of Batman, his enemies are actually interesting.
It might be more correct to say that Flash had the most "human" villains. They (mostly) aren't rampaging psychos, generally treat each other like family, and there are actually times you'll see them drop the villain ball and actually make some sound decisions (especially Captain Cold).
It might be more correct to say that Flash had the most "human" villains. They (mostly) aren't rampaging psychos, generally treat each other like family, and there are actually times you'll see them drop the villain ball and actually make some sound decisions (especially Captain Cold).
That's a good point, too. They're generally the most likely to team up without constant infighting and ego-blasting like most villain teams.