[Movies] Talk about the last movie you saw 2: Electric Threadaloo

I guess. But I'm not seeing it. I hate these films that are supposed to be connected with no evidence that they are. They are in London and Europe for a good part of the film and yet no Kingsman intervention in anyway? How many of these spy organizations are running around completely unaware of each other?
I'm not arguing for or against that it is, just sharing what I'd seen about it. I agree the tangential nature is not something I want to see more of. It's particularly hampered in this case since there are even a few actors that now play dual parts in the universe. Definitely felt like a way to tie Argyle's anchor to Kingsman's, at this point I feel like, sinking ship.
The Fall Guy
Having never seen the original show that inspired this, I had little to no expectations going in. This turned out to be one of the most fun movies I’ve been to in a long, long time.

The acting is delightful. Both Ryan Gosling and Emily Blunt are in top form, and they have some great chemistry. Gosling especially shines as an “aw shucks” kind of character who is just trying to live his life after a rough patch.

The real star is a tight script that knows how to keep pace but also pause for important character moments. Nothing feels wasted, there are no moments that fall flat, and there are some masterful callbacks to earlier points in the film that really make it feel like the many setups have a worthwhile payoff.

It’s got comedy, romance, action, and swagger. I recommend anyone and everyone go see it.
I've watched the series, and it was in the same vein as shows like A-Team and MacGyver.
i.e., fun to watch, but wouldn't exactly call it "cerebral."

Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes

After War of the Planet of the Apes, I didn't think any more follow-up movies were necessary. The modern Apes movies were phenomenal. I wasn't necessarily against a new movie, I just didn't think it was necessary.

But I'm glad a new one was made because this might be better than some of the previous trilogy. I'm not sure where I'd rank it, but I can definitely say I dug the HELL out of it. They've perfected the mo-cap on the Ape actors. I love the locations and scenery with cities now completely overgrown with plant life. The movie starts on top of what's left of an old building, with plant life taking over.

The new character to take the lead over Caesar is interesting enough, but the actor is no Andy Serkis. Other characters, especially the villain, are far more interesting. Most of the movie is a journey just getting to the villain's kingdom, which is a shame because I kind of wanted more of him. There's also a surprising amount of focus on a particular human character.

I get the feeling I'll like this more on repeat viewings. One of these days, I need to rewatch the previous trilogy, as it's been awhile. I don't think I've rewatched War since seeing it in theaters (and it was my least favourite of the three, which seems to go against popular consensus).

But this one? This one is worth seeing if you're a fan of the franchise.
I have enjoyed the outings of this directing team with Ready or Not and the last two Scream movies. They have fun with horror and that’s exactly what Abigail is. Just a lot of fun. If you haven’t seen anything promotional for this film I just recommend seeing it without any kind of plot description. Just be prepared for gore and wtf moments a plenty.
Abigail was absolutely let down by it's advertising.

They basically only showed scenes from the final third of the movie in the trailers so I spent the entire first half of the movie waiting for the vampire stuff to start. It treats it like it's a surprise but the trailers ensured it wouldn't be.
Abigail was absolutely let down by it's advertising.

They basically only showed scenes from the final third of the movie in the trailers so I spent the entire first half of the movie waiting for the vampire stuff to start. It treats it like it's a surprise but the trailers ensured it wouldn't be.
Sadly the film probably wouldn’t have done as well if it were promoted any other way.


Staff member
Abigail was absolutely let down by it's advertising.

They basically only showed scenes from the final third of the movie in the trailers so I spent the entire first half of the movie waiting for the vampire stuff to start. It treats it like it's a surprise but the trailers ensured it wouldn't be.
Like I've always said, sometimes trailers give away WAY to much. My favorite example is Thor: Ragnarok. It would have been so cool had the Hulk burst out in the theater and nobody knew about it. Instead, they had to ruin that in the trailer. Word of mouth that there was a surprise would have been amazing.
A Simple Favor

Heard someone I trust on social media rave about this underappreciated neo-noir. So I loaded it up on my tablet to watch while camping.

And wow, it's pretty great. Kind of a dark comedy in some ways. For as deep as the rabbit hole goes in the mystery, it's not an entirely serious noir film. Largely due to Anna Kendrick acting, well, like Anna Kendrick. In a good way, that is. Cute, funny, dropping quick lines, etc. It's basically her movie.

But yeah, I liked this one a lot.


Staff member
Godzilla x Kong.

Not the dumbest movie I’ve ever seen but holy shit it’s got to be in the top three. What a dumb and pointless piece of crap. I stole this movie and still think I paid too much.
Godzilla x Kong.

Not the dumbest movie I’ve ever seen but holy shit it’s got to be in the top three. What a dumb and pointless piece of crap. I stole this movie and still think I paid too much.
Did you...go into a modern Godzilla movie for the plot?

If your expectations were anything other than "watch big lizard shoot pink fire at cyborg monkey" I'd be really curious to know why you expected more.


Staff member
Last night, visiting family, watched "The Bricklayer."

Three word summary: "Kirkland Signature Reacher."

Annoyed me how they went back and forth between "this guy can easily handle 17 guys who jumped him" and "this guy gets the snot beat out of him by a lone guy even when surprise is on his side." Only saving grace is Aaron "Harvey Dent" Eckhart makes a more believable Reacher than Tom "I'm actually a tiny little gremlin with a single center tooth" Cruise. This one's safe to skip.

Also watched The Equalizer (2014). I didn't watch it before now because it came out at about the same time as John Wick and seemed to be the same kind of movie.

Well, it is. But Denzel is Denzel and so it's a good watch.


Staff member
Did you...go into a modern Godzilla movie for the plot?

If your expectations were anything other than "watch big lizard shoot pink fire at cyborg monkey" I'd be really curious to know why you expected more.
I expected at least some of the setup to be believable and not incredibly stupid. I expected the giant monkey to act like a giant monkey and not a furry human that does things like set traps. I expected a giant wild monkey who wakes up and has a big metal thing on his arm to freak out & try and remove it not go, "Oh cool! guess it's time for a fight scene!" And what a convenient plot device to have this very thing just sitting around. And it cures the frostbite? Neat! What an amazing coincidence.

Sorry, even "big monkey fights giant lizard" has its limits. What did I expect other than that? Coherence. SOME thought put into the plot that wasn't fighting. Anything other than that steaming pile of monkey poo they flung at us.
I mean, it would be lovely if there were any consideration for the plot in the giant spectacles of CG kaiju wrestling (and yeah @ThatNickGuy that's a perfect description of it!) but it's not like this is the first movie in the series or like any of the previous entries stopped for even a second to ask if their characters or plot made the slightest bit of sense, right? It's not a surprise that Kong is smarter than a normal ape, that he has an established connection to humans, or that things are going to happen in the exact perfect way to set up the action setpieces and not a single character will react to any of the coincidences or destruction at all.

The movie promises to show robot-arm Kong fighting against and with Pink Godzilla, and it delivered on that. I enjoyed it for what it is, even though I could spend an hour breaking down a whole lot more and bigger plot contrivances than you even brought up if I wanted to. Making sense was never on the table.
Dune - Part 1

What? I'm really behind on stuff. We don't go to the theater since covid. Anyway, it was very cool. We're going to Watch Part 2 sometime this weekend now that it's on Max. This seems to be the best way to get the story into film format instead of trying to condense everything down to a single movie (David Lynch).
Just saw Furiosa, and all i have to say is:


I expected the giant monkey to act like a giant monkey and not a furry human
Well maybe you shouldn't expect that from the one monkey who's original claim to fame was simping for a human that could fit in his hand so hard that it got him killed...
The Martian.
Finally sat down and watched this one in its entirety, instead of the little snippets on youtube here and then.
Really enjoyed it. It gets a little intense at the end there and I think I would have been okay with it being a little less intense.
Let their calculations be right on the money since they put over a year into planning it. That would have been fun too.
But otherwise a very good first time watch for something over a decade old.
The Martian.
Finally sat down and watched this one in its entirety, instead of the little snippets on youtube here and then.
Really enjoyed it. It gets a little intense at the end there and I think I would have been okay with it being a little less intense.
Let their calculations be right on the money since they put over a year into planning it. That would have been fun too.
But otherwise a very good first time watch for something over a decade old.
Obligatory have you read the book comment.

This movie is great fun and I kind of want to watch it again or listen to the book.
The Martian.
Finally sat down and watched this one in its entirety, instead of the little snippets on youtube here and then.
Really enjoyed it. It gets a little intense at the end there and I think I would have been okay with it being a little less intense.
Let their calculations be right on the money since they put over a year into planning it. That would have been fun too.
But otherwise a very good first time watch for something over a decade old.
It was my favorite movie of 2015. I saw it in theatres. In fact, I saw it while on a hospital day pass because I'd been hospitalized for depression and suicidal thoughts.

It was exactly the kind of uplifting movie I needed at the time. It helps that it's also a great movie.
I really liked the OG audio book of The Martian, but I haven't listened to the new Wil Wheaton version. He reads almost all of John Scalzi's books and I have a hard time really engaging with his reading a lot of the time.
I really liked the OG audio book of The Martian, but I haven't listened to the new Wil Wheaton version. He reads almost all of John Scalzi's books and I have a hard time really engaging with his reading a lot of the time.
I liked him in Ready Player One
I really liked the OG audio book of The Martian, but I haven't listened to the new Wil Wheaton version. He reads almost all of John Scalzi's books and I have a hard time really engaging with his reading a lot of the time.
Wil Wheaton seems like an ok guy, but I fucking hate him as an audiobook reader. I can't take Wesley's voice whispering into my ear for 20 hours.

The OG martian audiobook performer is amazing, and he worked hard to get that book. It's a shame it was rereleased with who I would consider a vastly inferior narrator.
It didn't blow me away to the same extent as Fury Road but it was still a pretty great movie.
Being an origin story meant it couldn't devote as much time to action scenes as Fury Road, which was basically a big chase scene...

Though maybe thy could have spend a bit more time to show the 40 Days Wasteland War, even if just as a clip show.
I liked that indie movie that just came out.

Furiosa I think it was called. The director did a great job. Hope he keeps at it.