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Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (On Hiatus)

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Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)



I don't know what to take for my 4th level feat.

I was originally going to go with Wild Shape Multiclassing so that Serin could extend her shapeshifting powers into any Medium Natural or Fey beast, along with her Medium Humanoid shapeshifting powers.

Thing is, now I feel it's a bit early to be taking that power, and it definitely wouldn't make sense for her to learn it after being a puppet and completely unable to shapeshift.

My other thoughts then went towards:

Dual Implement Spellcaster : I can apply my off-hand dagger's damage bonus to my damage rolls (but not attack, damn)

Two-Weapon Fighting : I gain a +1 to DMG rolls when wielding two weapons (which is always)

Leather Armor : +2 AC, pretty much. But I'm very rarely attacked.

Arcane Spellfury : When I hit any enemy with an At-Will spell power, I get a +1 to ATK rolls against that same enemy. This can be potentially useful, but it might be hard to keep track of. Plus, it's only useful if I don't kill the enemy.


I really want to look into upping my ATK bonuses, because I just hate missing. You all know that. :D

Speaking of which, I was thinking of retraining my Encounter 1 power Whirlwind (Area Burst 1, 1d10 + 8 Damage, Knock Prone) to Cosmos Call (Single Target, 2d8 + 8 Damage, plus one of three conditions: [Ongoing 5 Radiant (Save Ends), Power Gains Radiant Keyword], [Target is Slowed (Save Ends)], [Target is Dazed (Save Ends)].

And, you all know me. I hate single-target powers. But what separates this one from the rest?


Miss: Half Damage

Holy crap. I cannot miss with this attack? On a hit I can do 10-24 damage, and on a miss, that means that I'd be guaranteed a 5-12 damage. Unfortunately, I don't get to roll for the random effect (or do I?), but still. I do love guaranteed hits.

Well anyway. What are your opinions? I'd really like to know what my party thinks.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Having a guaranteed hit is always nice, but having prone enemies is great for adjacent melee allies.

-- less than a minute ago --

Reposting this for the new thread:

Shawn, the multiclass feat Sneak of Shadows (Thievery training, 1/encounter Sneak Attack) really seems to fit into Errik's backstory and opportunistic nature quite a bit.

But since the feat text specifically says "the rogue's Sneak Attack class feature" and the rogue text says "can deal extra damage with a sling, light blade or crossbow" does that mean that I can't apply SA damage to magical attacks?

I know that a lot of the SA appeal in 3.5e was that it could apply to any kind of attack, including targeted magical attacks like Scorching Ray.

If I could apply SA damage to my Magic Missiles or Icy Rays, I would definitely take that as my feat.

But I'm leaving the ruling up to you.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Not sure of what to take as my 4th level feat either. There's some interesting abilities, but I want to compliment what I got.

Though there's no rush though. Shawn said we'll be level 4 at the end of session, not midway, and he's been giving out exp at the ends of sessions rather than ends of encounters. So really we have more than a week to figure it out.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Yeah I know but I've been trying to figure this out for a while now. :uhhuh: Just wanna get Shawn's input.


Dream Goddess

Dream Goddess

Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Please forgive me, Shawn, for what I am about to do, for I know it is a sin.

*deep breath*

Seriousjay said:
What your post revealed to me is:

1) There's a clear reason why he dropped out of the game and put the nail in the coffin of the game.
2) His public excuse stinks even more when his GF has to post for him.
3) I'm coming out nasty, which is for the record is very genuine and will continue to be as I have every right to be and this will affect my general opinion on certain people.

The right course would have to have privately messaged me his concerns whether they are valid or not, not to throw away the game with a vague "not feeling it" on the forums. Words cannot describe the venom that I wanted to spew. The fact that his GF has to defend him when he is being called out.... fuck it.
1) The clear reason is that he wasn't feeling or interested in it anymore. It was straightforward and honest. It's a pity you don't like the answer, but that's the way it is. No maliciousness or other evil intent. It wasn't going anywhere for him, apparently. At least that's how I interpret "not feeling it". These are my words, FYI. Not his.
2) I AM NOT his girlfriend. I am his fiancee and proud of it. This brings me to another point: I am not his SERVANT doing his bidding. Those were MY thoughts and mine alone. I don't know how you do it up in Canada, but down here in the States we don't take kindly to sexism, kthxbai.
3) You have no right whatsoever to be nasty to Darryl and lock your post so no one could respond because of me. What's that all about Jay? "Nanny nanny boo boo, I can post, but not you!" I have a mind of my own and Darryl did not encourage or promote me saying any of that. You've known me for long enough now, Jay. Sweet Jesus. Do you honestly think me no more than his mouth piece on this forum? Again, it was my own opinion unsupported and unsolicited by Darryl.

Lastly, it is a great pity that the game ended. If you don't believe me, ask Shawn. We were just discussing it this afternoon and both Darryl and my regrets.

Whatever. I still like you Jay, but goddamned, I had no idea your defensiveness would go so far as to insult me for saying a few words. You made me feel like you didn't ever pay any attention to me or my personality at all...


I deeply apologize to everyone else in this forum for bringing this nasty bit to our Thursday night game. It's not right of me, but I wasn't going to take that insult and just PM him. He publicly insulted me and I want people to see my side. Still doesn't make it right, but alas...I have my flaws.





Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

falineowlight said:
I don't know how you do it up in Canada, but down here in the States we don't take kindly to sexism, kthxbai.

EDITED to accomodate people with a rampant disability, GPJMD (gurpel post joke misdetection disorder)




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

*puts Jay, Julie, Daryl, and Gurpel in separate corners* Now now, play nice. ^-^; We're all friends here.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

doomdragon6 said:
*puts Jay, Julie, Daryl, and Gurpel in separate corners* Now now, play nice. ^-^; We're all friends here.
im editing my post ._.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Gurpel, I'm away from home but will have a chance to check my books soon. I'll let you know. However if it specifically requires you to be a certain class or use certain weapons it probably isn't something you can use.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

I was playin' too, Gurp, I just needed to fill all the corners. :bush:




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Shawnacy said:
Gurpel, I'm away from home but will have a chance to check my books soon. I'll let you know. However if it specifically requires you to be a certain class or use certain weapons it probably isn't something you can use.
......youuuuu mean gusto?


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Gurpel said:
Shawnacy said:
Gurpel, I'm away from home but will have a chance to check my books soon. I'll let you know. However if it specifically requires you to be a certain class or use certain weapons it probably isn't something you can use.
......youuuuu mean gusto?
That's funny; Julie made that mistake yesterday too.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Gurpel said:
Shawnacy said:
Gurpel, I'm away from home but will have a chance to check my books soon. I'll let you know. However if it specifically requires you to be a certain class or use certain weapons it probably isn't something you can use.
......youuuuu mean gusto?
Yes. Thank you. Sorry, Gusto/Gurpel.
Busy day yesterday and lots of G names.

Got a date tonight, so I'll just have to remember to pack my books and look at them while I'm at work later.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

That makes me wonder-- I wouldn't take it anyway since I'm getting Wild Shape instead, but it says "if you use a dagger." Would that apply to Serin's spells since she uses them through a dagger?




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)


Well I'm back to having no idea what to take as a feat.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

I'm a bit jealous of your 5th level Dailies, Gusto. I want Fireball SO BAD.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

doomdragon6 said:
I'm a bit jealous of your 5th level Dailies, Gusto. I want Fireball SO BAD.
Yep. Taking Fireball and Acid Mire as my 5th level Daily and Spellbook.

Actually.... I'm thinking of NOT taking Fireball. Bigby's Icy Grasp seems friggin' awesome. But I guess I have some time to figure it out.


Dream Goddess

Dream Goddess

Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Aw crap, I haven't even looked at my level 4 stuff yet. I should probably do that tonight. ^^;; I wish I had an AoE attack, but I guess being a ranger kind of eliminates that one.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Well if the Alchemist feat was worth taking at all and the potions weren't UNGODLY EXPENSIVE one of us could take that and attach the explosive stuff to your arrows.

If only we could find a huge store of explosive chemicals.

Hint, hint.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

I was actually thinking of retraining my Ritual Caster feat as Alchemist (wizard bonus feat) and taking Mark of Scribing as my 4th level feat (+2 Diplomacy, gain 4 languages and the ability to retrain them, and I can cast rituals as though I had the Ritual Caster feat).

It's a pretty beefy feat, adds to Errik's backstory as a part of a mafia that often dealt with many different cultures, and will give me Alchemy as a [sorta shitty] feat.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Wait wait wait... You can take Alchemy, and a feat that basically gives you Ritual Casting??


I fucking want that! Talk about a worthwhile feat! *looks into it*

But yeah, Julie, if we stumble upon/ actively look for/ whatever a huge pile of vials/potions, we can have a buttload of them modified for your ranged weapon, and then you effectively have area of effect spells.

And hell, with Twin Shot, you get to use them twice.

Holy crap! I'm excited, I want to do that. WE ARE RAIDING AN ALCHEMIST'S LAB. THAT IS FINAL.

Edit: I can't find Mark of Scribing anywhere.


Dream Goddess

Dream Goddess

Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

doomdragon6 said:
THAT'S RIGHT. Isn't it, Shawn? :twisted:




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Mark of Scribing is a Dragonmark feat with apparently no prerequisites, and is listed on my DDi Character Builder.


Unless Shawn disallows it for some reason, that's what I'm gonna take.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Ah, I see, it's in the Eberron Player's Gu-

... They flesh out Doppelgangers!! *reads*

Edit: Nothing new and nothing I didn't already know or make up on my own.

EXCEPT, I have a new encounter power- Changeling Trick. Let me make a Bluff check against passive Insight to gain combat advantage. So basically once per encounter I can get a +2 to a-... Oh. Melee range.

.... Worthless. *tosses it*


Edit 2: Holy hell. These Dragonmarks are so... overpowered!

Though it sounds like these feats are specific to Eberron, and you'd probably need a decent reason for a sudden mark appearing on you that gave you powers. Maybe Shawn could work it in as more demonic crap happening to you.

Anyway, if he's allowing these Dragonmarks I might look into them. Cuz +4 languages for a Shapeshifter? Yes please. +2 Diplomacy to a 19 CHA and Ritual Casting at that?


Edit 3: Oh! I have access to a whole... 1 new Changeling feat!! It lets me escape as a minor action! AND I ignore penalties while squeezing! :eyeroll:

Sigh. Oh well.

Looked at the Dragonmarks and the only one I'm interested in is the one Gusto mentioned, and I wouldn't want to take the same stuff.

Maybe I'll just go ahead and take Wild Shape. Bah, I dunno. It's so hard to choose feats.


Edit 4: Neato. I can take the Chameleon Paragon Path. Basically I can copy any of my allies' Encounter abilities (lvl 11), Utility (12), and Daily (20) each extended rest. That's pretty cool.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Dragonmark feats usually require having a dragon mark of some kind. Dragonmarks are confined to the Eberron setting which, despite maybe starting a game in that setting at some point in the future, is not associated with the current game. You'll have to save those feats for characters from that world. Essentially a dragonmark requires you to be part of one of the powerful family lines that inhabit Eberron. I haven't read much into the 4.0 rules, and I don't currently have the book with me, but if I remember correctly the family lines are also race specific with very few exceptions. Meaning a halfling would probably only realistically have access to one or two of those actual feats depending on if his ancestors were members of a dragonmark house (which I think only one of the many dragonmark houses were actually made up of halflings).

The Eberron book is not off-limits however and other feats can be taken so long as it's not Dragonmark related. Doom, your changeling for instance can still take changeling related feats and you may take the paragon path mentioned if you so desire.

Regarding Sneak of Shadows, the sneak attack bonus will not apply to your magical abilities. I also remember in 3.5 how you could get a sneak attack with a spell, I guess they felt the same didn't apply here. However there may actually be another feat or perhaps a class that allows an exception to this rule.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

hm. so now that i'm technically a swordmage as well as a warlord, i could get a familiar :]

i might think about it. there doesnt seem to be a\ lot else that's useful :/




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Gurpel said:
hm. so now that i'm technically a swordmage as well as a warlord, i could get a familiar :]

i might think about it. there doesnt seem to be a\ lot else that's useful :/
You could get a familiar, yes.
You can also take other swordmage specific feats.
And if all else fails you can take another multiclass feat.

Speaking of characters, once we finish the game tonight can people PM me copies of their character builder files as soon as they have been updated?




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)


I'd gladly send you a copy of my Character Sheet NOW if I could decide on a Feat, like, at all.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)


I thought I had finally settled on a feat (Bardic Ritualist) but it turns out I can't have the same skill training TWICE. :p Go figure.

All I wanted was a +18 to Arcana.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

I've decided to take Implement Expertise (Tome) (+1 feat bonus to basically ALL of my spells attack roll). I figure it'll come in handy since I'm often attacking more than one target, and will give me a greater chance of hitting more targets, and thereby triggering my Destructive Wizardry feat.

I might take Bardic Ritualist sometime down the line, even without the Arcana bonus it'd normally grant me. It basically gives me the Alchemist feat for free, counts as a Bard multiclass, and the REAL benefit, allows me to cast a ritual at NO COMPONENT COST once per day.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Huh. A free ritual once per day'd be pretty bitchin' seeing as we rarely ever need one. Don't forget you found like 200 gp worth of components, so you can cast a couple for "free."

I don't know what to take for a feat, either. I already have implement expertise, so I can't increase attack power very much.

Any other feats I want to take need to work in conjunction with another, which means that it wouldn't be truly effective until level 6 or 8, depending on when I'd want to take Wild Shape.

Like, Wild Shape is a given. But I'd like for Serin to "earn" it RP-wise vs. just suddenly having it.

Wait, you said we could take multiple multiclass feats? In that case I might multiclass wizard as well. That way I get a wizard at-will as a power, and can get something else like Burning Hands or something equally explosive down the line, along with destructive wizardry.

Oh, but wait. That's right. Those powers work off of intellect and thus severely weaken them for me. Damn.





Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

sadly i am pretty sure you ca\n only multiclass into 1 class max. now that i've taken the swordmage multiclass, the only available feats for me in the multiclass tree are another swordmage feat and "novice power" which is supposed to let me switch out an encounter of my own for that of my secondary class but which i think is bugged.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

game in t-minus 2 hours, right?

anyway, i messed up, guys. i put off listening to the recordings too late and now i have 1 hour of session 12 and all of 13 to catch up on. i intend to listen to them now that i have them downloaded, but i only have 2 hours. can i get the cole's notes on what i missed?




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Alright, let's see, you left when we became puppets.

We broke out of our cages, some more gracefully than others (flaming wooden monkey handspring go!). We looked around the shop (we're in a toy shop, by the way) and tried to get our bearings.

We noticed that a bunch of other toys were alive as well, mostly just staring at us from the shelves, but not saying anything.

Serin grabbed a hobby knife in case we needed a good blade (and we did, so Adia has it now to attack with), and I don't remember if anyone else grabbed anything. Saryon noticed a spool of string on one of the tables, so he went to get it and was met with a giant (regular-sized?) Jack in the Box with a skull head. He was a bit of an asshole, but I liked him.

Anyway, after a bunch of bickering the toy-maker came in, and we quickly discovered that he was either senile or just not quite right. He had no problem with toys being alive, however, and it was apparent that they live with him as anything else.

He had no knowledge of his son doing all these body-puppet changes, or refused to acknowledge that he did, and thought we were playing games. Through miscommunication, or our confusion, or something, we were led out the door by the man (as we're all free to roam around it seems). That's where Session 12 ended.

13 started with a half hour of us trying to get back into the house. When we finally did, we were once again greeted by the Jack in the Box, who was feeling a bit more hostile this time. He attacked, along with a stuffed Vicejaw and an Iron Soldier.

The JITB hounded Saryon, who had been teasing him earlier. The Vicejaw was quickly made minced stuffing by Adia and her new hobby knife, and the Iron Soldier fell to the mighty chemistry knowledge of our wizard. Saryon got a nice crit on the Jack-ass in the box, which ended that.

We made our way upstairs to find the old man sleeping. As we started to look around, we noticed a pair of glowing eyes out from under the bed. A KITTY POUNCED!

With no intention of killing this man's poor kitty, we made as much noise as we could to wake him up. A magic missile to the elbow stirred the man from his sleep.

After some talking, he finally seemed to understand our situation, but still refused to acknowledge his son's wrongdoings, and was very obviously afraid. He told us to find the one in the woods who was like us.

At that point, he either fell asleep or was pretending, and refused to talk further.

We heard the door downstairs open up, so we went to investigate. It was a very Zoro-esque puppet who was apparently "like us."

He took us to his home in the woods and explained the situation.

I don't remember it fully, unfortunately. The son took puppets and switched their life with the adults in the town. The puppets went to live on, but the bodies withered and died after a week. For some reason, Maligno (the son) is a puppet and can't switch his life with a real person, no matter how hard he tries.

There's also a fog around the town that wards off any kind of outer influence, and fences the townspeople in.

I'm really bad at summarizing the comlicated stuff. If anyone wants to step in, please do.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

That's basically right.

Also, the Zoro puppet (whose name I forget) told us that the puppet/body transfer is done by attacking the bodies with those needles they were throwing at us during the backstage fight. The puppet gave us 10 of them but we'll likely need to get more.

Also, the puppets will NOT attack children.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Fun game. :D :thumbsup:

So, what do we do about a new leader character? :(


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Maybe a story thing will turn someone hybrid?




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Good game. Please level up and start at base xp for 4th level. PM me your updated sheets and please incidicate in your PM what stat change you made and any feats/powers you gained. If you choose something like a familiar, or an ability that causes and effect please indicate how you would like that effect described in the course of the game.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

I'm still trying to decide whether I should take a feat that grants me a little healing ability in order to (sorta) make up for Saryon...




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Gusto said:
I'm still trying to decide whether I should take a feat that grants me a little healing ability in order to (sorta) make up for Saryon...
If you don't think you'll have fun with it don't take it. For right now I'm playing Saryon.

And don't forget that you do have a Leader class PC. You have Kratash who is a warlord.
So you have a Leader, two strikers, a defender, and a controller.
Honestly not a bad group.

However, if someone is possibly interested in reworking their character into a hybrid class, please send me a tell. Basically we'll have to rework your character from the ground up. You'll choose your current class as well as one leader class. This change will occur as part of the storyline. Please read up on hybrid classes before you agree to it. Basically you are trading out specialization for functionality.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

I'm taking Bardic Dilettante as my 4th level feat:

- Bard multiclass
- Bard skill training (Religion)
- 2/encounter/day Majestic Word (allows me or nearby ally to spend a healing surge + my Charisma (+2). This increases at level 6/11/16/etc. by 1d6. Also lets me shift the person I heal one square.)

So basically Errik can dip back into the halflings' traditions of community and storytelling enough to provide some healing and religious insight.

Also, I've legalized my ability scores. My Strength is up to its legal minimum, my Constitution is lower to allow for it, and I 4th-level increased my Intelligence and Charisma.

Character Sheet attached.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

I just honestly cannot decide a feat. Unfortunately I'm going to be busy all weekend so I might not get a character sheet to you before Monday. Sorry. :(


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

I'm not bust all weekend, but these feat choices still suck and that may delay me. It may suck so much as to restrain movement from Friday...

If all else fails, I'll go for a skill training.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Well, my thought so far-

I absolutely want the druid's Wild Shape power. I just don't think Serin should have that ability yet. Plus, if I were to multiclass I'd absolutely pick Wizard. Down the road I could get some better controller powers, get Destructive Wizardry, etc.

At the moment, I'm thinking Jack of all Trades or the feat that allows me to roll twice for my resistance each day.

But those would probably be temporary, and be retrained later.

If I had the money to purchase a Dagger of Frost +1, I'd go for Astral Fire which makes an enemy hit by a power with the fire keyword (my Starburst) vulnerable 5 to cold. Then I'd just make every other attack against that enemy cold damage and get a +5 dmg each time.

And for my next feat, I'd get Wintertouched, which gives me combat advantage to enemies vulnerable to cold. So after I've hit them with my fire power, I've got a +2 to ATK and a +5 to DMG.

This of course delays me getting Wild Shape, which might be fine. I feel like to learn how to shapeshift into creatures, that might have to be a story arc or at least a minor RP thing.

Right now I'll probably pick something temporary to see how I like it, then retrain when I can get the Frost Dagger or decide something else.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

i know what i'm getting now.

improved initiative

hayull yeah.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Gurpel said:
i know what i'm getting now.

improved initiative

hayull yeah.
This was in the running for me, honestly. Although it's awesome when I go last, especially in minion-heavy encounters.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

It seems odd to me that so many people are having difficulty deciding on a feat to take. I figured that with plenty of feats available there shouldn't be "nothing worthwhile". I'll have to experiment and make a 9th level character, and see how quickly I run out of decent feats.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Actually, starting at level 9 would make picking feats easier. That starts you out with, let's see.. level 1, 2 ,4 ,6, and 8. So 5 feats.

I would get these feats, probably:

Level 1: Arcane Familiar
Level 2: Implement Focus (+1 ATK)
Level 4: Dual Implement Spellcaster (Add Off-Hand weapon's DMG bonus to rolls)
Level 6: Two-Weapon Fighting (+1 DMG when wielding two weapons [always])
Level 8: Druid Multiclass - Wild Shape

But for some reason, I don't want to take those one at a time in that order. To me, why care about damage right now? We're going to kill the enemies regardless, so adding 1 point per attack barely matters. It makes me want to pick something more RP or skill-related. But then I realize I don't make that many skill checks.

Or, with the roll twice for Wild Resistance-- I think, why? It's only come in handy -once-. And that was when I happened to have Acid Resistance and we happened to fight an Acidic Ooze. And while it could definitely come in handy if I knew what we were going to be up against, I'd still only have a 1 in 5 chance of getting the resistance I needed. And if I was that concerned about it, I could take the daily utility that lets me change my resistance for an encounter.

And then there's the "Why?" factor for a lot of them.

Example-- there are feats that give a feat bonus to DMG when you use a fire power, or a cold power, etc.

BUT. Guess what also gives a feat bonus to damage! IMPLEMENT MASTERY. Since they don't stack, why would anyone ever pick those feats??

Also, another example-- the one changeling specific feat they added, where I can attempt to escape as a minor and I don't suffer any penalties for squeezing. I haven't had to do either of these things our entire game. And the ONE time that we'd ever need to squeeze, I wouldn't mind the penalty. And escaping? I can teleport. I don't even need to roll for that.

It's just, like, most things are just barely worth taking. What I really want is attack bonuses, and this game is super stingy with those. Dual Implement Spellcaster doesn't even add the attack bonus.

Also, I have 3 interesting, but nigh useless, sorcerer-specific feats. You can look them up for specifics, but essentially I get bonuses to attack or damage on my next so-and-so attack on so-and-so target after using so-and-so at-will.

I actually made a chart to see which of my powers granted these benefits and which ones recieved benefits, and against whom, and I ultimately decided they weren't worth having.

Some feats, however, are just must-haves. Like the Wizard's destructive wizardry. None of that, if this, then this, but only if this and not that, bullshit. It's just, "If you hit 2 or more enemies, which is your motherfucking specialty, add not one, but TWO damage to the roll." That is what I consider a perfectly useful feat.

Other feats do too little, so you look for ones that do a lot in one go. Like a familiar. My Dragonling adds 2 to my healing surge (alone crappy), teaches me Draconic (again alone crappy), and basically gives me ranged close blasts (only reason I chose a dragonling).

I know ya can't do much, and I'm not even asking you to, just giving you my perspective on why I'm having a hard time choosing feats.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

By the way, Errik votes for going to end Maligno and his buddies immediately. Not only is he supremely pissed off at what was done to the party (mostly him :heythere: ) but he wants to end this reign of terror before they can put on another show.

OOC, we're all at full or near-full health, full or near-full surges, we all have AT LEAST one action point, and none of us have used our dailies. Besides both Errik and I having a lot of motivation to end things sooner rather than later, I REALLY wanna use an action point to roleplay some two-handed casting. :D




Just bringing this one back to the top.




By the way, not sure we need to limit pages any more unless the thread is image heavy. We'll see.




We're back baby. :)


Dream Goddess

Dream Goddess

Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

I'm sorry, I still haven't updated Adia...I'll do it tomorrow. Promise! Oh, and the new forums kinda are annoying. Buuuuut, my ava is cuter now because it's...ME! XD




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Let's get those updated characters in.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Can you PM your Email? We can't attach files to PMs here.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)


That's... That's totally not how I pictured you.

... I really hate seeing what people actually look like. :tear:

Anywho, I'll send you my updated sheet. I'm just gonna pick a feat and see what happens.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Alright, I've picked Skill Training: Stealth for my new feat, retrained Enc. 1 Whirlwind for Enc. 1 Cosmos Call, and added 1 Skill point to Wisdom, and added 1 Skill point to Charisma.

This will hopefully give me more chances to make Serin the more stealthy assassin-type I always intended her to be, will give me a guaranteed-hit attack, and will give me the pre-requisite I need to get Wild Shape later.

I'll probably retrain the skill training later, but oh well.

I'm going to give Cosmos Call a shot and see how I like it. I haven't used Whirlwind in a while, so I figured I'd try a one-shot that's guaranteed to at least do some damage.

Just for visual's sake, Cosmos Call is going to look like an electrical, swirling, pulsating energy that dances between Serin's hands as she charges it up, then flies as a white, radiant, electrical ball with electrical-looking streamers behind it until it reaches its target. On a miss, it'll just hit the target and flash away, and on a hit, it'll hit the target with a last burst of electrical-looking energy surging up into its mind (to cause its additional effects).

I'll probably end up retraining everything. Le sigh.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Poor Doom. :(

Can't wait to play. :) Shawn, you got my character file from the old forum, right?




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

I forgot to download it when I had the chance Gusto.
I just got my new computer anyway so I'd have to have you send it again regardless.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Well we need a new way to send it since apparently we can't attach character files anymore.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

The email I PMed you is an awesome method of doing just that.


Dream Goddess

Dream Goddess

Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)


That's... That's totally not how I pictured you.

... I really hate seeing what people actually look like. :tear:
I'm...sorry? I didn't mean to disappoint. :/ How did you picture me? Now I'm curious.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

I dunno. Just different. I can't even explain. Your features look more prominent, and I was picturing someone who looked... very subdued... Or something. I don't know. XD


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

I dunno. Just different. I can't even explain. Your features look more prominent, and I was picturing someone who looked... very subdued... Or something. I don't know. XD
You shouldn't judge based on a zoomed-in, cropped, Photoshopped for flourish photo of her when she's purposely dolled up.

That said, I have no idea what you mean by subdued. Whenever she takes glamor shots like that, she's either in princess mode (as you see) or all gothy.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

I've found her youtube profile. Julie is awesomely and amazingly attractive.
Super Compliment Man AWAY! /zoom




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Know what I've noticed recently?

Our party is getting along too well. I miss the constant bickering, Adia's bitchiness and Kratash's foolhardy nature. XD

Maybe it's just because we've been puppets for a while and we're dealing with some really weird shit (as opposed to normal shit like demon children).

And this thread's too quiet! Where'd all our discussions go? Notably, I miss Julie's posts for some reason. We used to like, plot every option and what was coming up and all that.

Again, I guess it could be the situation. We do really only have one choice right now- beat the shit out of Maligno.

Actually! Do we want to destroy him? He's the toymaker's son right? And unless he's a son in the sense that "I built him, he's my son," that means he was once human or something, right? So maybe instead of destroying him, we can save him.

I.. don't know how, of course, but let's get some discussion again!




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Know what I've noticed recently?

Our party is getting along too well. I miss the constant bickering, Adia's bitchiness and Kratash's foolhardy nature. XD

Maybe it's just because we've been puppets for a while and we're dealing with some really weird shit (as opposed to normal shit like demon children).

And this thread's too quiet! Where'd all our discussions go? Notably, I miss Julie's posts for some reason. We used to like, plot every option and what was coming up and all that.

Again, I guess it could be the situation. We do really only have one choice right now- beat the shit out of Maligno.

Actually! Do we want to destroy him? He's the toymaker's son right? And unless he's a son in the sense that "I built him, he's my son," that means he was once human or something, right? So maybe instead of destroying him, we can save him.

I.. don't know how, of course, but let's get some discussion again!

From what I've heard of Maligno, even from his poor abused father, he is probably BEYOND saving. Much like young Graul. And I don't know that I wanna get too deep into conversation with him if it'll give him a chance to get the drop on US, rather than vice versa.

We tried to reason with Graul and it gave him the chance to get some early attacks in on Kratash. I don't wanna risk being turned into a puppet again, and neither does Errik. I really think we need to strike first and ask questions later.


Dream Goddess

Dream Goddess

Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

I've found her youtube profile. Julie is awesomely and amazingly attractive.
Super Compliment Man AWAY! /zoom

Err. Um. :brighter blush:

Here's a video of myself, Darryl, and two of my friends from college. Maybe seeing me in motion is better. Or something.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7sBtE_a0aa4"]YouTube - The Lower Case seVen Chronicles - The Beginning[/ame]




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Since it's the cool thing to do, here's my smiling face yet again. I'm sure many of you have seen me.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Here's the DM




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)



Dream Goddess

Dream Goddess

Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Here's the DM
OMG, I LUFF j00. @_@ :impressed: >_> ... <_< :runs away before her fiance kills her:




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

shit, i messed up. brt, but no char sheet. uber sorry.

---------- Post added at 11:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:12 PM ----------

halp where is the vent info!?


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

OMG, I LUFF j00. @_@ :impressed: >_> ... <_< :runs away before her fiance kills her:
You know I don't care :p. On occasion, you are aggravated by my apathy.


Dream Goddess

Dream Goddess

Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

You know I don't care :p. On occasion, you are aggravated by my apathy.
Heh, yeah, it's true. You just don't care if I drool all over you looking at David Bowie or Johnny Depp... XD




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Sorry about the complications tonight and the lack of game. New computer has some apparent bugs to work out and I have to say that the frustrations with that, coupled with my intense drowsiness and the intense heat of my room (it's 101 degrees out and AC isn't helping much) isn't helping matters.
Now that we have game table running, and Mic problems to a limit, we should be good to go. I'll probably get someone on vent with me during the week so we can test out my settings and make sure we don't have any more Japanese horror over Vent.

Thanks again for being understanding, guys. I'll make it up to you next week.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Hey, we made some progress. Made a fire, put a fire out, traumatized some children, made them go away. Now we're ready for The Showdown.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Hey, we made some progress. Made a fire, put a fire out, traumatized some children, made them go away. Now we're ready for The Showdown.
Hey, I traumatized them, BUT THEN I INSPIRED them. :uhhuh:




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Inspired them to hide in their homes like cowards.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Well yeah, basically. They're children. I know tat the puppets typically don't attack children but Errik knows what a man of principles is capable of in his most desperate moments. He doesn't want to leave it up to chance, especially if someone's gonna be lobbing fireballs around. :paranoid:

And I maintain that I inspired them to not just go along with this bullshit. We're putting an end to it TONIGHT. :D




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

The lack of posting in this thread is making lurking exceedingly boring.

Where's all the puppet rage?




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Saving my puppet rage for game night.

It's been steadily building for these past 4-5 weeks, believe me.

I am adamant about going to the Final Showdown sooner rather than later because I wanna unload my 2 action points in their faces. I believe Serin's gem works now as well. :)




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Ah yes. I always forget about that little thing.

Comes into use so rarely. :uhhuh:




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Gonna have to make this battle of puppet rage quite epic then. *Goes back to his notes*




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)






Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Game day!

I've been waiting for this alllll week. :D




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Should be fun. I'm putting some last minute touches on Maligno.
You guys have been in this town longer than I thought you would be, but considering I fucked up last week I guess it would feel that way.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

We're good to go in 15 min. Gametable is up. I'm on Vent and so far no sound problems.
I've been updating the Summary a bit by bit.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Now that Character Builder is updated, there are actually GOOD FEATS!

Don't guess I could retrain and get on of 'em, eh? >_>

Eh, I guess I've already abused that power.

There's a new feat that adds more att-... Wait.

Focused Expertise doesn't stack with Weapon Expertise or Implement Expertise.



I guess I'd take Quick Familiar (move Fyoosh with minor, very helpful for setting up attacks with him), or Shared Speed (+1 speed to both of us) if I were to change.

Seriously. What the fuck is the point of Focused Expertise???




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

alright once again kratash proves himself to be the sanest/most generic character.

i should try to fit some development in at some point. i mean, hey, i am travelling with some interesting company

-mute shapeshifting abomination
-morally ambiguous pyro
-bipolar/ptsd/werewolf? ranger
edit: being fantasy-racist is fun




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Hope it was enjoyable. There was some interesting twists at the end there.


Dream Goddess

Dream Goddess

Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

XD *runs around like a chicken with its head cut off* Oh Em Gee! THAT WAS SO MUCH FUN! I love playing crazy people! (And that final battle was epic as hell, even if I -was- bitching about how I can't ever hit anything.)

The tingly glowy skin was interesting, however ... I R NOT TWILITE VAMPYR. Stupid ass glittery pieces of shit.

And Luke, I am your father? Eh?




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Oh man I control so much FIRE now. Shawn, I need the limitations on that spell/book. I know it's not exactly like the Tome of Replenishing Fire +1 just yet.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

XD *runs around like a chicken with its head cut off* Oh Em Gee! THAT WAS SO MUCH FUN! I love playing crazy people! (And that final battle was epic as hell, even if I -was- bitching about how I can't ever hit anything.)

The tingly glowy skin was interesting, however ... I R NOT TWILITE VAMPYR. Stupid ass glittery pieces of shit.

And Luke, I am your father? Eh?
I've never seen or read twilight, so I doubt that's going to happen.

And "Luke I am your father"? I think Euric was pretty clear he possibly knew of your father. Not that he was him.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

I made the Vader joke; I'm not sure why she took it seriously. She's kooky like that.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

And somewhere, Cillian Murphy gets the chills down his back.

Oh man I control so much FIRE now. Shawn, I need the limitations on that spell/book. I know it's not exactly like the Tome of Replenishing Fire +1 just yet.
I'll have to remember to bring my book to work and look it up, but for the most part you're going to get the level 5 version minus one spell. There will be another that will become available to you at a higher level. You won't be able to use Fireball again until you reach 5th though.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Oh man I control so much FIRE now. Shawn, I need the limitations on that spell/book. I know it's not exactly like the Tome of Replenishing Fire +1 just yet.
I'll have to remember to bring my book to work and look it up, but for the most part you're going to get the level 5 version minus one spell. There will be another that will become available to you at a higher level. You won't be able to use Fireball again until you reach 5th though.
Yeah cool that's basically what I thought.

Wait... There's a lvl 2 item called the Tome of Replenishing Flame, and a lvl 5 item called the Book of Undeniable Fire.

Which one do I ACTUALLY have?!

Their effects are quite different, apart from the grants-bonus-dail(ies), sacrifice-a-daily-to-use-a-stored-one.

Replenishing Flame - gives me 1 hp every round that I sustain a fire power while bloodied.

Undeniable Fire - Any fire power I use against an enemy is subject to 10 less resistance to fire, if they have any.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)





Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Okay awesome. That's what I was hoping :).


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Wow, we were in the puppet place for so long, I kind of feel lost. I wonder if Assrack is feeling lonely too, since we've been gone. A villain needs his heroes...




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

I actually feel less lost. We're heading to Astrazalia for fun times!

Also, Julie, did you want to post your char sheet so we can take a look and maybe tweak it some?




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

I wouldn't mind a copy of that.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

I still feel that Adia is built just fine. The ONLY thing that throws it off is Grendmir's +12, however the @#$% he gets that.

Like, I have a +8 to attack and Sorcerers are supposed to hit a lot.

Errik has what? A +7?

I don't really know about the others, but I'm pretty sure they're in the +7-8 range.

Adia's a +7 and she doesn't even have a +1 bow.

So really, Grendmir's the only one throwing this off. A +12 is insane. I really don't see where he gets that. Can you break it down for us, Esc?




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

From what I've seen (from building a sample L4 ranger) is that the reason for Adia's lower ATK rolls is that she split her ability focus between STR and DEX, and in fact took an even lower DEX (evened out by her racial bonus). This isn't necessarily a problem, in fact I approve of characters who aren't min-maxed, but she rarely goes the melee route... The auto-assign ability score ranger I made has a 21 DEX at level 4, for a +9 to all attacks, and is a completely ranged ranger.

Basically what I'm saying here is that Adia has a +7 to attack ranged, and probably the same to attack melee. Grendmir has a +12 to attack melee, but his ranged attack rolls are probably kinda crappy. Erikk has a +8 with spells, but can't attack with melee or ranged for shit.

It all balances out in the long run, but the problem comes from Shawn trying to increase enemies AC to defend them against Grend or Kratty, keeping Adia from hitting a lot of the time. I'm not sure how much he's editting creature stats, or if it's just the types of enemies we've been playing against, but Adia has chosen a more hybrid build versus the focus that a lot of our strikers have.

Again, no worries if that's the way she wants to roll. God knows Errik isn't optimized for combat either.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Well, at level 4, with my communal dagger, I have a +9 ranged.

That's right. I, a sorcerer, am more likely to hit with a dagger than a ranger is likely to hit with her bow.

Heck! I'm more likely to hit with my dagger than my own spells! Too bad damage wouldn't be worth it. =P

Edit: Whoops, I was wrong. I have a +10 to ranged attack with my Communal Dagger. 9 is my natural.

Breakdown: +2 Half Level, +4 Ability, +3 Proficiency, +1 Magic Weapon


Huh, I must have missed some bonuses. My Dex mod is higher, so I'm at a +9 DMG now. Coolio.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Yeah but Adia has a 16 DEX and STR, no magic weapon, and less proficiency (this strikes me as a little dumb, and also that there are no ranged weapons other than thrown daggers that she'll have more proficiency with).

+3 DEX/STR, +2 half level, +2 prof.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

So basically more DEX and less STR would do her some good.

If she wished to go that route, of course.

If she took her DEX to match mine and got a +1 weapon, she'd be at a +9 (due to the 1 less prof. bonus), and if she took the Weapon Focus/Mastery/Whatever-the-hell-adds-to-ATK feat, she'd be at a comfortable +10 to ranged attack (which is great, because we'd have 2 melee, 2 casters, and a ranged).

That boosts her 3 points, which is well worth the retooling. Instead of being 5 points behind Grendmir, she'd only be 2 behind.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Sometimes, it's just not all about min/maxing and being a more rounded out character. Furthermore, Shawn's game is pretty RP, so... I'd expect a lot of neat situations where one's "special skill" can be interesting to use.

And Saryon would still miss Lance of Faith with +12 to hit. :/




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

That's true, but how often does Adia's strength come into play? When given the choice of Athletics or Acrobatics, she goes with Acrobatics-- one, because it suits her character, and two, because her DEX is higher anyway (I think?).

If I recall correctly (can't check atm), STR only affects Athletics, Endurance, STR checks, and melee-based attacks.

Since she will more often choose Acrobatics in place of Athletics; Endurance rarely comes up (and she's a "fragile" elf girl anyway, at least compared to our two manly dragonborn); she'd rarely be the one to try to lift/break/etc things (and again, her character is a lithe elven female- she wouldn't have the strength of a dragonborn anytime); and while melee might come up, her focus is on ranged combat.

So sacrificing some STR for DEX would benefit her ability to hit, AND add to the skills she actually uses more often-- Stealth, Acrobatics, etc etc etc.

If I were to suggest any course of action to you, Julie, it would be to dock a few points in STR for DEX. If you had the Auspicious Birth/Born Under a Bad Sign background, you could shave off some CON points too and add those to your DEX / Replace STR with it.

(Those backgrounds base your HP on your highest Ability Points.)

Min/Maxing is done for a reason. "Well-rounded" characters don't do too well.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

That completely depends on your DM and his play style.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

I don't really understand what you mean. I'm speaking from a purely rules-based stance, and Shawn does his best to follow the rules/stats to a T. I'm making suggestions based on what we've experienced so far.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Errik isn't min-maxed. I've got less INT and more CHA than a wizard should ideally have. But it really fits the character, so whatever. :p




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

I encourage people to not min max. But that does mean I have to be careful about what I put you folks up against.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

I didn't min-max. If I did, I'd be even stronger.


Dream Goddess

Dream Goddess

Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Well, what everyone has said makes a lot of sense. Whether or not it was originally my intention (I had intended to be a dual wielder mainly, but we see how -that- turned out), it looks like I am indeed your typical longbow elven ranger. With your permission, Shawn, I'd like to change up some stats to get her Dex up. :)




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

You indeed have my permission. I want people to be happy with their characters. Send me an update when you are done.

Also, I'm giving advanced notice. I'm on vacation on October 8th. So there will be no game that week.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

My computer's crapped out again (yay viruses), so I might be slow on new powers / macros this game.

Let us know what you change, Julie. I are curious.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Woo, game night! Can't wait to see what happens next!




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Woo, game night! Can't wait to see what happens next!
Your book gets hungry and thinks you're about the right size for a midnight snack.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)



Dream Goddess

Dream Goddess

Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

My new numbahs.

====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Adia Il'Yuirwood, level 4
Elf, Ranger
Build: Archer Ranger
Fighting Style: Archer Fighting Style
Background: Aglarond

Str 12, Con 10, Dex 20, Int 8, Wis 17, Cha 13.

Str 12, Con 10, Dex 17, Int 8, Wis 14, Cha 13.

AC: 19 Fort: 14 Reflex: 18 Will: 15
HP: 37 Surges: 6 Surge Value: 9

Dungeoneering +10, Acrobatics +12, Perception +13, Athletics +8, Stealth +12

Arcana +1, Bluff +3, Diplomacy +3, Endurance +2, Heal +5, History +1, Insight +5, Intimidate +3, Nature +7, Religion +1, Streetwise +3, Thievery +7

Ranger at-will 1: Careful Attack
Ranger at-will 1: Twin Strike
Ranger encounter 1: Two-Fanged Strike
Ranger daily 1: Boar Assault
Ranger utility 2: Yield Ground
Ranger encounter 3: Thundertusk Boar Strike

Longsword (2), Longbow, Adventurer's Kit, Leather Armor, Arrows (30), Potion of Healing (heroic tier), Bracers of Mighty Striking (heroic tier), Circlet of Second Chances (heroic tier), Climber's Kit, Chain (10 ft.), Rope, Silk (50 ft.), Fine Clothing, Bag of Holding (heroic tier), Riding Horse, Lyre, Wildrunners (heroic tier), Ancient Dragonborn Dagger
====== Copy to Clipboard and Press the Import Button on the Summary Tab ======




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Sweet deal.

Level 1: Wood Elf Agility
Level 2: Lethal Hunter
Level 4: NOT TELLING. So there.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)





Wow, that auto-red makes it look like I'm way angrier than I am.

And now the auto-red is gone. Wat.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

He's a child. This is what they do.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Fun session!

I do need to quit trying to use my bluffs just for the sake of using them though. BUT IT'S ALL I HAVE ARGH.

Very interesting to have met Bertrow again. And he's innocent!(?)

Who are the Kenku? Are they behind the mysterious black ice!? Or are they just poor saps that got caught in the middle of the battle for middle Earth?? What is this inter-dimensional cube that Bertrow was looking for?? Who are "The Harmonium"?? Will the Company of Discord be able to save Marian Alderbrush??

Find out next time! On SHAWNACY'S GAME Z!


On a more serious note, where the hell is Gurpel. I hope he's aight.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)





Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

I think that the Kenku are behind the assassinations but one of them got caught DURING his attempt on Alderbrush's life.

Regardless, we know they're involved in some way, and we can't seem to glean any additional information from Alderbrush's room or Bertrow. We might as well track them down and ask them.

I think it might be time to use Adia's tracking ability...




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Anyone heard from Gurpel?




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Nope. He hasn't answered my PM yet.
He may actually be having some computer problems.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

I'm waiting on a reply, but in the next week or so we may have a replacement player for Jay (Perhaps Gurpel as well if we don't hear back from him).

I have a new theory on Gurpel: Grounded.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)


I'd hate to lose Gurp/Kratash. He's a good character in our company of Discord.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)


I'd hate to lose Gurp/Kratash. He's a good character in our company of Discord.
It is a shame. I mean I haven't really heard a peep from him on the forums for quite a while, so it's possible he's in a situation beyond his control right now. We'll see what happens.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Grounded. You know, I completely forgot about things like that. I'm so disconnected from the youth.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)





Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

I'm waiting on a reply, but in the next week or so we may have a replacement player for Jay (Perhaps Gurpel as well if we don't hear back from him).

I have a new theory on Gurpel: Grounded.
Heh, no. However,

He's a child. This is what they do.
isn't far off, because (non-sequitur here: i am not a child i am a youth >:[ ) I got the annual back-to-school plague. On thursday, i have to admit, it wasn't that bad, but i could barely talk (sore throat) so I wouldnt have been much fun anyway. I do realise it reflects badly on me that the session right after you guys told me to get my shit together I was awol, but it was kind of, as shawnacy said, beyond my control.

Sorry. This thursday I'll be prepared, I swear.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Yay! Gurp's not dead. I'll post the session recording when I have more time.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Sorry. This thursday I'll be prepared, I swear.
Prepared as in present, or prepared as in character sheet, macros, etc?


Dream Goddess

Dream Goddess

Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

I think it might be time to use Adia's tracking ability...




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Glad to hear Gurp.
Though if you're going to be absent for any legitimate reason in the future, a quick post on the threat with an explanation is preferred.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

This might be a good time to re-bring up that everyone should send Shawn their numbers or something.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Sorry. This thursday I'll be prepared, I swear.
Prepared as in present, or prepared as in character sheet, macros, etc?[/QUOTE]

Preferably both. ;)




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

hey, doom, where's that recording?




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

I honestly have not had enough time to upload it. I will be the end of tonight. After I edit together this project and study for my test. ERGH.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

You can listen to the previous game while playing tomorrow night's. It'll be like time travel.

Very brief summary:

Saryon left us to pursue Yorek and Mort.
We got to Astrazyaliomalox...ian. It's basically a beautiful city on the far side of a lake on the far side of the flea market of scum and villainy. We went through the flea market buying some stuff, although the place seemed to be packing up, what with the breathtaking elven home disappearing in a week. We stopped at an inn trying to stiff us for the single, when a bird-man known as a cankoo offered to pay our night.
Next day, we learned that he belonged to a crime family aware of Errik Loreno's presence. They questioned him a bit, he convinced them it was personal, non-family business bringing him to this place, and they sent us along.
In the gorgeous, heavenly city of the elves and eladrin, we did a bit of trickery with Serin that ultimately wasn't very useful. We had to reveal Sir Orin (that the name?)'s special metal thingy.

They took us to the woman we were supposed to find who had battled Assrack previously, only she and her whole room were locked in necrotic ice that burned everybody but Adia. We also found a cankoo frozen in the lady's wardrobe, and I presume the necrotic ice did not pour forth from Narnia. Last of the un-fun surprises was finding another doppleganger locked in the prison.
DUN DUN DUN. He was Serin's cousin Bertreau (sp?), responsible for killing their whole family, and hunted by Adia as well for information on the disappearance of hers. He was here in the god-like city of pretty to steal an orb from an elven/eladrin general that supposedly could take you to another plane of existence (other than the Shadowfel).

We left off going back to the flea market to confront the cankoo on why one of their number was found frozen in the elven lady's wardrobe, suspecting a possibly assassination attempt that did not take the cankoo's life into account.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Here's Session 16 or what-the-hell-ever we're at.


So tired!





Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)


Basically we need to go investigate what the Kenku can tell us. I'll try to get a conversation with Cooper alone, but I dunno if he's gonna be down for that...

If it gets to a situation where all 5 of us need to meet with the whole Kenku gang like last time, I have a setup I wanna try just in case shit gets real, which it is almost sure to after I accuse them of attempting to assassinate the woman we are trying to talk to, as well as other Council members.

I would LOVE to get through this confrontation without a fight but I don't know if I can count on it.

So here's Errik's plan for the split up.

Last time we met these kenku, there were a couple of them stand guard outside of the building, with a bunch more inside. The setup I devised is created to aid in the social half of it, and also conveniently set up for the possibility of a gang war.

Errik, Serin and Grendmir will go inside the building, and Adia and Kratash will stand guard outside.

The Inside Team will do their best to keep level heads (no offense, Outside Team) and Errik and Serin are possibly the world's greatest fast-talkin' team. Grendmir will be there for protection and also physical intimidation. The idea here is that if we can't end the situation amicably, Serin and I won't be total pincushions, and can try to raise a lot of ruckus with AoEs in a tight area.

The Outside Team (namely Adia) will be keeping an ear on the situation inside. If shit seems like it's getting hectic, and especially if the guards outside become alerted, Adia will run inside and assist the Inside Team with the main enemy force, while Kratash will use his body to block the door, and fight the reinforcements outside. Ideally, Kratash and Adia will stay back-to-back in the doorway so that neither of them will be particularly vulnerable to the sides they aren't paying attention to.

What do you think? I'm pretty proud of this plan. :)




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Sounds good.

I'm glad my fake numbers can back up what I say. I'm not nearly sociable enough to pull off Serin's charisma.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

I like the plan.

I also like the character situation it presents, where Adia and Kratash, often at odds with each other, are forced to trust and defend each other.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

It shouldn't be hard for Adia to get along with someone who doesn't show up.

OOOOoooooooooh damn!!

Edit: Oh shit, he's here early.





Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

I like the plan.

I also like the character situation it presents, where Adia and Kratash, often at odds with each other, are forced to trust and defend each other.
Yeah that's a bonus that I thought of.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

If you want to post your intimidation speech, Escusion, I'll write it into the summary.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Speakin' o' which, where are the summaries being posted now?




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

I have to admit, I really like having Thundering Gust now. :rofl:

For once, one of my plans finally worked perfectly. Guy goes in the pit, one in the slime. Bwa ha ha!

And acid resistance saved me AGAIN!


I like being in a "dungeon" again. I'm excited to see where both the big double doors and the tiny passage goes.

Fun times all 'round!

Julie, how's your character reworking feel?




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Speakin' o' which, where are the summaries being posted now?
Summaries are being posted in the summary thread as usual.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Argh! Excited!

I do realize that maybe we should try talking to these people before murdering them all.

Also granted, they should stop being jackasses. :D

Also, I noticed that we've been stopping at around 9:30 central our past few sessions. Is this going to be our usual? Cuz I think we used to go on to 10:30-11 before.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

I have to stop talking out loud at 9C and it is a pain in the assssss. That's basically when/why I run out of steam.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Get a laptop and go outside. >=P

Alternatively, talk way lower and we can turn your mic volume up on our end?




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)


Through the doors, or down the small path?

The doors indicate importance. But if playing video games has taught me anything, going down the side paths gets you cool stuff!


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

You guys decide; Grendmir's not much of a looter.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

I vote small path.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

As long as it's not me, I vote small path too!

I'd offer to shape-change and scout, but that hasn't worked too well recently.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)





Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

So Thursday is coming up. From the sounds of it the team has decided to investigate the area of the dungeon that even Cooper and his crew have avoided, based on the weird feeling that Adia is getting.

Also, I know I said that next Thursday (the 8th) there wasn't going to be a game, but I am changing dates of my vacation and I will be available after all. Unless someone has made other plans we can still game that week.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

No plans by me. I didn't even know.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Lol, shit. I have made plans on the 8th. It was coincidentally the night that my girlfriend and I are celebrating an anniversary. Among other things.


Yeah I'm gonna have to sit next week out.

*gives plenty of advance notice*




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Lol, shit. I have made plans on the 8th. It was coincidentally the night that my girlfriend and I are celebrating an anniversary. Among other things.


Yeah I'm gonna have to sit next week out.

*gives plenty of advance notice*
While I do appreciate the advanced notice I think it's only fair to ask if you would like us to cancel the game for that day so you don't miss out.
I did announce that I'd be unable to run the game that day, so it's not fair of me to change my mind and expect that no one made alternate plans.

This is an open discussion so all opinions are welcome.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Cancelling's fine with me. Depending on where this goes, Errik might still be kind of essential to what we do, but it does look like Adia's gonna be the important one here.

Up to [STRIKE]Errik[/STRIKE]. Gusto :D (I keep doing that.)




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Cancelling's fine with me. Depending on where this goes, Errik might still be kind of essential to what we do, but it does look like Adia's gonna be the important one here.

Up to Errik. :D
I like to try and give everyone a moment of the spotlight, even in times when it seems like one character might be more important than the other. Everyone seemed to be making assumptions that Alderbrush is linked to Adia for instance...
And yet Errik and Serin have also had some background specific events happen in the last 24 hours. I also have some things for Kratash and Grendmir in the near future.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Cancelling's fine with me. Depending on where this goes, Errik might still be kind of essential to what we do, but it does look like Adia's gonna be the important one here.

Up to Errik. :D
I like to try and give everyone a moment of the spotlight, even in times when it seems like one character might be more important than the other. Everyone seemed to be making assumptions that Alderbrush is linked to Adia for instance...
And yet Errik and Serin have also had some background specific events happen in the last 24 hours. I also have some things for Kratash and Grendmir in the near future.[/QUOTE]

Oh yeah, of course. :D Just saying, like, if we 'free' Alderbrush and she's Adia's "counterpart" and Julie weren't there, it'd be a bigger problem.

I am really liking the focus on everyone. I get slightly flustered when story events focus on Serin, however, cuz I'm not very good at progressing the story and half the time I say something that doesn't even make sense.

"I'm not letting this person that's in a jail cell out of my sight!" :facepalm:




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Hey Aldarbrush was a sorceress wasn't she? I assumed she had ties to Serin. But Adia seems to be the one getting all the "feelings".

You guys don't have to cancel the night on my account, if you don't want to, but I did make other plans based on the idea that Shawn would be unavailable. If anyone else is absent *coughGurplecough* or if my character's presence is necessary, go ahead and shut 'er down.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

I say we cancel it for that week. Errik has been essential for this storyline, and if he were gone two weeks, I'd say only cancel one, but since it's just one, I say we can miss a week and it's okay. Might give Gurpel a chance to find out what month to turn his calendar to and what time zone he lives in.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Okay. We're going to take Thursday the 8th off. But we'll be back in full swing the following week.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Thanks homies. See you THIS Thursday though. :D




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

I was thinking about doing something a bit different for tonight's game.
How would people be up for a puzzle solving adventure opposed and little to no combat?




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Should make for an interesting change of pace, and in keeping with this little arc (seeing as it's been mostly roleplay anyways). And I always like to solve puzzles. :)




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

I saw Gabe's post at Penny Arcade and thought it would be neat to do a puzzle.

Then you come along with your puzzle.

It wouldn't be mirrors now would it, Mr. Nacy? :cool:

So yes, I wholly support a puzzle. :D

Maybe an occasional hazard of a minion or two, but a dark passage calling out to Adia that eminates an ancient evil that requires some puzzle solving?

Count me in. :3

PS: If Square-Enix has taught me anything it's that puzzles usually have a treasure or two hidden in them. :biggrin: I mean, sure, your puzzle could not have treasure, what do they know, they're only the biggest RPG developers in the world.. *cough* :ninja:

I am not a subtle man.. =|




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

I will give you this though. It's going to be a flash back sequence. Meaning it won't have anything to do with the current story arc (I feel it's lacking something and could use the two weeks to add to it). It will feature your characters meeting up for the first time.
So it will be interesting to see you start your relationships with each other.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Oh man crazy.

I have to be almost COMPLETELY evil still. :D




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Oh man crazy.

I have to be almost COMPLETELY evil still. :D
Oh that's up to you. I'm not sure when you decided to become a good person. Was it before or after you met with the party? But either way you'd probably still be "new" at it, so no one can fault you for slipping a bit.
Though I'd be interested to see the reverse of Adia. She's gotten quite a bit more demented as the game has gone on.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Is it alright if we keep making hilarious comments in the past knowing how things will actually work out in the future?

Ie. Adia: "Nice to meet you Kratash. I'm sure we're gonna get along juuuuuust fine."

Also somewhat more seriously, can we alter our pasts here? Like by grabbing tings that it's now assumed that we had all along, etc.? Also, are we playing our level 1 selves?




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

I'll go into more specifics at the game.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Aw, man. Insane.

Let's see-- Serin's pre-game self:

Quiet, reserved, contemplative, and practical.

... Not much difference, huh? Though I guess it would explore her budding friendship with Adia, which probably spawned more from Adia being the talkative "leader" type while Serin just kind of got caught up in things and dragged along.

For future games though, I really wanna work in Serin's rarely seen 'mischievous' side. Or rather, her 'bane of society' side. She did indeed hire herself out to shady groups in the past, and imitating others and stealing was her livelihood. It seems believable that with her talents she might want to slip into her ways again, like 'slipping into' a house and making off with some valuables.

Granted, her comrades have had an effect on her and she might actually care what they think now.

Oh yeah! Pre-game / Pre-meeting up Serin is immediately (immediately being a few weeks) after escaping the guard in [insert town name here] after her arrest. (As seen in her journal entries!) I don't guess she'd let on that she's a changeling either. Accidental slip ftw!




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Yeah pre-game Errik has never left [insert city of our meeting here]. He's still pretty evil and confused about where to go next, and there are still plenty of Lorenos still moving out of the nearby defunct Loreno compound.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

doop doop doop i hate my dad :|

fun session.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

We just stopped, after we freed the lady. I have to make 4 Thievery checks above 20, each of which took 15 seconds, with 5 minutes left to go.

We made it out with 2:30 to spare. :D




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Sorry Gurp. =[

Good session, Shawn! I was surprised by how well it went. I honestly expected it to plod along while we tried to figure out what happened. =P




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Since no-one's brought it up and you asked, I vote we continue with the main quest and then 'flashback' whenever it's necessary.

Sigh, no game this week. ;_;

Oh well, gives me time to work on projects.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

I figured that was how we were going to do it. I didn't really want the flash back to take more than one session. I was hoping we'd finish that particular adventure but there is only so much we can do in the few hours we have to play. So we're just going to go back to it later.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

it's a good thing we dont have a game today; i was just coming here to post that i couldnt make it lol.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Nice. =P




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)





Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

So good news. I took advantage of the night off and went on a date tonight. Went well.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)





Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Guh, looking forward to Thursday. Need me some D&D action to unwind. :D

So, uhh, Shawn.. You stick it in her pooper? :unibrow:




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)





Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Guh, looking forward to Thursday. Need me some D&D action to unwind. :D

So, uhh, Shawn.. You stick it in her pooper? :unibrow:
Sorry. That's an exit only.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Woo. Game on.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Hey Shawn, remind me of something:

When we hit level 5, my tome's new powers are supposed to kick in, granting me access to the Fireball daily. The item itself says that it grants access to 2 fire-based daily powers, but did you tell me that it only grants one (for now, at least)? I can't remember and it kinda determines whether I'll retrain at lvl 5.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Game Game Game Game Game Game Game Game Game Game Game Game Game Game Game Game Game Game Game Game Game Game Game Game Game Game

It feels like it's been longer than a week. I need to get back into the swing of things.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

It feels like it's been longer than a week.
It's been two.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Hey Shawn, remind me of something:

When we hit level 5, my tome's new powers are supposed to kick in, granting me access to the Fireball daily. The item itself says that it grants access to 2 fire-based daily powers, but did you tell me that it only grants one (for now, at least)? I can't remember and it kinda determines whether I'll retrain at lvl 5.
You will get just the one spell at level 5. The other spell will appear later. Most likely when it can be used as a story element.

Speaking of level 5 everyone will be leveling after tonight's session.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Okay. I ad just thought of retraining my Flaming Sphere away and taking it a bonus daily. Wizard's Fury is a level 1 daily that sounds excellent. :)




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Wait, no.. We... played that flashback game...

Didn't we?

*too sleepy*




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Yeah but that was 2 weeks ago. We took last week off because Shawn said he needed it off but then didn't but by then I did and Shawn ended up getting a date.

It's been 2 weeks since flashback, 3 weeks since the story proper.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Yeah, so it has been a while. About to go into some bad underground, ooh ooh.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

So, level 5.

Trying to decide my daily.


Acidic Implantation: Pretty bitchin', can set up some decent "bombs" this way. (Attack does 2d6 initial damage to target, allows me to slide target 3, then make an "explosion" 2d6 attack to adjacent enemies.)

Moon and the Stars: 3d6 cold or radiant to two enemies (Cold- slowed, can't shift, Radiant- spend healing surge [good against undead too]) / Miss: Half Damage

Thunder Leap: 2d6 Damage to all adjacent, jump speed + 4 (10 spaces), make 2d6 secondary to all adjacent in new space. Pretty good, almost like a teleport in battle. Could use it to get a boost to any jumps I might need. Only problem is that I'm never surrounded and wouldn't want to make myself surrounded.

Howling Tempest: Burst 1, 2d6 initial. Can slide initial targets 4. Any creature starting turn in zone takes 4(+4) damage, persist minor. Not liking this one as much.

Ice Javelins: I like this one only because it suits Serin's personality. Attack 3 enemies for 1d10 dmg, ongoing 5 damage. Miss: Half dmg.

Any thoughts?


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

No thoughts. Most of them sound awesome to me since I don't really know sorcerer stuff.

I retrained my old one-enemy Daily to Tempest Dance, which lets me potentially swoosh around and hit three enemies.

New one is Cometfall Crusher, 3d10+9 damage to single target. Will get my new sheet to Shawn sometime this weekend.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

What the hell! The Arcane Flame or whatever it is feat is gone. The one that lets me attack with a fire attack to make the enemy vulnerable to cold. Did they scrap it???


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

That's why you never update Character Builder.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Oh, wait, there it is.

Apparently I accidentally changed my ability scores somehow? I used to have Int 13, now it's 12, and it requires 13 to see. Now I need to see what I fucked up before to fix it like it was.


Edit: Fixed it.

So I can't decide my Daily still. I either want Thunder Leap (has potential Out-Of-Combat usefulness) or Moon and Stars, which is just a generally good two-target attack with debuff/self heal capabilities.

Now I'm wanting to retrain my Feat: Stealth Training.

I haven't used stealth more than like twice the whole game. I was thinking Serin could start breaking into places to try to get some loot, but that's probably not likely for a while. (However, I wouldn't mind if you had a "magical item shop at night" map on reserve. :3)

Anyway, I was thinking about training in Perception to get a +8, 'cause I ALWAYS miss stuff, and I'd like to think that Serin tries to be alert. But a +8 still isn't much, and for the msot part Adia will always be able to tell us if something is happening.

Then I wanted to get Focus in Arcana, because I'd like Serin to be knowledgable in her magic. But she still won't be able to beat Errik, who's studied the stuff, whereas she was merely born with it innately and has to try to come to understand it.

So as you can see, I want, but should avoid, things where my allies are much better. =P

Which leads me back to Stealth and Thievery. I have the highest Thievery, meaning I should specialize in it so no one else has to (a la the above), so having a solid +15 wouldn't be bad. Again, stealth is nice but I haven't needed it much yet. And plus, when she can shapeshift, hiding in plain sight is more her thing.

So I think I just reasoned myself to a Focus: Thievery.

Alternatively, here's an update to feats I'm interested in (if anyone cares):

- Wild Shape: Turn into medium natural and fey creatures (I'm saving this for a story event, I think.)

- Arcane Fire: Fire attacks cause Vulnerable 5 Cold to enemies (meaning every other attack I do can do an extra +5 when/if I get my Frost Dagger)
+ Wintertouched: Combat Advantage against enemies Vulnerable to Cold (great in addition to the above)

- Two-Weapon Fighting: +1 Damage

- Dual Implement Spellcaster: + 2nd Implement's Damage Bonus (+1 for now, when I get another magical implement)

- Leather Armor (+2 AC. Can't hurt.)

- Shared Speed: +1 Speed to Fwoosh and Serin (Nifty, but I don't need to move often, but would help in setting up attacks)

- Quick Familiar: Move Fwoosh as a Minor (handy for setting up attacks with Fwoosh)

- Jack of All Trades: Helps my abysmal skills. (+2 to Untrained) But almost worthless for reasons mentioned before.

SO! Anyone have thoughts on my Daily or which Feat to retrain?

Next level is another feat, too, so..

(I'm thinking Thunder Leap for my Daily. It has more uses than just an attack.)




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

At level 5 I gain use of one of these dailies everyday, which I have to choose at the beginning of the day (yay Spellbook!):

Acid Mire: Ranged 10, Burst 1 (3x3 square), 3d6+5 acid damage, half on a miss. The area becomes a zone of acidic slime (difficult terrain) that lasts until the end of my next turn. Any creature that starts there turn in the zone, enters the zone, or falls prone in the zone takes an additional 5 acid damage. Sustain minor. This could be a lot of fun to set up an encounter or to help distance our group from pursuing enemies.

Bigby's Icy Grasp: I summon a giant icy hand within 20 squares and it attacks the enemy for 2d8+5 cold damage and grabs it. Much like Flaming Sphere, I can sustain it as a minor, move it as a move, and use it to attack a different target as a standard. If I sustain it while it is grabbing an enemy, they take an additional 1d8+5 cold. This is fucking awesome. Not only does it do HELLA damage, it can grab an enemy and keep it from moving or (I think) attacking. And any time I sustain it and it doesn't need to regrab an escaped enemy, I can use my standard to attack it with something else. :D

I can also use my tome to spontaneously switch one of them out for:

Fireball: Range 20, burst 3 (7x7 square), 3d6+5 fire damage, half on a miss. This has a lot of potential in very specific situations so I'm glad I get it as something I can choose sponataneously.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Some very good options for folks.

I'm looking forward to Paragon Tier as there are some fun things in store for you that have only been hinted at in previous games so far.

Good job with the dungeon yesterday. You showed that asshat gnome ghost who's boss. I love the button trap. So harmless and yet so evil at the same time.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

I'm glad that I prepared the right dailies today to deal with a room containing 4 fire elementals. :) PLUS I have fire resistance!




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Sigh. I would love to have Fireball. Or any spell that's larger than 3x3, but I don't think I ever get anything like that.

Oh well.

Still haven't fully decided what I'm doing.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Sent my char sheet.

I took Thunder Leap (has out-of-combat use and can potentially be fun) and retrained my stealth to Shared Speed, which gives me and my familiar a +1 to speed.

So now I can keep up with Adia. =D

Unless she's running. =|

What I'd really like now is to get Boots of Speed or some other movement increasing item, so my teleports and various other speed-linked abilities would increase. (My teleport is half my speed, so Speed 6 and 7 still teleport me 3, but if I could get boots of speed I could teleport 4.)

PS: The item mentioned in the e-mail is not Boots of Speed. =P

Edit: Damn it Shawn! You did too good of a job last session. I can't fucking wait until our next game. Argh!




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

You get my e-mail Shawn?




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Q-q-q-quadruple Post!!!

Hey all, decided to put all the recordings in one place.

Though I seem to have somehow reached the limit and Session 20 didn't upload. So if someone could point me to a huge online storage space?

This link should take you to them:


Edit: Whoops, I forgot-- Gurple, we're mean to you in one of these. I was going to edit it out half-jokingly, but now it's in there. I don't even remember what we said or if it was even mean. So if you find it, surprise!! We love you?




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Man I can't wait to fight those elementals. I'm gonna Icy Grip those fuckers like nobody's business.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

I got it, Doom. Thanks.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)



I've been excited about our last game since we ended our last one arg!


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

I... need to send my character sheet.

So does Julie. Tomorrow likely.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Oooooh, Character Builder update. Lots of new items, it seems!

Edit: Oh, and skill powers! Can replace utility power with them.

Oh good. There's one that lets you make Bluff/Diplomacy/Intimidate checks with your Arcana check instead. Well there @#$%ing goes Serin's usefulness if Errik takes that. >_>

Edit 2: Looking at new items is fun.



I was wondering-- I was wanting to aquire some Sovereign Glue at some point. Thing is, I noticed it's supposed to be like a one-use item, but most of my ideas for its use would be something very small requiring very, very little glue. Obviously this wouldn't make any sense realistically, so would it be possible for me to get some glue and then have "a lot of uses" until I actually use it on something major?

For example, in our flashbck task we were gluing chests and crap to the wall, which requires a lot of glue. I'd be using extremely small objects (like needle-sized).

One more question: I put in my char sheet that I picked up roughly 30 of those poisonous darts. I was wondering what their shape was. The teeny-tinyness of the holes made me think of needle-like darts, but I feel those wouldn't fly well. Are they your average throwing-dart size or what? Just curious for future applications.


Edit 3: Adia might look into the Rebounding Weapon (Bow). =D

These Adventurer's Vault 2 items sure are powerful.

Edit 4: and Dungeon Master's Guide 2 stuff. Boons are nifty. Those could be cool little bonuses we get after we discover each "previous warrior" or whatever we're calling them. =P




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

How many magic items does everyone have, just so I have an idea?




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Oooooh, Character Builder update. Lots of new items, it seems!

Edit: Oh, and skill powers! Can replace utility power with them.

Oh good. There's one that lets you make Bluff/Diplomacy/Intimidate checks with your Arcana check instead. Well there @#$%ing goes Serin's usefulness if Errik takes that. >_>

Edit 2: Looking at new items is fun.



I was wondering-- I was wanting to aquire some Sovereign Glue at some point. Thing is, I noticed it's supposed to be like a one-use item, but most of my ideas for its use would be something very small requiring very, very little glue. Obviously this wouldn't make any sense realistically, so would it be possible for me to get some glue and then have "a lot of uses" until I actually use it on something major?

For example, in our flashbck task we were gluing chests and crap to the wall, which requires a lot of glue. I'd be using extremely small objects (like needle-sized).

One more question: I put in my char sheet that I picked up roughly 30 of those poisonous darts. I was wondering what their shape was. The teeny-tinyness of the holes made me think of needle-like darts, but I feel those wouldn't fly well. Are they your average throwing-dart size or what? Just curious for future applications.


Edit 3: Adia might look into the Rebounding Weapon (Bow). =D

These Adventurer's Vault 2 items sure are powerful.

Edit 4: and Dungeon Master's Guide 2 stuff. Boons are nifty. Those could be cool little bonuses we get after we discover each "previous warrior" or whatever we're calling them. =P
The Sovereign glue I'll have to look at but if the price is set for a one use item then I should probably keep it close to that. I'm thinking that it goes bad within 30 minutes of the container being opened. It sets instantly when outside the container, but inside it can only avoid becoming solid for so long after being exposed to air.

I think you will find the darts are not very useful. They are too tiny to use as weapons. If anything they are more like toothpicks.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

The Sovereign glue I'll have to look at but if the price is set for a one use item then I should probably keep it close to that. I'm thinking that it goes bad within 30 minutes of the container being opened. It sets instantly when outside the container, but inside it can only avoid becoming solid for so long after being exposed to air.

I think you will find the darts are not very useful. They are too tiny to use as weapons. If anything they are more like toothpicks.
Actually, that's exactly what I was thinking they'd be.

I was wanting to look for -something- to use as an adhesive. For various uses, of course, but the thing that originally spawned the idea was the poison darts. Since they are tiny and like toothpicks, they could be glued to Adia's arrows (and still fly perfectly fine since they're so tiny) and she could have poison arrows for a bit. (Same with the silver needles if we ever come upon enemies that are vulnerable to silver attacks.)

I've gotten the impression that you people think me trying to come up with ideas like this is annoying, but this is what I do! I try to come up with fun ways to use things we find.

Edit: Found some rules talking about its keepability, regarding Salve of Slipperiness. (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Sovereign_Glue) Could get a 7 ounce flask of Sovereign Glue and a 7 ounce flask of Salve of Slipperiness and preserve the Glue for at least 7 openings.

Stuff costs too much. =[



I have:

Communal Dagger
Amulet of Health +1
Power Jewel
Armor of Breaching

Pretty sure that's it. I have various odds and ends that aren't magical, like potions, Eternal Chalk, etc.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Jesus, Magicman.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Julie probably won't be mailing her character sheet in until we're in-game, but I got mine out because I'm nifty.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Jesus, Magicman.
I have as much as anyone else, right? I know Adia has at least 4. Circlet, Bracers, Boots, and her Bow.

Dunno 'bout the rest of you.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

I have my Tome.





Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)


Well, assuming Shawn lets me, I had an item in mind that I was going to steal for you if I can ever break into a magic item shop. =]




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

For me!?

What did you have in mind?

(Heh, I don't even own armor...)


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

I have my weapons and my armor.

Although we ALL had opportunities to buy stuff.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Yeah, I know, I'm not complaining or anything, I was just trying to get an idea since it always seems like Doom has his eye on some new magic item. :)




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

I didn't realize I had more than most. =\

Well, I was really wanting to break into a place and steal some stuff, but if it'd get me even -more- stuff then maybe not.

Unless I could make it out with several things. XD

So far the item I wanted for myself is headgear, as would be the thing I want to steal for Errik-- (a sort of, "I'm taking this! Oh.. Errik would like this too.. Whoop, time to go!" kind of thing.)

Thing is, I know I can't just get into a place and take whatever the hell I want. I fully intend on breaking into a magic shop, and I would love it if I can pick out what I want to take (I still limit myself to lower level items), but I know that's nigh game-breaking, so I'll just have to do whatever Shawn lets me.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

That reminds me. Tonight I'll need to come up with an encounter based on what happens when Serin gets caught stealing from people who sell magic items for a living.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

But what if she doesn't get caught? :O




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Keep pushin'.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Hahahahaha, yeah, I know. Don't challenge the DM.

Thing is, I actually have a huge number of ways to get in and get out either undetected or un-caught. But the DM can always come up with reasons why something won't work.

So I'ma just be shushy and wait for tonight's game, which I am le excited about.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Hahahahaha, yeah, I know. Don't challene the DM.

Thing is, I actually have a huge number of ways to get in and get out either undetected or un-caught. But the DM can always come up with reasons why something won't work.

So I'ma just be shushy and wait for tonight's game, which I am le excited about.
All I ask is advanced warning so I can come up with encounter results be it favorable or not so favorable depending on how the scene plays out.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Welp, it wouldn't be for a while. I definitely can't try it in Astrazalian since I've exposed myself as a shapechanger to a high-ranking person.

Which, OOC, I knew was stupid. Alas, role-playing makes you do dumb things.

Advanced Warning: I will try to take over the world and eradicate all Dragonborn. Create an encounter based on that. :D




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Edit: Whoops, I forgot-- Gurple, we're mean to you in one of these. I was going to edit it out half-jokingly, but now it's in there. I don't even remember what we said or if it was even mean. So if you find it, surprise!! We love you?

1. it was something about how i don't roleplay that well. i took it as constructive criticism, but it didn't really help a lot lol. also, thanks for getting my name right. jerk.

2. it's okay. i don't roleplay that well. i would be hurt by it if i had ever thought "heh i am really good at this roleplaying stuff" but that has not happened. i ammore of an fps person. i forwarded through all the dialogue in the nwn games.

essentially, i'm not great at this, and i think i'm going to take an offer extended by shawn to take a break from the game. it's not only that i kind of suck at dnd, either; it just doesn't work well with my scheduling. i can't remember a recent game where i didn't begin the session with "hey guys i'm really tired, but i will try to make it through this".

anyway, maybe once my timetable/life stops being so hectic i will rejoin the campaign, but for now, it's not going to work. i will send Shawn my char. sheet to use for the lava man encounter.

it was a p. decent run.

thanks to,

-Shawn, for great DMing.
-Gusto, for all the brash assault's he made worthwhile
-Escushion, for uh. Well, I guess we didn't fight too much?
-Adia, for putting up with me interrupting her crazy character/providing a crazy character as foil for kratash
-Domedragon5, for recording everything.

and a shout out to

-Seriousjay, for (sometimes) having my back in lawful good endeavors (mistakes)

cya guys




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Awww, Gurp! Don't leave! We really want you there. I don't even remember us having that conversation. You RP fine and you do it a helluva lot better than I do.

And c'mon dawg, I've gotten your name right, like, 99% of the time. =P

Don't leave, Gurp. I will literally beg you to stay. I will drive my ass to Canada, pick up Gusto along the way, go to your house, and get on my knees and ask you to stay in th game, that's how much I want you to stay.

Kratash is a staple of our party! He's the young, brash, foolhardy one! Without you there's no foil to Adia, no lunkheaded meatshield for the squishies! Who will flourish his cape dramatically??

Gurp, if you're reading this, we ALL want you to stay. I really don't remember what was said in the recordings, but all I remember was stuff about how you were late sometimes.

I know you said you have scheduling issues, but you must have fun playing with us, right? You and Kratash have been some of my favorite parts of the game. We wouldn't be the Company of Discord without you.

Please, please stay?




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Well Gurpel I'm sorry to see you bow out. Know that the offer to return whenever your schedule becomes less hectic is there for you any time. Hmm. Guess I have a few hours on how to dramatically pull your character from the game and yet have an option for him to return another time. Let's see...
If you have any ideas please feel free to PM me, Gurp.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Dang Gurpel it's gonna be rough to see you go. :(

And RIGHT AFTER I may have found us a replacement healer too... :(




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Dang Gurpel it's gonna be rough to see you go. :(

And RIGHT AFTER I may have found us a replacement healer too... :(
Well if you have we could still use the extra player more than ever now. Have him contact me via email. Shawnacy@gmail.com




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

If you need a replacement for tonight real quick to play Kratash (or a replacement character), I can fall in if you need me to.

Of course, if you can plan it out without a replacement, that's fine.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

If you need a replacement for tonight real quick to play Kratash (or a replacement character), I can fall in if you need me to.

Of course, if you can plan it out without a replacement, that's fine.
I prefer to let folks play their own characters. Just a personal preference. But thank you very much for the offer. If you are interested in joining the game as a permanent though please let me know.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Every Thursday at what time?




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Every Thursday at what time?
4pm PST. On average we play for about 3-4 hours.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

That's 7PM EST, for the cool people on the Eas' Side, yo.

Sorry to see you go, Gurpel. I really only ragged on you about the lateness :p. But I can see that life has being incompatible with the weekly game, and I understand.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Cajungal was kinda interested in taking up SeriousJay's mantle after watching our game last week. She might listen in again tonight but probably won't be able to play quite yet (because, among other things, it's game time in an hour).




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)




I'll spell your name right forever!!


This is why we should've gotten his contact infoooo. ;_;




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Man I'm gonna miss the hell outta Brash Assault.

I dunno what his other at-will even is.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)



Use your Canada-Sense and find him. Then convince him to come back!


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Cajungal playing would be cool. And now we're definitely desperate for heals, especially since we just lot Gurpel's healing, and my Inspiring Word is a daily--and I used it in a previous encounter today.

So we essentially have Gusto's very minimal healing, and our potions, which I think we each have one. Bring on the magma monsters!




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

I already used my healing today too, during the first encounter.


Fortunately, I assume magma monsters are vulnerable to cold, and I'm packing TONS of that now.





Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Fuck you guys, I'm hunting down Gurpel.

*drudges off to one day become a man*

*er.. not with Gurpel.. By finding hi- oh whatever*




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Hey, I'm not planning on dying just yet >>

Really, you guys are going to have to trust me when i say my life is all messed up right now. Remember in the summer, when I got to every game so that I could annoy Adia and rolling initiative first, rolling diplomacy later?

It is relatively likely that there will be a time like that again, but it's not fair to you guys if (paraphrasing from a pm I sent to doom) I show up to every game late, tired, and unable to immerse myself in the game.

In a couple months when i settle back down into a rhythm, if the ol' company of discord still has an empty slot, I'd be happy to get back in.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

I doubt Kratash is going to vanish in a puff of smoke. Shawn will likely play him for tonight, like he did with Jay that once, and then when we are out of this hellhole have him go do something.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Well that's true.

And we should all have at least one action point to burn on a second wind if necessary.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

trying to upload my char sheet, getting

Invalid File

anyone know why?

EDIT: shawn, if you have my level 4 sheet, all i did was add the power "stand the fallen"

alright guys, adios for a while.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

God DAMNIT that was an excellent session.

Our list of loot is as follows:

- 2 bags totalling 890g;
- 2 jade stones, worth 100g;
- 10 silver chalices, worth 400g;
- scroll case containing the Map of Unseen Lands;
- Heartening Armor, of a currently unknown type; and
- Greataxe of Great Opportunity;

As well as some rituals and possibly components.

Errik wants to take one of the bottles and pour out its contents, use Presitidigitation to clean it out thoroughly, and use Mage Hand to gather all of Kratash's ashes inside. He'll also take all the notes and texts from the table to study.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

After cash-in, that's 1490 total, 372.5 gold each

Should we assume a cash-in when we get the chance, or try to talk up the worth of some stuff?

Furthermore, Serin's going to take some of the remaining vials to be analyzed by an alchemist or other some such professional back in the city.

Oh! Don't forget Grendmir got that coin. We need to have it appraised or see if it has any significance. It's probably worth something.

Furthermore STILL, exp?

So, where do we go from here, gang? I was having a hard time following the very last bits of info.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Well we think from the notes that the stone has some ties to Aldarbrush's imprisonment, albeit a much stronger effect. There is a mirror in the Council Chamber than can transport us to a site where heroes once fought a lich who controlled this black ice. Perhaps we need to visit that area and see if the culprit has hidden there.

Also, Doom, where are you getting 1490? my math gives us 1390.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

-Seriousjay, for (sometimes) having my back in lawful good endeavors (mistakes)
The difference of alignments and the arguments was pretty damn sexy.

I have to admit, I seriously (lolz, seriousjay is serious) miss playing Saryon as well as playing Shawn's game. Perhaps I should stage a return... but will 2 DnD game nights in a row be overkill for SeriousJay?

If there's room, let me know. You know me, I love me some healing!




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Well we think from the notes that the stone has some ties to Aldarbrush's imprisonment, albeit a much stronger effect. There is a mirror in the Council Chamber than can transport us to a site where heroes once fought a lich who controlled this black ice. Perhaps we need to visit that area and see if the culprit has hidden there.

Also, Doom, where are you getting 1490? my math gives us 1390.
I have the Jade Stones written as 100 each, not 100 total.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Hi Shawn, I didn't mean to call you a c-word. I was calling that evil lady a c-word, really. You were just good at writing one. ^_^

Thank you guys, I had fun.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

It was a good session. Ill post loot and xp soon. The c word comment was funny and I knew it was a compliment. I think we have room for both seriousjay and cajungal if you folks would like to play. Just make sure you can make it to the sessions.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Hey Gurp, if you're still reading, you might enjoy listening to this session-- at least a few of the RP parts. Most of it's battle.

Session 21: The Fallen - http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ZIRL1ZML


And now for some sappy RP.

As Errik began dumping Kratash's ashes into the vial, Serin stepped beside the halfing and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry," she said in an uncharacteristically soft tone, "We'll do everything we can to bring him back. Someday."


And now, my tribute to Kratash. Our friend, our meatshield, the heart of the Company of Discord.

Of all the souls I've encountered in my travels, his was the most... human. :waah:


Dammit, I made myself sad. I miss Kratash. :tear:


Out of curiosity, what would you play as if you joined us, Cajun?




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

trying to upload my char sheet, getting

Invalid File

anyone know why?

EDIT: shawn, if you have my level 4 sheet, all i did was add the power "stand the fallen"

alright guys, adios for a while.
I have to add the .dnd4e extension to be able to upload it. Let me do that to you.

---------- Post added at 08:19 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:17 AM ----------





Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Of all the souls I've encountered in my travels, his was the most... human. :waah:
The Wrath of Stone?


Cajun was looking to play a cleric but I guess that might change if Saryon is coming back. Hmmm.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

I can definitely make it, if there's room, you shall hear my salty accent again!

And I could always switch to another class. I was thinking... rogue. I don't mind either way.

edit : got ma link!




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

I just noticed that when I hit 5th level, I gained access to two free rituals of 5th level or lower!

I chose to take Object Reading (gain mental flashbacks of an object's history) and Hallucinatory Object (creates an illusion of an object that appears to be real to those who can't be my Arcana check with their passive Insight).

I can't wait to see what other rituals I get from the books in this room.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

I just noticed that when I hit 5th level, I gained access to two free rituals of 5th level or lower!

I chose to take Object Reading (gain mental flashbacks of an object's history) and Hallucinatory Object (creates an illusion of an object that appears to be real to those who can't be my Arcana check with their passive Insight).

I can't wait to see what other rituals I get from the books in this room.
Heh, since you get a free ritual a day, I'd just cast the Object Reading on random crap each day. XD




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

I DON'T get a free ritual every day. That's the other bard multiclass feat that I didn't take, because I thought it was more immediately beneficial to get some healing available.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Decisions! Decisions!




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Oh. Well now that we've got our Saryon back, maybe Shawn will give you a free retrain?




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

From what I read Cajungal may want to play a healer. I rolled a rogue as a backup in case this may be true. I'd say the earlier we know what is going on, the better prepared we all can get for this Thursday!




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Well, Saryon coming back would make sense. He did leave with the intention of returning, and the campaign was based around our characters. Since Saryon was a healer, it'd be better if he came back--

Besides, Serin's already pretty much the rogue of the group. I'm having her focus in stealth and thievery and such. I'm really enjoying that and I'd hate to have to pass that along to someone else. =[

Cajun could always make a second healer anyway-- even if she was a cleric it'd make sense for Saryon to have found another one.


Edit: I don't know how familiar Cajungal is with the game, but there are a lot of classes, not just the ones described in the Player's Handbook. The Character Builder lists:


So there's a lot to choose from.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

She's not familiar with the game at all, minus what she's been able to glean from watching us play these last couple times. I'm also not sure she has the time to start just yet...

Probably best to bring Saryon back, and then let CG join in whenever she's available with something else.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

The Character Builder lists:

Those 3 i believe are in the test phase, and aren't finished.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

She's not familiar with the game at all, minus what she's been able to glean from watching us play these last couple times. I'm also not sure she has the time to start just yet...

Probably best to bring Saryon back, and then let CG join in whenever she's available with something else.
I'll be honest--I never read the PHB. I learned a ton from listening to the Penny Arcade/PVP podcasts to get set up for playing this.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

How many people are reading this thread? Damn. :rofl:

Yeah, I vote for Saryon to return. Me and Errik combined make up the rogue of this party. :cool:




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

I'm fine with that decision. I just spent like... a few hours checking all the new spells the Clerics got thanks to the Divine update... it's pretty damn sexy. Yep, I re-trained a few things.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)


Saryon could show up to do a service for Kratash? Though I'm not sure how he'd have heard about it since it just happened and we have yet to see the light of day again.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

As I assume a trip back to Astrazalian would be the next course for you guys it should be easy to have Saryon return.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

We must remember Kratash!

I realize, we haven't really gotten any answers. Maybe there's something more in the undead woman's notes... I mean, now we know (or presume) that there is a lich on the loose nearby, but we didn't really get much in the way of leads. Maybe the Kenku can be more helpful once we get out.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

I don't think the Kenku will be any more help to us, seeing as most of them are dead and their leader blames me for it.

Not only will they not be helpful, I fully expect them to become recurring enemies.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Well, Shawn was going to post detailed loot / exp / notes information. Did I miss the notes, or..?

Oh, and were the jade stones 100 each or 100 together? We both have different notes.

Annnnd.. Oh! The gnome said he had two companions and we only found one. We could go milk some information out of him. Not like he's going anywhere.

Granted, we can't really threaten him...


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Was she a companion of his? He said he didn't know who made the summoning trap.

Although he didn't remember that the lich he and his companions fought was Asserack (if the undead lady we fought was telling the truth--Grendmir said Asserack and she said "Oh, you already know him", so she could've been just going along with it.)

The gnome said the lich his companions fought wasn't Asserack and the undead lady said it was, so one of them is wrong. Gnome's got memory problems, but the lady was evil, so I'm not sure who to believe.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

I still need to post loot so bare with me. I've just been a little tired and abused lately by the sorta girlfriend.

But here is some information that Erikk can garner from the various journals and notes scattered on Aegara's (undead chick) desk.

There were three core members of the Storm Crows. Illugi Nimblestone, The Emerald Warlock, and Aegara. They were notorious in the area for being a band of adventurers that had no moral apprehensions about what they did and who suffered for it so long as the Storm Crows made out in the end. They are credited for destroying a Lich within the city walls of Astrazalian, but that was also just before they kidnapped an Eladrin noble for ransom.

Their battle with the Lich was the most influential part of the party's fate. Or rather the loot from that battle was the direct cause of it. Among other treasures found there the Storm Crows came across a stone with a strange symbol. After doing research on it, Aegara the mage determined that it was an ancient artifact crafted by Acererack himself. Acererack is rumored to be able to feed upon souls, and the "Wrath Stone" was the fruit of his first experimentations with such a power.

Once the others of the Storm Crow found out the power within the item they had a "falling out". And by "falling out" they pretty much went to war against each other. Before sealing herself in the vault, Aegara was able to do enough damage to finish off Illugi and the Emerald Warlock, who she believes were sealed in the mortuary by their servants who promptly fled the area afterward.

Aegara was too busy studying the Wrath Stone to notice that she had also been fatally wounded. In fact it wasn't until she started to decay that she even realized she hadn't slept or ate in weeks. In the years since her "death" Aegara continued to study the stone and the spell books she took from the Lich she helped destroy. She was able to figure out how to draw out souls using the stone, but not yet how to consume them. She also learned how to summon "Black Ice" which was a spell that the Astrazalian Lich had mastered and possibly had the power to seal beings within forever. Aegara also theorized that the Black Ice may have also been one of Acererack's early spells which made Aegara believe that the Lich she destroyed may have at one time been a student of Acererack.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Abused eh? :p




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

So Shawn.

Did she stick it in your pooper? :unibrow:

Oh right, Gusto-- since we're getting our Healer back, were you going to take the Ritual Bard feat instead of Healing one?




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

If anyone did take any healing feats, let me know because my lvl 4 feat IS the bard one. :)




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Gusto took the Bard multiclass that lets you heal others, but he only did it because we were low on healing. I think he really wanted to take the Bardic Ritualist one where he could cast a free ritual each day.

I don't know for sure though so I'm not going to speak for him.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

I'll probably keep it till LVL 6 and retrain. Cleric's start to get REAL interesting at that LVL.... and I could use a feat to make my heals.... awesomesauce.


Dream Goddess

Dream Goddess

Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

I doubt Kratash is going to vanish in a puff of smoke.
You JINXED HIM! :cry:




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Yeah I'm gonna retrain mid-level if that's cool. My minors are better spent sustaining some awesome magical effect. :)


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Guess it's up to Grendmir to inspire the group now.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Yeah I'm gonna retrain mid-level if that's cool. My minors are better spent sustaining some awesome magical effect. :)
Tell me more :confused:




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

I now have access to three dailies that I can keep around as a minor action. Last session in our major combat, I had two of them at once until I eventually needed to move and/or use minors to heal myself a la Majestic Word.

I was our tank and it was not fun. I spent 5 surges.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Did you use it once or twice in the encounter? It is a special Daily. :)




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Majestic Word? Twice.

Grendmir used all of his healing on me, then I dismissed my Icy Grasp to continue to heal myself.

Once it was about to kill me, I dismissed my Flaming Sphere and resorted to status effects.

Serin was able to knock the witch prone using Whirlwind, and I was able to daze her using Colour Spray. After that, I was able to get a safe enough distance away to continue pegging her with whatever was available as Grendmir defended me and Adia took her out. I eventually fell in combat but Adia was able to bandage me up.

So we JUST woke up, and are one combat into the day, and we've already expended all of our dailies, all of our healing, and 6/7 of my healing surges.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Damn! Intense.

Shawn can you reply to my PM? Also, I'd like to test out GameTable ahead of time so that I don't waste everyone time trying to connect and all that mumbo jumbo.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Hey Gusto, that reminds me--

I was looking into sustains and whatnot, and I do believe that you must sustain your Flaming Sphereby using a minor each turn, not just the one minor to sustain it the whole encounter.

Sustains, by D&D definition, are spending an action each turn. And looking into it more, all sustains are conditional to the encounter/5 minute rule.

So I'm pretty sure the only way you can have 2 at a time is using 2 minors each turn, meaning sacrificing a move or standard.

So Shawn! 3 things:

1) Loot info? :unibrow:
2) Can Gusto mid-level retrain?
3) What's the ruling on the sustains? ^




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Ah, alright noted. That's what I originally thought but the text in Flaming Sphere made it seem otherwise.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

It would seem that mispelling encounter gets you censored.





Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Ilmater doesn't like type-o's.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Damn Gusto, I do not envy your choices for level 6 utilities. :rofl:

You have too many cool ones, I would never be able to pick.

You get a Teleport 10, A Disguise Self (which could use some Ghost Sound to make up for no sounds), a Dispel Magic (dispel Black Ice anybody?), TARGETED INVISIBILITY (want!), and a 20-foot high Levitate. Wall of Fog is neat, but nowhere as cool as these others.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

I'm looking ahead already and yeah, there are like 4 that I want.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Saryon turns into a mini-jesus at LVL 6, I can't choose mine neither :confused:




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

That targeted invisibility sounds too cool to pass up. But then again, you have to be in range, which is 5 squares. Meaning -you- are likely to be seen. Oh well. Disguise Self could be fun to team up with Serin. Teleport 10 is coo', but for a Daily it sounds like it could just get you into trouble. =P

Speakin' of Level 6 Utilties, I'm having trouble picking mine.

Actually, I've already narrowed it down-- Energetic Flight (Gain Fly Speed Equal to My Speed 'til end of my next turn). So basically I could gain the ability to fly for 14 squares (two move turns). Actually, how would that work in non-combat? Could I only fly 14 squares or could I "use" a standard as a move as well? So for two 'non-combat turns', could I fly 28 squares?

Well either way, it's tempting. Serin's already becoming a master of transportation. A Teleport 3, a Jump 11, a potential Fly 14?

The other utility I was considering was Unseen Aid, which gives me a +2 to any skill check I make every 5 minutes. Since skill checks are unlikely to come up more than once every 5 in-game minutes, it seems like this would almost always give me a +2, which would be very useful.

If I were to get Jack of All Trades at 6th level, it'd be like suddenly getting a +4 to everything I'm not trained in.

You can see why this is tempting. Thoughts?

Edt: *looks up Cleric utilities*




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

I'm gonna take Wizard's Escape instead of Dimension Door. It only lets me teleport 5 instead of 10, but I do it as an INTERRUPT to being hit in combat. Which means I'm NOT hit and I reappear 5 squares away. AAAAAND it's an encounter, not a daily.

For my second choice (read: Spellbook), I'm pretty torn between Invisibilty and Fire Shield (activation minor, lasts til end of encounter, grants 10 resistance to fire and cold and does 2d6+int to anyone who melee attacks me.)

Seeing as Errik is a Warwizard and not so sneaky-sneaky, I'm leaning towards Fire Shield.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

I'm gonna take Wizard's Escape instead of Dimension Door. It only lets me teleport 5 instead of 10, but I do it as an INTERRUPT to being hit in combat. Which means I'm NOT hit and I reappear 5 squares away. AAAAAND it's an encounter, not a daily.
Goddamn that's sexy... AND you can ask... does my halfing racial help me too? No?.... WIZARD'S ESCAPE!




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Second Chance? Shield? Wizard's Escape? Expeditious Retreat?


Fuck, I guess I'll take some damage.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Get more evasion IMO, Saryon needs to crit Lance of Faith, yo.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Hehehe, so Errik's becoming the master of avoiding damage.

See, I'm hit so rarely I weclome damage every now and then. I get a few "avoid damage" abilities (One utility is a +4 to all defenses interrupt, which is pretty bitchin') but I've realized that I love powers that can be used in RP and in the world more that abilities specific to combat.

Like Thunder Leap-- it's actually a pretty cool combat power, but I can ALSO use it to get around the world now. I mean come on-- I can jump 55 feet if I really effing need to one day.

Right now I'm thinking Unseen Aid. My skills are awful and a +2 to everything would be nice.

Aw, but flight would be so cool too.





Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

At LVL 4 Saryon got access to a ritual (I believe it's called Iron Will) which if given a 10 min rest (which the ritual will convert to an extended rest), for 35gold he can get all his dailies back. I've also changed a few of his feats and powers to accommodate the new Divine Power updates. At… LVL 6… SWEET MOTHER OF GOD skills come into play.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Yeah Errik is definitely a "do tons of damage but avoid taking it all costs" kinda wizard.

What they used to refer to as The Glass Cannon.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

What version of Gametable are we using?

PS : I want in on the Simhouse, I got heals.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Version 7, I believe.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Gametable installed.. macros done! I'll send my sheet to Shawn tonight. I forgot to do it last night (was playing NHL10).

So.... who wants to loan Saryon 200 gold? He's got healz. :)




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

It'd prob'ly make sense for you to have made roughly the same money we have in your travels.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

I've made arrangements with Shawn in regards to my money... now Saryon needs MOAR! :confused: (if possible)




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Why do you need MOAR?




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

He wants to buy things!

So do I. Alas, I still do not have the required gold.

WHICH IS WHY I MUST RESORT TO STEALING. (Stealing an item for each person would be fun... Grendmir would never take it though.)

Serin: Hey y'all! I done stole you some shit!
All: Neat! Cool! Thanks!
Grendmir: Stealing is wrong!
Serin: Oh I know-- I found yours on the way back.
Grendmir: ...
Serin: ...
Grendmir: ...
Serin: ... *roll bluff*
Grendmir: ... Okay.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Hahaha, I still haven't decided on anything in particular I WANT.

After our last combat, though, I think it's about time Errik got some magical cloth armor, y'know, something more than civilian clothing.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Yeah, I have an idea what I want. I'm 200 gold short of buying armor that would compliment my healing abilities very nicely. Saryon needs magical items! (hopefully he gets his holy symbol back cause with that... mmmm... 1 item!)





Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Man, I've got like every item slot plotted out.





Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Yeah I've got your Holy Symbol still. :)




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Oh right, I forgot-- did we decide to distribute monies as if we'd sold everything already, or did we want to try to talk up the stuff we could sell? Like the silver thingies or the Jade stones or whatever. Figure Errik and Serin could possibly get a little bit more for each.

And I ask, again (3rd time), did we get 2 Jade stones at 100g each, or total? I have it written down as each, Gusto has it written down as total.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Yeah I've got your Holy Symbol still. :)

And a bag of gold.





Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

I'm not giving you gold! I have less magic items and only slightly more gold than everyone else in the party, and dammit, I think it's high time I bought myself something nice. :)




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)


I gotta open up Character Builder and decide what cloth I should buy.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

*taps foot*


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Yeah I've got your Holy Symbol still. :)
I thought I had his Holy Symbol.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

*worries about his Holy Symbol*




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

I took it and used it as proof when we talk to Shandria in Astrazalian, but it doesn't really matter.

*Errik/Grendmir gives Sirius' symbol back to Saryon*




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Here is an updated treasure and XP list for those who were in the last session.

GP: 890 (divided 4 ways that's 222)
2 Jade stones (worth 100 gp each. Not sold yet so can't be divided currently)
10 Silver chalices (which as a complete set will sell for 400gp)
Map of Unseen Lands (Level 7 item)
Heartening Armor (Scale) (Level 8 item)
Weapon of Great Opportunity +1 (Great Axe) (Level 5 item)

XP: 350 each.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

I figure Adia should get the Map, since she's our navigator/tracker.

I'll hold onto the chalices for now, and try to overstate their value when we sell 'em. Serin can maybe bluff that the gems have mystical properties and sell 'em.

Grendmir gets the armor and axe.

Sound okay?




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Choosing an armor was easy for me. Teleport through walls? Yes plz. :D

Edit: Hey Gusto, the September update added more items. Might want to look into that if you don't already have it for armor and such.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Doom, have you sent me an updated C sheet?




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Check about 3 pages back. I sent it, then asked you about it like 6 times. XD

And then you confirmed that you did indeed get it. It came with my huge wall of text, remember?




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Yeah Doom, I'm looking.

I'm bouncing back and forth between Shockweave Armor and Cape of the Mountebank...




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

I figure Adia should get the Map, since she's our navigator/tracker.

I'll hold onto the chalices for now, and try to overstate their value when we sell 'em. Serin can maybe bluff that the gems have mystical properties and sell 'em.

Grendmir gets the armor and axe.

Sound okay?
I could bluff that each gem has a power sealed within it. Like, I could hold one and cast Whirlwind, and hold another and cast Thundering Gust.

I'd totally pay more for a gem that can summon the winds to do your bidding.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Aren't you trying not to get hit? :p




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Yeah Doom, I'm looking.

I'm bouncing back and forth between Shockweave Armor and Cape of the Mountebank...
Haha, shit dude. By the end of this you will have like 10 ways to avoid any kind of damage before anyone's able to land a finger on you. You seriously could become our tank.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

I can't wear that armor for 3 levels. It's worth 3400 gp. We should sell it.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Yeah I'm erring towards the Cape, mostly because I like the way Errik looks in my head with it.

(Short man with short dark brown hair and long sideburns, wearing a belt containing a selection of knives, a button down shirt with suspenders and slacks, with a cloak that can do nothing to conceal a magical volume the size of his torso, and a tiny, wing'd imp perched on his shoulder.)

---------- Post added at 10:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:29 PM ----------

(However, after our recent combat, the shirt has become singed and irreparably torn, and reveals a complex network of bandages underneath.)




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

While splitting 3200 5 ways would make me cream myself, I'm pretty sure you can wear any level of armor. The level is just a suggestion, like, "You may want to consider these items for your level 8 characters."




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

There is no restriction to what level items you can use. The level on an item is helpful for determining what the average level character should be using at the time but it's only a guideline. Grendmir can absolutely wear the armor or sell it. But you are wrong about the sell price. I'm showing that the purchase cost of the item is 3400 but the sell price is only 680.
Please remember that magic items only sell for 20% of the purchase price.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Sell = 1/5 buy




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

You'd only get 20% of it's value. If it's something you'd use, keep it!

...must find 200 gold... *twitch*

---------- Post added at 11:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:16 PM ----------

btw, to respond above :

There’s no restriction on using or acquiring items based on their level, except that you can’t use the Enchant Magic Item ritual.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Shawn, a couple more (as yet unanswered) questions:

1) Can I retrain my healing feat mid-level now that Saryon's back?
2) What rituals did I find in the books? You mentioned there would be some.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Plz answer with Iron Will. :confused:




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Gusto, yes I'll allow you to make the mid-level change this once due to the circumstances.

You found the following rituals

Undead Servitor.
Fool's Speech.
Object Reading.

Today's is turning out interesting. There's at least two major crossroads that will depend on you to determine which path you take. And the style of the campaign can completely change as a result.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

You found the following rituals

Undead Servitor.
Fool's Speech.
Object Reading.





Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

You found the following rituals

Undead Servitor.
Fool's Speech.
Object Reading.


Well that's what happens when you loot a mage's library.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Aw damn, I already HAVE Object Reading.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Aw damn, I already HAVE Object Reading.
Considering what she's been doing for the last 20 years it makes sense she'd have it.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Yeah I know.

It's just funny to me that I've hit that old 3.5e wizard cliche of trying to find all the spells/rituals I can and eventually finding only repeats. :)

(Note to self: pick up a flute when we're in town.)




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

She might have been the religious type of mage.... yes... *shifty eyes*

---------- Post added at 03:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:37 PM ----------

(Note to self: pick up a flute when we're in town.)
Why? They have rat problems?




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Actually, now that I have the Bardic Ritualist feat (which grants Alchemy as a bonus), did she have any alchemical rituals? I know that she had flasks of various liquids around...




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Saryon's want list :

Healer’s Armor + 1
Iron Vigil Ritual
Hand of Fate Ritual
Healer's Brooch




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

No. No alchemy notes. But I will make note that you'd like to see them in the future.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

(Note to self: pick up a flute when we're in town.)
Why? They have rat problems?[/QUOTE]

Bardic Rituals (ie. Fool's Speech) require a bardic focus, so I basically enact the ritual by blowing magical breathes through a flute, or magically plucking a lute or something.

I AM part bard now, after all.

And I figure nothing fits the halfling culture I grew up in more than a flute or a fiddle.

---------- Post added at 03:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:48 PM ----------

Okay, thanks Shawn.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Serin has a flute, and Adia has a-- er.. Something or other. You could get another instrument and we could form the Comapny of Dischord! :D

Alchemy will be cool when we can afford it.

Well, I guess we can sell the Object Reading ritual if no-one can use it.

I'm looking forward to the crossroads thing.

Oh yeah, Shawn, just in case you missed it, Serin collected some of the alchemical items that she could to identify/use/sell later. It might not be useful to us but somebody might want it.

Don't worry Jay. We can loot a church next. ;D

Wee! Excited for tonight.

Edit: Gusto! Now that you have a free ritual a day I expect you to cast at least one a day! Cast Object Reading on a chair, I don't care. XD Actually, that reminds me-- We could maybe see the gnome's last moments (unless destroying his skull fucked that over) and maybe see what was in the other sarcophagus.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Wait a minute... If Shandria was in on the murders, why would she mention them to us in the first place? It's not like we would have found out on our own...


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

I think we would have. We were investigating Alderbrush. And Cooper did mention them to us--we only mentioned Alderbrush to him.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Yeah but we mentioned that we found one his dudes in the closet, and then the murders came up, I think...

I dunno, Shandria didn't know we were gonna talk to the crows, she had no reason to believe we were gonna find out about the murders...




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Or perhaps Shandria didn't know that Alderbrush was using the Kenku and the appearance of one in her closet seemed suspiciously connected to the black ice. At least worthy of an investigation.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Yeah but it seems kinda weird for her to mention the murders at all in connection with the Kenku if they're suspected of black ice attacks, especially considering she KNOWS about the murders.

Like, I don't know why she'd bring it up.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Well, I don't guess it matters at this point.

Once we're actually in a bargaining position (ie, we have evidence against them), I'm gonna try to argue for something to keep Bertrow in check. Like, I dunno. A shapechanger collar. XD

I think I saw something in the CB relating to keeping shapechangers in check, but I think the less I call anything against shapechangers to attention, the better. =P

Anyway, very much looking forward to the future games.

I can see the "crossroad" options we were given. The 3 choices were interesting, but I don't feel like we could have even continued without freeing Aldurbrush. Also, no way in hell are we spending 6 months in the Feywild. =P




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

I feel all options were worthy of story arcs. Since Acererack is waiting for you guys to come to him there isn't really a time limit. And spending six months with someone knowledgeable of the tomb wouldn't hurt either.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)


I just don't know nearly enough about the Feywild, but I wasn't strongly for or against either option.

Acererack will come for us when he feels we are ready. And honing our skills and strategies in battle for 6 months can only help.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

True. As a player, I wouldn't care what we did. I'd have fun either way.

As a character, Serin feels she has better things to do. She was only on this trip to find Bertrow initially, and now that she's found him, she wants answers. Whatever Bertrow tells her most likely will not involve the Feywild, so she wants no part of it.

HOWEVER, I am super-interested in this interdimensional cube.

Like, anything with the adjective "interdimensional" in front of it should be, like, guarded and kept secret. Shandria has the thing just lying in a desk and is willing to give it to us. What?

Anyway, if the group wanted to go Feywild, the only way Serin is going is if she gets trapped. Say, she wanted to leave but for some reason was prevented from getting out of the city and it translocated with her in it. She's not going to "agree" to go.

I merely say this so that if we as players wanted to go, but we as characters did not, we could still go. =P

Also, if we get transported to the Feywild I'm going to use that as the perfect excuse for Serin's shapeshifting powers to evolve and she finally take the Druid Multiclass for Wild Shape.

Either way, I am having super ultra fun. :D

Also, sorry for when I'm distracted in the game sometimes. My roommate will come in and just blabber on about something and ask questions and won't shut the hell up. Today I told him to be quiet and it was fine, up until that one point I got super distracted and kept yelling at him to stfu.

I'm a bit curious as to what the artifact that came in pieces that Ceadywn (GIVE THEM NAMES I CAN REMEMBER) offered us, but it seems that story arc is lost to us. =P




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Saryon doesn't care as long as we succeed in getting the tools needed to accomplish our goals.

ps : loot/xp plz.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

I, as a player, don't care either way, really.

Errik is probably leaning towards the Feywild at this point.

- We can prove ourselves to Marian;
- We can get additional information out of Marian;
- We can get information about Bertrow and the Cube, knowing he has no real chance of escape;
- We can grow in power and gain a better sense of battle tactics, et cetera;
- We're a mirror's trip away from Caeradwyn and the Wrath Stone, if we want to talk/endear ourselves to him;
- We'll constantly have a major city and it's resources at our disposal; and
- Most importantly, we won't have come all this way for nothing.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Well, I'm fine with the Feywild.

My only request is that if we decide to do that, Shawn prepare a reason for Serin to stay. She's going to try to take Bertrow and leave, and possibly try to convince Adia to come.

You can have the city detain her for being a shapechanger, she can be caught for something and jailed, whatever. She's going to the Feywild against her will. And it'd be fun to RP a character who didn't wanna go there, and is away from her allies for a bit.

Also, the interdimensional cube. Maybe it can take us home?




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Oh right! We forgot about the coin Grendmir found. We should totally have someone look into it and tell us what it is. And see if it's worth anything.

Plus Serin took some of those alchemical things from the bitch witch lich's lab. I'm sure it's not worth anything, but it might be worth 5 gold to somebody. =P




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Alright. Well we'll need an official vote on who wants to do what before next week. Please choose the option that best fits your character and please give me info if your character would greatly disapprove of one option over another.
As Doom asked, it would be better I give unconvinced members a reason to stay than split the party.

Also keep in mind that this will change the game considerably. Considering you guys have been traveling this will be the first time you've really had a base of operations. All points mentioned by Gusto are valid. Since you guys freed Marian, Bertrow and the cube will be released into your custody so you will have that avenue to explore. I think it's safe to assume however that Bertrow will have no desire to stay in the Feywild. The downside it's six months game time, so it's likely that a good number of sessions will be dedicated to time spent there. It also means that getting away with theft will get harder and harder (*cough* Doom), and tracking down any of the other team members will be put on hold. Plus, time is still moving and Acererack is still growing in power. Don't expect the world to stand still while you are away.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)





Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Yeah, while I've said that I can have fun either way, I firmly believe that for our characters, staying would be a terrible idea. We really have no reason to prove ourselves to Alderbrush, and quite frankly she sucks anyway, what with assassinations and such. Like, I don't think ANY of our characters would actually want her approval.

So, my vote is that we do not stay in the Feywild, and if anything we should try to expose Marian. These council members are all corrupt, and us trying to "prove ourselves" to her would be like us sucking up to get information. We can do way better that, and I feel like the more willful of our party have a bit more pride than that.

Speaking for my character, Serin would not be happy trying to suck up to these people, and as I have said before, she would abandon the group before willingly staying, even if she gets trapped in or whatever.

So, again, my official vote is No, unless I can be convinced otherwise.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Grendmir votes we leave, try to expose Marian, and do NOT get stuck in the Feywild for six months.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Grendmir votes we leave, try to expose Marian, and do NOT get stuck in the Feywild for six months.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

It's looking like there are more that are greatly opposed to sticking around than those interested in staying.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Well so far 3/6 have voted for No, unless you count Errik's "leaning" which would make it 3-1 so far with two more to go.

The thing is, I don't feel our characters have any real reason to stay. I mean, Marian Alderbrush is, as far as we can tell, not a good person. While the company of discord could make better moral decisions half the time, I feel like we're more the type to expose corruption than help it further.

And like I said, Serin would not go willingly. Her business is with Bertrow.

Edit: Actually, I'm forgetting a lot of details for some reason, like who exactly the Lich in the mirror world is, what Marian's position of power is, who Shandria is, and who was assassinated and why. Can anyone fill me in?

I don't know why I can't remember these things, but I just realized I'm constantly unsure of -exactly- what's going on.

Like, did Marian say she arranged the assassinations for the good of her people? Were the other council members corrupt? I forgot, why was the frozen kenku there? Was he going to assassinate someone else? If so, why in Marian's chamber?

I feel like I could make better decisions if I could recall exactly why all these things are.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

You should listen to the recording that you have :p.

It's 3/5, actually, so it's still majority. Julie I'm pretty sure makes it 4/5, a rare moment of agreement in the Company of Discord.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Oh right, we're not 6 anymore.




Well, I could listen to the recordings, but everything's scattered.

Shawn, could you possibly address the questions I had?

(I've started bolding things requiring your attention. XD)




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)






Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

XP is pretty much "You guys level up when I say you do," and loot, well, we got none.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

I vote LEAVE as well, officially.

Errik is no one's bitch and doesn't feel it would be in the best interest of his quest to work for criminals or corruption again.

The big reason he wanted to stay was to keep in close contact with Caeradwyn but if he's the ultimate magic, he can contact us no problem, and I can cast a ritual (ie. Sending) once a day for free if I wanna check up on him.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Cool. Looks like the Company of Discord still has their pride.

Let's take down this Alderbrush bitch!

But seriously, anyone have answers to my questions?




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

.... Shawn?


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

You will be as confused as your character.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

You guys came to Astrazalian seeking Alderbrush and found that she had been sealed in black ice. Lady Shandria, who is currently the elected leader of the city suggested that you investigate Alderbrush's situation. Possibly starting with the frozen Kenku found in her closet.

After investigating you discovered that the Kenkus had been working with Alderbrush to assassinate several members of the Astrazalian council.

You discovered from Ceradwyn that the council had been planning to meet on the eve of Astrazalian's return to the Feywild and make a sudden vote of no confidence against Lady Shandria which would strip her of leadership over the city and likely put it into the power of someone else. After speaking with her you disovered that Lady Shandria was also involved in the assinations, but seemed to have left the planning to Alderbrush (most likely to keep her hands clean).

Ceradwyn objected to Alderbrush's (a former apprentice of his) handling of the situation and encased her in black ice. The Kenku was probably just an unexpected bonus.

Alderbrush and Shandria stick to the belief that what they did was for the good of the city. Alderbrush shows a little more regret about it than Shandria, however they both firmly believe that the city would fall to Formian raids if Shandria did not continue to provide her leadership and tactics to the battlefield.

It is likely that Shandria did not know that the Kenku were the assassins that Alderbrush had found for the job. She probably suspected as much, but the black ice was a completely new thing for her. She figured that having an extra group investigating the black ice phenomenon wouldn't hurt. After you showed interest in Bertrow and the seemingly unmagical cube he was after she figured a trade was a good form of reward should a cure be found for Alderbrush's condition. To her, informing you of the specifics of the assignation plot was not necessary. You did however stumble upon the information in your investigation. She has not attempted to bribe you or keep you from leaving with the information. Your knowledge of the plot doesn't seem to make much of a difference to her at this time.

Basically you are looking at a Lawful vs Chaos situation here. Should evil be done for the greater good?
One avenue that hasn't been explored yet is what caused the council members to suddenly have a change of heart regarding Shandria enough that they would jeopordize the city by putting a new leader in charge the very night that the city is to return to the Feywild where a Formian first wave is likely already awaiting them.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Thanks- that helps.

So for some reason they don't seem to care that we know..

My only question then is how do we -know- the assassnations were for the greater good? Have we been told what the other council members were doing that was worth killing them for?

Or is that the no-confidence thing? Alderbrush is on the council, so she knew they were going to do a vote-- And since they feel that they need Shandria for the city to survive the Formian raids, Alderbrush alerted Shandria and arranged assassinations so that no vote could pass?

Is that correct?

If that's the case, I would vote we look more into why the council would want to vote Shandria out, instead of trying to expose them, now that I better know what's going on. Obviously we try to stay in our time limit and not switch over to the Feywild.

Anyone else agree, or..?

PS: Again, I'm confused: What exactly do we want from Alderbrush? More infortmation? Actually, now that I think about it, what exactly are we seeking the 6 who banished Acecerak for? Information, assistance..?


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

We wanted her help for Asserak, which she is not giving us unless we "prove ourselves" by hanging in the Feywild for six months... what the whole dilemna of this last page has been :p.

What we are doing now is trying to incriminate her for the assassinations. That's what was voted upon. Even you voted for that :p.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Yes, but what help are we actually getting from her? Like, what can she do for us?

At that, what have the others done for us??

Bah! Am I following this story at all??

Edit: Actually, I was asking how do we -know- what they did is for the greater good? Like, was I right in asking that she was killing off the council members to keep Shandria in charge, so that they would have an effective leader for the raids?

Because if that's the case, I'm saying that we need to investigate further and see why the council wants to do this. We can possibly still gain Alderbrush's favor without having to go to the Feywild.

Our group seems to think that killing for the greater good is fine, seeing as we fucking do it all the time. (Which is why I wanted to knock everything unconscious instead back in the beginning.)

So I think we should investigate further before trying to incriminate the two.

I didn't fully understand what all had transpired when I voted. (Yay democracy!)


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Yes, but what help are we actually getting from her? Like, what can she do for us?

At that, what have the others done for us??

Bah! Am I following this story at all??
Nope. Hey, I was able to answer a question of yours :p. This is stuff we asked her as the session was winding down, man.

As for the other stuff, no, we don't know. Our characters were pissed off about it though. We do know she made use of the Kenku, pretty shady of her, so it couldn't have been THAT good.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

We don't know whether it was for the greater good or not, which bears further investigation over our last 2 days in the Prime Material. The results of our investigation will determine whether we want to have them arrested or let them get away with it for the greater good.

Keep in mind we may need her help later and we'd be on better terms if we DIDN'T detain her for murder. ;)

That leaves the decision as to which of the remaining three predecessors we visit next.

S'erikk Akara: He's apparently across the sea, and probably the closest to us right now. Most likely linked to his ancestor, Grendmir. Errik's probable choice.

Horus Lightborn: In the remote northern mountains, may be difficult to find. Most likely linked to Adia.

Dwar Steelgrand: Probably the farthest from us now, on the opposite side of Bridgeport, in the southeastern battlefields. I vote against visiting him next for many reasons, the biggest of which is that his likely successor, Kratash, is gone and <metagame> no longer wit the group. </metagame>


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Pfft, let her get away with murder. Typical Loreno reasoning.

It sounded to me like her reason for offing the others is that she didn't think leadership should switch hands at such a crucial time as the shift into the Feywild. I get that, but she couldn't do anything but murder the council members?

Keep in mind, one of those council people is still alive, as the Kenku in the closet didn't get to making his target. If we can find out who that is, and talk to them, we may learn more about what's happening.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

So we're all in agreement to investigate further before trying to incriminate them?

Also, Gusto, I think Steelgrand is closest. I remember when we were deciding where to go next before, Astrazalian was 2 weeks/months/whatever south, and Steelgrand was 2.5 weeks/months/whatever southeast.

I think the island is overseas to the east. The Northern mountains are definitely the farthest away.

I guess Shawn should fill us in, but I'm pretty sure Steelgrand is closest.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Why did I think Astrazalian was west of BRidgeport?


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

The island was closest back when we started off; don't know how it is now.

We would've had to investigate further anyway; at the moment, all we have is our word. The Kenku are unlikely to incriminate themselves to incriminate their employer, so we have our work cut out for us.

What I don't understand is, why bother killing all the dissenters? Alderbrush already has a majority easily. Maybe there is more going on here and she fears that just one voice will change the views of the whole group. Hrmm...




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

As far as why Alderbrush has neglected to assist you: She fears that putting all her eggs into one basket is not a wise decision unless that basket has proven that it can safely hold the eggs. As she has dealt with Acererack before she knows what he is capable of and doesn't believe that you are ready to face him.

Alderbrush believes she has options and probably access to a much more skilled team that she can arm and send to the tomb instead of you. You have claimed to have spoken to Oathbearer which she may or may not believe. The fact that you know Oathbearer's name probably grants you some favor though. But she still feels it would be a better investment if she could judge you by your actions over time. The six months of battle in the Fey Wild would be her best option since she can't accompany you outside the city.

Despite the fact that Acererack has marked you as potential victims doesn't mean he believes you are the ones most likely to defeat him.
In fact, considering that Acererack is a bad guy, it's likely he wouldn't piss off someone he honestly felt COULD defeat him. Cause that would be stupid. And an evil entity with thousands of years of knowledge isn't going to be that dumb.
But he does need to find victims that are powerful and worthy enough to power his spells.

Even now word is getting out that the things are stirring in the tomb of horrors again, and adventurers are going to start flocking to it for a wide variety of reasons. Some for fame, some for riches, some for good, and even some for evil. Most of these will likely fall along the way, but some may face Acererack themselves. But I'll give you a little bit of DM knowledge here. None of THEM are going to beat him.

Out of Character wise, you are the only hope the world has got.

I believe that Astrazalian has three days left. Or at least that's what I'm going to go by.
At dusk of the third day it's going to vanish to the Feywild, so your time is limited.
Is the plan to investigate the surviving council member that was slated for assassination?




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Fuck, now I don't know.

We as characters do -not- want to go to the Feywild.

If we investigate, maybe we can still gain her favor.

But 6 months is a long time. And I don't like being saddled down in one place. Especially Serin. =P




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Maybe this may help : Will there be any loose women about in the Feywild?




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Looks doodz, y'all need to post moar.

When I am fiendin' for D&D but can't actually play it, I need to talk about it.

*hulk smash!*




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Alderbrush believes she has options and probably access to a much more skilled team that she can arm and send to the tomb instead of you. You have claimed to have spoken to Oathbearer which she may or may not believe. The fact that you know Oathbearer's name probably grants you some favor though. But she still feels it would be a better investment if she could judge you by your actions over time. The six months of battle in the Fey Wild would be her best option since she can't accompany you outside the city.
Did we not show her Oathbearer's Symbol and Denelian's Tome? If not, we should. That may (read: probably won't) be enough evidence for her.

In any case, we should spend our last 2.5-3 days in Astrazalian investigating Shandria's motives, and should probably talk to other council members. If she wanted to stay in power during the planar shift in order to protect the city, she may have a good reason to assume that another leader would fail.

I don't want to arrest her and claim that justice has been done, only to find that the city has been conquered by Formians and the Eladrin slaughtered when we return in 6 months.

This bears some serious thought...




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)


Basically we need to try to gain their favor without shifting. Trying to get them arrested or whatever won't actually do us any good.

Unless there is some serious motivation for her, Serin will still not ever want to switch to the other side. But like I said, if it comes to us going over regardless, all she needs is to be detained for whatever reason and switched over anyway.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Well yeah that's just it.

The ONLY way I can see is staying in town at this point is if we feel we have no choice but to arrest the current leadership AND feel that the replacement leadership isn't capable of defending themselves.

---------- Post added at 05:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:01 PM ----------

Also, frankly, if Aldarbrush has access to "teams more capable than us of defeating the undead threat", then let them defend the city.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)


Now Shawn has to set up, what? Like 4 scenarios here? =P




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

I apologize very much for this. It's not like me to do this so please know it's for a good reason. I'm quite stressed out over something and I absolutely can't concentrate on the game. I'm going to have to cancel today. The issue is personal but it's not lady related.

I'll see you all next week. By then I should have this issue dealt with and can actually focus on fun things like D&D.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

...... :(




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Gotcha. Sorry about your stress.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Aw. :(

Now what'm I gonna do with my life!

Good luck with whatever's bothering you, Shawn.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

*waits eagerly for Shawn to come and say everything's fine last minute!*


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)


Feel better, Shawn. Julie is impending with much vigor.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Thanks again for the break guys.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

s'all good. :D :thumbsup: Hope your stuff worked out.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Did you enjoy a happy ending?




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)






Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

By the way, I know exactly what I'm taking as my 6th level feat. :D

Bardic Knowledge
Prerequisites: Bard
You gain a +2 feat bonus to Arcana, Dungeoneering, History, Nature, Religion, and Streetwise checks.


Combined with the 1/2 level bonus we get at 6, this will give me the following skills at 10 or above (plus other notable scores!):

+10 Diplomacy
+11 History
+12 Streetwise
+14 Religion

And my favourite:

+16 Arcana




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)


Jesus! You get like everything! I'm sitting over here with my 5s and 6s for my skills.

I'm about to take Unseen Aid as my utility to give me a +2 every five minutes and you get a +2 willy-nilly! AGH!


I'm cool. >_>




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Now imagine I take Jack of All Trades later on, giving +2 to everything except Arcana, Diplomacy, Streetwise and Insight.

Bringing my Religion to +16 and History to +13, and I think my Nature/Dungeoneering/Acrobatics to double digits.





Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

For my LVL 6 utility... I'm stuck between...

- Stream of Life


- Spirit of Healing

And I picked up Hope Remains as my feat. :)

/johnny drama




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Now imagine I take Jack of All Trades later on, giving +2 to everything except Arcana, Diplomacy, Streetwise and Insight.

Bringing my Religion to +16 and History to +13, and I think my Nature/Dungeoneering/Acrobatics to double digits.


I hope you die in a fire.

An arcane, resistance-piercing, fire.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Most of a path has been planned out, but need feedback on what you guys would like to see in this week's game. Do you guys want to question Bertrow and involve him into the plot more, or would you prefer to deal with Astrazalian politics more?


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

I'd imagine somewhat, but that's kind of up to Serin.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Well, I obviously want to involve Betrow as much as possible, but I'm thinking Serin is fine with handling Aztrazalian's politics right now (questioning the council and everything) and saving Bertrow for a bit later. She doesn't really feel like keeping up with a shapechanger in a big city while trying to handle their politics too.

If we get the cube, I'd definitely be asking about that at the very least, but request he remain in jail until our business is settled.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Is that wise? What if we get in a situation where the city is going to cross over and we have to get him out quickly?




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Mm, that's a good point too. I guess we'd pretty much have to bring him with us. I guess I could tie a chain around his neck and (seeing as I'm not allowed to escape stuff like that) neither could he.

So yeah, I guess we'd need to collect him and then do some more investigating.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

So did we, um... ever decide what we were doing? >_>?




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

At this point, if we cannot decide, I motion the option of just letting Fabio choose our destiny for us.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Finding out what the problem was between Alderbrush and the council members she had murdered.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

"A worm hole opens up, drawing the group in and then spitting them out in a room with a moose"




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

"A worm hole opens up, drawing the group in and then spitting them out in a room with a moose"
".... Well hello, moose."


"Do you know Fabio?"




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Good session.

Damn, I love the Divine Power upgrades.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Things just kept getting weirder and weirder...

I think a pile of undead showing up was the most normal thing to happen to us.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Yeah I actually sighed a sigh of relief when that happened. Like "Yes, finally a twist I can DEAL with."




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)


Last council member = crazy

Council Member's elected official = unseen and crazy

Mystery Cube


Never-before-seen Earthquakes

Stranger beckons us into an alley and disappears

Le mystique!




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Errik's gonna attribute today to a night of hard drinking.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Looking forward to the next gaming session.

That last bit of combat was fun!


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

I'm curious how we're gonna get out of this path...

I guess following it is a start, but this is just weird. I really hope we're not stuck here so long we get flipped to the Feywild.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

I really hope we're not stuck here so long we get flipped to the Feywild.
I actually kinda suspect this may happen... But I think Shawn's a better DM than that.

I feel guilty for suspecting it, but.... I dunno....




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

He's like,

"Haha, marvel at my DMing prowess! They-" *looks* "Oh shit. They don't WANT to go to the Feywild. >_>"

Maybe he's planning it so that we escape city limits JUST as the city passes through!

Actually, we still have what? Two and a half days? I think we've only been here for 2, so we've accomplished what we already have in less time than we have left, so we ought to be fine.

... Ought to.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

I wouldn't begrudge Shawn if that happened, even though I don't want it to happen. If there's something that happens within the story that we do to cause ourselves to get stuck there, even when we don't want it, I'd rather Shawn not Godhand the events and instead make us be stuck there as consequence, if that is the true consequence of our actions. We didn't HAVE to follow the asshole into this place and get attacked, you know?




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Fair enough, but it would seem kinda lazy on Shawn's part if we went through ALL that to avoid getting stuck in Astrazalian and got stuck anyways. A whole extra session. Especially because he gave us a fairly clear choice to make.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

It doesn't seem like we did very much to avoid it, considering we could have left after freeing Alderbrush, with Bertrow and the cube in tow.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)





Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Just to put aside any fears, no I don't have any plans to keep you guys in Astrazalian when it crosses back over. As someone mentioned I gave you a choice on if you would want to stay or not. You decided not to, so I have no evil desire to go against what you guys want and are trying hard to accomplish. Despite some delays that have kept you leaving the city, you are in no danger of finding yourselves in the Feywild unless you decide to stay on purpose.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Aw. I was hoping you'd keep us in suspense, just like our characters. Will we make it? Won't we?? WHO KNOWS!




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

My Magic Items :

- Holy symbol +1
- Healer's Armor +1 (Hide) (Purchased)




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

My magic items:

Power Jewel
Amulet of Health +1
Communal Dagger
Breaching Armor (Purchased)


So, we've suggested taking a vote on possibly playing next Friday instead of Thursday. I could do this no problem, so my vote is yes. If anyone can't play, I'm assuming we won't.


As for the Amulet of Passage:

+2 Fort, Reflex, Will
+2 Athletics and Acrobatics to Escape
+2 Thievery to Pick Locks

At-Will Power: You attune an ally to the amulet. While attuned and within 10 squares of you, an ally can use the amulet's power

Daily Power: You and each attuned ally can each use this power once per day. You teleport a number of squares equal to your speed.
------- The wording makes it sound like we can EACH use a teleport once per day, at different times if we want, as long as we're within 10 squares of the amulet's wearer. Or does this mean we all teleport at once?


My pitch: I know I'm seen as the item hog of the group, and yeah, I do have 4 items listed up there.

But, the item is perfectly tailored to Serin's character-- she's the sneaky escape artist of the group, and is for the most part the "rogue" character (and I'm going to continue boosting her rogue abilities to help the party more. As soon as I get a chance I'm going to try to steal some items for us all.).

Plus, I have an Amulet of Health +1, which I could give to somebody and they would get a +1 to Fort, Will, Reflex, along with Resist 5 Poison.

The teleport would add to my mobility, but we'd all get that no matter who's wearing it.

NOW TO BE FAIR, I will list why I probably shouldn't get the amulet as well:

-I can teleport fairly regularly. So I rarely ever have to use a check to Escape.
-I have several mobility options, so if for some reason no-one else is in range, I don't NEED the teleport like someone else might.

Actually, now that I look at it, the only thing that makes me want it is the +2 to picking locks. Everything else is just sort of a bonus.

So yeah, I'll just leave it up to you guys. I won't push for it or anything, cuz I've already gotten several items and having Poison Resistance is actually pretty cool.

Edit: Eh, thinking again, somebody else should take it. If nobody specifically wants it, I'll trade for it, but yeah.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Alright, deciding level 6 stuff. Appreciating any input:

- I am retraining Whirlwind for Bedeviling Burst. (Close Burst 3, Choose 2 Targets inside Burst - 1d10+9 Psychic - Push Target 4.)

Utility 6:
- I can't decide between Energetic Flight (Daily - Until end of next turn, gain fly speed equal to my speed) and Unseen Aid (Encounter - +2 to any skill check every 5 minutes)

Energetic Flight would add to my already impressive mobility (Speed 7, Teleport 3, Teleport Through Walls 3, Jump 11). Plus, since it lasts 2 turns, it's basically a Fly 14. But, if it isn't used in combat (or even if it is), two turns means that I could convert my standards into moves, giving me Fly 14 per turn, meaning I could fly 28 spaces (or 140 feet), which is pretty bitchin'.

But it's also a Daily and I'd have to use it only when necessary, so it might not come up much. But it'd just be badass.

Unseen Aid, however, would give me a +2 every 5 minutes, which means just about every skill check, unless I keep having to make checks in a row. And that is very tempting, especially when my skills are so low anyway.

And for my feat, there are suddenly so many that are so tempting. But I've been wanting the Wild Shape ability for a while now, but that would be -almost- purely for RP purposes and wouldn't be very "functional."

Also, so wish we could get Dragonmarks. Marks of Passage ftw.

Maybe Shawn would let us work them in as magical tattoos or something? :unibrow:

Eh, I dunno. Any opinions on what I should do?




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Dragonmarks would be broken as fuck.


My Magical Shit

Book of Undeniable Flame +1, currently working at about 2/3rds capacity.
Cape of the Mountebank +1 (purchased)

My Level 6 Utilities

Keep in mind that as a Wizard, I get TWO utility powers and can prepare one of them each day.


You gain resist 10 fire and resist 10 cold until the end of the encounter. Whenever a creature makes a melee attack roll against you, it takes 2d6 + Int(4) fire damage. No creature can take this damage more than once per turn.


TRIGGER: An enemy hits you with a melee attack.
EFFECT: You teleport 5 squares to a space that is not adjacent to an enemy.

My Level 6 Feat

Bardic Knowledge:
You gain a +2 feat bonus to Arcana, Dungeoneering, History, Religion, Nature, and Streetwise.

Errik now has more ways out of trouble, several 10+ skill checks, and can protect himself for an entire encounter as a minor action. Mixed in with my new once daily teleport, and things are gettin' pretty magical up ins. :)




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Serin's Journal, Entry... I've lost count by now. Let's start back at one.

Sehanine's Moon, what a week..

Heh, haven't said that one in a while.. Not since the incident, anyway. I guess being in one of her temples will do that to you, huh?

So much has happened..

*about 5 pages explaining recent events, and a particularly sorrowful page about Kratash*

But, we must move on.. I don't fully understand what's even transpired here.. Everything happened so fast. Cearadwyn helped us, but.. Weren't we looking for Alderbrush? Bah, I don't know anything anymore.

Even Bertrow isn't acting as I expected. I could've sworn he was behind my clan's disappearance, but now.. I don't know. He actually seems innocent. Pfft. Like I'm gonna allow that to let my guard down. I'm making sure someone's got an eye on him at all times.

Right now I'm on Bertrow watch. Less by choice, more by strange dreams. Good thing, too. That big oaf Grendmir fell asleep during his shift.


I've been fiddling with this box for about an hour now and I still can't figure it out. I haven't seen anything like it and it infuriates me. I've never not been able to blast something open before.

Oh right, dreams. My thoughts have been all jumbled lately. I can't think straight. I bet it's from being around all these crazy Eladrin all week. Seriously, I've never seen a place with so many problems.

... Right, dreams.

See what I mean?

Anyway, before I awoke, I was having a dream where.. Hm.. I was trapped in some kind of whirlwind. I don't know, it was just swirling around me, suffocating me even. It kept swirling around and around me, getting smaller and smaller, closing in on me, until eventually it seemed to have absorbed into my body.. Just as it did, I got a searing headache. I doubled over in pain, clutching my head, and all of a sudden a huge burst of purple energy erupted from my skull. The headache was gone and I felt great. I have no idea what it means, but not that I think about it, I do have a bit of headache right now.. Hm..

Oh, there was another one too. It was very odd.. I was walking around by the outskirts of a forest.. It looked familiar-- It might have been from back home. I'm not sure anymore. Anyway, I came upon a flower and bent down to take in its smell. And all of a sudden I was a dog! Or, no.. wait.. It wasn't sudden, I actually remember shapeshifting into the dog, now.. Well either way, I was using my new dog nose to take in the flower's glorious scent.. And then as dogs do, I guess, I lost interest and wandered off. I saw something up in the sky, I don't know, I think it was a bird, and I got all excited and started jumping around and barking. Then my silly pea-sized dog brain decided to try and chase it, so I started jumping up and down, trying to take off into the air to catch it.

After a few hops I noticed my limbs changing again. I was shapeshifting into the bird I saw! As soon as the transformation was complete I took off into the air, soaring freely into the sky! It was amazing. Then, I-- don't really know what happened. I began to shift back into my natural form while in the sky. I started shouting, "No, NO! I'll fall!!" I don't know who I was trying to tell this to, exactly. Myself, perhaps.

Well, I did indeed begin to plummet. But about halfway into the descent I was able to sort of "catch" myself. I just sort of hung there, floating in the air. As my confusion was setting in, that's about when I woke up.

I guess they're not too odd for dreams, but still. They felt different. Well anyway.

Gah. This stupid scar, or.. tattoo, or whatever that lich gave us is burning. I can feel its power probing into my own conscious. It's giving me a headache.. Ugh.. Kind of like in my dream. I'm going back to sleep.

I'm sure Betrow won't go anywhere.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Sorry, folks.
No dragonmarks. Eberron only in my opinion.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

They are kind of overpowered anyway.

Anyway, I guess I'm going with:

Retrain: Enc Whirlwind for Enc Bedeviling Burst

Utility 6: Energetic Flight (Fly 7 for 2 turns, potential 28 squares / 140 feet)

Feat: Initiate of the Old Faith (Wild Shape - Pounce)

---- Hey Shawn, if it isn't too much to ask, could these (or at least the flight and Wild Shape) come as surprises to Serin? Sort of like how you "storied in" Fyoosh, maybe something quirky happens to make her realize the powers?

With Energetic Flight, I can shapechange into a bird and actually fly! XD




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

LVL 6:

Power Utility - Spirit of Healing (awesomesauce spell)
Feat - Improved Healing Word (Healing Word also now grants +2 to all defences as well until the end of my next turn)

So, we've suggested taking a vote on possibly playing next Friday instead of Thursday. I could do this no problem, so my vote is yes. If anyone can't play, I'm assuming we won't.
I should be able to make it.

+2 Fort, Reflex, Will
+2 Athletics and Acrobatics to Escape
+2 Thievery to Pick Locks

At-Will Power: You attune an ally to the amulet. While attuned and within 10 squares of you, an ally can use the amulet's power

Daily Power: You and each attuned ally can each use this power once per day. You teleport a number of squares equal to your speed.
To me, the ultimate value of the item is that passive +2 to Fort/Reflex/Will. That’s crucial to whoever will take the blunt of the damage regardless of what other abilities that item can bring to the table. The bonuses to the A skills are incredible for someone who'll need to get from point A to point B. The thievery upgrade is neat but sort of an afterthought to the main use of this item.

The Daily power (and please remember that it’s DAILY, not encounter…aka. a one time deal usually used for specific moments) is incredibly important, especially when that given person needs to get from Point A to Point B.

Here’s my rating on who needs this more than others from 1(being highest) and 5 (being lowest)

  • Grendmir (meat tenderizer needs to be healed less imo, can get to where he needs to get to without resorting to a charge)
  • Saryon (impromptu teleports to heal, doesn’t take as much damage or gets CCed)
  • Erikk (tends to get his face melted)
  • Adia (is ranged and tends to take less damage than others)
  • Serin (already has teleport and doesn’t take damage much anyways)

I'll be back later this afternoon to comment on moar stuff!

---------- Post added at 11:48 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:37 AM ----------

PS : I liked that journal, I missed the journal RPies, we need moar!

What did the tattoo do exactly?




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2!

We ALL attune to the amulet and we ALL get a daily teleport as long as we're within range of the wearer. So because Errik already has a neck slot item that grants +1 to ref/fort/will, grants him ANOTHER teleport, and he doesn't really use Thievery or related skills much, Errik's gonna pass on this artifact, knowing that he gets the most important part of it anyway. :)




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

They are kind of overpowered anyway.

Anyway, I guess I'm going with:

Retrain: Enc Whirlwind for Enc Bedeviling Burst

Utility 6: Energetic Flight (Fly 7 for 2 turns, potential 28 squares / 140 feet)

Feat: Initiate of the Old Faith (Wild Shape - Pounce)

---- Hey Shawn, if it isn't too much to ask, could these (or at least the flight and Wild Shape) come as surprises to Serin? Sort of like how you "storied in" Fyoosh, maybe something quirky happens to make her realize the powers?

With Energetic Flight, I can shapechange into a bird and actually fly! XD




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2!

Yeah, I'ma pass on the amulet. I absolutely don't need it. Grendmir's probably the best candidate.

And Jay, the +2s to Ath/Acro is only for escapes, not just general usage. So it'll definitely help get out of grabs and such.

Anywho, while we're innnnnn this place I can't remember the name of, we should possibly try to look into that coin Grendmir found. It might be valuable.

Edit: Oh, and the tattoo is the Tattoo of Shared Consequence. When a nonminion enemy scores a critical hit against an ally, any ally (with the tattoo, all of us) within range of the attack may reduce the damage done to the original target by any amount and take damage equal to the amount reduced.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2!

I always forget about the damn coin, to be honest.

I see no reason Julie and I can't make it Friday.

I will try to figure out my moves/retraining ASAP; didn't get a good chance to look over my abilities yet.

We need to figure out where we're going next too.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2!

So for next Friday:

Me: Yes
Jay: Yes
Daryl: Yes
Julie: Yes



Also, I call BS. I was completely unable to pick a feat like 2 levels ago, and now I want so many! Argh! XD

Also, I'm almost at the 680 GP range, so I'ma start lookin' for some gear to buy again. >=D




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2!

I can most likely make it next Friday, but I don't know if the Vent server will be full if Dave and others will be in there for the daylong anniversary podcast.


I guess we'll have to see.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2!

Oh right..

Are there any other servers we could leech, or...?


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2!

Not on mine and Julie's end. I wonder if there's some other voice chat thing we can use that will allow multiple people.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2!

Well we can TRY Vent. As long as there aren't 10+other people online at the time it should work fine. :)




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2!

Aw, man. I gotta start saving my money. I found somethin' badass I want. XD

Oh, I also wanted to point out that when I asked, "Don't Julie's boots let her run without taking opportunity attacks?" I was actually partially right. They have a daily ability that lets her run without taking AOO. So when she was pinned before, she could have just "run" to her spot and been safe. =P

Edit: Nevermind, it eliminates combat advantage, not AOO. Plus, it's a -5 to attack. Man, fuck running. XD




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2!

Hey Shawn, sent you a PM.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2!

I've spent no money except giving Saryon a loan, so I have almost a thousand gold. Still trying to find something I want to buy.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2!

Man, there's so much I want I can't see how you can't find anything you want.

Right now my current purchase decision is between:

Spidersilk Mantle +1
Power (Encounter): You gain a climb (spider climb) speed equal to your speed until the end of your turn.

Wavestrider Boots
If you begin your turn standing on a solid surface, you can move across liquid as if it were normal terrain. If you are still on liquid at the end of your turn, you fall in.

Power (Daily): Minor Action. You can move across liquid surfaces as if they were normal terrain until the end of the encounter. (or 5 minutes)

I'm pretty much shooting for versatility in movement with Serin right now, if you couldn't tell. =P

QUESTION FOR SHAWN: Since the Spidersilk Mantle says "You gain a climb (spider climb)" in parenthesis, that means it's an effortless climb on any surface, right? Like, I could just hop up onto the wall, climb my speed, and hop down/whatever? Like a spider?

If so, that's absolutely what I'm getting when I have enough moniez.

Oh! One more question:

Wondrous Item:
Flask of the Dragon's Breath
Power (Daily): Minor Action. Drink the Elixir. At any point until the end of the encounter you can breathe fire, making a close blast 3 attack. The attack bonus is equal to your level +5. On a hit, you deal 1d6 + CON modifier fire damage.

This is quite possibly the worstly-worded thing I've ever read in the CB. It doesn't say what action it is to breathe the fire (I'm assuming a minor since it's mimicking the Dragonborn ability), nor does it say what the ability targets (Again, assuming the same thing the Dragonborn ability targets), NOR does it say WHEN you can actually use it! It just says at any point. Does that mean I can breathe it once in the encounter? As many times as I want? Does "at any point" mean I could even make in an interrupt?

So Shawn, since I was considering getting this, could you make the call here?


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2!

Will send my sheet to Shawn soon. I've updated my macros and all.

They must've changed something with 1-handed and 2-handed, so that now there's not even a point in me using my axe 2-handed. So I'll be employing the shield full-time now, and I retrained to have Tide of Iron so I can shove enemies as needed. (Reaping Strike was really just for a desperate 2-4 HP hit; waste of space when I have a +13 attack modifier.)

My feat is Vigilante Style. Apparently when I had an enemy marked, if they shifted away from me or attacked someone who wasn't me while near me, I was allowed to do a basic melee as an interrupt. I've switched the basic melee with the above-mentioned +13 modified Brash Strike.

My utility is Settling the Score, giving me an attack roll +2 bonus against an enemy that's damaged me until the end of the encounter (the move itself is a daily).

Also, Inspiring Word now gives 2d6 on top of a surge! :)




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2!

I was just about to point out, everyone be sure to update macros and whatnot. We got a +1 to just about everything with the level-up.

Also, what's the word on next Friday? I believe everyone voted yes, so is there a game then, Shawn?

AND, finally, we need to decide our next destination. I think before we agreed to head to the outher southern place-- I think it was the war dwarf guy. So, since it makes the most since in-game, I'm game (hah) for that.

And to answer Shawn's question before we all logged off ("What would you guys like to see?"):
-Well, I'm a stickler for themed dungeons (e.g., fire, ice, water, plantlife, etc) so something like that would be fun to me. For some reason, I'm especially interested in an ice-themed area. I don't think that fits well under our campaign right now, but you asked. :p
-What else.. Maybe more puzzles-- not like an entire dungeon geared towards puzzles like before, but maybe just one lying around in a dungeon to give us some RP and skill use. =P
-I also really like outdoorsy-type encounters. The fights against the goblin raid parties and camps and all that were some of my favorite encounters-- maybe it was because we were starting out, maybe it was the sheer numbers of the fight, I dunno, I just liked 'em. (Maybe a few fights where it's "lots of easy enemies (but not all minions)"? (Also, creatures instead of sentient beings is fun sometimes. Like the cockatrices.)
-Maybe (MAYBE- I know I'm a loot whore) more "random" loot. Like, I dunno, pick 20 low-level random-ass objects, useful or not, and have 'em sit on a list. Everytime we clear a room, maybe roll a d20. If you get a 20, then roll a d20 again. That number corresponds to the item. That item appears on something we killed or somewhere in the room, maybe even hidden so we can miss it. I figure this keeps them rare, not even wholely useful, but it's just something new every now and then. (Again, I realize I'm a loot whore.)

So, that's my 2 copper.


Oh, I've been meaning to do this for a while, GUSTO, Serin is giving you the Eternal Chalk she found while you were away way back in the Dragonborn crater. So I'm taking that off my sheet once you confirm and add it to yours.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2!

As for what we'd like to see, I'm kinda with Serin on the themed areas, especially if there are environmental factors that could be used in combat or puzzles. I'm a big fan of arctic and desert adventuring as well. In my 3.5 game I love taking my party to underwater ruins or desert passes, etc.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2!

I'm VERY BIG on the environmental stuff. I'd like to see us using our environment to our advantage actually be valid in combat as opposed to just choosing our highest to-hit, to-damage skills. Forcing us to get creative FTW.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2!

I'm VERY BIG on the environmental stuff. I'd like to see us using our environment to our advantage actually be valid in combat as opposed to just choosing our highest to-hit, to-damage skills. Forcing us to get creative FTW.
Yeah, pushing people into burning braziers, into slime pits, into SLIMES, is fun as HELL. Watching people do it is fun as well. I "glee!"d when Adia used her attack to push the guy into the brazier. I even did a small grin when my Magic Backfire knocked the hulk into the brazier (even though it didn't do any damage that time).

Plus, the fact that we could've used the runes in the room to attempt to scorch them both when they were down there was awesome. We never got a good chance to try it, but I was wanting to go up there and try it so badly.


Also, I know I'm just speaking for Adia here, so she can tell me off if she wants to, but can we try to find her some magical arrows? I know she hates combat and more options than "I attack this. Wee." would amp it up for her. There's a whole lot of special arrows and like 20-30 of each would probably up the fun factor bigtime. That's just enough to feel like you can use them freely, but not so many that it's unbalancing in any way.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2!

I just found out that this prom thing I'm taking my GF to (no, she's not in highschool) is on Dec. 3rd, which is the night of one of our games, so I won't be there for that night. I'd ask if we could vote to move it to Friday, but obviously I can't be upset if we don't. :p

Just a heads up and request.

What a shitty time for Thursdays. =P Thanksgiving, this prom thing (only me), Christmas Eve, New Year's Eve. XD




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2!

Okay. So Spiderclimb is definitely an ability that allows you to climb on any surface that doesn't have some sort of magical protection preventing you from doing so.

Flask of Dragon Breath: It is odd that there isn't a better description. I will have to rule that it's a minor action on your turn only. But I think it would be a good idea to check the forums and see if there is any official call on that.

Game:If the vote is yes for Friday then let's go ahead and schedule it for 4pm PST as usual.
As far as your prom thing, Doom we'll have to have another vote for that Friday if we move it. I should be good, but I don't want to dedicate every Friday to D&D. I suppose this is also a good time to mention that I'll be visiting family the entire week of December 17th. Christmas will be the following thursday/Friday, and New Years the following Thursday after that.
I'd oddly enough be okay with having a game both Christmas and New Years day. But that may change now that I'm dating and actually have a social life of sorts.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2!

I'd like to find some Alchemy mats and maybe a lab with some recipes. I have the feat as a Bardic multiclass bonus but so far it's not doing anything for me.

Given some time and some mats, I could make some explosive arrows for Adia. I would've taken some time to do this in Astrazalian but time was very much an issue.

I'd also like to find some armor at some point for my character, who is still in street clothes. I have no idea what I want and not much money, so this is kinda low priority.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2!

Cool, thanks Shawn.

So, where to, peeps? We need to decide where we're heading next.

Is the little area we're in still doing some business, or is it all closed up by now?


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2!

From Bridgeport, we headed south to Astazaylian, and the war that we think could possibly involve the dwarf since he follows those was southwest of Bridgeport, with the same amount of travel time. So... I'm guessing it would take us two weeks heading east to go there? We'll have to go back up toward Bridgeport someday anyway because the island with the Dragonborn was off the coast of some coast near there.

If I recall correctly. I say we head for the war. Even if we don't find the dwarf, I'm sure we'll get into something interesting.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2!

To the dwarves!




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2!





Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2!





Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2!

Edit: Irrelevant Now




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2!

Sorry I fucked up your plans. I had no idea you'd moved your game night!




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2!

It's cool, Dave- Halforums' Anniversary is way bigger than one game. :p

I'm not able to find this Ventserv.exe file, though. Maybe that's for an older version.

Edit: Irrelevant Now




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2!

I can't connect to that. :p




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2!

Damnz! *tries something else*




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2!

I think the problem is that since I'm behind a router, it's blocking others. Is anyone here not using a router that can host? Alternatively, does anyone know port-forwarding that can do it?




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2!

I'm on a router with 3 other people. :eek:hwell:

Shawn, does my book grant me an additional power at level 6? I'm just updating my macros and wondering whether I should retrain. :)


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2!

We're also on a router, unfortunately.




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2!

Hmm. So does this mean Friday is out?




Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2!


Alright, so this might be the part where you guys say, "Whoa. This guy likes D&D a little too much," if you haven't already.

ANYWAY, a night of D&D is easily worth $2.50, which is what I just paid to get our very own server for a month.

So, we have a dedicated server just for us 'til December 24th, and I'm assuming we won't even need it past this Friday. And, like I said, 3-4 hours of D&D is easily worth $2.50. So it's not like it's any biggie.


This Friday we may all connect to:

dallas.dallasxtreme.com Port 6705



Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2!

Oh, wow. Thanks Doom :D.
