The Awesome Videos Thread (with Extra Sauce!)


Staff member

Translation (02.00-)
"Two and a half, one half."
"Seven three four."

Translation (02:13-02:35)
"Cause of death: pain-induced shock. Brought on by a traditional ass-whooping."
"Rightfully given. And thoroughly."

Take a look... and enjoy the holiday season in an entirely new way. Also, there's a movie coming out.
The same sort of thing happens (though in reverse) with the CO2 dissolved in your favorite soda pop/seltzer. It's all a matter of the relative density of the things suspended in the fluid.

Try these two videos on for size.

Epic Mickey is now out in stores for the Nintendo Wii. To celebrate, here's some of the music from the game. Specifically, the music when you fight the mecha clocktower front of It's a Small World. Yes, you read that right.
