[Question] Steam game question.

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Okay, so someone on my friend list on Steam just sent me a copy of Dota2. Thing is, I'm not sure who this person is. They are not a part of the Halforums group and my son has some people there that are his friends. Thing is, the message said, "Dear XX, XX, Signed XX"

What do you guys think?
Maybe his initials are XX? :p

Easiest way might be to ask your son? If it's the kind of game he's into, seems likely it's for him... Or you forgot to add a HFer to the HF friend group ;)
Perhaps someone on the boards decided to anonymously gift it to you?

It's not like it can't be legit if it was gifted to you on steam.


Staff member
I thought everyone on Steam already had a copy of DOTA2. Valve was handing copies out like candy for a while. They gave me a copy and didn't even ask if I wanted it (and that's not counting the copy I got during one of the event sales, that I traded for Psychonauts & Costume Quest).

LOL "84 friends already own this game". I only have 86 people on my friends list.
Send him/her a message. "I appreciate the gift, but unfortunately your username doesn't ring a bell, and I want to make sure you didn't accidentally gift this to me when you might have meant it for someone else before I redeem it."

There are no exploits in steam or dota that would allow them to harm you if you accept the gift, so there's no danger in redeeming it, but it is odd, and our paranoid culture isn't wrong to make you look a gift horse in the mouth.
I thought everyone on Steam already had a copy of DOTA2. Valve was handing copies out like candy for a while. They gave me a copy and didn't even ask if I wanted it (and that's not counting the copy I got during one of the event sales, that I traded for Psychonauts & Costume Quest).

LOL "84 friends already own this game". I only have 86 people on my friends list.
Aw yeah! I am one of 2 special nondotatypes! :D
Okay, so someone on my friend list on Steam just sent me a copy of Dota2. Thing is, I'm not sure who this person is. They are not a part of the Halforums group and my son has some people there that are his friends. Thing is, the message said, "Dear XX, XX, Signed XX"

What do you guys think?

They were just trying to empty out their gifts. I've got so many gift copies of Dota2 clogging up my steam account, Valve keeps throwing them at me.


Staff member
LoL is filled too much with hardcore assholes who dislike anyone who is not at a professional level of play. I tried it a few times and stopped.
LoL is filled too much with hardcore assholes who dislike anyone who is not at a professional level of play. I tried it a few times and stopped.



I mean... no it's not.
I thought everyone on Steam already had a copy of DOTA2. Valve was handing copies out like candy for a while. They gave me a copy and didn't even ask if I wanted it (and that's not counting the copy I got during one of the event sales, that I traded for Psychonauts & Costume Quest).

LOL "84 friends already own this game". I only have 86 people on my friends list.
I'm one of the two! Purely by choice, of course - I play enough league of legends that I don't need another moba game.
I guess there must be 3 that don't have DOTA2 - because I don't have it either.

Then again, my Steam game list is pretty pitiful as I have very little gaming time.

14 games, and 4 of them came in a bundle, and 3 of them I've picked up during some of their free sales.
Don't have DOTA2 either. Than again, I only ever play single player games (I'm one of those 5 people who likes Starcraft 1 and 2 for their story and campaign :p) so I doubt there's anything for me....


Staff member
I thought everyone on Steam already had a copy of DOTA2. Valve was handing copies out like candy for a while. They gave me a copy and didn't even ask if I wanted it (and that's not counting the copy I got during one of the event sales, that I traded for Psychonauts & Costume Quest).

LOL "84 friends already own this game". I only have 86 people on my friends list.
Hah, I'm one of the other two.
By my count, there are now four of us other two.[DOUBLEPOST=1369425319][/DOUBLEPOST]Oh my god, I just realised what that means. At least two of us have pez on our friends list, but he has not reciprocated. Bahahaha


Staff member
Oh my god, I just realised what that means. At least two of us have pez on our friends list, but he has not reciprocated. Bahahaha
I don't think Steam friend lists work that way.

I'm guessing steam is just really messed up in counting how many people own this game.
Woah. Checked the Steam page and yup got a "You already own Dota 2" definitely don't remember redeeming it at any point
Want one? I have (at last count) 34 copies of it to gift out.... I think I've played it for maybe 2 hours, max, and never against human opponents, because I'm such a noob I don't know what I'm doing
I like DOTA 2. I played DOTA 1 extensively back in the day. I never liked LoL way of giving you heroes (at least, when I tried it) of having to buy heroes to use or getting whatever they gave you that week.

I guess I could try to learn LoL, but meh, I've already gotten DOTA 2 down so well, that I don't know if I want to invest the time it takes to learn another system.
I like DOTA 2. I played DOTA 1 extensively back in the day. I never liked LoL way of giving you heroes (at least, when I tried it) of having to buy heroes to use or getting whatever they gave you that week.

I guess I could try to learn LoL, but meh, I've already gotten DOTA 2 down so well, that I don't know if I want to invest the time it takes to learn another system.

I like the way of earning champions in LoL. It reduces my natural ADD and makes me focus on the ones I have. Of course, I've been playing for awhile now, so I have... damn near all of them.

I prefer LoL over DOTA2 because I like the minimalist approach. Not in terms of champions (there's a fuck ton of those) but in terms of mechanics. DOTA2 has a lot of mechanics that feel extraneous to me. Denying farm, denying tower kills, losing gold when you die, all of these things were once in LoL and were removed because of their impact to gameplay. DOTA2 is a much more complex game in terms of mechanics, but you can find infinite complexity in a smaller system by refining the mechanics you do have.

Overall I suppose it's all just taste. I played both, I liked LoL a whole lot more.
I have never played a MOBA in my life. I am at that point in my life where I have more games than time to play them.

It's frankly terrifying.
If anyone ever wants to learn LoL, I can teach you. It's a game that looks deceptively simple, but there are certain basic skills you have to develop, and certain unspoken rules that you need to learn and follow. Of course, once you learn how to play by those rules, then you can begin to break them, but you don't want to start that until you learn why.
I like the way of earning champions in LoL. It reduces my natural ADD and makes me focus on the ones I have. Of course, I've been playing for awhile now, so I have... damn near all of them.

I prefer LoL over DOTA2 because I like the minimalist approach. Not in terms of champions (there's a fuck ton of those) but in terms of mechanics. DOTA2 has a lot of mechanics that feel extraneous to me. Denying farm, denying tower kills, losing gold when you die, all of these things were once in LoL and were removed because of their impact to gameplay. DOTA2 is a much more complex game in terms of mechanics, but you can find infinite complexity in a smaller system by refining the mechanics you do have.

Overall I suppose it's all just taste. I played both, I liked LoL a whole lot more.

Soooo.....if I went from DOTA 2 to LoL, it would be relatively simple to pick it up?
Soooo.....if I went from DOTA 2 to LoL, it would be relatively simple to pick it up?
Ehh, to be honest I don't really know. I don't really know the mechanics of DOTA2 super well, but I'd assume you already know the importance of last hitting and positioning. You'd have to learn a new meta, and the roles in LoL are more fluid than DOTA2. DOTA2 tends to have hard counters, with one character generally being able to wipe the floor with one he's built to counter. In LoL, there are character counters, but build is more important, and you also tend to use more skills than auto-attacks since abilities tend to have shorter cooldowns than in DOTA2.


Staff member
In my opinion, the importance of last-hitting is emblematic of where LoL failed to hold my interest after a while, and what taints the entire MOBA genre simply because it is married to a 20+ year old design limitation simply by intertial intransigence. Every other genre has learned to calculate reward by damage regardless of killshot, except this one. It's almost as stupid as the concept of "denying," which I was glad to see was something LoL didn't carry over from DOTA.
In my opinion, the importance of last-hitting is emblematic of where LoL failed to hold my interest after a while, and what taints the entire MOBA genre simply because it is married to a 20+ year old design limitation simply by intertial intransigence. Every other genre has learned to calculate reward by damage regardless of killshot, except this one. It's almost as stupid as the concept of "denying," which I was glad to see was something LoL didn't carry over from DOTA.

I like last hitting. You still get experience even if you miss the last hit, but you only get the gold reward for every minion you manage to last hit. I feel it's an important part of the game structure, as it forces both of the opponents in the lane to move forward and engage. It takes skill to be able to handle your opponents positioning while at the same time positioning yourself for last hits, and aggressive play from either can lead to pushing one away from last hits, creating a small advantage.

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